Real Name: Jeremy Haynes
Identity/Class:Human vampire;
18th century;
presumably an English citizen
Occupation: Predator;
former highwayman/brigand
Group Membership: Vampires of Earth;
Affiliations: Howard Douglas
Enemies: Kendra Change (at least formerly; he may or may not have been loyal or subservient to her after reviving as a vampire), "Old" Joseph, unidentified carriage driver, unidentified merchant and his female companion,
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
last seen aboard the Henrietta ship, docked in Liverpool, England, United Kingdom;
First Appearance: Vampire Tales#7/6: "Agents of the Night Road" (October, 1974)
As a mortal, Jeremy has some experience fighting with a rapier and a
single shot pistol, as well as with equestrianism (horse riding).
He spoke in an older speech pattern,
consistently saying "ye," "aye," and " 'tis," whereas everyone else in
the story did not use such speech.
As a vampire, Jeremy presumably would have had
superhuman strength
(typically enhanced human) and required regular blood meals to survive.
feeding on a human victim would typically turn that victim into a
vampire, depending on the extent of the feeding and other
Those he vampirized may or may not have been subservient to him.
When fully fed, he could likely
heal rapidly from non-fatal wounds.
He presumably had the standard
vampire vulnerabilities, including religious icons, sunlight, garlic,
silver, and wooden stakes through the heart.
He may have been able to mesmerize others with a gaze and/or transform from
human to bat form at will; however, not every vampire possesses such abilities.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 5'10")
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 175 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (black and white story, but presumably red at least some of the time); original eye color unrevealed
Hair: Dark brown or black; he also had
Other distinguishing features: He looked to have a scar (perhaps from a sword fight) below his right eye
Tales#7/6 (fb) - BTS) - Jeremy Haynes partnered with with Howard Douglas, with Howard confronting
sufficiently wealthy-looking horse-drawn carriages as they passed by,
while Jeremy -- per Howard's plan -- watched unseen from a short distance away, prepared
to intervene as necessary.
Tales#7/6 - BTS) - As Howard robbed a carriage, he found in contention with an older
highwayman (Old Joseph) who had had the same idea.
Tales#7/6) - When Old Joseph got the advantage over Howard and threatened to kill him, Jeremy
swung in one a rope and kicked Joseph to the ground. Howard noted his
timing to have been most propitious, and Jeremy agreed; despite having
his palms sorely blistered from swinging on the rope, he noted that it
would be a pleasure to pick up his sword and "part this bleedin' rogue's head from his shoulders!"
As Jeremy complimented Howard on his planning,
Howard observed that the carriage driver had taken advantage of the
distraction to take off. However, the carriage could not outrun
Jeremy's horse, and he forced the driver to stop again at gunpoint: "Halt, swine! Unless ye be wantin' a hole through that fine hat ye're wearin'!"
While Howard divested the female passenger of her
jewel necklace, Jeremy forced the male passenger from the carriage, and demanded to know what he had of value, calling him a "bleedin' wimp" and a "tremblin' popinjay"
in the process. When the merchant told them he had nothing of value,
Howard told Jeremy to kill the man. As Jeremy announced he would do so
with pleasure, the victim volunteered -- in
hopes of their sparing his life -- that he had been hired for a
thousand quid (slang for pound) to take a wooden chest stowed on the
freighter ship Henrietta in Liverpool and transport it to London. After
the man explained that he figured the chest must be carrying something
very valuable for the woman to have offered that much, Howard hacked
him in the neck with his sword, killing the merchant.
Howard and Jeremy then headed to Liverpool on horseback.
As they tethered their horses at the dock in
Liverpool, Jeremy suggested a similar plan as they had used before. Howard agreed that it had worked well.
(Vampire Tales#7/6 (fb) - BTS) - When Howard
boarded the Henrietta, the vampire Kendra Change -- the "treasure" held within the wooden chest (actually a coffin) -- fatally drained his blood.
(Vampire Tales#7/6) - After long, silent minutes, Jeremy, tired of waiting, boarded the Henrietta.
By candlelight, Jeremy found
the wooden box empty except for some soil and then
discovered Howard's corpse (noting that his throat had been ripped to
shreds), after which Kendra appeared behind Jeremy, terrifying
him with a hellish growl.
After Kendra noted that she was certain that the
small merchant lacked the blood Howard possessed, Howard warned her
back; when she did not retreat, he shot her with his single-shot pistol
and then rushed forward and stabbed her with his sword.
Smiling, Kendra removed the blood-slimed sword and
whispered, "I will have your blood, man." She laughed as Jeremy
stumbled backwards, knocking over a table and dousing its candle.
Jeremy caught a glimpse of her barbed fangs before the light vanished,
and a wail of agony bloomed from the Henrietta.
Comments: Created by Doug Moench and Howard Chaykin.
The closing comments of the
profile noted that Jeremy, who had so often taken from the rich, had
finally given...not to the poor, but to the evil.
Jeremy's last name was revealed in the
Vampires appendix in Vampires: The Marvel Undead (December, 2011),
which also confirmed the standard circumstances of his becoming a
vampire after being fatally drained by Kendra.
Profile by Snood.
Jeremy Haynes should be distinguished from:
- HAYNES, DENNY - brother of Laney, seduced Mattie Franklin/Spider-Woman, harvested Mutant Growth Hormone from her--Alias#17 - BTS, 18
- other "Jeremy" or "Haynes" characters

Tales#7/6 (fb) - BTS) <3 days before the main story> - The
unidentified merchant met with Kendra Change, having recently arrived
in Great Britain and seeking to
travel to London. She told him of a large wooden chest stowed aboard
the freighter ship
Henrietta, docked in Liverpool, and promising him a thousand quid (slang for pound) to
transport it to London via his carriage. The merchant agreed to this.
Kendra considered the merchant slight, weak, and timid, and not worthy of feeding upon.
Tales#7/6 - BTS) - Three days later, the merchant, along with a woman,
perhaps his companion, traveled with a horse drawn carriage through the
woods towards the Henrietta to fetch the chest.
Tales#7/6) - While his partner Jeremy Haynes hid in waiting, Howard Douglas ambushed the carriage at the same time that the unrelated "Old Joseph" rushed to do the same.
As the two men fought over the right to rob the carriage, the merchant (presumably, but possibly it was the woman)
asked the driver if there wasn't any means to escape, but the driver
explained that he could not while the highwaymen stood directly in
front of them, and that he did not dare try to turn around unless they
should somehow become distracted.
When Jeremy joined the fight and slew Joseph, the
driver turned the carriage and urged the merchant and the female
traveler to hold tight as this was the distraction he needed. However,
the two horses pulling the carriage could not outrun Jeremy and Howard,
each riding on horseback, and the frustrated coach-driver was forced to
stop when Jeremy caught up and threated to put a bullet through his
While Howard divested the female passenger of her
jewel necklace, Jeremy forced the merchant from the carriage, and demanded to know what he had of value, calling him a "bleedin' wimp" and a "tremblin' popinjay"
in the process. When the merchant told them he had nothing of value,
Howard told Jeremy to kill the man. As Jeremy announced he would do so
with pleasure, the merchant volunteered -- in
hopes of their sparing his life -- that while he had no wealth on his
person, in exchange for his life, he cold direct them to "immense
wealth." When Jeremy instructed him, "Speak on, alley-scum!" the
merchants explained the details of his having been hired for a
thousand quid to take a wooden chest stowed on the Henrietta in
Liverpool and transport it to London.
The merchant further explained that the chest must
be filled with "a king's ransom" for the woman to have promised him
that much. The merchant said "God bless you" to the men for sparing his
life, telling him he knew they would be men of their word, at which
point Howard hacked the merchant in the neck with his sword, killing
--Vampire Tales#7/6: "Agents of the Night Road"
Note: The merchant's name is unrevealed.
He had dark, perhaps brown or black
hair, with a ponytail, and roll/curls on the side of his head. Are
their names for either of those 18th century hair styles?
The merchant at least was spared becoming a vampire, while his murderers suffered that fate.
Initially, I thought it was tears, but in
re-reviewing a few times, I think the merchant also had a scar on the
right side of his face, below his eye and running all the way to his
He also wore eyeglasses.

merchant's companion
Tales#7/6 - BTS) - The unidentified woman shared a carriage ride to Liverpool along with an unidentified merchant.
Tales#7/6) - While his partner Jeremy Haynes hid in waiting, Howard Douglas ambushed the carriage at the same time that the unrelated "Old Joseph" rushed to do the same.
As the two men fought over the right to rob the carriage, the
merchant (presumably, but possibly it was the woman) asked the driver if there wasn't any means to escape, but the
driver explained that he could not while the highwaymen stood directly
in front of them, and that he did not dare try to turn around unless
they should somehow become distracted.
When Jeremy joined the fight and slew Joseph, the driver turned the
carriage and urged the merchant and the female traveler to hold tight
as this was the distraction he needed. However, the two horses pulling
the carriage could not outrun Jeremy and Howard, each riding on
horseback, and the frustrated coach-driver was forced to stop when
Jeremy caught up and threated to put a bullet through his head.
Howard removed the female passenger from the carriage and then took her
jewel necklace, telling Jeremy they were now "proud owners of a marvelously resplendent jewel necklace....compliments of the fair made here."
Tales#7/6 - BTS) - Jeremy
demanded to know what wealth the merchant had. In hopes of saving his
life, the merchant told the robbers about the wooden chest he had been
hired for a large sum of money to transport. The merchant convinced the
men that the chest must contain "a king's ransom," but they killed him
before heading out to claim it.
--Vampire Tales#7/6: "Agents of the Night Road"
Note: We don't
know the woman's name, nor do we know that she was actually with the
merchant, as opposed to just sharing the carriage ride.
Was she his wife? his lover? his daughter? his platonic friend?
We also don't know whether Howard and Jeremy spared the woman's life or not.
She wasn't seen after the panel in which Douglas took her necklace.

carriage driver
Tales#7/6 - BTS) - The unidentified carriage driver transported an
unidentified merchant and unidentified woman through the woods en route
to Liverpool.
The merchant was traveling to the docks, specifically.
Tales#7/6) - While his partner Jeremy Haynes hid in waiting, Howard
Douglas ambushed the carriage at the same time that the unrelated "Old
Joseph" rushed to do the same, both men seizing the horses' reigns and
forcing them to stop.
As the two men fought over the right to rob the carriage, the
merchant (presumably, but possibly it was the woman) asked the driver if there wasn't any means to escape, but the
driver explained that he could not while the highwaymen stood directly
in front of them, and that he did not dare try to turn around unless
they should somehow become distracted.
When Jeremy joined the fight and slew Joseph, the driver turned the
carriage and urged the merchant and the female traveler to hold tight
as this was the distraction he needed.
However, the two horses pulling
the carriage could not outrun Jeremy and Howard, each riding on
horseback, and the frustrated coach-driver was forced to stop when
Jeremy caught up, held him at gunpoint, and ordered: "Halt, swine! Unless ye be wantin' a hole through that fine hat ye're wearin'!"
Tales#7/6 - BTS) - Howard
stole the woman's jewelry, and the criminals slew the merchant even
after he offered them the opportunity to steal what he believed was a
wealthy prize that he had been hired to transport.
--Vampire Tales#7/6: "Agents of the Night Road"
Note: The carriage driver's name is unrevealed.
We also don't know whether Howard and Jeremy spared the driver's life or not.
He wasn't seen after the panel in which Jeremy forced him to stop.
images: (without ads)
Vampire Tales#7/6, pg. 1, panel 4 (close-up of carriage with driver, merchant, and companion);
pg. 4, panel 2 (swinging in to kick down Old Joseph);
pg. 6, panel 2 (carriage & driver; full; distant);
panel 3 (merchant's female travel companion);
panel 5 (Jeremy with merchant; full);
pg. 7, panel 1 (Jeremy with merchant; upper);
panel 2 (merchant, face, profile);
pg. 8, panel 2 (face, profile);
panel 4 (full; shadowed)
Vampire Tales#7/6: "Agents of the Night Road" (October, 1974) - Doug Moench (writer), Howard Chaykin (artist), Tony Isabella (consulting editor), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Vampires: The Marvel Undead (December, 2011) - Jeff
Christiansen, Mike O'Sullivan, and Stuart Vandal (head
writers/coordinators); Markus Raymond & Mike Fichera (assistant
First posted: 07/08/2019
Last updated: 07/08/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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