Real Name: Peter Grunter
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Drug dealer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Coach Patrick Donahue, Flapper (John Phillips), Markie, Nix, Mary Elizabeth O'Koren, Smitty
Enemies: Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Billy O'Koren, Punisher (Frank Castle)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York,
First Appearance: Daredevil I#183 (June, 1982)
Powers/Abilities: Hogman is a formerly well-connected drug dealer, proficient in the use of drugs and guns to manipulate others.
Height: 5'7" (by approximation)
Weight: 195 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
History: (Daredevil
I#183 (fb) – BTS) – Drug dealer Peter "Hogman"
Grunter formed a partnership with Flapper and the two established a
enterprise selling Angel Dust to kids but Flapper was skimming money.
(Daredevil I#184 (fb) – BTS)- Hogman recruited
Coach Patrick
Donahue to deal drugs.
(Daredevil I#183 – BTS) – During Sister Helen's
class, Mary Elizabeth died of an
overdose of Angel Dust that she'd purchased from Hogman. While
investigated, Flapper was murdered by Hogman, with dealers Joey and Louieville nearby.
Mary's brother
Billy was blamed, having stolen a gun from his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O’Koren.
Jane Hanson and Chuck reported on the
(Daredevil I#183) – Hogman was eating at Poppa's
Palace with Nix and others when Daredevil entered to apprehend him for
questioning and to bring him to Billy's trial. Hogman tried getting his
friends to attack
Daredevil but they refused. In court, a witness said that Billy did not
Flapper and Hogman was blamed instead but Hogman screamed that he was
innocent. Later, Matt Murdock agreed to represent Hogman in court,
believing he
was innocent.
Comments: Created by Roger McKenzie, Frank
Miller and Klaus Janson.
Profile by Chadman.
Hogman should not be confused with:
(Daredevil I#184 (fb) – BTS) – A teacher at Our
Lady of Hope
Parochial School, Coach Patrick Donahue was dealing Angel Dust to the
kids at
school, working for Hogman and Flapper.
(Daredevil I#183) – Donahue saw 12-year old Mary
O'Koren leap out a window and land hard. The hero Daredevil rushed her
to the
hospital as the coach promised to call and have them prepare the
surgery room.
Mary Elizabeth later died. When Billy O'Koren was blamed for killing
Donahue wanted to help Billy. Attorney Matt Murdock convinced him in
hearing to let Donahue take custody of Billy for a time as they
prepared for
trial. Billy was later acquitted.
(Daredevil I#184) – When Hogman was accused of the
murder, Matt Murdock represented him as well and Donahue took Billy to
trial. Nervous, Donahue called
Matt and confessed to selling drugs. Murdock agreed to meet Donahue at the school gym.
(Daredevil I#184 – BTS) – Hogman gave Donahue
(Daredevil I#184) – Strung out on Angel Dust,
attacked Murdock but he collapsed from the strain and was rushed to the
I#183 (184 (fb) – BTS, 183-184,
(Daredevil I#183 (fb) – BTS) – The partner of drug
Hogman, John "Flapper" Phillips specialized in selling Angel Dust. He
pocketed some of the extra money for himself.
(Daredevil I#183) – Joey and Louieville purchased Angel Dust from Flapper. The youths tried mugging Daredevil but then Punisher killed them as Flapper passed. A gunshot from a nearby rooftop killed Flapper.
--Daredevil I#183
(Daredevil I#183 – BTS) – Jane Hanson and Chuck reported on the acquittal of young Billy O'Koren, who'd been accused of killing Flapper. They announced that Matt Murdock was representing the new accused murderer, Hogman.
--Daredevil I#183 - BTS
(Daredevil I#183) – Joey and his friends,
Louieville, sought out Hogman but ended up buying Angel Dust from
While high and hallucinating, they tried mugging Daredevil but Punisher
(Daredevil I#184 (fb) – BTS) – Markie agreed to a
witness in
the trial against Hogman, his drug dealer.
(Daredevil I#184) – Markie begged Hogman for
drugs. Hogman
gave him a pure dose, immediately killing him.
--Daredevil I#184
(Daredevil I#183) – Nix was eating at Poppa's
Olympian Grill
with Hogman when Daredevil arrived to arrest him. Hogman asked Nix to
but Nix refused to get involved.
--Daredevil I#183
(Daredevil I#183 (fb) – BTS) – William David "Billy"
grew worried when his 12-year old sister Mary Elizabeth bought Angel
Dust from
drug dealer Hogman in the streets.
(Daredevil I#183) – At the hospital, Billy learned
Daredevil that Mary Elizabeth
had died from an overdose. He was horrified and
vowed revenge against Hogman. At home, he passed his fighting parents
retrieved a gun. Billy went to the roof and waited then fired at
(Hogman's ally) in the streets, not meaning to hit him, but Flapper
dead. Billy was arrested and set to be tried as an adult but Matt
agreed to represent him and Billy was released to the custody of Coach
Donahue. Billy swore it wasn't his bullet that killed Flapper. After
produced a witness, Billy was acquitted.
(Daredevil I#184) – Hogman was accused of the
murder of
Flapper and Matt Murdock represented him. Billy snuck around and saw
kill drug addict Markie. When Hogman was acquitted, Billy heard him say
he was
guilty and he lost faith in humanity. Billy stole his parents' gun
again then
called Hogman to set up a meeting to blackmail him. Billy held a gun on
but Punisher came on the scene and killed Smitty (Hogman's lackey) from
Hogman grabbed Billy's gun and tried holding Billy hostage but Punisher
Hogman twice. Daredevil then shot Punisher, distracting him, so Billy
the gun and held it to Hogman's head but Daredevil convinced Billy not
to go
through with killing Hogman. Hogman was taken to trial and, with
Billy's testimony, sent to
jail. Billy wondered if he had done the right thing and if Hogman would
getting back out.
--Daredevil I#183 (183 (fb) – BTS, 183-184,
(Daredevil I#183 (fb) – BTS) – 12-year old Mary
O'Koren bought Angel Dust on the streets from drug dealer Hogman. She
her brother Billy's warnings.
(Daredevil I#183) – In her fifth period civics
class at Our
Lady of Hope Parochial School, where Matt Murdock was guest lecturing,
Elizabeth hallucinated that snakes were falling on her from the
ceiling. She
wondered why the teacher, Sister Helen, wasn't helping her. Mary
attacked another student and then leapt out the window, falling on the
below. As Coach Donahue and others surrounded her, the hero Daredevil
the girl to rush her to the hospital, realizing she wouldn't last long
for an ambulance to arrive. At the hospital, Mary Elizabeth died on the
operating table and the doctor determined that she'd died from
overdosing on
Angel Dust.
--Daredevil I#183 (183 (fb) – BTS, 184
(Daredevil I#183) – Mr. and Mrs. O'Koren were
fighting again
when their son Billy came home and retrieved a gun. They did not know
daughter Mary Elizabeth, age 12, had overdosed on Angel Dust and died.
(Daredevil I#184) – The O'Korens informed
Daredevil that
Billy had snuck out of the house with their gun.
--Daredevil I#183 (183-184,
(Daredevil I#183) – A teacher at Our Lady of Hope
School, Sister Helen was teaching a civics class with guest lecturer
Murdock when Mary Elizabeth O'Koren, age 12, began hallucinating.
Mary Elizabeth attacked another student before leaping through the
window and
falling. She later died.
--Daredevil I#183
(Daredevil I#184) – Smitty had lunch with Hogman,
who had
Matt Murdock representing him in a murder trial. Smitty admitted to
Murdock that Coach Donahue was dealing drugs to kids. Billy O'Koren
blackmailing Hogman so Smitty drove him to the meeting. Smitty held a
gun on
Billy but Punisher killed him from behind.
--Daredevil I#184
images: (without ads)
Daredevil I#184, p15, pan1 (Hogman main)
Daredevil I#184, p1, pan2 (Hogman face)
Daredevil I#184, p10, pan1 (Coach Donahue)
Daredevil I#183, p7, pan3 (Flapper)
Daredevil I#183, p7, pan4 (Joey & Louieville)
Daredevil I#183, p13, pan2 (Markie)
Daredevil I#183, p18, pan1 (Nix)
Daredevil I#184, p20, pan4 (Billy O'Koren)
Daredevil I#183, p2, pan2 (Mary Elizabeth O'Koren)
Daredevil I#184, p16, pan3 (Mr. and Mrs. O'Koren)
Daredevil I#183, p2, pan1 (Sister Helen)
Daredevil I#184, p16, pan6 (Smitty)
Daredevil I#183 (June, 1982) - Roger McKenzie (writer),
Frank Miller (penciler), Klaus Janson (inker), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Daredevil I#184 (July, 1982) - Frank Miller
(writer/penciler), Klaus Janson (inker), Denny O'Neil (editor)
First Posted: 01/29/2019
Last updated: 01/29/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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