Membership: Ban Horhaga, Ond Horhaga, Zolton Horhaga
Purpose: Predators
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Crane, Mencken, Doctor Molnar, Zabor, people of Helgar
Known Relatives: Fernec Horhaga (father, deceased)
Base of Operations: Horhaga Castle in Helgar, Hungary
First Appearance: Amazing Mysteries#33 (July, 1949)
(Amazing Mysteries#33 (fb) - BTS) - At some point the three sons of Count Fernec Horhaga became vampires.
<late 18th century> - The lower dungeons at Horhaga Castle were built to house the coffins of the Horhaga Brothers.
The people of Helgar suffered terribly at the hands of the three vampire brothers.
At some point the Horhaga Brothers were trapped inside the crypt when a large, wooden cross was placed before the crypt's entry to seal it.
(Amazing Mysteries#33) <1934> - American archaeologists Crane and Mencken found the entry to the crypt in Horhaga Castle's lower dungeons and despite being warned by Doctor Molnar removed the cross and opened the crypt.
The vampire brothers escaped the crypt as bats and flew right by Crane and Mencken, who discovered the brothers' empty, hand-carved coffins inside the crypt.
At 2:30 AM a goatherd tending to his flock in a pasture below the castle saw the vampire brothers standing on the cliff before they jumped off to fly into the night.
At 3:00 AM one of the brothers was seen by a gendarme in Helgar. The gendarme followed the flying man and saw him floating up a building and enter the building through a window. The gendarme followed him inside, but only found a woman and her daughter. As soon as he was gone the vampire attacked the daughter in her room, leaving her behind for dead.
The next night a Horhaga Brother attacked a young boy on a bridge, while another brother entered a masquerade party and lured a woman outside to satiate his thirst for blood on her. The three brothers returned to Horhaga Castle in the morning, which was witnessed by Doctor Molnar, who was waiting for their return the whole night.
The Horhaga Brothers had gone to rest in their coffins, but their sleep was disturbed when Doctor Molnar broke open their coffins. After slaying two of them with a metal spike through the heart he was stopped by Crane and Mencken from slaying the third Horhaga Brother.
(Amazing Mysteries#33 - BTS) - Crane and Mencken escaped the castle with the third brother's coffin, with the vampire still inside, before the villagers burned down the castle.
Three weeks later Crane and Mencken embarked on the Greek freighter Stavros, which was headed for the United States, and had the coffin put in the hold of the ship. The coffin remained unopened.
Apparently the third brother slew everyone on the ship, which was sighted two months later drifting by a British ship 60 miles west of Gibraltar. The coffin was found, but not taken aboard by the British ship, who blew up the Stavros with dynamite because the ship was a threat to anyone navigating these waters. The coffin was left floating on the sea after the Stavros was blown to pieces.
Comments: Created by uncredited writer & artist.
The series Amazing Mysteries was originally Sub-Mariner Comics up to #32.
The first names of the Horhaga Brothers were revealed in the Vampire Appendix in Vampires: The Marvel Undead#1 (December, 2011).
Thanks to Ron Fredricks for pointing me to the fourcolorshadows blog where the scans were taken from.
Profile by Markus Raymond.
Horhaga Brothers have no known connections to:
Crane has no known connection to:
Mencken has no known connection to:
Doctor Molnar has no known connection to:
Zabor has no known connection to:
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(Amazing Mysteries#33) - <1934> Crane was an American archaeologist and the partner of Mencken, who planned to unearth the lower dungeons of Horhaga Castle, to find a historical error. When their workers left because they feared the legends of vampires in the castle, Crane and Mencken headed to the lower dungeons on their own and found the entry to a crypt with a large, wooden cross in front of it. While Mencken planned to return that night to open the crypt, Crane didn't feel it was right. Later at the inn Crane and Mencken were approached by Doctor Molnar, who warned them of opening the crypt and told them about the true historic documents talking about the vampiric brothers, but neither Crane nor Mencken believed him. That night Crane and Mencken headed down to the lower dungeons in Horhaga Castle, removed the wooden cross and broke open the entry to the crypt. As soon as they opened the crypt three bats flew by them. Not giving it another thought at first the two archaeologists entered the crypt and found three hand-carved coffins inside it. Crane thought about moving the coffins, then grew scared when he heard a chuckle. Crane and Mencken returned to the inn where they were confronted by Molnar the next morning, who told them about a woman murdered by one of the Horhaga Brothers they had accidentally released the night before, but even when he showed them the woman's body Crane and Mencken wouldn't believe his folk tales. Crane was sure there was a logical explanation for the wounds on her neck and threatened to call the authorities in Budapest if Molnar interfered any further in their work. Crane convinced Mencken that the stories were not real and the next morning they returned to Horhaga Castle were they stopped Molnar before he could damage the third coffin. Crane and Mencken escaped the castle with the third coffin before the villagers burned down the castle. (Amazing Mysteries#33 - BTS) - Three weeks later Crane and Mencken embarked on the Greek freighter Stavros, which was headed for the United States. In the hold of the ship rested the unopened coffin of the third Horhaga Brother. Crane and Mencken were apparently killed by the third Horhaga Brother alongside everyone else on the ship, which was found two months later as a drifting derelict 60 miles west of Gibraltar. --Amazing Mysteries#33 |
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(Amazing Mysteries#33 (fb) - BTS) - Horhaga Castle was built above the remote Hungarian village Helgar. In 1382 the upper dungeons were finished. The castle became the home of the reigning Count Horhaga and his family. Around 400 years later the lower dungeons were built. The three vampiric sons of Count Fernec Horhaga were somehow caught and sealed away inside a crypt in the lower dungeons of Horhaga Castle. The castle was left alone after that for centuries by locals due to the stories about the vampiric brothers. (Amazing Mysteries#33) - <1934> American archaeologists showed some interest in Horhaga Castle and hired locals to help them unearth the lower dungeons of the castle because they believed they had stumbled upon a historical error, which could lead them to a missing link in Balkan architecture. When their workers left after finding a door in the lower dungeons, Crane and Mencken, despite warnings by Doctor Molnar, took it upon themselves to remove a large wooden cross from the entry to a crypt and then opened it, releasing the vampiric Horhaga Brothers by accident. They found their empty hand-carved coffins in the crypt. Two days later Doctor Molnar headed into the crypt to slay the Horhaga Brothers, but only managed to slay two of them before he was stopped by Crane and Mencken, who escaped the castle with the third coffin before the castle was burned down the citizens of Helgar. --Amazing Mysteries#33 |
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(Amazing Mysteries#33) - <1934> Mencken was an American archaeologist and the partner of Crane, who planned to unearth the lower dungeons of Horhaga Castle, to find a historical error. When their workers left because they feared the legends of vampires in the castle, Crane and Mencken headed to the lower dungeons on their own with Mencken commenting on the lower dungeons clearly being built around 400 years after the upper dungeons. They found the entry to a crypt with a large, wooden cross in front of it and while Mencken planned to return that night to open the crypt, Crane didn't feel it was right. Later at the inn Crane and Mencken were approached by Doctor Molnar, who warned them of opening the crypt and told them about the true historic documents talking about the vampiric brothers, but neither Crane nor Mencken believed him. That night Crane and Mencken headed down to the lower dungeons in Horhaga Castle, removed the wooden cross and broke open the entry to the crypt. As soon as they opened the crypt three bats flew by them. Not giving it another thought at first the two archaeologists entered the crypt and found three hand-carved coffins inside it. Mencken eventually wondered how the bats could survive inside the crypt for four centuries because there was no way in or out. Mencken suggested to come back during the day to move the coffins. Crane and Mencken returned to the inn where they were confronted by Molnar the next morning, who told them about a woman murdered by one of the Horhaga Brothers they had accidentally released the night before, but even when he showed them the woman's body Crane and Mencken wouldn't believe his folk tales. Though Mencken became a bit scared and suggested to take every possibility into consideration, Crane convinced him that there was no truth to the vampire tales. The next morning Mencken and Crane returned to Horhaga Castle were they stopped Molnar before he could damage the third coffin. Crane and Mencken escaped the castle with the third coffin before the villagers burned down the castle. (Amazing Mysteries#33 - BTS) - Three weeks later Crane and Mencken embarked on the Greek freighter Stavros, which was headed for the United States. In the hold of the ship rested the unopened coffin of the third Horhaga Brother. Crane and Mencken were apparently killed by the third Horhaga Brother alongside everyone else on the ship, which was found two months later as a drifting derelict 60 miles west of Gibraltar. --Amazing Mysteries#33 |
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(Amazing Mysteries#33) - <1934> Esteemed scientist Doctor Molnar approached Crane and Mencken at the inn in Helgar, Hungary and warned them of opening the crypt in Horhaga Castle. He tried to explain that the legends known by the locals were probably more than just superstitions and that historical documents confirmed the existence of the three vampiric sons of Count Fernec Horhaga, but Crane and Mencken wouldn't change their minds about continuing their excavation that night on their own. The next day after the Horhaga Brothers had accidentally been released by Crane and Mencken as the villagers and Molnar had feared, Molnar visited the two Americans once again at the inn and told them about the woman killed by one of the Horhaga Brothers. But even after showing them the corpse and the bite marks on the woman's neck the Americans wouldn't believe in his vampire tales. When they wouldn't listen Molnar vowed to seal the crypt himself if they wouldn't do it. With a steel spike and mallet in his hands Molnar headed to Horhaga Castle and waited for the brothers to return. When they finally returned before dawn Molnar went down to the crypt and slew two of the vampiric brothers with a steel spike through the heart after opening their coffins. Before slaying the third brother Molnar was stopped by Crane and Mencken, who planned to have the last coffin brought to the US. While Crane and Mencken escaped with the castle with the last coffin angry villagers possibly summoned by Molnar burned down Horhaga Castle. --Amazing Mysteries#33 |
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(Amazing Mysteries#33) - <1934> Zabor and other villagers of Helgar worked for the Americans archaeologists Crane and Mencken to unearth the lower dungeons in Horhaga Castle. To the disappointment of Crane and Mencken everyone stopped working and left the castle. They called Zabor, who explained that everyone left because they had found a door in the lower dungeons that led to the crypt of the Horhaga Brothers, who were known as vampires by the locals. Zabor then left as well. --Amazing Mysteries#33 |
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images: (without ads)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p5, pan7 (Horhaga Brothers)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p2, pan5 (Horhaga Brothers tomb)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p2, pan4 (Crane, body)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p4, pan7 (Crane, head)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p4, pan1 (Horhaga Castle)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p10, pan6 (Horhaga Castle burning)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p2, pan4 (Mencken, body)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p5, pan1 (Mencken, head)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p3, pan2 (Molnar, body)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p7, pan6 (Molnar, head)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p2, pan1 (Zabor, upper body)
Amazing Mysteries#33, p2, pan2 (Zabor, head shot)
Amazing Mysteries#33 (July, 1949) - unidentified writer & artist, Stan Lee (editor)
First Posted: 02/04/2019
Last updated: 02/04/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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