Real Name: Unrevealed or Inapplicable
Identity/Class: Terrestrial semi-humanoid "Hidden race";
18th century and modern era;
although not a citizen, it is native to Canada
Occupation: Pack leader
Group Membership: Unidentified pack
Affiliations: Albert (Wolverine robot), Elsie-Dee, Wolverine (James Howlett/Logan)
Enemies: Athabasca Ike, Lady Deathstrike
formerly Wolverine (James Howlett/Logan); an 18th century Siksika tribe
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Puppy" (as nicknamed by Elsie-Dee);
"the Lurker," "the Monster from the Sewers"
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
last seen in the wilderness in the proximity of a Canadian Arctic Research Station;
formerly the wilderness around a Siksika tribe in the 18th century;
formerly Buffalo Woods National Park, Alberta, Canada;
First Appearance: Wolverine II#34 (December, 1990)
Powers/Abilities: The Hunter in Darkness is some sort of lupine (or other carnivorous mammal)-human hybrid. It was described as a "hungry spirit" according to Harry Tabeshaw.
It possesses enhanced strength (lifting approximately 1000 lbs.), speed, senses, and possibly healing.
It can run swiftly on two or four legs.
Its sharp claws can score steel, and it also has sharp teeth, especially its elongated canines.
The Hunter
in Darkness possesses enhanced olfactory (smell), auditory (hearing),
and gustatory (taste) senses of smell, enabling it to track and
identify prey in the darkness by their scent and sounds; its eyesight
is poor, however, and bright light blinds it.
Though an animal, it is capable of
reasoning out problems given time, and has a good memory. Its
experience allowed it to act as leader to a pack of similar creatures,
and they followed his direction.
Hunts by smell and hearing, but was "as good as blind."
Height: 8'
Weight: 350 lbs.
Eyes: Green (often seen as glowing red (perhaps a reflection of the tapetum lucidum)
Hair/fur: White
History: The origins of the Hunter in Darkness are unrevealed (see comments).
(Wolverine II#34 (fb) - BTS) - The Hunter in Darkness was part of an old Blackfoot legend.
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#1: Hunter in
Darkness entry)
- Considered by most to be just a Blackfoot legend, a monster that
haunted Buffalo Woods State Park in Northern Alberta, the Hunter in
Darkness seemed to be the last of its lupine kind.
(Wolverine II#34 (fb)) <Perhaps 15-30 years before the main story; see comments> - The Hunter got its left foot caught in a bear trap. Stuck there for an uncertain period of time, when the naked Logan (see comments)
approached it, the agonized and weakened Hunter apparently offered up
its throat, hoping for a clean death.
The Hunter was surprised when Logan
forced open the bear trap, broke the chain binding it to a tree, and
then wandered off through the snow dragging the trap, apparently trying
to draw hunters off the Hunter's trail.
(Wolverine II#34 (fb) - BTS) - Thinking he was seeing the Hunter in the Darkness, Doolin shot a distant Logan through the chest, but Logan escaped.
(Wolverine II#46 (fb) - BTS) - After Logan looked back
it him with "something this side of pity," Doolin, hoping for another
encounter with "the Hunter," declined promotions out of the field.
Doolin's obsession negatively affected his daughter, Emmy.
(Wolverine II#34) - In Northern Alberta's Buffalo Woods State
Park, as Sgt. Doolin and Constable Morris tracked escaped murderer
Athabasca Ike with aid from Wolverine, Doolin worried about being in
the woods in the dark when the Hunter in Darkness was prowling the
woods; Morris teased that this was an old Blackfoot legend, but Doolin
told him of how he had encountered the Hunter in the past.
After Ike had slain Morris, the Hunter's howls were
heard and recognized by Doolin and the Golightly girl (whom Ike had
taken hostage) as the Hunter's, although Ike dismissed this as "Injun
fairy tales."
Having stayed downwind of Wolverine, the Hunter
ambushed him, tackling him as Logan and Doolin waded through the
waters. Fighting back claw-for-claw against the immense Hunter,
Wolverine urged Doolin to shoot it, but when Doolin turned on his light
to see clearly, Wolverine told him not to worry about hitting him but
to kill the light.
As the Hunter slashed open Wolverine's chest,
Athabasca Ike took advantage of the light to shoot and drop Doolin.
Meanwhile the taste of Logan's blood and the sound of his voice
triggered memories within the Hunter of his previous encounter with
With the light still shining, Ike shot the Hunter as
well, dropping him to the ground. However, the Hunter soon pulled
himself to his feet, sniffing and listening up the slope of the
mountain. As the wind changed and the Hunter sensed Ike, the creature's
hunger overwhelmed his pain, and it lurched up the hill. 
Chasing after the Golightly girl (who had escaped
from him and was found by Wolverine) and trying to find the rifle she
had kicked away from him, Athabasca Ike lit his lighter, only to find
the Hunter right in front of him. As he dropped the lighter and it went
dark again, screams and the apparent cracking of bones was heard.
(Wolverine II#46 (fb) - BTS) - Sgt. Doolin was
considered a hero for bringing in Ike, but his RCMP friends discussed
Ike's mauled condition, noting that there had been a cover-up due to
Logan's involvement.
Emmy Doolin became convinced that the Hunter had killed her father.
(Wolverine II#43 (fb) - BTS) - The Hunter in Darkness was captured
by Harry Tabeshaw for Ronald Parvenue, who sought to make a profit by
putting him
on display at his Parvenue Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Parvenue had billboards placed in Manhattan, advertising the Hunter's upcoming feature at his casino.
(Wolverine II#43 - BTS) - Seeing an advertisement for
the Hunter in the newspaper, Lady Deathstrike instructed her driver to
take her to the office of Ronald Parvenue so she could arrange to be
present when the Hunter's presence drew out Wolverine.
(Wolverine II#46 (fb) - BTS) - Also seeing such an
advertisement, Emmy Doolin headed to New York in hopes of killing the
Hunter and/or Wolverine.
(Wolverine II#45 - BTS) - Feeling a connection to the
Hunter, Wolverine approached as Parvenue displayed the Hunter in Times
Square prior to the planned trip to Atlantic City, while Emmy Doolin
(daughter of Sgt. Doolin) prepared in a hotel room, planning to slay
the creature with a sniper rifle.
(Wolverine II#45) - With the Hunter suspended by a
helicopter in a cage covered by a tarp, Parvenue (alongside Lady
Deathstrike, who had linked up with Parvenue in hopes of encountering
Wolverine) spoke from the helicopter to the crowd, announcing a free
peek at the "wonder of the decade."
As Parvenue had the tarp dropped, the Hunter roared
in rage, capturing the crowd's attention as it was pained by all the
surrounding noise. Emmie fired an intended killshot at the Hunter, but
it moved enough that the shot only struck it in the left shoulder.
Parvenue had the helicopter taken up to avoid the
gunfire, while Wolverine leapt atop the cage, hoping to free the
Hunter. Wolverine's presence drew out Sabretooth, who also wanted to
confront Wolverine. After the Wolverine robot known as Albert caused a
blackout by severing the main trunkline power cables to Manhattan so he
could use its power to revive his ally and fellow robot Elsie-Dee, Lady
Deathstrike climbed leapt down at Wolverine, arriving at the same time
as Sabretooth, who had leapt from a nearby streetlight.
As Wolverine
battled both Sabretooth and Deathstrike, Doolin found she could not
isolate the Hunter to get a clean shot at it. In an effort to aid
Wolverine, his young ally Jubilee used her pyrotechnics power to light
up the area over the cage, but this dazzled the pilots, causing them to
strike a water tower with the cage, shattering it and free the Hunter,
who landed on the roof along with Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth, and
(Wolverine II#46) - As Wolverine unsheathed his claws to
fight back against Deathstrike and Sabretooth, the Hunter recognized
the sound from the one who had freed him from the bear trap years
before and leapt to Wolverine's aid. Stunned by his injuries, Wolverine
briefly collapsed, but swiftly rallied to return to aid the Hunter. As
Wolverine fought Sabretooth, the Hunter battled Deathstrike; and Emmy
Doolin, unable to identify the combatants in the darkness, shot both
Sabretooth and Deathstrike. Seeking to prevent Doolin from shooting
Wolverine, Jubilee generated some pyrotechnics to temporarily blind
her, but the Hunter was frightened by the fireworks, and it fled.
In the tunnels that were home to the Morlocks, the
Hunter slew an albino alligator whose death screams were heard by Albert and Morlock-leader Masque.
(Wolverine II#51) - Within the Morlock Alley, the Hunter approached
Masque's group of Morlocks. Masque fearfully instructed Elsie-Dee to
tell Albert to rip the creature's arms off, but Elsie, noting that the
creature was nothing more than a big puppy, petted it on the head and
told the docile Hunter it could come with Albert and her. She then led
the creature to accompany them about the stealth bomber Albert had
repaired, explaining what they were doing so the Hunter wouldn't feel
left out, even though she appreciated that it didn't understand her
words. Aboard the stealth bomber, they departed the Alley and took to
the skies.
(Wolverine II#52) - As the ship flew over the Cloud 9
Hotel in Salem Center, Westchester County, New York, both the Hunter
and Elsie-Dee sensed something strange (Wolverine, Mystique, and Spiral
were fighting a Plasma Wraith within a "cardinal locus," the
intersection of five different strings in the timestream). Before they
could sense what it was, Spiral shielded the room with a cloaking field
so they assess the situation without interference. No longer sensing
anything of significance, Elsie had Albert continue north toward Canada.
The Hunter apparently led Albert and Elsie-Dee to an
unmapped and abandoned facility near an old Blackfoot burial ground and guided them
to a burial mound. The Hunter further guided Albert to help him dig
into the mound where they found a skeleton with Wolverine-esque
Adamantium claws.
(Wolverine II#53) - Aboard the stealth bomber, the
Hunter watched as Albert evaluated the skeleton, eventually determining
it to be over 200 years old and using facial reconstruction programs to
flesh out the tissue. When an image resembling Logan appeared, the
Hunter growled.
When Mystique and Spiral -- having traveled back
from the end of time while Wolverine faced Mojo and his Plasma Wraiths
-- arrived and insisted they needed the bomber's missile to save
Wolverine, the Hunter growled at them. Noting the skeleton to be a
relic from an alternate time string, Spiral arranged an agreement with
Elsie-Dee: Spiral sent Elsie-Dee, Albert, and the Hunter back in time
to investigate the skeleton while sending the missile forward in time
to help Wolverine.
(Wolverine II#83 (fb) - BTS) - The Hunter, Albert, and Elsie-Dee arrive amidst a battle between some Native Canadian tribes.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - Albert identified the groups as factions of a branch of the Siksika.
After Albert had disemboweled Man-Killer Wolf, the
other warriors piled on Albert, leading Elsie-Dee to direct the Hunter
in helping him. After the warriors stopped fighting, Elsie instructed
the Hunter to step down, at which point they were confronted by Forge
of Reality-94102 (who had traveled there with Wolverine
from a time 10 years after the time from which Hunter Elsie-Dee, and
Albert had come, on order to thwart a plot of the demonic Adversary
that threatened the entire time continuum). Forge further revealed that
Man-Killer Wolf was an agent of the Adversary, and that half of the
Siksika tribe followed Man-Killer Wolf while the others were aware of
the Adversary's involvement and opposed it.
Adversary healed Man-Killer Wolf, enhanced his
power, and sent him to capture Forge. Aided by Wolverine, Forge blasted
Man-Killer Wolf back, and Wolverine had Elsie-Dee, Albert, and the
Hunter stay back to protect the Siksika while he and Forge went after
the Adversary.
(Wolverine II#83 (fb) - BTS / Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - Not
trusting these travelers whose arrival coincided with the recent
destruction and terror, the Siksika had Albert run a gauntlet, which he
successfully completed. The Siksika then proclaimed Albert their
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) -
The Hunter, Albert, Elsie-Dee, and the Siksika then heard an explosion
from the direction to which Wolverine and Forge had gone; Albert
determined there to have been another temporal displacement. Feeling
that they had only traveled a few years into the future, Elsie
advised the others to keep looking for him.
(Wolverine II#83 (fb)) - The Hunter, Albert, and Elsie-Dee searched for Wolverine in hopes of rescuing him from
whatever horrible fate caused his skeleton to be in that burial mound,
but despite the Hunter's enhanced senses and tracking skills (and
Albert's advanced technological tracking equipment), they never found
him. The more Albert and Elsie-Dee used their sensors, the more they
depleted their batteries. As the robots reached the point they would
need to turn back and put themselves into system sleep, the Hunter
refused to give up; eventually they found a whole pack of Hunter in
Darkness-like creatures, and the Hunter/Puppy left with them.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb) -
BTS) <According to Albert and Forge> - Albert, Elsie, and the
Hunter displacing themselves back in time negated (more likely diverged) the timeline in which
Wolverine was slain and his skeleton was left there (see comments).
(Wolverine II#83 (fb) - BTS)
- The elderly Hunter and his pack were apparently frozen within ice.
(Wolverine II#83 (fb) - BTS)
- Increased heat due to an increase in ultra-violet energy penetrating
the atmosphere due to damage in the atmosphere's ozone layer released
the Hunter(s) from cryogenic hibernation, and they wandered off, leaving
an ice mold recovered by a nearby Canadian Arctic Research Station.
(Wolverine II#83 (fb) - BTS)
- The Hunter creatures scored the massive steel door of the
arctic research station in the process of trying to get in.
(Wolverine II#83 - BTS) - The visiting Wolverine (who had recently had his Adamantium forcibly removed by Magneto/Max Eisenhardt)
and Harry Tabeshaw both recognized the mold and claw marks as being
associated with the Hunter in Darkness; as team biologist DeLong
prepared his rifle, Tabeshaw warned him that the creature was a hungry
spirit, and it was going to eat him for breakfast, big gun and all. 
Mocking warnings as superstition, geologist Simpson
opened the base door to collect seismic probes, after which one of the
Hunter creatures slashed open her side and rushed into the base. Physicist Sverdup then assaulted the
Hunter creature in armored freight-loader suit, but despite his analysis of his
clear advantages, Sverdup was swiftly slain.
When Wolverine, Guardian, and Vindicator assaulted
the Hunter in unison, it tore a hole in the ceiling, leapt up through
it, and escaped. The rest of the others then worked to fortify a
section of station so that whoever worked on Simpson would be safe from
the Hunter. The Hunter creature then began howling to others of
its kind...and the others answered.
(Wolverine II#84 - BTS) - Wolverine and Guardian
slew a quintet of Hunter creatures that were apparently feeding on
Sverdup, but then a large group of Hunter creatures dropped down from
ceiling. Appreciating that there were too many to fight, the heroes
fled back into their fortified vault.
After one of the Hunters cut the base's generator line
(possibly sacrificing itself in the process); team biologist DeLong subsequently
concluded they may defer judgment to their oldest and wisest member, to
accumulate lore and strategy.
(Wolverine II#84 - BTS) -
Meanwhile, hundreds of miles to the south, Albert detected the Hunter's
presence, and he and Elsie-Dee -- joined by the vampiric Bloodscream,
who had tricked them into thinking he was a benevolent mutant and was
trying to save Wolverine, and who wished to locate the Hunter as a
substitute source of "blood of a beast that ageth not" to cure his own
bloodthirst -- headed out to locate the Hunter.
(Wolverine II#84) - Donning the Sverdup's armored loading suit, Wolverine
tore into the Hunters, leading the leader to confront him. As they
prepared to battle, however, both recognized each other as previous
allies, although Wolverine wondered how the Hunter in Darkness had
gotten so old so quickly.
(Wolverine II#84 - BTS) -
The Hunter in Darkness led the pack to depart. When DeLong leveled his
rifle to shoot the Hunter in the back, Wolverine punched him out.
(Wolverine II#84 (fb) - BTS) - The Hunter covered his and his pack's trail sufficiently that Albert lost track of him as they approached.
Comments: Created by Larry Hama, Marc Silvestri, and Dan Green.
So, apparently the Hunter in Darkness was part of
a race of lupine-humanoid creatures. I'd guess that when the rest of
the pack was frozen in ice <at some point, under unrevealed
circumstances), that he was the sole member of his pack left, hence the
legend of the solitary creature. When he traveled back in time, I'd
have thought that he was frozen with the rest of the pack, while his
younger self escaped that fate to continue the loop.
I don't know how long ago they were frozen, but it
had to be long enough ago that he could have gotten so much older
("ancient") than the last time Wolverine had seen him. If he wasn't
frozen, then both he and his younger self would have been active in the
woods at the same time, which is a little more odd.
Doolin described what he thought to be his
previous encounter with the Hunter in Darkness as "before you cut your
first tooth" to his RCMP partner constable Morris. This would mean when
Morris was less than a year old, and Morris looked to be 30 or perhaps
as young as 20.
being said, the naked Wolverine wandering through the wilderness
shown in the flashback seems like it was meant to occur between Logan's
initial escape from the Weapon X project and his discovery by Heather
and James Hudson, which, I believe was around the time of Fantastic
Four I#1, or the beginning of the "modern era," which equates to about
12-15 years "Marvel Time."
At the time of Wolverine II#43-46, it was being
strongly suggested that Sabretooth was Wolverine's father. That idea
fell by the wayside and has subsequently been contradicted,
specifically in the Origin series.
While the story talked about the Hunter, Albert,
and Elsie-Dee traveling 200 years into the past, I think it can remain
in the 18th century as a fixed point, even though the point in time
from which they traveled back has moved 20 years due to the sliding
timescale of "Marvel Time."
After Albert and Forge in Reality-94102 discussed
how the timeline that caused Wolverine's death (leaving behind the
skeleton that led to Albert, Elsie-Dee, and the Hunter traveling into
the past to investigate), the editorial text then notes: Forge doesn't
know it, but all this happened to Logan as a result of his traveling
forward in time to the Crunch (in Wolverine II#52). I can't make sense
of it, but it seems like, as the OHotMU entry for the Hunter in
Darkness noted, that this was the skeleton of Wolverine-94102, but then
the death/that timeline was somehow negated (or, more likely,
diverged). Meaning there would probably be another reality in which
Wolverine-94102 indeed perished. However, if this occurred after
Wolverine-94102 had left his native time, then it would be more of a
Kang-related individual know what, this is making
my head hurt...I'm moving on...
Thanks to MarvelousLuke for cleaning up the image
from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover #5.
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to
Z softcover entry lists the Hunter's power grid incorrectly (Agatha
Harkness' power grid was inadvertently used in its place).
The correct grid, as shown in A to Z Update#1 and the A to Z hardcover#5 is:
Intelligence: 2
Strength: 4
Speed: 2 (I think he was a 3 in youth, but maybe a 2 in his more aged state)
Durability: 4
Energy Projection: 1
Fighting Skills: 4
It's noteworthy that while the Hunter may not have normal human
intelligence, we have consistently listed "2" for animal/creatures who
demonstrate reasoning abilities.
Profile by Snood.
The Hunter in Darkness should be distinguished from:
- Hunt,
Amber of Earth-93060 - Ultraverse, former host of the Phoenix force @ Exiles (UV)#1
- Hunt, Colonel Archibald - directed Sentinel Mark VII-A in
effort to capture or destroy Juston Seyfert's Sentinel, and/or to kill Juston;
desisted after Juston threatened to expose his reckless actions--Sentinel II#1
- Hunt, Ashley - time traveler, went back in time twice to ancient Egypt to raid tomb,
fought earlier self, created time paradox, stranded in past--Tales of Suspense I#3/1
- Hunt, Carter - billionaire oil baron, killed by Caviar Killer--Daredevil I#242
- Hunt, Connie, associated with Ned Tannengarden @ Spider-Man:
Get Kraven#4
- Hunt,
Forrest, father of Jason, banker, involved in drug transfer @ Marvel
- Hunt, Gaius Julius of Earth-93060 - Ultraverse, son of J. D. @ Night Man
(UV) I#1
- Hunt, Jason,
son of Forrest, sought revenge on Montoya @ Punisher War Journal#2
- Hunt, J. D. of Earth-93060 - Ultraverse @ Strangers (UV)#1
- Hunt, J.T. - West Tech High School, close friend of Adam
Aaronson/Machine Teen--Machine Teen#1
- Hunt, Jerry, agent of S. H. I. E. L. D., dated Jessica
Drew @ Spider-Woman I#1
- Hunt,
Molly, blind daughter of two radiation victims @ Marvel Super-Heroes
- Hunt, Dr. Michael,
treated & abused Typhoid Mary @ Marvel Comics Presents#150
- Hunt,
General/Sir Robert, Jack Fury's superior officer @ Sgt.Fury and His Howling Commandos#76
- Hunt, Wendy - see Ghost Girl--Invaders I#14
- Hunt, Dr. - Second Shadow--Captain America#613/2
- Hunt, Mr. & Mrs., parents of Molly @ Marvel Super-Heroes
- Huntara (Tara Richards/Mary Alvarez), Fantastic Force
@ Fantastic Four I#273?
- Huntarr, of the Microverse, Micronauts, native of Homeworld
@ Micronauts I#37
- Hunter - Hydra drone, sent to capture Nick Fury and
Laura Brown, destroyed by Fury--Strange Tales I#139
- "Hunter" (Buck Franklin) - animated Destroyer armor in Indochina--Journey into Mystery I#118
- Hunter
) - Lunatic Legion--Spider-Man Drakes Cakes mini-comics series II#1
- Hunter, a. k. a. Jaeger @ X-Men II#99
- Hunter ( ) - Pride, joined the Peace Corps
to make up for his past misdeeds. thin male--[Runaways II#6], 14 (14 (fb), 14-18, [19 (fb)]
- Hunter 2099 (Zak Tessi), deceased @ Ravage 2099#19
- Hunter, Elsa - governess to Scarlet Witch's children--West Coast Avengers II#45
- HUNTER, HAL of Earth-8107 - agent of Kingpin--Spider-Man cartoon: "The Return of the Kingpin"
- Hunter,
Hank, son of Todd Hunter/Lazarus, deadbeat @ Incredible Hulk Annual#19
- HUNTER, HENRIETTA - X-Statix, mutant pop icon, assassinated by
Reggie + Dickie for the president of Europa, possessed another form, joined X-Statix--X-Statix#13
- Hunter, Ian, WFSK, attracted to Karen Page @ Daredevil
- Hunter, Jay - former business associate of Harry Osborn--Amazing
Spider-Man: Brand New Day - Extra!#1/2
- Hunter, John - former geologist turned bank robber,
sacrificed self to stop Rommbu--Tales to Astonish I#19 (19 (fb), 19
- Hunter,
Commander Lance, former commander of STRIKE @ Captain Britain I#19
- Hunter, Max - North Institute, partner of Kestrel, sent to
kill Black Widow (Natasha), killed by her--Black Widow III#1
- Hunter, Morgan of Earth-93060 - Ultraverse, father of Wrath @ Wrath (UV)#1
- Hunter, Nicholas - see Nimrod. --Uncanny X-Men I#191
- Hunter, Rachel, wannabe investigative reporter @ Avengers
- Hunter,
Rosalind, former wife of Todd Hunter/Lazarus @ Incredible Hulk Annual#19
- Hunter, Stevie, X-Men trainer, former dancer @ Uncanny
- Hunter, Todd - see LAZARUS--Incredible Hulk II Annual#19
- Hunter,
Virginia, daughter of Nitro @ Spectacular Spider-Man II#56
- Hunter, Mrs. - mother of Nitro, interviewed by Daily Bugle--Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special#1
- Hunter
Joe, hunted rare & mythological game @ Wolverine/Doop#2
- Hunter of Souls - see CALYPSO--Amazing Spider-Man I#209
- Hunter Technologies, former company of Todd Hunter/Lazarus
@ Incredible Hulk Annual#19
- Hunters, armored mercenaries @ Web of Spider-Man#97
- Hunters, of the the Big Game Posse @ Marvel Comics Presents#152
- hunters
of the Captive, pursued the Captive to Earth @ Captain America
- Hunters of the Host - humanoid machines, hunt down and kill remaining Krell people--Marvel Collector's Edition#1/2
- Hunter Productions, movie production company owned by
Alyosha Kravinoff @ Spider-Man: Get Kraven#2
- Hunter-Robot - robot creation of
Mako, destroyed by Coldblood; patterned after the Hulk, large + strong--Marvel Comics Presents I#26/3
- Hunt
Leader, of the Big Game Posse @ Marvel Comics Presents#152
- Hunt-Master, Brood, Acanti killer, killed by Binary @
Uncanny X-Men#166
- Huntress, a. k. a. Mockingbird @ Marvel Super Action I#1
- Huntress
of Earth-Amalgam (Carol Danvers), Warbird/Huntress amalgam
@ Legends of the Dark Claw#1
- Huntress of Earth-Amalgam, a. k. a. Black Bat @ Bruce
Wayne: Agent of SHIELD#1
- Huntsman,
Olympian empowered by Zeus @ Ka-Zar IV#1/2
- Huntsman, a. k. a. Weapon XII @ New X-Men#145
- Huntsman
of Eurth, counterpart of Kraven @ Avataars: Covenant of the Shield#2
- Darkness Falls: Satanism in the USA - written by Dr. Walter P.
Griffin--Daredevil: Redemption#5
- other "Hunter" or "Darkness"characters, etc.
images: (without ads)
Wolverine II#34, pg. 10, panel 2 (looming over Wolverine and Doolin);
pg. 20, panel 1 (face, confronting Ike)
#46, pg. 3, panel 3 (caught in bear trap);
pg. 18? (last page), last panel (draggin' the gator);
#84, pg. 4 (Wolverine and Guardian battling pack)
panel 3 (more pack dropping down);
pg. 7, panel 3 (pack, close-up);
pg. 17, panel 1 (elderly hunter, body, from behind);
panel 2 (elderly hunter, face)
#86, pg. 2, panel 4 (leaping to the attack);
Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#1: Hunter in Darkness
entry (originally from Wolverine II#46, pg. 1, panel 1);
Wolverine II#34 (December, 1990) - Larry Hama (writer), Marc Silvestri (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Wolverine II#43 (Early August, 1991) - Larry Hama (writer), Marc Silvestri (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Wolverine II#45 (Early September, 1991) - Larry Hama (writer), Marc Silvestri (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Wolverine II#46 (Late September, 1991) - Larry Hama (writer), Marc Silvestri (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Wolverine II#51 (February, 1992) - Larry Hama (writer), Andy Kubert (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Wolverine II#52-53 (March-April, 1992) - Larry Hama (writer), Marc Silvestri (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Wolverine II#83 (July, 1994) - Larry Hama (writer), John Nadeau
(penciler), Bud LaRosa & Keith Champagne (inkers), Bob Harras
Wolverine II#84 (August, 1994) - Larry Hama (writer), Ron Wagner
(penciler), Reinhold, Younger, Palmer, Younger (inkers), Bob Harras
Wolverine II#86 (October, 1994) - Larry Hama (writer), Ron Garney
(penciler), Bud LaRosa & Al Vey (inkers), Bob Harras
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#1: Hunter in
Darkness entry (March, 2007) - Stuart Vandal, Jeff Christiansen, et al
(writers), Marc Silvestri (penciler), Dan Green inker
updated/revised in the
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover #5 and softcover entry
First posted: 06/15/2019
Last updated: 06/15/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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