of Earth-97082
circa 2015 A.D.
Real Name: Anthony "Tony" Stark;
middle name likely "Edward"
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-97082) advanced technology user;
identity publicly known as of 2001 A.D.;
US Citizen
Occupation: Industrialist
Group Membership: Stark International (Bill Bates, Mr. Jones)
Affiliations: Nick Fury, Maxie Graham, IM2, Micro, S.H.I.E.L.D., Keiko Takimoto, presumably Dmitri;
likely Hideo Shinoda
Enemies: Dreadnoughts, Hiro Matsui and his agents, SCV (Somatic Combat Vehicle) Samurai;
at least formerly professional rivals with Hideo Shinoda
Known Relatives: Presumably Howard and Maria Stark (parents) and other relatives mirroring his Earth-616 counterpart (see comments);
IM2 (creation)
Aliases: Presumably many of the same as his Earth-616 counterpart
Base of Operations: Presumably Manhattan, New York, USA, Earth-97082
Education: Presumably Ph.D.s in physics and electrical engineering
First Appearance: Iron Man: Crash (April, 1988)
Powers/Abilities: Like his Earth-616 counterpart, Tony Stark is a genius inventor and entrepreneur.
He formerly used the black market drug Perpetuon to maintain a youthful appearance (and possibly vitality).
His modern armor was a multiple layer Somatic Combat Vehicle (SCV) composed of multiple layers, the first of which was biological/input output with tactile force feedback undergarment and life support membrane, with his head covered with a cranial controller and BIO IO (input/output) nodes, mandibular (lower jaw) assembly and stomatic (mouth) interface.
The second layer included infrasupport framework, impact dissipators, fractionated superconduction skin, stereoscopic LCD occlusion shutters, ocular solvent pipettes, rhinal (nasal) oxygen feeders.
The third layer included
kinesthetic amplifiers, accelerent modules, adjuvant synmuscles,
chromalloy endoshield, thermal shield, coolant matrix, EM field
generators, and ischiadic (the portion of your pelvis you sit on as well as another name for the sciatic nerve) subsystems truss.
The gauntlets have flex high value control input and hi-res position sensing phalangeal (digits), carpal (wrist), metacarpal (long bones between the wrist and fingers), and antebrachial (forearm) weapon effector assemblies.
The gauntlet's left index finger, at least, had a
jack for plugging into and hacking into systems. He could release
code-breaking software or nanotech into a system into which he had
The boots have locomotory amplification pedal assemblies, bosonic anti-G drive, and propulsion units.
Before putting on and sealing the
helmet, he placed wide angle, 120-to-1 contrast ratio, lenticular
auto-stereoscopic panoramogram dual display screen interface.
His chest plate included monitors of all somatic support systems (especially the respiratory and cardiovascular systems), diaphoretic (sweat) reclaimers, intravenous nodes, the optic solvent reservoir, and miscellaneous items, such as voice recognition pick-up, coolant system, pressure seals, accelerants, and tactile force feedback dampeners.
The flight systems included pilot decision support system, geo data map, navigation and hyperprecision global position sensing satellite link encryption decoding key, phased arrays sensor deck, baffle net, field inductors, fuel pump, and photonic array.
Artificial intelligence systems included interference engines, biochip cortex mapping nodes 1-99, with routine testing including sector checks and optimizing backup RAM and redundant nodes, knowledge base integrity checks, and releasing the autonomous debugging and metatool agents.
Combat systems included interlaced
smart servo-muscle network with guidance point subsystems, cloaking
epidermis, internal inductor structural integrity auto reformation
trigger subsystem.
He carried a kinetic energy railgun couple with rapid auto-feed multi-firing rotory breach ballistic cannon on articulated, powered steady-mount with intelligent firing control support system. It carried 20 rounds of liquid Teflon-coated U35 square caseless projectiles, and 30 rounds of mylar-coated five gram lexan slugs.
The armor's secondary material
body protective shielding is formed of a titanium beryllium geodesic
alloy doped with nickel iron mylar superstrate and interlaced
microcrystalline quartz fiber and synthetic rubber endoform and
ectoform substrate layer.
The exact strength, durability, flight speed, etc. are not specified.
He did not seem to have repulsor blasts or a uni-beam for some reason.
Height: Presumably 6'1"; (in armor) likely closer to 6'6"
Weight: Presumably around 200 lbs. (he looked leaner than his 225 lbs. younger Earth-616 counterpart); (in armor) unrevealed
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black (presumably gray once he stopped taking Perpetuon)
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - Tony Stark was born in 1940-1941.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) <1965> - Stark International emerged with a sizable military research and development contract from the newly formed SHIELD.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Tony Stark became the armored adventurer Iron Man.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) <1985> - Following the destruction of SHIELD's helicarrier, Stark International designed the Levicarrier, funded by the Pentagon when the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) fell apart.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - Stark developed the Aero-Space Plane (ASP), powered by TAPPS (TetraHydrogen Antiproton/Proton Propulsion System). However, TAPPS proved to emit dangerous levels of gamma radiation and was abolished.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - During the Chip Wars, Stark bounced with the revolutionary BioChips; thereafter, Stark became a world leader in artificial intelligence technology.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - Iron Man was active into the 1990s.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - <2001> - Stark went public with the information that he had been Iron Man's true identity.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) -
Over the years, Stark worked together with Japanese manufacturing firm
ESON's CEO Hideo Shinoda, though they remained competitors, rather than
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - Stark (at least reportedly) had a severe stroke that left him crippled and bedridden. He became a multibillionaire recluse.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) -
For years, SHIELD sought/demanded an exclusive deal to mass produce his
Somatic Amplification Vehicle (SAV), a non-weaponized version of his
Iron Man armor.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Stark began taking Perpetuon to maintain a more youthful appearance (and perhaps vitality); it is unrevealed whether he was aware that Perpetuon also desensitized the user to many emotions.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Stark began a relationship with Maxie Graham, who operated out of the Marianna Trench Undersea Research Station.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Stark began project Next Step, designing a robot version of Iron Man that he could control remotely. He brought IM2 to "preliminary readiness."
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to give more to the world, Stark recently agreed to market the SAV.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - The POTUS (President of the United States) pushed for the "Pittman Project," developing a Somatic Combat Vehicle (SCV) from the SAV, although congress opposed this.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) -
Considering them the best for mass production of the kind he needed,
with excellent costs and high quality control, Stark chose ESON.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - Stark was enjoying "the Manhattan techno-paradise" with Maxie until he was pulled away to deal with ESON, leaving Maxie upset with him.
(Iron Man: Crash (fb) - BTS) - Stark approved the final contract with ESON.
Comments: Created by Michael Sanz
Crash was billed as "The First
Computer Generated Graphic Novel." That was a big deal back in 1988.
There's an extensive feature on how they did it at the back of the
book. By it, and read it!
Much like Earth-8410, the "future"
of 2020 A.D., this is a reality where Stark was active from the
mid-60's forward, with no sliding timescale. With the graphic novel
published in 1988, the main story was meant to take place 27 years in
the future. We know Iron was active "into the 90's," but we don't know
for sure that he first became active as Iron Man in the 60's...however,
that's what I would ASSume.
Additionally, the technical abilities seemed to
extrapolate on defined technologies, rather than being as high-tech as
in Reality-616. Advanced technical abilties, for sure, but no repulsor
rays or uni-beam, for example.
There is no mention of the Avengers or other super heroes (or super villains), just S.H.I.E.L.D.; we don't know for sure whether other such beings existed in this reality.
As this story was written long
before it was revealed that Tony Stark is actually the adoptive son of
Howard and Maria, it is quite likely that Tony is the true son of
Howard and Maria in this reality, but we don't even know for sure those
were his parents' names.
I'm not certain of the exact
chronology of some of his back history, mentioned only in dialogue or
text boxes.
Profile by Snood.
Iron Man of Earth-97082 should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Iron Man: Crash cover (main);
pg. 6, panel 1-2 (SAV-first layer);
panel 3-4 (SAV-2nd layer);
panel 5-6 (SAV-3rd layer);
panel 7 (gauntlet);
pg. 7, panel 1 (boot assembly);
panel 2 (lenses);
pg. 19, panel 4 (bathrobe, upper body);
pg. 38, panel 7 (finger jack);
pg. 39, panel 4 (code breaker);
pg. 46, panel 6 (smashing through wall);
pg. 61, panel 10 (face)
Iron Man: Crash graphic novel (April, 1988) - Mike Saenz (writer, artist), William Bates (producer/programmer), Archie Goodwin (editor)
First posted: 06/14/2020
Last updated: 06/14/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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