Real Name: Burt Johnson
Identity/Class: Human;
pre-modern era (circa 1975) (see comments);
US citizen
Occupation: Pimp
Group Membership: None
formerly Lily Marlowe
Enemies: Lawrence Blasco, Lily Marlowe
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: At least formerly Chicago, Illinois
First Appearance: Vampire Tales I#9/4 (February, 1975)
Powers/Abilities: While not possessing any superhuman abilities or advanced skills, Burt is, at least, an experienced brawler, and he is bold (and/or foolish), not backing down from a fight, even against a vampire.
Burt is quick-thinking and works
well on his feet...realizing he was facing a vampire, he immediately
prepared the appropriate means of defense/assault.
Burt's primary motivation was to prevent the vampire from cutting into his business.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 5'10 - 6'2")
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 170 - 210 lbs. depending on his height)
Eyes: Unrevealed (black and white comic)
Hair: Apparently blond
Tales I#9/4 (fb) - BTS) - Pimp Burt Johnson employed multiple prostitutes, and he considered Lily one of
his best workers, although she did have a history of drinking heavily
upon occasion.
Tales I#9/4) <1975> - Burt checked on Lily as he drove by, asking
her "How's tricks?" She was not impressed the lack of sublity in his
humor. She apparently paid him a large some of money, indicating she
had been active and successful.
Tales I#9/4 - BTS) - Lily was vampirized by Lawrence Blasco.
(Vampire Tales I#9/4) - When Lily didn't return to the streets, Burt checked out her apartment and found her very weak and tired. Burt asked what happened and where was the guy she had picked up, but Lily was unable to remember what had happened to her and figured she must have passed out. Burt initially suspected she had been "hitting the sauce again," but when she insisted she was just tired and weak, he appreciated that she looked kind of pale and figured she might have caught a virus. He sent her home to get some rest, as "you can't sell damaged goods."
(Vampire Tales I#9/4 (fb) - BTS) - Three days later, Lily revived and was reinvigorated as a vampire.Comments: Created by Larry Leiber and Jesus Blasco.
Lily told Burt her "trick" had left after they were done, but Blasco had typically finished off the victims after Lily had fed on them, and they never left the site of the transaction. I guess she wasn't taking them back to her apartment anymore, as if they all died in the same place, she would have been highly suspect regardless of whether she had departed long after her customer's death. Even if they were going to different places, her consistent presence would have been hard to deny. I guess it was just a simple plot for a short story, more of a concept not intended for such scrutiny.
This story was published in 1975 and has absolutely nothing to tie it to the modern era/sliding timescale...it fits nicely at the time of publication, and Dracula's OHotMU entry confirms the story to have occurred in the second half of the 20th century. The story specifically notes it to have been like 30 years after World War II.
I wonder if there is some cosmic union of pimps, including the likes of Burt the Pimp/Vampire-Hunter and Pro-Boscis the Procurer.
Profile by Snood.
Burt Johnson should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Vampire Tales I#9/4, pg. 5, panel 6 (upper body, confronting Lily);
pg. 6, panel 6 (full body, distant, shadowed);
pg. 7, panel 1 (face, with stakes);
pg. 9, panel 6 (walking out with vampires staked)
Vampire Tales
I#9/4 (February, 1975) - Larry Leiber (writer), Jesus Blasco (artist),
David Kraft (assistant editor), Marv Wolfman (editor)
First posted: 11/10/2018
Last updated: 11/10/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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