Real Name: Chuckie Jurgens
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Student
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Citizens Boycott for Morality, Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
Enemies: Sam Jutter
Known Relatives: Hank Jurgens, Liz Jurgens
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: Daredevil I#191 (September, 1983)
Powers/Abilities: Chuckie Jurgens is an obsessive young man who watches violent television on repeat. He has at times snuck out and used a gun.
Height: 5' (by approximation)
Weight: 100 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
(Daredevil I#191 (fb) - BTS) - Young Chuckie Jurgens grew up with his parents Hank and Liz in New York City. After seeing footage on television of Daredevil battling Bullseye, he became obsessed and watched the footage over and over, concerning his parents, and causing them to worry about his mental health. Hank grew violent with Chuckie at times, constantly yelling at him about his expectations and his son letting him down. His parents joined the Citizens Boycott for Morality. Whenever they tried taking Chuckie's video tape away, he cried until they gave it back. Hank's co-worker Sam Jutter accused Hank of embezzling money at work.
(Daredevil I#191) - Matt Murdock, an attorney representing Hank, came over for dinner one day and saw Chuckie watching the same fight. At dinner, Chuckie was distracted, and he claimed that sometimes he believed he was Daredevil. Although Charlie's stomach hurt, Hank made him finish his dinner. Days later at school, Chuckie was trying to force his friends to play as Bullseye and Black Widow so he could be Daredevil, when the actual Daredevil showed up. He let Chuckie ride on his back for a time as he jumped around the city, then took him back to school. Days later again, Matt Murdock went to question Sam Jutter, but he found Chuckie outside spying on Jutter, pretending to be Daredevil. Chuckie rode on the back of Jutter's car to Central Park, and he saw Jutter try to blackmail his dad. Hank drew a gun and threatened to kill Jutter, then Chuckie revealed himself, and Hank loudly ordered Chuckie to go home. Daredevil showed up then and got the gun away from Hank. Chuckie watched as Daredevil knocked out his father. Over the following week, Chuckie became even more obsessed with the Daredevil/Bullseye fight, and he muttered how if Daredevil hit his dad for being bad, then he must be bad too.
(Daredevil I#191 - BTS) - Murdock paid for Chuckie to go to psychotherapy, but eventually Hank was sentenced in a criminal trial.
(Daredevil I#191) - Chuckie snuck a gun to school and shot a bully, though the bully survived. Murdock wondered if Chuckie pictured himself as his father, as Daredevil, or as Bullseye.
Comments: Created by Frank Miller and Terry Austin.
Chuckie's real name is presumably Charles.
Thanks to Ron Fredricks for the cleaned up main image.
Profile by Chadman.
Chuckie Hank and Liz Jurgens have no known connections to:
Citizens Boycott for Morality has no known connection to:
Sam Jutter has no known connection to:
(Daredevil I#191 (fb) - BTS) - The Citizens Boycott for Morality was a group of concerned citizens who protested violence in the media. Hank and Liz Jurgens were among their numbers.
--Daredevil I#191 ([191 (fb)]
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(Daredevil I#191 (fb) - BTS) - Hank Jurgens and his wife Liz raised their son Chuckie in New York City. When Chuckie became obsessed with a televised fight between Bullseye and Daredevil, they worried over Chuckie's mental health. Hank frequently yelled about his son letting him down and he sometimes grew violent. He and Liz joined the Citizens Boycott for Morality. At work, Hank received a promotion, and his co-worker Sam Jutter accused him of embezzling thousands of dollars. (Daredevil I#191) - Matt Murdock came over for dinner, meeting the family. Throughout the meal, Hank continually yelled at Chuckie. At dinner, Chuckie was distracted, and he claimed that sometimes he believed he was Daredevil. Although his stomach hurt, Hank made him finish his dinner. Hank showed off his gun to Matt after dinner. Days later, Hank met Jutter in Central Park, and Jutter tried blackmailing him, saying he'd drop the case if he was paid, but Hank drew his gun and threatened to kill him instead. Chuckie revealed himself and Hank ordered him home, but then Daredevil showed up and disarmed Hank, who'd threatened to shoot the hero as well. Chuckie watched as Daredevil knocked out his father. (Daredevil I#191 - BTS) - Murdock began paying for Chuckie to go to psychotherapy. Hank went to trial and was convicted, and later Chuckie took his father's gun to school and shot a bully. --Daredevil I#191 ([191 (fb)], 191, [191] |
(Daredevil I#191 (fb) - BTS) - Liz Jurgens and her husband Hank raised their son Chuckie in New York City. Chuckie became obsessed with a televised fight between Daredevil and Bullseye on television, causing his parents to worry about his mental health. Hank frequently yelled and was sometimes violent towards Chuckie, and he soon joined the Citizens Boycott for Morality, suing the television stations for broadcasting violence. Hank was accused of embezzling money at work. (Daredevil I#191) - Matt Murdock, attorney, came over for dinner. Chuckie was distracted, and he claimed that sometimes he believed he was Daredevil. Although his stomach hurt, Hank made him finish his dinner, blaming Liz for Chuckie's poor behavior. Weeks later, Matt visited to check on Chuckie, who had become more obsessed with the video after seeing Daredevil briefly spar wit his father. (Daredevil I#191 - BTS) - Murdock began paying for Chuckie to go to psychotherapy. Jurgens went to trial and was sentenced and soon after that, Chuckie shot a bully at school. --Daredevil I#191 ([191 (fb)], 191, [191] |
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(Daredevil I#191 (fb) - BTS) - When his co-worker Hank Jurgens was promoted at work, Sam Jutter accused him of embezzling thousands of dollars. (Daredevil I#191) - Jutter called Hank to Central Park and tried blackmailing him, saying he'd drop the case if he was paid, but Hank drew a gun and threatened to kill him. Young Chuckie Jurgens revealed himself, then Daredevil showed up and disarmed Hank. --Daredevil I#191 ([191 (fb)], 191 |
images: (without ads)
Daredevil I#191, p8, pan2 (Chuckie with Daredevil)
Daredevil I#191, p6, pan8 (Chuckie face)
Daredevil I#191, p4, pan3 (Hank Jurgens)
Daredevil I#191, p5, pan9 (Liz Jurgens)
Daredevil I#191, p12, pan2 (Sam Jutter)
Daredevil I#191 (September, 1983) - Frank Miller (writer/penciler), Terry Austin (inker), Denny O'Neil (editor)
First Posted: 01/24/2019
Last updated: 01/24/2019
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