Real Name: Ellen King
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Paralegal
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Mr. Baden, Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Ben "The Hawk" Hochberg, Hei Hei, Hellcat (Patsy Walker), Angie Huang, Billy Li, Mei Mei, Mr. Perez, Ms. Porter, She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
Enemies: Tenfingers
Known Relatives: Sharon King (wife)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: Daredevil V#1 (February, 2016)
Powers/Abilities: Ellen King is a talented paralegal capable of handling large cases.
Height: 5'7" (by approximation)
Weight: 130 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
(Daredevil V#1 (fb) - BTS) - Ellen King worked at the district attorney's office as a paralegal.
(Daredevil I#595 (fb) - BTS) - King bought a car, a luxury in New York City, and she began dating Sharon. In time, Spider-Man threw her car at the Rhino in a battle, and she found herself unable to get reparations because Spidey was considered a vigilante.
(Gwenpool Special#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Ellen and Sharon got married.
(Daredevil V#1 (fb) - BTS) - King befriended Matt Murdock, the new attorney in the office.
(Daredevil V#1) - Ellen visited Matt in his office, still shocked that he had been placed in an elevator shaft to practice. After asking Matt about the bruises he had on his face (he claimed he'd had a rock-climbing accident), she showed in Billy Li, a grand jury witness, in for an interview.
(Daredevil V#2) - Ellen helped Matt secure witness Billy Li in the courthouse before the grand jury trial. Mr. Hochberg commended them on their good work, but they soon found that Li had been assaulted in the courthouse and had his fingers severed. Li was now refusing to testify.
(Gwenpool Special#1) - Sharon introduced Ellen to She-Hulk at the office party in She-Hulk's 68 Jay Street law offices. She-Hulk told Ellen how Sharon had told her a lot about Ellen's work at the D.A's office and asked Ellen if she knew Matt Murdock. Ellen did and complimented Matt's skills as a lawyer, as well as She-Hulk's. Ellen stayed for the party and met many of She-Hulk's heroic friends despite three creatures, who intended to buy the building from Ellen's wife Sharon and had used magic to influence her, torpedoing the party to force Sharon to sell the building. The party kept going and Sharon danced with Ellen until 6 AM in the morning when Sharon finally ripped up the contract she had nearly signed. A short time later Ellen joined Sharon, She-Hulk, Hellcat, Angie Huang, Hei Hei, Mei Mei and others on the roof to watch the sunrise.
(Daredevil V#3) - King showed Murdock into his office, where Tenfingers was waiting.
(Daredevil V#5) - Ellen was just telling Murdock about his busy night ahead in the courtroom when Murdock rushed off, telling her to cover for him.
(Daredevil V#10) - Ellen helped Matt with his evening work as the other attorneys were unkind to him. Ellen counseled Matt to be patient, saying that the others had bitter feelings over Matt's years of work as a defense attorney. Later, Matt told Ellen he had a friend in an emergency and he rushed away, leaving Ellen to cover for him.
(Daredevil V#12) - Ellen was in a courtroom when Muse attacked, threatening to kill civilians.
(Free Comic Book Day 2017: All-New Guardians of the Galaxy#1) - Ellen and Matt were leaving the courthouse discussing a mistrial when a man approached them and detonated a bomb. Unharmed, Ellen watched Matt rush off.
(Daredevil V#22) - At the trial of criminal Simon "Slug" Slugansky, prosecutors Mr. Perez and Ms. Porter worked with paralegal Ellen King against defense counsel Mr. Baden. Daredevil was called to the stand, and Baden tried to get Daredevil to unmask, but Perez and Porter showed that Matt Murdock had already written a counter brief anticipating Baden's arguments. The judge agreed to review and make an immediate ruling. The judge asked Baden to question Daredevil, who was to prove his super-senses; Daredevil said he heard a woman talking to Greg on the phone in the lobby and made other observations before the Munitions Militia attacked the courtroom. Daredevil took down the villains. Two weeks later, Ellen was present when they celebrated that the judge had allowed Daredevil to testify with his mask on.
(Daredevil V#26) - Murdock was celebrated after winning his case with the Supreme Court, and Hochberg, though surprised, agreed to let Matt take a leave of absence. Matt privately confided in Ellen that he was going to help Sam Chung in China.
(Daredevil I#595) - After Wilson Fisk was elected mayor, Murdock was assigned to work on investigating heroes. He wondered if King might join him in fighting against Fisk's election, but King told him about the time her car was destroyed.
(Daredevil I#596 (fb) - BTS) - Hearing about how Daredevil had attacked the mayor, Hochberg sent King to put pressure on Murdock for the Daredevil indictment.
(Daredevil I#596) - Ellen gave the news to Matt, noting how exhausted he looked, and she encouraged him not to drag his feet on this.
Comments: Created by Charles Soule (writer) & Ron Garney (artist).
Gwenpool Special#1 (aka. Gwenpool Holiday Special#1) added by Markus Raymond.
Profile by Chadman.
Ellen King should not be confused with:
Ben Hochberg has no known connections to:
(Daredevil V#22) - Mr. Baden was the defense counsel for Simon "Slug" Slugansky in court. When Daredevil was called to the stand, Baden made a motion for Daredevil to unmask, but prosecutors Porter and Perez, with paralegal Ellen King, had already prepared a counter brief, written by Matt Murdock. Baden was frustrated that his arguments had been anticipated, but he agreed to let the judge make a ruling. The Munitions Militia attacked, seeking to rescue Slug, and opened fire. Daredevil saved Baden's life and began fighting the criminals. Slug turned against Baden as well, but Daredevil knocked him out. Baden gladly let Daredevil continue to testify. --Daredevil V#22 |
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(Daredevil V#22 - BTS) - A woman at the courthouse called Greg to remind him to run an errand.
--[Daredevil V#22]
(Daredevil I#595 (fb) - BTS) - Ben Hochberg had a long career in public service, and he saw many corrupt public officials get elected. He kept his head down and stayed focused on his job.
(Daredevil V#17 (fb) ) - Matt Murdock, who was publicly known as Daredevil, visited district attorney Ben Hochberg, wanting to help with prosecution against Tombstone, but Hochberg didn't want Daredevil anywhere near the case.
(Daredevil V#2 (fb) - BTS) - Having forgotten that Matt was Daredevil (like the rest of the world), Hochberg, known as the Hawk to some, was hesitant to reinstate the legal license of Matt Murdock except when the mayor personally recommended it. Hochberg supervised Ellen King and Murdock, and saw them prepare an impressive case against the Church of the Sheltering Hands, prepared to use special witness Billy Li to do so.
(Daredevil V#2) - On the day Li was supposed to testify before the grand jury, Hochberg commended King and Murdock on their good work. However, Li was assaulted in the courthouse and recanted his testimony.
(Daredevil V#3) - Hochberg met with Murdock, blaming him completely for the failure in his case to proceed, and he assigned Murdock to take the cases that came in overnight as punishment.
(Daredevil V#11 (fb) - BTS) - Benjamin "The Hawk" Hochberg got news that Murdock had walked out on a shift in an emergency. A few weeks later, City Councilwoman Andrea Pearson requested that Hochberg assign someone to take down Freddy Durnin, a building owner who was selling tickets to see a mural made of blood, the work of a serial killer.
(Daredevil V#11) - Hochberg called Murdock in and reprimanded him, then assigned him to work with Pearson to shut down the mural.
(Daredevil V#20) - Matt went to Hochberg with a plan to change the way that the office handled crime.
(Daredevil V#21 (fb) ) - Hochberg heard Matt's plan to use super-powered politics in court to make changes. Hochberg had his doubts and knew it was a risk, but he agreed to support Matt going forward. Hochberg authorized a test case against the villainous Munitions Militia.
(Daredevil V#21) - Hochberg heard from Matt about Daredevil, Echo, and Luke Cage narrowly stopping a truck from exploding at City Hall as they took down the Militia, though they all escaped except for member Slug. Hochberg gave Murdock one last chance to back out, but Murdock chose to stay. Later, in Slug's trial, Daredevil was called to the stand.
(Daredevil V#22) - After a busy trial against Slug, Hochberg was present with Ellen King, Mr. Perez, and Ms. Porter when Matt Murdock celebrated with the team. Hochberg celebrated that Matt had been able to get Daredevil to testify in court with his mask on.
(Daredevil V#23) - Hochberg sat next to Matt at the New York Court of Appeals. At the other table, representing Slug, was Legal.
(Daredevil V#24 (fb) - BTS) - Matt narrowly lost the case, with a vote of 4 to 3 against him. Hochberg began getting calls from government officials who were concerned about the spectacle.
(Daredevil V#24) - Hochberg saw headlines about Murdock in the paper and grew frustrated. When Murdock announced his intent to take the case to the Supreme Court, Hochberg gave his blessing, but told Murdock he would have no help from his office.
(Daredevil V#25 - BTS) - Murdock won his case at the Supreme Court.
(Daredevil V#26) - Hochberg celebrated Murdock's victory, but was then surprised that Murdock wanted to take a leave of absence. He let Murdock go with his blessing, and promised him a better office when he got back.
(Daredevil I#595 (fb) - BTS) - Wilson Fisk was elected mayor, and he sent the order to Hochberg's apartment for the district attorney to start pursuing cases against vigilante heroes. Fisk specifically requested Murdock.
(Daredevil I#595) - Murdock returned from his leave and wanted to push a case against Fisk, but Hochberg denied him and then instructed him to begin investigating heroes.
(Daredevil I#596 (fb) - BTS) - Hearing about how Daredevil had attacked the mayor, Hochberg sent King to put pressure on Murdock for the Daredevil indictment.
--Daredevil V#2 ([Daredevil I#595 (fb)], Daredevil V#17 (fb), [2 (fb)], 2-3, [11 (fb)], 11, 20, 21 (fb), 21-23, [24 (fb)], 24, [25], 26, [595 (fb)], 595, [596 (fb)]
(Daredevil V#22) - At the trial of criminal Simon "Slug" Slugansky, prosecutors Mr. Perez and Ms. Porter worked with paralegal Ellen King against defense counsel Mr. Baden. Daredevil was called to the stand, and Baden tried to get Daredevil to unmask, but Perez and Porter showed that Matt Murdock had already written a counter brief anticipating Baden's arguments. The judge agreed to review and make an immediate ruling. The Munitions Militia attacked, and Daredevil swiftly defeated them. Two weeks later, they celebrated the fact that the judge had let Daredevil testify with his mask on. --Daredevil V#22 |
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(Daredevil V#22) - At the trial of criminal Simon "Slug" Slugansky, prosecutors Mr. Perez and Ms. Porter worked with paralegal Ellen King against defense counsel Mr. Baden. Daredevil was called to the stand, and Baden tried to get Daredevil to unmask, but Perez and Porter showed that Matt Murdock had already written a counter brief anticipating Baden's arguments. The judge agreed to review and make an immediate ruling. The Munitions Militia attacked, and Daredevil swiftly defeated them. Two weeks later, they celebrated the fact that the judge had let Daredevil testify with his mask on. --Daredevil V#22 |
images: (without ads)
Daredevil V#22, p18, pan1 (main)
Daredevil V#1, p16, pan3 (2nd)
Daredevil V#22, p5, pan4 (Mr. Baden)
Daredevil V#2, p7, pan1 (Mr. Hochberg)
Daredevil V#22, p5, pan3 (Mr. Perez)
Daredevil V#22, p2, pan3 (Ms. Porter)
Daredevil V#1-2 (February, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Gwenpool Special#1 (February, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Langdon Foss (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Daredevil V#3 (March, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Daredevil V#5 (May, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Daredevil V#10 (October, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Daredevil V#12 (December, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Free Comic Book Day 2017: All-New Guardians of the Galaxy#1/2 (July, 2017) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), David Marquez (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Daredevil V#22 (August, 2017) - Charles Soule (writer), Goran Sudzuka (artist), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Daredevil V#26 (November, 2017) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Daredevil I#595-596 (January-February, 2018) - Charles Soule (writer), Stefano Landini (artist), Mark Paniccia (editor)
First Posted: 02/24/2020
Last updated: 02/24/2020
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