Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate
Occupation: Criminal
Group Membership: Tribe (Fume/Daryl, Furball, Grove, Jack Chain, Kacy, Mother Bones, Nightfall, Nocculus, Serrata, Sheath)
Affiliations: Glorianna, Maximus the Mad, Uber Alles
Enemies: Ahura, Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon), Blinky, Eldrac, Elejea, Ennilux, Flint/Korvostax (Jason), Gorgon (Gorgon Petragon), Inferno (Dante Pertuz), Hollow, Invaders (Captain America/Sam Wilson, Human Torch/"Jim Hammond," Iron Cross/Clare Gruler, Namor/Namor McKenzie, Radiance/Ryoko Sabuki), Jailer, Kristian, Lineage (Gordon Nobili), Lockjaw, Frank McGee, Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin), New Warriors (Haechi/Mark Sim, Hummingbird/Aracely Penalba, Justice/Vance Astrovik, Scarlet Spider/Kaine, Silhouette/Silhouette Chord, Speedball/Robbie Baldwin, Sun Girl/Selah Burke, Water Snake/Faira Sar Namora), Gabriella Petruz, Mrs. Petruz, Spark, Spider-Man of 2099 A.D. (Miguel O'Hara), Titania (Mary MacPherran), Triton, Ultimates (Black Panther/T'Challa, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, Ms. America/America Chavez, Spectrum/Monica Rambeau)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Orollan, Greenland
First Appearance: Inhuman I#1 (June, 2014)
Powers/Abilities: After undergoing
Terrigenesis, Lash developed the ability to absorb energy and either
fire it back as energy blasts or use it to enhance his own strength and
create energy shields.
Lash is also incredibly tall and heavy, and seems to
possess some inherent super-strength and durability.
Lash also seems to be trained in hand-to-hand combat
and is comfortable murdering those he finds unworthy with his bare
Lash has access to the powers and technology of the other members of the Tribe, using those resources to frequently teleport around the globe and to build machines, one of which was meant to convert Black Bolt's blood into a Terrigenesis project.
Height: 7'6''
Weight: 440 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
History: (Inhuman
I#1 (fb) –
BTS) – Lash grew up in the Inhuman city of Orollan, where the Terrigen
Mists were rare and administered to only a select few once per
generation in the hopes that those chosen would help to better society.
Lash was one of those chosen and he emerged from the mists with a
bestial appearance and super-strength. In time, Lash began to believe
that not all were worthy of Terrigen and he made it his mission to kill
those who were not deemed worthy by him. Years later, Black Bolt
unleashed the Terrigen Mists across the Earth, transforming many latent
Inhumans and destroying the city of Orollan (when Thane's
powers activated). Lash decided to recruit the worthy and to kill the
(Inhuman I#3 (fb) – BTS) – Lash spent weeks gathering new Inhumans, including Mother Bones, Kacy (who grew to call him "papa") and Grove. He saved Mother Bones from a mob of humans intent on killing her. Lash taught his Inhumans to hate and mistrust Medusa. They saw Lash lose his temper sometimes, seeing him kill some of their number during fits of rage.
(Inhuman I#4 (fb) – BTS) – Lash went to northern Minnesota and recruited Jason, a new Inhuman with rock powers, while the rest of the Inhuman cocoons there were already dead.(Black Bolt I#10 (fb) - BTS) - Lash recruited Fume to join the Tribe. Lash then had a machine designed that could use Inhuman blood to activate Terrigenesis when the machine was properly powered. He predicted that the machine would kill millions and create more Inhumans for him to rule. He made plans to drain Black Bolt's blood to power the machine.
(Black Bolt I#9) - Lash led the Tribe (Jack Chain, Sheath, Furball) to a New York cemetery, where Black Bolt had been attending the funeral of the Absorbing Man. Lash attacked, intending to kill Black Bolt, who was there with his allies Titania and Blinky. Jack Chain apprehended Blinky and Lash teleported the child back to Orollan, daring Black Bolt to come after her.
(Black Bolt I#10) - Black Bolt and Titania attacked Orollan and easily defeated Furball and Sheath, inspiring Jack Chain to run for it. Lash held Blinky in his hand and Black Bolt surrendered then Fume knocked both Black Bolt and Titania out. Lash revealed his plans to create more NuHumans and then to go on to rule humanity, Black Bolt was strapped to the machine, which induced a form of madness in him, but Black Bolt burst free of the machine and freed Titania and Blinky. They made short work of the Tribe before Black Bolt fell then Blinky attacked, manifesting the powerful Jailer.
(Black Bolt I#11) - Jailer seemingly killed Jack Chain then overloaded Lash with psychic energy. Furball and Sheath ran away toward an airship but Titania intercepted them, convincing them to join her in the ship as they rushed for help. They soon arrived in New York City but Lockjaw teleported aboard the ship and took Titania away, leaving Sheath and Furball free.
Comments: Created by Charles Soule and Joe Madureira.
Profile by Chadman.
Lash has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Inhuman I#1, 3 (June, October, 2014) - Charles Soule
(writer), Joe Madureira (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
New Warriors V#6 (August, 2014) - Christopher Yost (writer), Nick
Roche, David Baldeon (pencilers), Jordi Tarragona (inker), Sana Amanat
New Warriors V#7-8 (September-October, 2014) - Christopher Yost
(writer), Marcus To (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Inhuman I#13-14 (May, 2015) - Charles Soule (writer), Andre Lima Araujo
(artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Inhuman I Annual#1 (July, 2015) - Charles Soule (writer), Ryan Stegman
(penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Nick Lowe (editor)
Uncanny Inhumans I#12 (October, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Carlos
Pacheco (penciler), Andy Owens (inker), Wil Moss (editor)
Uncanny Inhumans I#13 (November, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Carlos
Pacheco, Kim Jacinto (pencilers), Andy Owens (inker), Wil Moss (editor)
Black Bolt I#9 (March, 2018) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Christian Ward
(artist), Wil Moss (editor)
Black Bolt I#10 (April, 2018) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Christian Ward,
Stephanie Hans (artists), Wil Moss (editor)
Black Bolt I#11 (May, 2018) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Christian Ward
(artist), Wil Moss (editor)
First Posted: 08/08/2020
Last updated: 08/08/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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