of Ligra
Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Planet Ligra, Mandahl system, Milky Way galaxy
Known Members: Gor, Gur; apparent modern ruler;
many unidentified, including the Knights of Ligra and Queen Nara's eagle-riders
Affiliations: Electro, Queen Nara (Nara Gale), Professor Philo Zog; used giant eagles and oryx-beasts in combat
Enemies: Dragon-Men of Ligra (notably Jago and Zoor),
formerly Electro
First Appearance: (Mentioned) Marvel Mystery Comics#8 (June, 1940);
(seen/full) Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5 (July, 1940)
Powers/Abilities: The Lion-People of Ligra possess superhuman (enhanced human) strength, speed, and reflexes.
All Lion-People exhibit powerful jaw muscles and long canine teeth, and their fingers end in sharp, protractile claws.
His olfactory (smell) and auditory
(hearing) senses are enhanced. Their large ears are particularly sensitive to high-frequency sound.
Their nocturnal (night) vision is enhanced due to increased numbers and function of rods in the retinae, while his color vision is likely diminished.
Highly sensitive vibrissa (whiskers) set deep within the facial skin also enhance their nocturnal perception.
Technology: The Lion-People possess advanced technological weaponry, such as their powerful Q-ray guns.
The Q-Rays appeared to be
somewhere between a rifle and a bazooka/howitzer in conformation. They
were relatively short, wide-barrelled weapons that required two hands
to hold operate. They fired some sort of energy blast. While
devastating to the Dragon-Men, the Q-Rays were ineffective against
Traits: The Lion-People are a technologically advanced society with a monarchical form of government, whose kingdom is defended by the chivalric Knights of Ligra.
Majestic in social interaction, they are savage in combat.
Males tend to serve as warriors,
which females hunt and tend to the young; lionesses have exceptional
predatory skills and they fiercely protect their cubs.
They have domesticated several
animal species native to Ligra, including massive war-eagles and
hoofed, horned oryx-beasts.
Both species are used as weapons and transport in combat.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid leonine bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; amber color seen)
Fingers: Four (plus opposing thumb)
Toes: Unrevealed (presumably five)
Skin color: Beige to yellow or light orange (possibly fur-covered) with a light brown to strawberry blond mane
Average height: Approximately 6'
Average weight: 250-300 lbs.
Other distinguishing features: Males possess distinctive manes that can vary in coloration from blond to black, but are most commonly auburn.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#8/6 (fb)
- BTS / Marvel Mystery Handbook: Lion-People profile) - In the early 20th century, British scientist Sir Ronald Gale flew his wife and their
infant daughter, Nara, to planet Ligra in his stratosphere-plane, becoming the first humans to visit the planet.
ferocious Dragon-Men soon slew Sir Ronald and his wife.
Nara was rescued and raised by the peaceful Lion-People, eventually becoming their queen upon reaching adulthood.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5 (fb) - BTS) - The Lion-People's kingdom has amassed a large collection of precious stones and jewels that were coveted by the warlike Dragon-Men,
(Marvel Mystery Comics#8/6 (fb)
- BTS) - The ferocious Dragon-Men of Ligra sought to overthrow Queen
Nara and the peaceful Lion-People, the then-current ruers of Ligra.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#8/6) - BTS) <1937> - King Jago sent a number of Dragon-Men to Earth to capture the powerful terrestrial robot Electro. They also captured and controlled Electro's creator, Philo Zog.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5 - BTS) - After Jago tortured Zog and forced his compliance, Jago sent a messenger to the palace of Queen Nara.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5) -
The Lion-Man Gor, aide to Nara, announced the arrival of Jago's
messenger and allowed him to enter Nara's chambers.
After Nara read the message and noted her refusal to bow to Jago, she instructed Gor to summon the armies of Ligra to her palace.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5 - BTS) -
Learning of Nara's decision, Jago
sent his warriors to attack the Lion-People.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5) - An army of Dragon-Men foot
soldiers -- aided by eagle-riders and Electro -- soon assaulted Nara's
palace, their bombs destroying its walls, and their death-rays killing
The Lion-Men fought back with
their Q-Rays guns; but Electro was unaffected by these, and he attacked
the Lion-People, shattering a pillar and causing a massive collase the
slew many Lion-Men.
Lion-Men eagle-riders swooped down on Electro, but the powerful robot grabbed them, crushed them, and hurled them into a pit.
The Lion-People then turned loose
a pair of their horned oryx beasts, but Electro slew one, hurled it
down into the pit, and then threw the other oryx-beast on top of the
first one's horns.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5) - Their path cleared by Electro, Jago and his powerful bodyguard, Zoor, rushed into Queen Nara's chambers. When Jago grabbed Nara, one of Nara's faithful Lion-Men (likely Gor) rushed to her aid and ordered Jago to stop, but Zoor swiftly flattened the Lion-Man.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5 - BTS) - Taking Nara hostage, Jago departed
with her atop his monstrous War-Eagle (amidst explosions, presumably
indicating the Lion-People were firing on him in an effort to stop his
escape), imprisoning her in his castle.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5 (fb) - BTS) -
Aided by Electro, the Dragon-Men defeated the Lion-People.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5 - BTS) - Zog escaped his captors and directed Electro to attack the Dragon-Men and then to rescue Nara. When Jago and his guards attempted to flee in some craft, they were swiftly overtaken by Electro, who cast their craft into the water, apparently killing them.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5) - A
Lion-Man (likely Gor) watched as Nara made Professor Zog an honorary
knight of Ligra (the highest honors in their land). Zog then noted he
and Electro would return to Earth, but that she should not hesitate to
call on them again if she needed them.
(Marvel Zombies Destroy! #1
(fb) - BTS) - In recent years, learning that the Nazi zombies of Earth-12591 had neared
completion of a cross-dimensional battleship (Valhalla's hammer) with
which they planned to invade and infest/infect/conquer Earth-616, A.R.M.O.R. (Alternate Reality Monitoring and Operational Response)
gathered a number of agents to destroy the battleship and thwart the
Nazi zombies' plot: Battlestar and/or Howard the Duck apparently
gathered Gur.
Comments: Created by Steve Dahlman.
Apologies for the scans...the blurring edges are due to pages
curving as the hardcover Marvel Masterworks can't be fully flattened.
The curving of the pages also caused some rotation of the images, and
it wasn't until I had already cropped and placed 90% of the images that
I remembered how to rotate the images by degree to straighten them out.
Queen Nara is called Empress Nara in Marvel Mystery Comics#8/6
In Marvel Mystery Comics#8, the Lion-People were listed as the "present rulers of Ligra"Profile by Snood.
The Lion-People have no known connection to:
GORE ( ) - transmitted death via radio, aided by Harry, Slim, and Mark; encountered Thunderer--Daring Mystery Comics#8
Gor was an aide and/or bodyguard to Queen Nara.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5) -
The Lion-Man Gor, aide to Nara, announced the arrival of Jago's
messenger and allowed him to enter Nara's chambers.
After Nara read the message and noted her refusal to bow to Jago, she instructed Gor to summon the armies of Ligra to her palace.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5) - When Jago grabbed Nara, one of Nara's faithful Lion-Men (likely Gor) rushed to her aid and ordered Jago to stop, but Zoor swiftly flattened the Lion-Man.
(Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5) - A Lion-Man (likely Gor) watched as Nara made Professor Zog an honorary knight of Ligra (the highest honors in their land). Zog then noted he and Electro would return to Earth, but that she should not hesitate to call on them again if she needed them.
--Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5
Note: It is not confirmed to be Gor that rushed to Nara's aid only to be flattened by Zoor. It just seems likely
We have no idea what happened after Zog departed. I like to think she married a nice Lion-Man and that they had hybrid human-Lion-People kids. Maybe Gur, seen in Marvel Zombies Destroy, is one of her descendants. Or not.
images: (without ads)
Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5, pg. 3, panel 2 (Gor, standing at attention);
pg. 4, panel 5 (Q-Rays);
pg. 5, panel 1 (Eagle-Riders in flight);
panel 2 ( (Eagle-Riders falling);
panel 3 (oryx-beasts attack);
panel 4 (oryx-beasts slain);
panel 6 (rushing to Nara's aid);
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual#1, story pg. 1, panel 2 & 3 (Lion-Person (king) battling Gamora)
Marvel Mystery Comics#8/6 (June, 1940) - Steve Dahlman (writer, penciler, inker), Joe Simon (editor)
Marvel Mystery Comics#9/5 (July, 1940) - Steve Dahlman (writer, penciler, inker), Joe Simon (editor)
Marvel Mystery Handbook: 70th Anniversary Special: Lion-People
Marvel Zombies Destroy! #1 (July, 2012) - Frank Marraffino (writer), Mirco Pierfederici (artist), Jake Thomas (editor), Mark Paniccia (senior editor)
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual#1 (2017) - Chad Bowers and Chris
Sims (writers), Danilo S. Beyruth (artist), Kathleen Wisneski
(assistant editor), Darren Shan (editor)
First posted: 04/04/2020
Last updated: 06/30/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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