Real Name: Mary Whitewash
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-333333333) human
Occupation: Comic book editor, television producer
Group Membership: BBC
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Peri Brown, Doctor Who cameramen, Nice Avengers (Beast/Hank McCoy, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Thor Odinson, Vision), Ultron
Known Relatives: Unidentified husband
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Earth 331/3
Appearance: Marvel Madhouse #8 (January 1982)
Powers/Abilities: Sometimes a giant censorious being, Mary Whitewash could paint people out of existence. At a later date she appeared the size of a normal human - whether this indicates she possesses size-changing powers, or she was somehow shrunk, remains unrevealed.
Height: 48' (by approximation)
Weight: 38.4 tons (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed (but a light color)
Madhouse #8 (fb) - BTS) - Mary Whitewash was a puritanical
moral crusader who had written a book "Who Does She Think She Is?"
(Marvel Madhouse #8)
- Mary Whitewash replaced Paul Neary as editor of the Avengers,
rebranded them the "Nice" Avengers, made them hold daily hymn meetings,
and generally sought to police their behavior to follow her strict moral
code. When the Beast carelessly let slip his Monday night plans to hit
the disco and pick up some floozies, her giant hand appeared to poke him
in the chest, remind him that she ran Marvel now, and inform him that he
needed to mend his beastly ways. Beast quickly feigned obeisance,
claiming he meant to say he was going to have a cold shower and then
spend the night reading her book. Declaring "That's better," Mary let
him depart, unaware of the copy of Playbeast the lecherous mutant had
hidden within the pages of the book.
Hearing Vision and Scarlet Witch inform Captain America that they were about to depart on their second honeymoon Mary swiftly whited them out of existence, disgusted at the thought of robots and witches. When Cap expressed horror at her actions, she noted it was no less than they deserved, then noted that while she was on the subject of perversions, his and Thor's provocative skin-tight costumes needed to go. Handing them dressing gowns, she insisted they cover their nakedness. Cap protested that they were superheroes, but Mary chided him for this, telling him to add the sin of pride to the sin of vanity.
A sudden loud banging from the wall drew an
exclamation of "Who the devil's that?" from Cap, prompting Mary to warn
him for his language. The wall burst in, revealing Ultron calling out
"Kill Avengers," though Thor and Cap could not agree whether this was
Ultron-6, 8 or 13. Cap threw his shield at the intruder, but Mary's hand
caught it in mid-air and used it to whack Cap over the head, brutally
informing him that she didn't go in for all this gratuitous violence and
noting that the pen was mightier than the sword. This confused Thor, who
only had a hammer, so Mary clarified, telling them to use their words to
show Ultron the error of his ways. Following her instructions Cap
chastised Ultron, pointing out that killing them was no way to win their
friendship, while Thor demanded he think what his mother would say if
she could see him now. Suitably shamed, Ultron apologized for being a
rotter and began rebuilding the wall, while Mary patted Cap on the back,
noting that she liked to see a nice ending.
Who Magazine#104) - When Whitewash became the producer of Doctor Who,
she ordered the cameramen to only shoot the buxom companion Peri Brown
from above the neck, citing concerns that some viewers might be under
the age of sixty.
Comments: Created by Tim Quinn and Dicky Howett.
Mary Whitewash is based on real-life moral crusader
Mary Whitehouse, who was a household name in Britain from the 1960s on. As
founder and president of the National Viewers and Listeners Association,
she led a self-appointed crusade to police and clean up movies, television
and radio, regularly complaining about the content of shows. I don't
recall her targeting comics, but that would only be because they flew
under her radar, not because she felt they were morally okay. To say she
was disliked by creators was an understatement - as early as 1971, TV
shows were fighting back with vicious parodies of her.
Mary Whitewash first appeared in the
one-off strip "The Nice Avengers" which originally appeared in Marvel
Madhouse#8, and then was reprinted in the Channel 331/3
Special. Since the Core Continuum Designations used by the Handbooks
don't allow for fractional values (or decimals for that matter), the CCD
number can't be 331/3; instead it's 333333333, to
echo how thirty three and a third would be written in decimals. She
returned for one panel of a strip in Doctor Who Magazine#103, "What if
Doctor Who was Produced By...?"
None of the superhumans Mary dealt with were identified by civilian identity in his story; as such I'm ASSuming that all recognizable heroes and villains share their respective "main" universe counterparts' identities.
Beast called her Mrs. Whitewash, so she
presumably had a husband; she's certainly not the type to be married to
another woman.
Profile by Loki.
Mary Whitewash has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Channel 331/3
Special #1, p44, pan1 (main image)
Channel 331/3
Special #1, p45, pan5-6 (whiting
out Vision and Scarlet Witch)
331/3 Special #1, p45,
pan8 (forcing Cap and Thor to change outfits)
331/3 Special #1, p46,
pan4-5 (stopping Cap's shield)
Doctor Who Magazine#103, p8, pan8 (on the set of Doctor Who)
Marvel Madhouse #8 (January 1982)
- Tim Quinn (writer), Dicky Howett (art), editor unknown
Doctor Who Magazine#103 (August 1985) - Tim Quinn (writer), Dicky Howett
(art), Cefn Ridout (editor)
First Posted: 08/03/2020
Last updated: 01/14/2023
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