Real Name: Dirk McGirk
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Student
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Mr. O. Clown, Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Terry Kloth;
Dirk's Creations: Birdseye, Blank Window, the Bowel, Electro, Elektra, the Gradiator, Wilt the Stiltman
Enemies: Turk Barrett, Miss Constroo, Miss Forchin, Miss Handel, Stan Lee, Miss Speld, Miss Ann Thrope
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: (Behind the scenes) Crazy Magazine#78 (September, 1981); (seen) Daredevil I#202/2 (February, 1984)
Powers/Abilities: Dirk McGirk is an average student and artist with an active imagination.
Height: 3' (by approximation)
Weight: 90 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Unrevealed
(Crazy Magazine#78 (fb) - BTS) - Dirk McGirk was a student in Class 5-1 at a school in New York City.
(Crazy Magazine#78 - BTS) - Dirk McGirk received an F from his English teacher Miss Speld for his written and hand-drawn book report titled "The Adventures of Tom Snider and Hukleberry Hownd" because he had obviously not read the book the reporter was supposed to be about (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn).
(Crazy Magazine#79 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his Science teacher Miss Ann Thrope for his written and hand-drawn science report on "The Circulatory Sistem" (circulatory system, close enough), which he obviously had no clue about.
(Crazy Magazine#80 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his homeroom teacher Miss Forchin for his written and hand-drawn report on what he did over his summer vacation.
(Crazy Magazine#81 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his history teacher Miss Handel for his written and hand-drawn history report on the "American Resolution" (American Revolution, close enough again), which he obviously had no clue about.
(Crazy Magazine#82 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his art class teacher Miss Constroo for his written and hand-drawn report on the "History of Artwerk" (he deserved it despite his own artwork).
(Crazy Magazine#83 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his English teacher Miss Speld for his written and hand-drawn book report on "A Chrismiss Carrot" by Charles Chickens ("A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens).
(Crazy Magazine#84 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his English teacher Miss Speld for his written and hand-drawn English report "The Guards and the Guardessess" (the Gods and Goddesses, the Greek ones).
(Crazy Magazine#85 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his science teacher Miss Anne Thrope for his written and hand-drawn science report for his science report "Outer Spaces from the Moon to the farthest bleachers of the Uniursity".
(Crazy Magazine#86 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his English teacher Miss Speld for his written and hand-drawn English book report on "Frankenbeens (The book!)" (Frankenstein).
(Crazy Magazine#87 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his history teacher Miss Handel for his written and hand-drawn report on "The Rising Fault of the Roaming Vampire" (The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire)
(Crazy Magazine#88 - BTS) - Dirk received an F for his Final Exam, which he failed spectacularly. It included all his usual misspelling, hand-drawn images and half-knowledge.
(Crazy Magazine#89 - BTS) - Dirk wrote and drew the "Offishell Handibook of the Secret Order of the Palmetto Street Raders", calling himself Indianer McGirk.
(Crazy Magazine#90 - BTS) - Dirk wrote a letter to Marbel Comix (Marvel Comics) to tell them how much they and their heroes stunk with his usual hand-drawn images and misspellings. He received a reply from Stan Lee, who suggested he should use his talent at the Distinguished Competition.
(Crazy Magazine#91 - BTS) - Harried by his mother Dirk wrote a letter to his "Antie Mary" and asked her for money like a complete jerk.
(Crazy Magazine#92 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his homeroom teacher Miss Forchin for his written and hand-drawn homeroom report on what he did over his summer vacation.
(Crazy Magazine#93 - BTS) - Dirk received an F from his science teacher Miss Anne Thrope for his written and hand-drawn science report on "How Man Revolved" (How man evolved).
(Crazy Magazine#94 - BTS) - Substitute teacher Mr. O. Clown (obviously Obnoxio the Clown) enjoyed reading Dirk McGirk's "Sewer Side Note!!!".
(Daredevil I#202/2 (fb) - BTS) - Miss Speld assigned the kids in her class to prepare presentations for show-and tell. Dirk McGirk, a known troublemaker, decided to draw pictures about, and present on, his favorite super-hero, Daredevil.
(Daredevil I#202/2) - After Terry Kloth presented, Speld called up Dirk, who had put on a Daredevil costume. Calling himself Daringdevil, he burst down the classroom door, then he told the class about "Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears". He showed the class crayon drawings of his interpretations of the different people in the hero's life, including Elektra, the Bowel, Wilt the Stiltman, the Gradiator, Birdseye, Blank Window, and Electro. As he finished his presentation, Daredevil knocked Turk Barrett through the window, then the hero rushed away. Miss Speld was furious about the mess, but the kids cheered for Dirk, who didn't know what to say.
Comments: Created by Mike Carlin and Luke McDonnell.
Dirk McGirk's writings and scribblings were a regular article throughout Crazy Magazine#79-94. Daredevil I#202/2 was the first time Dirk and his teacher Miss Speld were actually depicted.
The names of all of Dirk's teachers were a play on words: misconstrue, misfortune, mishandle, misspelled and misanthrope. BTW his teachers can't be listed as anything but his enemies, because they obviously hated him.
There is no reason to rule out that the character seen in Daredevil I#202 was not the same as the one failing in school throughout Crazy Magazine. Even Obnoxio the Clown made appearances on Earth-616 and even met the X-Men (see Eye Scream).
Profile by Chadman & Markus Raymond (Crazy Magazine stuff).
Dirk McGirk has no known connections to:
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(Daredevil I#202/2) - Dirk McGirk drew the adventures of Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears, for a class presentation. In crayon, he drew one of Daringdevil's adversaries: Birdseye, based on Bullseye. Birdseye wore a black suit with an eye on the chest, and a mask with another eye on it. --Daredevil I#202/2 |
(Daredevil I#202/2) - Dirk McGirk drew the adventures of Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears, for a class presentation. In crayon, he drew one of Daringdevil's love interests: Blank Window, based on Black Widow. She wore a black leather suit and had short red hair. --Daredevil I#202/2 |
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(Daredevil I#202/2) - Dirk McGirk drew the adventures of Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears, for a class presentation. In crayon, he drew one of Daringdevil's adversaries: the Bowel, based on the Owl. Flying through the air and saying "Poo", the Bowel wore a green suit and had messy red hair. --Daredevil I#202/2 |
(Daredevil I#202/2) - Dirk McGirk drew the adventures of Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears, for a class presentation. In crayon, he drew one of Daringdevil's love interests: Electro, based on Elektra. Electro wore a red costume that exposed her stomach, and had spiky black hair. --Daredevil I#202/2 |
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(Daredevil I#202/2) - Dirk McGirk drew the adventures of Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears, for a class presentation. In crayon, he drew one of Daringdevil's adversaries: Elektra, based on Electro. Elektra stuck his finger in a light socket and became a being of electricity, with a lightning slash on his chest. --Daredevil I#202/2 |
(Daredevil I#202/2) - Dirk McGirk drew the adventures of Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears, for a class presentation. In crayon, he drew one of Daringdevil's adversaries: Gradiator, based on Gladiator. Gradiator wore a yellow shirt and blue pants, and had buzz saws on each wrist. --Daredevil I#202/2 |
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(Daredevil I#202/2) - In Miss Speld's class, Terry Kloth did his show-and-tell presentation on thermo-nuclear warfare, and the teacher commended him. --Daredevil I#202/2 |
(Crazy Magazine#78 (fb) - BTS) - Miss Speld was an English teacher at a school in New York City. (Crazy Magazine#78 - BTS) - Miss Speld rightfully gave Dirk McGirk an F for book report on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. (Crazy Magazine#83 - BTS) - She rightfully gave Dirk an F for his book report on A Christmas Carol. (Crazy Magazine#84 - BTS) - She rightfully gave Dirk an F for his report on the Greek Gods and Goddesses. (Crazy Magazine#86 - BTS) - She rightfully gave Dirk an F for his book report on Frankenstein. (Daredevil I#202/2 (fb) - BTS) - Miss Speld asked her students to prepare presentations for show-and-tell. (Daredevil I#202/2) - After commending Terry Kloth on his presentation on thermo-nuclear warfare, Speld inwardly groaned as she called up Dirk McGirk. Dirk did his presentation as "Daringdevil", and Miss Speld threatened to give him a poor grade. When the real Daredevil knocked Turk Barrett through the classroom window, Miss Speld blamed Dirk for the mess. --Crazy Magazine#78 ([Crazy Magazine#78, 83, 84, 86], [Daredevil I202/2 (fb)], Daredevil I#202/2 |
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(Daredevil I#202/2) - Dirk McGirk drew the adventures of Daringdevil, the Man Without Ears, for a class presentation. In crayon, he drew one of Daringdevil's adversaries: Wilt the Stiltman, based on Stilt-Man. Wilt wore long red-striped pants that covered his stilts and held a tophat. --Daredevil I#202/2 |
images: (without ads)
Daredevil I#202/2, p19, pan1 (Dirk as Daringdevil)
Daredevil I#202/2, p20, pan3 (face)
Daredevil I#202/2, p19, pan4 (Birdseye)
Daredevil I#202/2, p20, pan2 (Blank Window)
Daredevil I#202/2, p19, pan2 (the Bowel)
Daredevil I#202/2, p20, pan2 (Electro)
Daredevil I#202/2, p19, pan2 (Elektra)
Daredevil I#202/2, p19, pan4 (Gradiator)
Daredevil I#202/2, p17, pan2 (Terry Kloth)
Daredevil I#202/2, p19, pan3 (Miss Speld)
Daredevil I#202/2, p19, pan4 (Wilt the Stiltman)
Crazy Magazine#78-81 (September-December, 1981) - Michael Carlin (writer/artist), Larry Hama (editor)
Crazy Magazine#82-91 (January-October, 1982) - Michael Carlin (writer/artist), Larry Hama (editor)
Crazy Magazine#92 (December, 1982) - Michael Carlin (writer/artist), Larry Hama (editor)
Crazy Magazine#93 (February, 1983) - Michael Carlin (writer/artist), Larry Hama (editor)
Crazy Magazine#94 (April, 1983) - Michael Carlin (writer/artist), Larry Hama (editor)
Daredevil I#202 (January, 1984) - Michael Carlin (writer), Luke McDonnell (artist), Mike Higgins (editor)
First Posted: 02/17/2019
Last updated: 02/17/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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