Real Name: Molyn
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Astran)
Occupation: Former champion of the Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast), would-be conqueror
Group Membership: Lethal Legion (Blood Brothers, Captain Glory/Gla-Ree, Drall, Ferene the Other, Mentacle)
Affiliations: Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast), Lethal Legion (Blood Brothers, Captain Glory/Gla-Ree, Drall, Ferene the Other, Mentacle)
Enemies: The Avengers (Brother
Voodoo/Jericho Drumm, Cannonball/Sam Guthrie, Citizen V/Bobby DaCosta,
Falcon/Sam Wilson, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Hercules/Heracles,
Lightning/Miguel Santos, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Rogue/Anna Marie,
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Synapse/Emily Guerrero, Thor/Jane Foster,
Wasp/Janet Van Dyne, Wonder Man/Simon Williams), Black Order (Black Dwarf, Black Swan/Yabbat Ummon
Turru, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Supergiant), Red
Wolf (of Earth-59120), Voyager (Va Nee Gast)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Ala's Bar, Knowhere
First Appearance: Avengers VI#676 (March, 2018)
Powers/Abilities: Metal Master could
manipulate all types of metals, including the mystic Uru metal of
Asgard. His manipulations ranged from simply levitating objects to
forming metallic debris into a round-shaped shield.
Height: 4'0" (by approximation)
Weight: 70 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Green
Hair: None
History: (Avengers VI#678 (fb) - BTS) - A
would-be conqueror, the Astran Molyn was apparently exiled for his acts
of conquest, an act that he claimed was censorship.
(Avengers VI#687 (fb)) - Molyn was chosen by the
Elder of the Universe Grandmaster to act as his champion in a group
that the Grandmaster dubbed his Lethal Legion, which the Grandmaster
hoped could best the champions of his fellow Elder, the Challenger, in a competition.
(Avengers VI#681 (fb)) - Molyn was transported to the
Grandmaster alongside several other alien beings,
where he was informed that the Grandmaster wished to have Molyn as part
of his Lethal Legion. Molyn was warned that if the Lethal
Legion lost the competition, he and the other Lethal Legion members
would be returned to certain death but if they won, they would be
allowed to live.
(Avengers VI#676) - Dubbed the new Metal Master, Molyn was transported to
Wadi el Rayan, Egypt alongside his teammates in the Lethal Legion,
where they met the Challenger's Black Order face-to-face. The Black
Order immediately attacked, forcing Metal Master and the Lethal Legion
to go on the defensive. Before the fight could escalate further, the
Challenger and Grandmaster forcibly reminded all combatants that the
rules of their competition had to be followed and no one was to engage
the other until the cosmic Pyramoids were in play.
(Avengers VI#677) - When Pyramoids appeared in Rome,
Italy and Peru, Metal Master was sent with a Lethal Legion contingent to
Rome, where he used his metal-manipulation powers to shield one of his
Blood Brother teammates from debris as the Blood Brother leapt for the
Pyramoid, while the other Blood Brother held the diminutive Metal
Master in place. The Avengers soon arrived, having tracked the Pyramoid
there, and Metal Master used his powers to levitate a series of metal
fencing towards Rogue, bragging about how every scrap of metal on Earth
was his to command. Thor responded with lightning but Metal Master
became intrigued by the unusual Uru metal that made up Thor's hammer,
taking control of it and launching the hammer into both Thor and
Hercules. The speedster Quicksilver soon arrived, taking down Metal
Master and his Lethal Legion squad at superhumanly fast speed but when
Quicksilver was accidentally frozen in place from afar by Scarlet
Witch, who had mystically reawakened the frozen Vision, Metal Master
ordered the Blood Brothers to take the "obstacle" out of play.
(Avengers VI#678) - Metal Master, Mentacle and the
Blood Brothers stood over the fallen Quicksilver but when the Avengers
regrouped and Thor announced that Metal Master was not worthy to wield
Mjolnir, Metal Master laughed that Thor had named her hammer before
launching it at the Avengers, downing Cannonball, who had attempted to
intercept the hammer and assumed his blast field would protect him. The
Avengers then attempted to stop the Lethal Legion from killing
Quicksilver but the battle was interrupted by the arrival of the Black
Order's Black Swan, Supergiant and Black Dwarf. Admitting that his
Lethal Legion teammates had wasted time instead of scoring the first
point in the Elders of the Universe's competition, Metal Master launched
Thor's hammer towards the Black Order but Black Swan easily deflected
the hammer with an energy shield, leaving Metal Master open to an
astral phasing attack from Supergiant. Supergiant then entered Metal
Master's mind and forced him to relive the painful memories of his
exile until Black Dwarf touched the Pyramoid, gaining a point for the
Black Order but seemingly obliterating Black Dwarf in the process. With
the point gained, the Black Order and Lethal Legion departed the scene,
with one of the Blood Brothers picking up the dazed Metal Master, who
was rambling about conquest being a legitimate art form.
(Avengers VI#681) - When another Pyramoid appeared in
New Mexico, Metal Master and the Lethal Legion fought the Avengers over
it, with Metal Master levitating a car to hurl towards Scarlet Witch.
As the battle progressed, Metal Master attempted to acquire the
Pyramoid by surrounding it with metal for safe handling but upon
hearing Metal Master mention the Grandmaster, Scarlet Witch mystically
slammed Metal Master into a wall and demanded to know what sort of game
the Grandmaster was playing. While the Metal Master took joy in the
Avengers' lack of knowledge about the competition between Grandmaster
and the Challenger, Rogue learned about the game by absorbing the
powers and memories of the Black Order's Corvus Glaive. When Synapse
learned about the game as well by telepathically reading Captain
Glory's mind, Metal Master revealed that the Black Order were the
Challenger's champions and that the Earth had been moved out of orbit
to liven up the game board with chaos. Realizing that the Lethal Legion
could not acquire the Pyramoid, Brother Voodoo ordered the Avengers to
prevent the Legion from doing so and Scarlet Witch surrounded Metal
Master in a hex-created debris storm, preventing Metal Master from
getting his hands on anything.
(Avengers VI#682) - After Hawkeye and his ally Red
Wolf joined in the battle, Hawkeye fired an arrow at Metal Master, who
gloated that an arrow was a pitiful attack moments before the arrow
released gas, forcing Metal Master into a coughing fit. Recovering,
Metal Master began deflecting Hawkeye's arrows, noting that he was
beginning to understand Hawkeye's usage of a bow as a sort of
performance art. Bantering that perhaps he should try out a bow as
well, Metal Master levitated Hawkeye's bow from his hands but Falcon
landed into Metal Master, downing him.
VI#684) - Metal Master remained unconscious as Avengers ally Dr. Toni
Ho informed the Avengers present that Voyager had teleported to the
Avengers' Auxiliary Headquarters with the final Pyramoid.
(Avengers VI#690) - Following the Grandmaster and
Challenger's defeat, Metal Master accompanied his Lethal Legion
teammates to Ala's Bar in Knowhere, where Captain Glory suggested they
remain together as a team. Grumbling that the Lethal Legion would be
dead if not for the Grandmaster's cosmic intervention, Metal Master was
convinced to remain with the Lethal Legion by Captain Glory, ultimately
realizing that he was now free of any commitments he had prior to
joining the Lethal Legion and deciding that he would like to see what
would happen if the Lethal Legion combined their might.
Comments: Created by Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub and Pepe Larraz.
The BTS flashback in Avengers VI#678 is assumed to be
an actual flashback to Metal Master's life prior to being recruited
into the Lethal Legion. When Supergiant enters Molyn's mind, he begins
raving about his art of conquest being censored and him being exiled
for it, suggesting that these events likely occurred at some point in
his past. One might argue, however, that he was merely being subjected
to telepathic visions of his own inherent fears by Supergiant and the
events did not actually occur. Since there isn't much background on
Metal Master as it is, I chose to include them in this profile unless
something comes around and says otherwise...
Profile by Proto-Man.
Metal Master has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Avengers VI#678, p3, splash page (Metal Master with Thor's hammer, main image)
Avengers VI#687, p16, pan4 (Metal Master, headshot)
Avengers VI#676, p10-11, splash page (Metal Master crouching)
Avengers VI#681, p5, pan2 (Metal Master encasing a Pyramoid in metal)
Avengers VI#682, p9, pan1 (Metal Master deflecting arrows)
Avengers VI#684, p23, pan1 (Metal Master unconscious)
Avengers VI#676 (March, 2018) - Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub (writers), Pepe Larraz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VI#677 (March, 2018) - Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub (writers), Pepe Larraz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VI#678 (March, 2018) - Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub (writers), Pepe Larraz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VI#681 (April, 2018) - Al Ewing, Jim Zub, Mark Waid (writers), Kim Jacinto, Mike Perkins (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VI#682 (April, 2018) - Al Ewing, Jim Zub, Mark Waid (writers), Sean Izaakse (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
VI#684 (May, 2018) - Jim Zub, Mark Waid, Al Ewing (writers), Paco
Medina, Joe Bennett (pencils), Juan Vlasco, Ruy Jose (inks), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VI#687 (June, 2018) - Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub (writers),
Paco Medina (pencils), Juan Vlasco (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VI#690 (June, 2018) - Mark Waid, Al Ewing, Jim Zub (writers), Pepe Larraz (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 11/07/2018
Last updated: 11/07/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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