Real Name: Milena

Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate

Occupation: Archivist

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon), Crystal (Crystal Amaquelin), Karnak (Karnak Mander-Azur)

Enemies: Cyra, Maximus the Mad (Maximus Boltagon), Mikon

Known Relatives: Korath (husband), Gorgon (son), Tanith (mother-in-law), Agon (brother-in-law), Rynda (sister-in-law), Blackagar Boltagon (Black Bolt, nephew), Maximus Boltagon (Maximus the Mad, nephew), Alecto (granddaughter), Petras (grandson)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Attilan

First Appearance: (mentioned): Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4 (April, 1983);
    (fully seen): Inhumans Special#1 (April, 1990)

Powers/Abilities: It is unrevealed if Milena underwent Terrigenesis or not.

She was an archivist in Attilan with connections to the Royal Family.

Height: 5'5'' (by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Gray

History: (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4 – Gorgon entry (fb) – BTS) – Milena grew up in Attilan, where she worked as an archivist. She married Korath, an architect, and they had one son, Gorgon. Korath's brother, Agon, became the king and married Rynda.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four 2005 – Inhumans entry - BTS) – Agon and Rynda convinced their siblings and spouses in the Royal Family to expose their children to Terrigenesis early, resulting in a generation of super-powered children. Gorgon, the son of Korath and Milena, developed hooved legs that could generate seismic shakes when stomped. Gorgon went on to lead the Inhuman military in time.

(Inhumans Special#1 (fb) – BTS) – Maximus seized the throne after causing a rebellion of Alpha Primitives then he had Milena held captive to ensure his power. She was placed under the city with dozens of other hostages, all under armed guard. The guards then surrounded Korath.

(Inhumans Special#1) – The guards held Korath captive and Korath yelled out to Gorgon that they had Milena as well. Maximus showed Gorgon, Karnak, Crystal and Black Bolt the hostages and Gorgon initially attacked until a guard shot and killed two hostages. Gorgon and the Royal Family (Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, Triton, Karnak) were soon exiled for months and during that time, Korath sought to stage a break out but he was shot. After the exile, Gorgon returned to Attilan, finding Cyra and Mikon on guard and defeating them. Gorgon was taken in to see Milena, who embraced him and told him about Korath's death then the guards shot Gorgon with a stun gun, warning him Milena could also die.

Months later, Gorgon and the others overthrew Maximus and Milena was released from her confinement.

Comments: Created by Mark Gruenwald, Peter Sanderson, Mark Lerer, Sandy Plunkett and Josef Rubinstein.

In Gorgon's initial entry in the Official Handbook, it was stated that both of his parents died in the original battle with the Trikon but later stories revealed that Korath was killed during Maximus' control of the city and that Milena was released alive at that time.

Profile by Chadman.

Milena has no known connections to:

Cyra and Mikon

(Inhumans Special#1 (fb) – BTS) – During a time when Maximus was in control of Attilan and keeping the populace under a militant rule, he sent Cyra and Mikon, two Inhumans, out with special guns to patrol.

(Inhumans Special#1) – Cyra and Mikon looked for prey, knowing Maximus was monitoring their guns, but Gorgon attacked, swiftly defeating them both.

--Inhumans Special I#1 (1 (fb) - BTS, 1,


(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4 – Gorgon entry (fb) – BTS) – Korath, an architect in Attilan, and the son of Symak and Tanith and the brother of Agon, eventually married Milena, an archivist. In time, Agon became the king, marrying Rynda.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four 2005 – Inhumans entry - BTS) – Agon and Rynda convinced their siblings and spouses in the Royal Family, resulting in a generation of powered children. Gorgon, the son of Korath and Milena, developed hooved legs that could generate seismic shakes when stomped. Gorgon went on to lead the Inhuman military in time.

(Inhumans Special#1 (fb) – BTS) – Maximus seized the throne after causing a rebellion of Alpha Primitives then he had Milena held captive to ensure his power. She was placed under the city with dozens of other hostages, all under armed guard. The guards then surrounded Korath.

(Inhumans Special#1) – The guards held Korath captive and Korath yelled out to Gorgon that they had Milena as well. Maximus showed Gorgon, Karnak, Crystal and Black Bolt the hostages and Gorgon initially attacked until a guard shot and killed two hostages. Gorgon and the Royal Family (Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, Triton, Karnak) were soon exiled for months. During that time, Korath sought to stage a break out but he was shot.

--Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4 (fb) -BTS (4 (fb) - BTS, OHOTMU: Fantastic Four 2005 - BTS, Inhumans Special#1 (fb) - BTS, 1d,

images: (without ads)
Inhumans Special#1, p28, pan4 (Milena)
Inhumans Special#1, p24, pan3 (Cyra & Mikon)
Inhumans Special#1, p16, pan4 (Korath)

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#4 (April, 1983) - Mark Gruenwald (head writer/designer/editor), Peter Sanderson, Mark Lerer (writers), Sandy Plunkett (Gorgon entry penciler), Josef Rubinstein (inker)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four 2005 (2005) - Jeff Christiansen (head writer/coordinator), Sean McQuaid, Anthony Flamini, Michael Hoskin, Bill Lentz, Ronald Byrd, Mark O'English, Stuart Vandal (writers), Jae Lee (Inhumans entry art), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Inhumans Special#1 (April, 1990) – Lou Mougin (writer), Richard Howell (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker), Tom DeFalco (editor)

First Posted: 05/17/2020
Last updated: 05/17/2020

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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