Real Name: Thernon
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate
Occupation: Elected official on the Inhumans Genetics Council
Group Membership: Inhumans Genetics Council
Affiliations: Ahura (Ahura Boltagon), Avion, Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon), Gorgon (Gorgon Petragon), Karnak (Karnak Mander-Azur), Krush, Lockjaw, Maston-Dar, Minister Kitang, Medusa (Medusalith Boltagon), Tarnok-Kol
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Attilan
First Appearance: Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1 (May, 1995)
Powers/Abilities: Mistress Thernon has wielded enormous power as a member of the Inhumans Genetics Council, in leading Attilan. While it is likely she has passed through Terrigenesis, any powers or abilities have not been revealed.
Height: 6'2'' (by approximation)
Weight: 140 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: None
Hair: None
History: (Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1 (fb) – BTS) –
After the Inhuman Genetics Council, normally selected for their power
and lineage, betrayed the Inhumans, Black Bolt abdicated his throne in
Attilan on the Blue Area of the Moon and let his people elect new
leaders in the Genetic Council by democratic vote. Among those chosen
were Mistress Thernon and Minister Kitang.
(Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1) – When Kree ships descended on the city, the Inhuman guard attacked and Thernon and Kitang reviewed the battle, wondering if the Kree were actually there for peaceful reasons. They soon realized the Kree were there seeking sanctuary and the Council soon agreed to give the Kree space outside the city to pitch tents and await the Council's judgment. Days later, the Council held a meeting with Maston-Dar and Tarnok-Kol, who argued that the Kree should be granted permanent refuge but they were interrupted by the Guardsman Krush, who carried the corpse of Avion, an Inhuman youth killed by a Kree youth, Dal. As Avion's funeral was prepared and his parents informed, Kitang continued to argue that the Kree should be given refuge but Thernon disagreed. Later, the Royal Family (Gorgon, Karnak, Medusa, Ahura, Lockjaw, Black Bolt) returned to Attilan after having been attacked by Kree soldiers on Earth. Thernon welcomed them so long as they acknowledged their status as civilians. When a group of Kree soldiers broke into the Tower of the Terrigen and accessed the Terrigen Mists, some of them developing super-powers, they battled both the Inhuman guard and the Royal Family. Thernon watched from afar, realizing they would have to banish the Kree now, though Kitang still argued that the Kree should be allowed to stay. As the Kree sat before them, Thernon argued that they remained killers, invaders and assassins. Black Bolt exposed Maston-Dar as the one behind the assassination attempt on the Royal Family. Thernon, Kitang and the others ordered the Kree to depart but justly let them take the criminals with them to face Kree justice instead of Inhuman justice.
Comments: Created by Skip Dietz, Robert Brown and Rey Garcia.
Profile by Chadman.
Thernon has no known connections to:
(Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1 (fb) – BTS) – After the Inhuman Genetics Council, normally selected for their power and lineage, betrayed the Inhumans, Black Bolt abdicated his throne in Attilan on the Blue Area of the Moon and let his people elect new leaders in the Genetic Council by democratic vote. Among those chosen were Mistress Thernon and Minister Kitang.
(Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1) – When Kree ships descended on the city, the Inhuman guard attacked and Thernon and Kitang reviewed the battle, wondering if the Kree were actually there for peaceful reasons. . They soon realized the Kree were there seeking sanctuary and the Council soon agreed to give the Kree space outside the city to pitch tents and await the Council's judgment. Days later, the Council held a meeting with Maston-Dar and Tarnok-Kol, who argued that the Kree should be granted permanent refuge but they were interrupted by the Guardsman Krush, who carried the corpse of Avion, an Inhuman youth killed by a Kree youth, Dal. As Avion's funeral was prepared and his parents informed, Kitang continued to argue that the Kree should be given refuge but Thernon disagreed. Later, the Royal Family (Gorgon, Karnak, Medusa, Ahura, Lockjaw, Black Bolt) returned to Attilan after having been attacked by Kree soldiers on Earth. Thernon welcomed them so long as they acknowledged their status as civilians. When a group of Kree soldiers broke into the Tower of the Terrigen and accessed the Terrigen Mists, some of them developing super-powers, they battled both the Inhuman guard and the Royal Family. Thernon watched from afar, realizing they would have to banish the Kree now, though Kitang still argued that the Kree should be allowed to stay. As the Kree sat before them, Thernon argued that they remained killers, invaders and assassins. Black Bolt exposed Maston-Dar as the one behind the assassination attempt on the Royal Family. Thernon, Kitang and the others ordered the Kree to depart but justly let them take the criminals with them to face Kree justice instead of Inhuman justice.
--Inhumans: the Great Refuge I#1 (1 (fb) - BTS, 1,
images (without
Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1, p60, pan1 (Thernon, main)
Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1, p54, pan3 (Thernon, 2nd)
Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1, p34, pan5 (Kitang, face)
Inhumans: The Great Refuge#1 (May, 1995) – Skip Dietz (writer), Robert
Brown (penciler), Rey Garcia (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
First Posted: 05/25/2020
Last updated: 05/25/2020
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