Real Name: "Isaac Nicholson" (see comments)
Identity/Class: Human technology user (Pre-Modern era)
Occupation: Inventor, thief
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Bobby, Bobby's parents, toy store manager, wealthy toy store patrons
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "This guy", "that joker" (as referred to by police officers)
Base of Operations: His laboratory in an unidentified American city
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish I#9/4 (May, 1960)
Powers/Abilities: "Nicholson" was skilled in the fields of electronics and robotics. He built a robot teddy bear that he commanded with a remote-control panel.
"Nicholson" used his robot to steal from wealthy customers of an exclusive toy store, but his creation eventually turned against him.
"Nicholson" was armed with a semi-automatic handgun.
Height: 5'10" (by approximation)
Weight: 170 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Brown
(Tales to Astonish I#9/4 (fb) - BTS) - The past of "Isaac
Nicholson" is largely unrevealed, but he was a fugitive who was wanted
for unspecified crimes in five states, and legal authorities were
offering a reward for his capture.
"Nicholson" eventually came up with a scheme to commit robberies by remote-control--he spent twelve weeks building a control panel, then spent fifteen weeks creating a robotic teddy bear.
(Tales to Astonish I#9/4) - After testing the robot, "Nicholson" took it to an exclusive toy store which sold merchandise to mostly wealthy people. Assuming the robot to be no more than an attractive plaything, the store's manager took an immediate liking to the teddy bear and bought the toy, then put it on display; "Nicholson" returned to his laboratory.
From his control panel's video screen, "Nicholson" watched as a wealthy couple purchased the bear and took it back to their apartment--"Nicholson" excitedly thought that his scheme was working perfectly. Several hours later, "Nicholson" activated the robot and had it steal a jewelry box from the couple's apartment, then he had the robot deliver the loot to his lab--before he and his "partner" were finished, "Nicholson" was certain that he'd be richer than he ever dreamed!
The next morning, feeling happy and confident, "Nicholson" went back to the same toy store to sell the robot teddy bear to the manager again--the store manager was unaware that he was buying the same bear that he bought the day before! "Nicholson" returned to his lab and smoked a cigarette while he watched the video screen, waiting for his next victim.
A short while later, a man came in and bought the teddy bear--upon seeing how the man was dressed, "Nicholson" thought he looked like he couldn't even afford the price of a meal, let alone an expensive toy! When "Nicholson" saw the shabby apartment where the man lived, he figured that it would be a waste of his time, because there was obviously nothing worth stealing there.
The man gave the toy to his disabled son Bobby, and the boy's face lit up with joy because he loved the teddy bear; but "Nicholson" was determined to summon the robot back to him when darkness came, so it could be sold again to someone rich!
Soon at nightfall, Bobby was asleep in his bed with the bear next to him--"Nicholson" activated the control panel... but nothing happened--the bear didn't move! For over an hour, "Nicholson" worked at the controls, but the robot wouldn't return; finally giving up, "Nicholson" grabbed his handgun, determined to retrieve the robot himself.
It didn't take long for "Nicholson" to reach the dingy apartment where Bobby and his parents lived. After forcing his way in, "Nicholson" threatened Bobby's mother and father at gunpoint, demanding they give him the bear. Suddenly, "Nicholson" felt the presence of someone else in the room, and he quickly turned to see the robot teddy bear coming toward him--but that was impossible, because nobody was at the controls! "Nicholson" ordered the bear to stop, and fired two shots at it; then he felt two furry and unbelievably powerful arms around him, squeezing him in a bear-hug that made him lose consciousness--as he passed out, he could only wonder what brought the bear to life for those fateful few seconds.
(Tales to Astonish I#9/4 - BTS) - With "Nicholson" incapacitated, Bobby's parents summoned two policemen.
(Tales to Astonish I#9/4) - When "Nicholson" revived, he found himself handcuffed and arrested by the police. One cop told Bobby's parents that they'd be receiving a reward for "Nicholson's" apprehension, and it would be big enough for them to give little Bobby the operation he needed for his leg. The other cop wondered aloud what made the toy bear attack "Nicholson"; as she saw her son affectionately hugging the teddy bear, Bobby's mother responded to the cop that he shouldn't ever underestimate the power of love...
Presumably, "Isaac Nicholson" was tried and convicted for his crimes.Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Doug Wildey.
Bobby was the only character actually identified in this
5-page story--Fangs of the Bear--but this character's
name was never revealed; I didn't want to continuously refer to him as
"unidentified thief" or whatever, so I took the liberty of giving him a
name. Since he built a robot, I chose "Isaac" (after
science-fiction author
Isaac Asimov), and since one of the arresting cops referred
to him as "that joker," I chose "Nicholson" (after
actor Jack
This story was told from "Isaac Nicholson's" narrative perspective.
Profile by Ron Fredricks.
"Isaac Nicholson" has no known connections to:
The robot teddy bear has no known connections to:
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Constructed by "Isaac Nicholson" in fifteen weeks, it stood
perhaps three-feet tall. It was actually a small robot built in the form
of a toy teddy bear. Covered with brownish-orange fur, it was adorned with
a yellow bow-tie. Its soft furry feet allowed it to walk about silently.
Extremely powerful for its size, the robot could render a man unconscious
by squeezing him in a bear-hug. "Nicholson" built the robot in a scheme to
rob the wealthy clientele of an exclusive toy store. |
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An electronic device located in "Isaac Nicholson's"
laboratory, it took him twelve weeks to build. |
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He (name
unrevealed) operated an exclusive toy store on State Street in an
unidentified city, and his customers were mostly wealthy people. |
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They (names unrevealed)
went to an exclusive toy store and purchased a teddy bear. After returning
to their apartment, they gave the toy to their daughter. |
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They (names unrevealed)
were an impoverished married couple who lived in a dingy apartment with
their disabled son Bobby. Bobby needed an operation for his leg, but they
were unable to afford it. |
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Bobby (last name unrevealed)
was an impoverished and disabled boy who lived with his parents in a dingy
apartment; his parents were too poor to ever buy him any presents. |
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images: (without ads)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p2, pan1 (Main Image - "Isaac Nicholson" carrying robot teddy bear to toy store)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p5, pan3 (Headshot - "Isaac Nicholson" holding handgun)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p3, pan7 ("Isaac Nicholson" with robot teddy bear, after first robbery)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p5, pan5 ("Isaac Nicholson" and shadow of robot teddy bear)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p1, pan2 ("Isaac Nicholson" working of robot teddy bear)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p3, pan2 (robot teddy bear committing first robbery)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p5, pan2 (robot teddy bear next to sleeping Bobby)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p1, pan1 ("Isaac Nicholson" working on control panel)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p1, pan4 ("Isaac Nicholson" using control panel to operate robot teddy bear)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p2, pan2 ("Isaac Nicholson" first sells robot teddy bear to toy store manager)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p4, pan1 ("Isaac Nicholson" sells robot teddy bear to toy store manager a second time)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p2, pan4 ("Isaac Nicholson" watches wealthy customers on control panel screen)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p2, pan6 (wealthy customers carrying robot teddy bear (in box); "Isaac Nicholson's" word-balloon)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p5, pan1 (Bobby's parents standing over sleeping Bobby)
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p5, pan4 (Bobby's parents, menaced by "Isaac Nicholson")
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p4, pan5 (Bobby with robot teddy bear; Bobby's parents (background) )
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p4, pan7 (Bobby with robot teddy bear; Bobby's parents (foreground) )
Tales to Astonish I#9/4, p5, pan8 (Bobby hugging robot teddy bear; "Isaac Nicholson", police officer, Bobby's parents, police officer (background) )
Tales to Astonish I#9/4 (May, 1960) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Doug Wildey (pencils and inks), Stan Goldberg (colors), Artie Simek (letters)
Crypt of Shadows#13/2 (October, 1974) - reprint
First Posted: 07/26/2020
Last updated: 07/26/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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Special Thanks to http://www.g-mart.com/ for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!