Real Name: Oboroth
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate
Occupation: Terrigenesis officiator
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon), Donarr, Gorgon (Gorgon Petragon), Medusa (Medusalith Boltagon), Seyrenn, Triton
Enemies: Colossus (Piotr Rasputin), Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Attilan
First Appearance: (Seen) Uncanny X-Men: First Class#1 (September, 2009); (name revealed) Uncanny X-Men: First Class#2 (October, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: After undergoing Terrigenesis, Oboroth developed green skin and the ability to channel energy through his staff. The full extent of his powers are unknown.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
(Uncanny X-Men: First Class#1 (fb) - BTS) - Oboroth became the officiator for the process of Terrigenesis in a public ceremony.
(Uncanny X-Men: First Class#1) - On the appointed day, Oboroth rang the Bell of Terrigenesis in the Temple of Randac, and the populace of Attilan gathered to view the ceremony, including Triton and Donarr, with guests Nightcrawler and Colossus watching. Seyrenn entered the mists and was transformed into a purple-skinned creature. Seeing this process, Nightcrawler felt it was cruel and he teleported and attacked the guards, using their weapons to destroy the mists. Oboroth was furious and attacked Nightcrawler.
(Uncanny X-Men: First Class#2) - As Nightcrawler was apprehended, Oboroth demanded he be killed, but Black Bolt, Gorgon, and Medusa stated the mutant would receive a trial instead.
Comments: Created by Scott Gray, Roger Cruz, and Colleen Coover.
--Sadly, Marvel editorial's current policy is that the First Class series were not in Reality-616. Hopefully that changes at some point. They have my vote. Great stories, impressive effort to stay in-continuity...and succeed. Snood.
Profile by Chadman.
Oboroth has no known connections to any characters not mentioned in this profile.
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(Uncanny X-Men: First Class#1) - In Attilan, Donarr and others gathered to view the Terrigenesis ceremony officiated by Oboroth. The crowd was horrified when Nightcrawler attacked and destroyed the mists. --Uncanny X-Men: First Class#1 |
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(Uncanny X-Men: First Class#1) - On her appointed day, Seyrenn joined other Inhuman youths in Attilan in undergoing the rite of Terrigenesis. With Oboroth officiating, Seyrenn entered the mists and emerged with purple skin and black eyes. The crowd was horrified when Nightcrawler attacked and destroyed the mists. --Uncanny X-Men: First Class#1 |
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First Posted: 07/02/2020 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
Uncanny X-Men: First Class#1 (September, 2009) - Scott Gray (writer), Roger Cruz (penciler), Colleen Coover (inker), Nathan Cosby (editor)
Uncanny X-Men: First Class#2 (October, 2009) - Scott Gray (writer), Roger Cruz (artist), Nathan Cosby (editor)
Last updated: 07/02/2020
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and
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