Real Name: Artie O'Farrell
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Pornography producer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Jillian, Karen Page
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: Jim O'Farrell (presumably brother, see comments)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: Daredevil I#326 (March, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Artie O'Farrell and his brother Jim were connected pornography producers seeking to create an interactive computer disc for home porn viewing.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
(Daredevil I#327 (fb) - BTS) - Artie O'Farrell and Jim were involved in making adult movies with Karen Page years ago.
(Daredevil I#328 (fb) - BTS) - Artie and Jim formed Pixel Porn Technologies, a porn producer, with the help of a mysterious benefactor. They produced a new disc for viewers at home to be able to give commands to pre-recorded porn stars, giving them an interactive porn experience. They needed a star to headline the disc and decided to reach out to Karen Page. At some point, the O'Farrells became aware of an underage girl being recorded as part of the disc (though they may have been involved with filming her). They buried the content deep on the disc.
(Daredevil I#326) - Jim and Artie recognized Karen Page at the funeral of Matt Murdock and thought to approach her, but realized it wasn't the right time.
(Daredevil I#327) - Artie and Jim saw Karen on the street with her friend Jillian and they approached her, but Karen acted disturbed when she saw them.
(Daredevil I#328) - Artie sought out Karen, who was having coffee with Jillian, and he apologized for her recent losses, then invited her to join he and Jim in a scam to take money from banks, but Karen refused abjectly.
(Daredevil I#330 (fb) - BTS) - Karen reluctantly took a disc from Artie and agreed to consider it.
(Daredevil I#338) - At Pixel Porn Technologies, Karen Page angrily confronted Artie and Jim about finding child pornography on the disc they had given her. They denied anything being there, but they panicked when Karen left, determined to expose them. Jim and Artie wondered if they needed to report to their employers, but they wanted to give Karen one last chance to come around.
Comments: Created by D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler) & Hector Collazo (inker).
Artie and Jim O'Farrell were presumably brothers, but it was never clarified in the costume. In their earlier appearances, Jim and Artie looked more haggard, balding and with beards, but they appeared to be doing better in their later appearance.
This plotline cycled through a few Daredevil creators over a year or so. Karen Page was determined to find this young woman on the porn CD. She went to the police and ended up hiring John Garrett, the cyborg S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. We just have to assume the O'Farrells were taken down off-panel, the girl rescued, and the Pixel Porn benefactor exposed.
Profile by Chadman.
Artie amp; Jim O'Farrell should not be confused with:
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(Daredevil I#323) - Karen joined Jillian in an anti-pornography protest when Foggy showed up and briefly argued with Jillian about censorship. (Daredevil I#327) - Jillian and Karen taunted a man for purchasing pornography. Jillian worried after Karen, who discussed grieving Matt. Jim and Artie O'Farrell approached Karen on the street, remembering the days when they made movies together, but Karen wanted nothing to do with them. (Daredevil I#329) - Karen was confiding in Jillian over coffee when Artie returned, telling Karen he was sorry for her losses and he wanted to involve her in a scam to take money from banks; she turned him down. --Daredevil I#323 (Daredevil I#323, 327, 329 |
(Daredevil I#327 (fb) - BTS) - Artie O'Farrell and Jim were involved in making adult movies with Karen Page years ago. (Daredevil I#328 (fb) - BTS) - Artie and Jim formed Pixel Porn Technologies, a porn producer, with the help of a mysterious benefactor. They produced a new disc for viewers at home to be able to give commands to pre-recorded porn stars, giving them an interactive porn experience. They needed a star to headline the disc and decided to reach out to Karen Page. At some point, the O'Farrells became aware of an underage girl being recorded as part of the disc (though they may have been involved with filming her). They buried the content deep on the disc. (Daredevil I#326) - Jim and Artie recognized Karen Page at the funeral of Matt Murdock and thought to approach her, but realized it wasn't the right time. (Daredevil I#327) - Artie and Jim saw Karen on the street with her friend Jillian and they approached her, but Karen acted disturbed when she saw them. (Daredevil I#328) - Artie invited her to join he and Jim in a scam to take money from banks, but Karen refused abjectly. (Daredevil I#338) - At Pixelporn Technologies, Karen Page angrily confronted Artie and Jim about finding child pornography on the disc they had given her. They denied anything being there, but they panicked when Karen left, determined to expose them. Jim and Artie wondered if they needed to report to their employers, but they wanted to give Karen one last chance to come around. --Daredevil I#326 ([Daredevil I#327 (fb)], Daredevil I#326-328, 338 |
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images: (without ads)
Daredevil I#338, p14, pan6 (main)
Daredevil I#338, p14, pan4 (face)
Daredevil I#327, p9, pan3 (Artie with Jim)
Daredevil I#329, p11, pan3 (Jillian)
Daredevil I#328, p13, pan2 (Pixel Porn logo)
Daredevil I#328, p13, pan4 (Jim O'Farrell)
Daredevil I#326-327 (March-April, 1994) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Hector Collazo (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#328 (May, 1994) - Gregory Wright (writer), Sergio Cariello (penciler), Ariane (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#330 (July, 1994) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Hecot Collazo, Rich Rankin (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#338 (March, 1995) - Alan Smithee (writer), Alexander Jubran (penciler), Ande Parks, Don Hudson (inkers), Marie Javins (editor)
First Posted: 08/11/2019
Last updated: 08/11/2019
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