Real Name: Karen Page
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Radio show host; former anti-pornography advocate, community center/hotline volunteer, actress/television star/movie star/soap opera star, city welfare worker, legal secretary/office manager
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Liz Allan, Pop Arkham, Armstrong, Robert Asbury, Mrs. Banks, Black Panther (T'Challa), Black Widow (Natasha Romanova), Mr. Blain, Boffo, Bridwell, Marilyn Burbank, Cain, Raymond Carter, Chuck, Chuck, Carson Collier, Coot Collier, Judge Crater, Lester Dant, Daredevil (Matt Murdock), David, Charles L. Delazny Sr., Dick, Miss Dover, Marissa Dwyer, Elektra, Eric, Falcon (Sam Wilson), Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Girl/Susan Storm, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Mr. Fasolino, Fat Boys (Butch, Darla, Eightball, others), Lemuel Frye, John Garrett, Garth, Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze/Zarathos), Bernard Harris, Deborah Harris, Phil Hichock, Hilda, Patrick Hinds, Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Ian Hunter, J. Jonah Jameson, Tyrone Janson, Jerry Jason, Jerry, Jillian, Joyce, Judy, Jusko, Karen, Carl Kaxton, Ka-Zar (Kevin Plunder), Klaus Kruger, Ed Lawson, Bucko Leary, Willie Lincoln, Kathy Malper, Dr. Molle, Milton Monroe, Lt. Nately, Anna Nelson, Candace Nelson, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Mr. Nesbitt, Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond), Glorianna O'Breen, Peter, Punchy, Ray, Renaldo, Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich), Samuel, Sarah, Roxanne Simpson/Katy Milner, Bertha Schnapp, Otto Schnapp, Rosalind Sharpe, Sister Maggie, Sunny Sitka, Smith, Smithson, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Man (Ben Reilly), Ray Stevens, Stuart, Stunt-Master (George Smith), Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie), Michi Taylor, Ted, Tommy, Tony, Francis Tork, Blake Tower, Tyrone, Ben Urich, Dr. Van Eyck, Vegas, Wade, Sally Weston, Bill Wheeler, Warden Williams, Mr. Winthrop
Enemies: Ape Horgon, Beetle (Abner Jenkins), Charles Boroughs, the Boss, Brother Brimstone (Ross Archer), Brother Brimstone (Vince Sterling), Bullet (Buck Cashman), Bullseye, Circus of Crime (Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt, others), Cobra (Klaus Voorhees), Crime-Wave (Mason Hollis), Death-Stalker (aka. Exterminator/Death's Head, Philip Sterling), Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom), Doctor Druid (Anthony Ludgate Druid), Dom, Don, Fellowship of Fear (Eel/Leopold Stryke, Mister Fear/Zoltan Drago, Ox/Raymond Bloch), Gladiator (Melvin Potter), Greg, Danny Guitar, Insomnia, Jester (Jonathan Powers), Kai-Shek, Kingpin (Wilson Fisk), Klaw (Ulysses Klaw), Kruel (Victor Krueller), Leap-Frog (Vincent Patilio), Louie, Masked Marauder (aka. Mr. Dunn, Frank Farnum), Matador (Manuel Eloganto), Mister Fear (Larry Cranston), Mister Hyde (Calvin Zabo), Nameless One, Nuke (Frank Simpson), Artie O'Farrell, Jim O'Farrell, the Orb (Drake Shannon), Organization (Ape-Man/Monk Keefer, Bird-Man/Henry Hawk, Cat-Man/Townshend Horgan, Frog-Man/Francois LeBlanc, Organizer/Abner Jonas), Owl (Leland Owlsley), Ox (Raymond Bloch), Plunderer (Parnival Plunder), Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave), Queega, Renny, Alfred Savin, Paulo Scorcese, Starr Saxon, Sad Sam Simms, Slade, Smasher (Jon Peahl), Steve, Stilt-Man (Wilbur Day), Dr. Karl Stragg, Stunt-Master (George Smith), Surgeon General, Trapster (Peter Petruski), Tri-Man, Tribune (Buck Ralston), Trixster, Typhoid Mary (Mary Walker), Unholy Three (Ape-Man/Monk Keefer, Bird-Man/Henry Hawk, Cat-Man/Townshend Horgan)
Known Relatives: Dr. Paxton Page (Death's Head, father, deceased), Penelope Page (mother)
Aliases: Paige Angel
Base of Operations: New York City, New York;
formerly Los Angeles, California;
formerly Fagan Corners, Vermont
First Appearance: Daredevil I#1 (April, 1964)
Powers/Abilities: Karen Page was a capable legal assistant, actress, and radio talk show host, able to quickly adapt to new assignments and perform in multiple film genres.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
(Daredevil I#56 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Paxton Page was a research scientist who created the Cobalt Bomb, but he refused to give his secrets to the government, even under Contempt of Congress, and he was branded a traitor. His wife, Penelope, and daughter, Karen, were at his side. Eventually, he retired to his estate in Fagan Corners, Vermont, where Karen grew up. At age five, local Pop Arkham bounced her on his knee.
(Daredevil I#57 (fb) - BTS) - As a child, Karen had nightmares about a man wearing an ancient Aztec mask and riding a skeletal horse, leading Paxton and Penelope to comfort her many nights.
(Daredevil I#241 (fb) - BTS) - When Karen was a little girl, she obsessed with setting up the Christmas nativity set.
(Daredevil I#64 (fb) - BTS) - Karen went to college, and was roommates with Sally Weston.
(Daredevil II#5 (fb) - BTS) - Karen always prided herself on being a good student, getting straight As and maintaining a 3.8 GPA in college, while also being cheerleading captain in high school.
(Daredevil I#340 (fb) - BTS) - Karen moved to New York City with the goal of becoming an actress. She prided herself on being friendly, but worried that directors could seek to take advantage of her.
(Marvel Team-Up Annual I#3/2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Karen, struggling as an actress, had pictures taken of her for a sleazy magazine. They were never published, but the photographer's assistant Alfred Savin kept the film.
(Daredevil I#340 (fb)) - At the diner "Ghost of a Chance" in rural Pennsylvania, while contemplating her career, Karen saw Victor Krueller come crashing through the window. With Ben Urich, Kathy Malper, Foggy Nelson, Robert Asbury, and Glorianna O'Breen, Page saw Wilson Fisk come in.
(Daredevil: Black Armor#1) - Karen called to advocate for some of her clients.
(Daredevil I#341 (fb)) - When Karen tried to stop the Kingpin's killing of Krueller, Ben pulled her back, but Kingpin simply knocked them both aside. Kingpin savagely beat Krueller, seemingly killing him, then he ordered his man Kai-Shek to burn the diner down.
(Daredevil I#342 (fb)) - Kingpin had Asbury, O'Breen, Urich, Malper, Nelson, and Page all drugged and returned to their homes.
(Daredevil: Yellow#2/Daredevil I#1/Uncanny Origins#13 (fb)) - The employment agency sent Karen over to the newly established law office, Nelson and Murdock, and she was offered a job as their legal secretary and office manager.
(Daredevil I#1) - At the office, Karen wondered where Matt might be and she wondered aloud how it would be to be held by him and to take care of him, embarrassing herself in front of Foggy. Matt soon came into the office, and Foggy reported he had turned down a murderer named Slade who had sought counsel.
(Daredevil I#53 (fb)) - Karen worried about Matt, wondering if he was okay on the streets by himself.
(Daredevil I#2/Daredevil: Yellow#3) - Foggy and Karen met with the Fantastic Four at the office and, after the Thing broke the door, they asked for legal help with their lease; they promised to send Matt down later.
(Daredevil: Yellow#3) - Karen went with Foggy and Matt to celebrate at the Marlin Café. Foggy flirted with Karen, but she found herself enamored with Matt, who was somehow amazing at pool even as he wittily rebuffed bullies. When Karen got a bit tipsy and got the hiccups, Matt sent her home in a cab.
(Daredevil I#2) - Karen informed Matt that she had written to an eye specialist in her hometown for him, seeking an eye operation for him, then she was shocked when Matt seemed reluctant. She thought that if only he would ask to marry her, she would say yes. Later in the day, Karen saw Matt on the street, but he deliberately ignored her. The FF returned, breaking the door again, and decided to find new lawyers.
(Daredevil: Yellow#3) - Karen saw a potential client Grace come and go, then the Owl walked in.
(Daredevil: Yellow#4) - At the office, Karen and Foggy were working on the Owl's case when Daredevil rushed by, then Matt soon entered the office. Matt and Foggy were both happy to learn that Karen didn't have a boyfriend.
(Daredevil I#3/Daredevil: Yellow#4) - When the notorious criminal Owl called for legal representation, Foggy initially turned him down, but Matt shocked Foggy and Karen by taking the case. Later, Foggy took Karen bowling, but she kept thinking of Matt; Matt joined them and got a few gutter balls, causing Karen to hug him. The next day, Karen asked Matt again about the eye operation, but he was resistant and dismissed her; Foggy walked her home.
(Daredevil I#3/Daredevil: Yellow#5) - Karen walked back into the office to get her purse and found Daredevil fighting Owl, Ape Horgon, and Sad Sam Sims, and they took her captive, placing her in a cage next to Daredevil at the Owl's base. Karen was shocked when DD knew her name. DD soon got them both free then she asked him several questions, but had to rush to safety in a car when Owl attacked. She soon saw Matt Murdock and was surprised to realize he reminded her of Daredevil.
(Daredevil: Yellow#5) - Foggy returned to the office to propose to Karen, but found her flirting with Matt, so he walked away sadly.
(Amazing Spider-Man I#16) - When Matt returned to the office, Karen and Foggy invited him to go to the circus with them, and Karen was thrilled when he agreed. After they saw Spider-Man perform as a special guest, the entire audience was hypnotized by the Ringmaster, then the Circus of Crime began to rob them. They woke from the trance with no memory of what had happened.
(Marvels#2) - Karen, Matt and Foggy visited the sculpture exhibit of Alicia Masters alongside many other famous people.
(Daredevil I#4/Daredevil: Yellow#6) - Karen and Matt flirted at the office while Foggy grew frustrated. When Judge Flanders called to appoint Matt and Foggy as the court lawyers for Purple Man, Karen chose to go with Matt to the jail, frustrating Foggy. At the jail, the Purple Man immediately took control of her and the guards, freeing himself from prison. Outside, Purple Man turned civilians against Daredevil, who was immune to Purple Man's powers. Purple Man took Karen to a gym, where he made the fighters, including Punchy, his personal army, then he claimed a set of suites as his headquarters. In the hotel room, Purple Man was just ordering Karen to undress when Daredevil attacked, fighting mind-controlled civilians as Purple Man and Karen fled to the roof, where DD saved Karen and got Purple Man to confess his origins on tape, then blocked his powers. Karen asked Daredevil why he wore yellow, wondering if red might be more appropriate, then she invited him to meet her at the Empire State Building the next day. Foggy found Karen in the chaos and took her back to the office, where they met Matt, and he assumed Foggy and Karen had feelings for each other.
(Daredevil: Yellow#6) - Back at the office, Karen cheerfully reported that she had a date with Daredevil that night.
(Untold Tales of Spider-Man '97) - Karen and Foggy were walking with Matt when he ran back to the office for some forgotten papers.
(Daredevil I#5) - Foggy invited Karen to a costume party, where they would dress like Caesar and Cleopatra, but when he had to work late, he asked Matt to take her instead. Matador attacked the party, and DD showed up to fight him but was defeated; during the fight, Karen made sure to hide Matt in the closet to protect him. Soon Foggy arrived. Days later, Karen checked on Matt, as they saw young Tommy playing as Matador in the streets. After DD defeated Matador, Foggy and Matt realized Karen had a crush on the mysterious hero.
(Daredevil: Yellow#6) - Karen read a headline about Daredevil battling Matador.
(Daredevil I#6) - Matt, Foggy, and Karen discussed Daredevil's recent defeat at the hands of Mister Fear. At the office, Karen pined after Matt, wishing he would give her a sign that he loved her back. She went with Foggy and Matt to see the new Daredevil wax figure. Later that night, Karen was thinking of her love for Matt and how she knew Foggy wanted to propose when she got a call that Foggy was in the hospital with a concussion; she rushed to be at his side. Soon, the Fellowship of Fear attacked, but Daredevil defeated them. Karen was at Foggy's side when he woke up. When Matt returned to the hospital, Karen was upset that he hadn't been there sooner.
(Daredevil I#7) - Namor the Sub-Mariner broke the door at Nelson and Murdock, seeking legal representation in a bid to rule the surface world. Matt and Foggy explained that they didn't have a case, and Namor burst through the wall to leave. Namor destroyed property and was arrested before Matt took the case. At the office, Matt was injured and Karen was worried, but when she tripped he caught her and she found herself wondering if he could see.
(Daredevil I#8) - Karen told Matt about the criminal Stilt-Man, then reminded him that Dr. Van Eyck might be able to restore his eyesight. Foggy walked in on Karen and Matt in a light embrace and grew jealous, then he showed in new client Wilbur Day. Matt needed time off, and Karen encouraged him to see the doctor; when he was reluctant, she fled from the room in tears.
(Daredevil I#9) - Hearing that Dr. Van Eyck had moved to Lichtenbad, Karen invited the ruler of the country, Klaus Kruger, an old law school ally of Matt and Foggy's, to the office to surprise Matt. After walking arm-in-arm with Matt to the office, Karen surprised him with Kruger, who offered to take Matt to Lichtenbad for the surgery, and Matt agreed. At the airport, Foggy began to realize how deeply Karen felt for Matt. Later, while Karen was daydreaming of Matt, Foggy punched a mirror in frustration. Karen got word from Matt that the operation hadn't happened, and Foggy bitterly stated it was because Matt was afraid.
(Fantastic Four Annual I#3) - Karen went with Foggy and Matt to the wedding of Reed Richards and Susan Storm. At the wedding, Matt excused himself for a time.
(Marvels#2) - Karen cried at the wedding.
(Daredevil I#10) - Karen was reading to Matt about a recent city crime wave when Foggy walked in, announcing that he had been chosen as the District Attorney candidate for the new Reform Party. The three attended a party on a yacht that afternoon, meeting Abner Jonas, Bernard Harris, and Milton Monroe, as well as Bernard's daughter, Deborah, though Karen immediately disliked her. Over the following days, poll results came in, and Foggy's confidence shot up. Debbie threw him a penthouse party and he invited Karen to attend, though she wondered if she was jealous of Debbie. At the party, members of the Organization attacked, kidnapping Debbie and escaping, though Daredevil managed to stop Cat-Man.
(Daredevil I#11) - Karen heard that Matt had doubts about the Reform Party. Foggy and Matt set a trap, stating they had the identity of the Organizer in their office, then they saw that their office had been ransacked, and Karen knew it would take all day to clean up. That night, she asked Bernard Harris for intel, but he avoided her. Karen soon saw that Jonas had been revealed as the Organizer, and Debbie Harris had been involved and arrested; she comforted Foggy, kissing his cheek just as Matt walked in. Karen informed the men that they had no clients, as the campaign had taken their focus, and Mr. Nesbitt called to inform them that the rent was overdue. Matt decided to take a leave of absence, leaving Karen a bit heartbroken.
(Daredevil I#12) - Watching Matt leave, Karen was sad that they'd never shared their feelings.
(Daredevil I#13) - Karen grew distressed, worried about news that Matt had been lost at sea after an attack by the Plunderer. When Foggy tried sharing his feelings about her, Karen rebuffed him.
(Daredevil I#14) - Matt wrote to Foggy, revealing he was alive and in England, and wanting Foggy's help on a case representing Ka-Zar. Filled with joy, Karen went along with Foggy, worried about how hard Foggy had been working but thrilled to see Matt soon. When they arrived in London, after studying the case on the plane, they found that Matt wasn't waiting for them. In court, Foggy was overwhelmed by the case, and when the chained Ka-Zar tried to escape, they had to gas him, but he was soon pardoned of his crime. Matt joined Foggy and Karen at the hospital, making up a story to cover himself.
(Daredevil I#15) - Arriving at the office, Foggy fell dizzy, revealing that he sometimes grew weak from his fight with the Ox months before. After a doctor saw him, Matt sent Foggy home with Karen to watch over him, ordering him to stay home a week. Karen wondered why Matt wouldn't profess his love. Out walking, Karen ran into the Ox and screamed; Daredevil rushed down to help her, but the Ox swiftly defeated him and then dressed DD in the Ox's costume so he would be arrested. The Ox then took Karen captive back to his base, where she saw Karl Stragg, and she soon realized that the two men had interchanged their minds into each other's bodies. "Stragg" attacked "Ox" so that Karen could run free.
(Daredevil I#16) - Matt, Karen, and Foggy viewed television footage of Spider-Man battling the Masked Marauder and his men. Foggy exclaimed that Spider-Man was braver than DD, shocking Karen, and Foggy stated he was just jealous that DD had impressed her. That night, Karen hinted that she'd like Matt to ask her out, but he didn't take the bait. The newspapers, including J. Jonah Jameson's Daily Bugle, reported the possibility that Daredevil and Spider-Man were in cahoots with the Masked Marauder, and Foggy believed it though Karen had her doubts. Spider-Man then attacked the office, bursting through the window, prepared to punch Foggy, who he thought was Daredevil.
(Daredevil I#17) - Spider-Man dangled Foggy out the window, demanding information, as Matt and Karen leapt to his defense, and finally Spidey let Foggy go and retreated, leaving the broken window behind him. Karen was shocked when Foggy seemed to hint that he actually was Daredevil, and she began wondering if it could be true. Karen left, thinking Matt was jealous of Foggy, and wishing Matt had feelings for her. The next morning, Karen found that Matt had worked through the night, and she worried about his lack of social life. Karen later saw Foggy in a crowd and directly questioned him about being Daredevil, but he refused to answer; she promised to protect his identity, not knowing the Masked Marauder was listening nearby.
(Daredevil I#18) - At the office, Foggy asked Karen out and she said yes, and he continued dropping hints to her and Matt that he was Daredevil. That night, Foggy picked up Karen, then diverted her to a "private meeting" at the docks where a villain announced himself. As Karen watched, Foggy slowly changed into Daredevil, looking plump, then the villain, Gladiator savagely attacked, easily knocking Foggy out. Karen fled for help, flagging down police and returning to the law offices, hoping to find Matt, but instead Mr. Dunn (secretly the Masked Marauder) wanted to discuss the rent. Scared, Karen fainted, and Dunn got her medical help.
(Daredevil I#19) - When the Daily Bugle ran a story saying Daredevil might be Foggy, Karen was inundated by reporters at the law office. The next day at work, Karen heard over the radio that Foggy was not Daredevil and that he had been rescued; she kissed Foggy on the cheek saying he was wonderful, and said that Matt was the most wonderful man to her just as Matt arrived.
(Daredevil I#20) - Foggy and Karen went to find Matt at home for dinner, but he was missing; Karen worried as Foggy pined after her.
(Daredevil I#22) - As Foggy handled the case of the Rhino, Karen found herself wondering about Matt's frequent absences, but she agreed to dinner with Foggy, and they left after checking in with client Mr. Farnum (secretly Masked Marauder).
(Amazing Spider-Man I#43) - Karen watched Foggy and Matt discuss the legal case of the Rhino. (Daredevil I#22) - The next night, Foggy invited Karen out to a boxing match, but she turned him down, wanting to spend more time with Matt. Karen delivered a letter to Matt, but he heard on the radio how the Tri-Man was demanding Daredevil show up. Matt convinced Karen to get him Foggy's spare DD costume and take him to the arena, then he slipped away from her to fight Tri-Man as Daredevil. Karen found Foggy in the crowd, then heard an announcement that she and Foggy would be threatened if DD didn't surrender. (Daredevil I#23) - Daredevil was kidnapped by the Masked Marauder. Foggy and Karen scoured the crowd around the boxing ring for Matt. (Daredevil I#24) - Karen opened the mysterious letter addressed to Matt, and found a note from Spider-Man stating Matt was Daredevil. (Daredevil I#25) - Karen and Foggy discussed the impossible news from the Spider-Man letter as Matt returned, explaining that he'd simply been tired after leaving the arena and had taken a few days to rest on the seaside; he claimed he'd left a note for them with an usher. They told Matt about the letter, and he stated that he could no longer hide the truth about his twin brother, Mike Murdock, who was actually Daredevil. Foggy was entirely disbelieving, as he and Matt had been close all through college, and demanded to meet Mike. The next morning at the office, "Mike" was there, in colorful clothing and sunglasses, casual and sarcastic; he flirted with Karen and called Foggy "Tubby" before rushing off to fight the Leap-Frog, who later asked Nelson and Murdock for representation. (Daredevil I#26) - When they saw Mike Murdock at the office again, Foggy was annoyed, being called "Tubby" again, though Karen was slightly charmed. They ran into Mr. Farnum, the landlord, who was upset Foggy was representing Leap-Frog in court the following day. Mike and Karen watched the proceedings, seeing Leap-Frog escape when his attorney convinced the court to let him put on his spring-shoe, then saw Daredevil fight Stilt-Man. (Daredevil I#27) - Stilt-Man threw a sleeping gas pellet into Nelson and Murdock, knocking out Matt, Foggy, and Karen, then he kidnapped all three, taking them aboard Masked Marauder's helicopter. When the villains demanded to know Daredevil's identity, Matt shouted out that it was his twin brother, Mike. The Marauder planned to push all three captives out of the copter and to their deaths, pushing Matt out first. As he prepared to push Karen out, Daredevil jumped into the copter and battled the Marauder, revealing him as Mr. Farnum. The Marauder fell from the copter and was seemingly disintegrated against the force shield outside (though he secretly teleported away). Stilt-Man then accidentally electrocuted himself in the water before he could attack. (Daredevil II#69 (fb)) - Karen gave the news to Matt and Foggy that Alexander Bont had received a life sentence. (Daredevil I#28) - Karen found herself wondering how Matt could have ratted Mike out so easily. Mike visited the office, telling Karen that Matt was off speaking at Carter College about UFOs. Foggy took Karen out on a date. Karen was oblivious to Foggy's romantic gestures, voicing her doubts about Mike himself, when Daredevil revealed himself, then rushed off. Hearing that aliens (the Queega) had attacked Carter College, Karen convinced Foggy to rush there to check on Matt, but they were both struck blind by the Queega, along with everyone on Earth, but their sight was soon restored when Daredevil defeated the aliens. Karen embraced Matt as Foggy looked on. (Daredevil I#29) - The Boss, Louie, and others, all former employees of the Masked Marauder, broke into Nelson and Murdock, tied up Foggy, and kidnapped Karen. Daredevil stumbled in and was unmasked as Matt; he gave a cover story that he had tried to disguise himself as DD in order to protect Mike, impressing Karen. Karen was moved to a different room, and the "real Daredevil" soon arrived to rescue her. Later, though Karen didn't know it, Matt decided not to propose, realizing it would put her in constant danger. (Daredevil I#30) - "Mike", as Daredevil, dressed as Thor and visited Foggy and Karen in the office before seeking to lure Mr. Hyde and Cobra into a trap. (Daredevil I#31) - "Mike" visited the law office and stated he had gone blind, upsetting Karen, who had just had her hair restyled to show off for him. When Mr. Hyde and Cobra fought police outside, Daredevil pretended to have his sight to scare them off, and Karen embraced him, impressed. (Daredevil I#33) - "Mike" returned to Karen and Foggy, claiming his eyesight was back, and he invited them on vacation to the Expo in Montreal. Though Foggy was reluctant, Karen was thrilled, and she left a message for Matt about the trip. The trio took a train, and Daredevil battled the Beetle, who tried robbing the train. As DD pursued him, the train stopped, and a frustrated Foggy admitted to Karen that he was dangerous. (Daredevil I#34) - Having arrived in Montreal for the Expo, Karen and Foggy saw a sign that advertised Daredevil would be unmasked later. The Beetle and his men revealed Daredevil, who broke free and defeated the bad guys, with help from Foggy. With Foggy and "Mike" at the Expo, Karen wondered about Matt. (Daredevil King-Size Special I#1) - Karen was worried when Matt didn't show up for work, but he soon called in sick. When Stilt-Man was rumored to be at large, Karen called to warn Matt, and Matt showed up later saying he'd been visiting Mike. (Daredevil I#35) - Trapster burst into the law office, pasting Karen and Foggy down while asking Matt about legal advice, announcing his intent to kill Daredevil before leaving. Karen and Foggy were freed, using nail polish remover, and they went to the police, disappointed in Matt for not being more worried about "Mike". (Daredevil I#36) - Karen celebrated with Foggy when he was asked to run for district attorney, then he was asked out by Debbie Harris, who was now out of prison. (Daredevil I#38) - Karen, openly admitting her feelings for Matt now, wondered about Foggy's decision to date Debbie Harris. They saw Debbie in the street being pushed by Daredevil (secretly Dr. Doom in his body). (Daredevil I#39) - Karen was thrilled when Matt asked her on a double date, with Foggy and Debbie as the other couple. That evening, at a night club, Karen cozied up to Matt on the dance floor. The Exterminator and the Unholy Three attacked, firing a time displacement ray on Debbie, who disappeared. (Daredevil I#40) - Karen saw a frustrated Foggy go to do research on the Exterminator, and she stayed to watch the office. (Daredevil I#41) - Karen comforted Foggy, who rushed off with his own plan, then she worried about Matt's long disappearance. Karen walked into Matt's home to look for him, and saw Daredevil's costume on his bed, leading her to believe that Mike Murdock was also living there. Daredevil then showed up in a torn uniform and, pretending to be Mike, he showed Karen out so he could get back to work. Debbie soon reappeared and Foggy was rescued by Daredevil, but when a machine exploded, DD was believed dead. Karen comforted Matt over the supposed loss of his brother. (Daredevil I#42) - Foggy, Karen, and Debbie mourned the loss of Mike/Daredevil, and were confused when Matt didn't seem to be grieving. When the four went out strolling, the Jester attacked, striking Foggy, and demanding that he drop out of the election. Jester kidnapped Matt, who hinted that Mike had trained someone else to be Daredevil. (Daredevil I#43 (fb)) - Karen quit Nelson and Murdock, unable to handle her unreciprocated feelings for Matt any longer. Matt hugged her and then cruelly told her to leave. Karen rushed away in tears. (Daredevil I#44 - BTS) - Matt held a picture of Karen, on which she'd written "all my love". (Daredevil I#45 - BTS) - Karen stayed in contact with Debbie, but asked that she not reveal where she was staying. (Daredevil I#46 - BTS) - Debbie told Matt that Karen was well but that she didn't want to be found. (Daredevil I#47) - Karen, in her new job at the Welfare Department, met with blinded veteran Willie Lincoln, who needed legal help, and she referred him to Matt, asking that Willie not mention her by name. (Daredevil I#48) - Karen returned to Nelson and Murdock and kissed Matt, unable to stay away, but she regretted it. Matt not only refused to help Foggy on his final campaign bid, he ordered Foggy, Debbie, and Karen to leave so he could use the space. That night, Daredevil battled Stilt-Man in the office, destroying much of it. Days later, Foggy won his election bid, but he refused to speak to Matt, ending their law practice and friendship. (Daredevil I#50) - Missing Matt, Karen tried calling him, then Foggy. (Daredevil I#51) - Matt called Karen to make amends, and invited her to meet him at Dulcie's. She immediately began crying. Karen met with Matt, embracing and kissing him, but he was soon overcome by a panic and fled from the scene, cutting his hand on a glass on his way out. Confused, Karen took his cane and agreed to go with Starr Saxon, who identified himself as Matt's friend. (Daredevil I#52) - Drawing a gun, Starr Saxon took Karen to Matt Murdock's apartment and tied her up. Saxon claimed that he knew who DD was, but refused to tell Karen, promising to let her live. When Matt grew close, Saxon held Karen at gunpoint, untied her, and had her call out for Daredevil. DD and Black Panther (having been sent by Foggy Nelson) both attacked, defeating Saxon. Police rushed in, sent by Dr. Roberts with a cure for Daredevil, as his hand had been cut and he'd been poisoned. Karen realized that Matt had cut his hand in the same place, but kept her realization to herself. (Daredevil I#54 (fb) - BTS) - Matt Murdock faked his own death. (Daredevil I#54) - Karen saw the headline about Matt Murdock being killed in a plane crash. Foggy arrived to comfort her, but she just wanted to work to take her mind off things. Karen clutched Matt's cane, remembering him, when Daredevil suddenly burst in. Karen mentioned how DD had known the first DD who died, Mike Murdock, and she kept Matt's cane for comfort, but later after she fell asleep, DD took the cane from her. (Daredevil I#55) - Karen, now working in Foggy's office, tried taking her mind off Matt, but Daredevil burst in. Overcome with emotion, Karen rushed away. (Daredevil I#56 (fb)) - Distressed and struggling with nightmares, Karen took time off from Foggy's place and took a trip home to Vermont. (Daredevil I#56) - Aboard the train home, Karen felt bad for leaving Foggy behind, but she couldn't stop thinking about getting kidnapped by Starr Saxon. At home in Fagan Corners, she was overcome with memories of her childhood, seeing Pop Arkham and others, and she realized the locals seemed spooked by her family home. Catching a ride to miles out of town before walking the final mile to her childhood home, Karen was on the eerie covered bridge when Death's Head, a flaming horseman and rider, warned her to leave before disappearing. At home, she met the new butler Garth, then saw her mother, who greeted her somewhat coldly, saying the guest room wasn't ready. Penelope informed Karen that Paxton was missing, having been taken away by Death's Head, leaving behind a note to not tell anyone. Karen was shocked when Daredevil showed up, and the hero was soon battling Death's Head. Penelope called the police for help. (Daredevil I#57) - Karen called Foggy, and he admitted that he'd helped Daredevil track down the address of her parents. Willie Lincoln was in the office, with intel on a bad guy named Crime-Wave, and Foggy wanted Karen's help. To Daredevil and Penelope, Karen admitted Death's Head wore the same Aztec mask that she used to have nightmares over, and she found Garth eavesdropping. Later, she followed him to the old mill on the family property, hoping to find her father, and inside she found modern equipment and machinery. Seeing Garth pull a gun, Karen snuck up on him, grabbing a board to hit him, but he shot it out of her hand. Daredevil arrived, just as Death's Head attacked, reporting that his horse had died. DD realized that Death's Head was Paxton Page himself, and Death's Head denied it, stating he had killed Paxton once and for all, yet when Karen was in danger of being killed by spilling chemicals, Death's Head sacrificed himself to save her. Death's Head was killed, then unmasked as Paxton, and Karen realized cobalt radiation must have driven him insane. Garth revealed himself as a government agent. Two days later, Karen and Penelope attended Paxton's funeral. As Karen stood alone in the rain, Daredevil approached her and invited her to unmask him; she did so and saw Matt Murdock's face. (Daredevil I#58 (fb)) - Karen fainted at seeing Matt alive again, and he carried her back to her home. When she awoke, he confessed everything: his blindness and super-powers, how he had faked his death, and how he had made up Mike Murdock completely to cover himself. He then told Karen he loved her, and she admitted she loved him too. Matt released a public statement detailing how he had faked his death to take down Mr. Fear. Foggy welcomed Matt back and offered him a job as the special assistant for the building case against Crime-Wave. They learned that Foggy and Debbie were engaged. Matt asked Karen to marry him, and she was hesitant due to his dangerous life as Daredevil, but when he agreed to give DD up the following day after the parade appearance he was in, she said yes to his proposal. (Ghost Rider II#20 (fb) - BTS) - Karen underwent extensive questioning by the FBI about Paxton's activities and research. (Daredevil I#58) - Karen and Foggy sat in court as Matt gave his finishing statement in a trial against Stilt-Man. At the end of the parade, Karen kissed Daredevil's cheek, making civilians jealous, but then Stunt-Master attacked. Karen begged Daredevil to let the police handle it, but he didn't listen. Karen was worried all through the fight, and she rushed off in tears when Daredevil refused to announce his retirement at the end of the fight, knowing he had Crime-Wave to fight. Stilt-Man was convicted, but Karen found herself avoiding Matt. (Daredevil I#59) - At the office with Willie Lincoln, Foggy, and new secretary Miss Dover, Karen heard Foggy lament over negative public relations. Having heard a report about Daredevil fighting crime, Karen continued ignoring Matt when he entered the room, wanting to teach him a lesson. (Darevevil I#60 (fb)) - Karen and Matt witnessed Debbie Harris break off her engagement to Foggy and storm out the office. (Daredevil I#61) - Matt, realizing Karen was still reeling from the loss of her father, took her on a date. She was just confiding in him how much his life as Daredevil frightened her when he heard about criminals on the loose and ended the date; Karen stormed off in a fury, unable to look past his continued heroism in spite of her requests. Lemuel Frye came to speak with Matt and Karen, reporting that Cobra, Jester, and Mr. Hyde had taken over his carnival. Karen found herself getting critical and snippy with Matt during the meeting. As Daredevil battled the criminals, Karen called the police, soon arriving with them Daredevil tried thanking Karen, but she furiously turned away, saying it was her birthday and that he'd forgotten. She walked away, saying she was done. (Daredevil I#62) - At the office, Karen continued to pressure Matt to give up being Daredevil. Foggy then walked in on them kissing. (Daredevil IV#15.1/3) - Daredevil showed up on Karen's doorstep, having been beat up by Diablo. Karen asked him simply "Why?" and embraced him, and Matt knew he wouldn't see her for a long time. (Daredevil I#63 (fb)) - Unable to take her internal pain anymore, Karen broke up with Matt and quit her job, booking herself a plane ticket away. (Daredevil I#63) - Karen packed her bags, hoping Matt would rush in to stop her, but her phone never rang and she left for Los Angeles. (Daredevil I#64 (fb)) - Matt went to Karen's apartment and found clues to where she'd gone, then flew to Los Angeles after her. He called the apartment of Sally Weston, but she lied and claimed Karen wasn't there. (Daredevil I#65 (fb) - BTS) - Karen took a job working as an actress on a television gothic soap opera, "Strange Secrets", working with director Bill Wheeler and assistant director Sally Weston. (Daredevil I#65) - Daredevil visited Sally's apartment, and found a letter Karen had written to her mother, Penelope. In "Strange Secrets", Karen acted as a woman being hunted down by the frightening Brother Brimstone, played by Ross Archer, and she had to pretend to be strangled in a scene. Other professionals included Lester Dant (bumbling make-up man), Ed Lawson (writer), Jerry Jason (Brimstone's stand-in), and Vince Sterling (leading man, who had a romantic interest in Karen). When Archer discovered his Brother Brimstone character was being killed off, he was furious. After turning down a date with Sterling, Karen walked in on Archer attacking Jason. Karen screamed and fled with Archer chasing her down in the fog, but Daredevil leapt to save her. Before Archer ran away, Karen accidentally said Matt's first name, and DD was angry with her. He admitted he had come looking for her as she ran to check on Jerry then called the police answering her questions. Karen went home alone, saying she didn't want to be with him as she hadn't found herself yet. Archer was arrested, but Wheeler bailed him out of jail to finish the taping, and Karen pondered on how strange it was that a man who attacked her off-camera would now be paid to attack her on camera. Archer went missing, even with policeman Lt. Nately looking after him, and soon everyone was shocked when Archer's corpse was tossed from the rafters by a different Baron Brimstone, who evaded even Daredevil. (Daredevil I#66) - At the funeral for Ross Archer, Sterling again asked Karen on a date, but she rebuffed him again. At work on "Strange Secrets" the next day, Karen was written into the script again by Mr. Winthrop, and Lester showed Karen some secret blueprints for an exo-skeleton he had worked on, saying she was the only one who treated him like a human. The cast of the show, knowing they'd have an instant hit on their hands given the publicity, agreed to keep filming via majority vote. Hours later, Karen got a note form Lester, asking her to meet him at the La Brea Tarpits; after waiting two hours, she found herself locked in the museum and attacked by Brother Brimstone. Karen fainted, and Brimstone planned to bury her in the tar, but Daredevil attacked, saving Karen and unmasking Brimstone as Vince Sterling; Sterling had planned to frame Lester, but he ended up lost in the Tar Pits and presumed dead. Karen embraced DD, thanking him for saving her. (Daredevil I#67 (fb) - BTS) - Karen got great reviews for her soap opera performance. (Daredevil I#67) - With Matt visiting, Karen took a call from Ray Stevens, offering her a part in a new pilot with Stunt-Master, if she could get Daredevil to help with the premiere. Daredevil agreed, and Karen felt her confidence in herself mounting as she costumed for her new role. Things grew complex when Stilt-Man posed as Stunt-Master in order to fight Daredevil. Matt soon left to go back to New York, and he pressured Karen to choose between a life with him in New York or her career, saying he wouldn't wait forever. (Daredevil I#70) - Missing Matt, Karen attended a Hollywood rally chaired by actor Buck Ralston, her agent Ray next to her, hoping to get her a role in Ralston's next picture. But when Karen told Ralston she didn't love his speech, Ralston assumed she was communist. Karen called to confide in Matt, but told him she wasn't ready to come home. (Ralston was later revealed as the villain Tribune). (Daredevil I#81 (fb) - BTS) - Karen Page began working with agent Phil Hichok, and they spent months working on building her career. (Daredevil I#77) - Karen and Phil arrived in New York for her to begin work on a new film. Karen cried being back, remembering Matt. (Daredevil I#78 (fb) - BTS) - Karen starred in a movie called Tender Affair, with leading man, Smith. (Daredevil I#78) - Tender Affair was released. Later, Karen called to check on Matt, but another woman answered the phone. Karen broke down in tears as Phil reminded her she had an appearance on Dick's talk show that night. (Daredevil I#79) - Passing doorman Bridwell, Karen went to the district attorney's office and met with Foggy, confiding her distress over Matt's new relationship. Foggy took a stressful phone call and Karen realized he was being blackmailed. (Daredevil I#80) - Phil got Karen an interview for the part of Cynthia Wiles with Mr. Blain, casting agent, but Karen was distracted during the interview, crying over Matt. Later, Karen was to appear on Dick's talk show, but she saw news footage of Daredevil, and Phil walked in on her crying. She thought back to how Matt refused to give up Daredevil for her, yet realized she still loved him. Then she cried out as the news showed a helicopter he was on exploding. (Daredevil I#81) - Karen cried out and fainted, and Phil rushed in to check on her, carrying her outside for air. When she woke up, she pulled Phil in for an embrace, saying she didn't want to think anymore and that she needed him. (Daredevil I#82) - When Phil told Karen he loved her, she didn't know how to respond. Despite her confusion, she asked Phil to hold and kiss her. (Daredevil I#83) - Phil held Karen's hand, but she could only wonder about Matt Murdock, distracted and barely noticing Phil. (Daredevil I#85 (fb) - BTS) - Phil proposed to Karen, and she considered it. (Daredevil I#85) - Phil reminded Karen of his proposal, and kissed her after driving her to the airport. Karen saw Matt, his arm around Black Widow, and called out to him. He immediately rushed to Karen and they began kissing. (Daredevil I#86 (fb) - BTS) - Karen and Matt got officially engaged, and announced their engagement to the public. They discussed the possibility of Matt moving to Los Angeles. (Daredevil I#86) - Socialite Raymond Carter held an engagement party for Matt and Karen, and reporter Michi Taylor asked whether their careers would be a hindrance to their relationship. Just as fans of Karen's approached her, the party was attacked by the Ox/Karl Stragg. Matt changed to Daredevil, horrifying Karen, who was rushed to safety by Phil. When Daredevil was knocked down, Karen rushed to his side, and she asked Phil to call an ambulance. Waiting at Matt's side, all of Karen's doubts about the relationship returned. Phil called and Karen was reluctant to meet with him until she realized he had set up a meeting with a producer for her. After hearing that Ox died, Karen went to visit Matt, and they both knew immediately that the relationship could never work as long as Matt was Daredevil. They embraced and said goodbye. Outside, she saw Natasha go in, and she wished them well together. (Daredevil I#138 (fb) - BTS) - Karen had roles in various plays, including "The Forget-Me-Knot" and "Strong Woman Versus Big Business." (Ghost Rider II#13 (fb) - BTS) - Karen got a job as the love interest for Stuntmaster in a film, working for producer Delazny and director Coot Collier. (Ghost Rider II#13) - Karen met Stuntmaster's stunt double, Johnny Blaze, and Blaze met Karen's stand-in, Katy Milner. Karen was thinking about the arrogance of the men around her and comparing them to Daredevil when Trapster suddenly grabbed her from behind, pulling her aboard a hover disc. Trapster said he was seeking to claim a one-million dollar price on Karen's head. Ghost Rider soon pursued them, and Karen recognized that he had the same motorcycle as Johnny Blaze. When Page tried to run, Trapster glued her feet together, but soon, Ghost Rider defeated him. Blaze rescued Karen, claiming the flaming skeleton aspect of Ghost Rider was just effects. Karen kissed him. (Ghost Rider II#14) - On set, Karen watched as Collier directed Blaze to rescue Katy Milner in a stunt for the show. When the Orb attacked, Karen used a hose to wake the crowd up from a hallucination. Blaze tried to kiss her, but she rushed away from him. Later, the Orb took over Karen's mind and had her point a gun at Blaze and Milner during a filming. (Ghost Rider II#15) - The Orb caused Karen to fire multiple rounds, one of them grazing Milner's skull. The Orb rushed off with Karen, determined to claim the one-million dollar bounty, but Ghost Rider gave chase. Karen finally came to and she disrupted Orb's gunfire at Ghost Rider, then Orb threw Karen aside, but Blaze caught her and got her to safety. Karen rushed back to see Ghost Rider badly beating Orb to a pulp, and she told him that if he didn't stop, he was no better than the Orb was. (Ghost Rider II#17) - After contemplating her lost loves in Matt Murdock and Phil Hichock, Karen grew determined to pursue something with Blaze, though she realized she felt compassion for him and not love. (Ghost Rider II#19) - Karen went to find Blaze at the hospital, but she found him kissing Roxanne Simpson (the real identity of Katy Milner), and she fled in tears. Outside, Stuntmaster knocked her unconscious with a poison spray, and when she woke up, she found herself tied up in front of Death's Head. She cried out that her father was dead and had been for years. (Daredevil I#137 - BTS) - Matt Murdock got word that Karen had been kidnapped. (Daredevil I#138) - Karen demanded to know who Death's Head was, why he was dressed as her father, and what he wanted. He explained that he wanted her father's scientific secrets, keeping her contained with Smasher guarding the door. Soon Daredevil burst into the room and sparred with Death's Head, then Ghost Rider arrived. (Ghost Rider II#20) - Daredevil and Ghost Rider chased Death's Head away. As Daredevil comforted Karen, she forgave Stuntmaster for kidnapping her, knowing how intimidating Death's Head could be. Stuntmaster chose to ride off on his own for a time. Karen and Daredevil had a serious conversation about their relationship; Matt felt like she'd walked out on him, and she felt he continued to prioritize Daredevil over her. Matt said that he was seeing someone new (Heather Glenn) but he always wanted to be Karen's friend, and she said she was genuinely happy for him. After Daredevil was introduced to John Blaze, Karen went walking with Matt in the park, but Death's Head and Smasher attacked again. Death's Head killed Smasher with a touch before being revealed as Death-Stalker, and he demanded access to knowledge of Paxton Page's cobalt experiments, which he believed had been planted in Karen's brain. Daredevil and Karen watched as Ghost Rider defeated Death-Stalker in hellfire. Karen realized once again that she couldn't handle being part of super-heroics. As she left with Blaze, Daredevil said he would always be there for her, but she said she hoped to never see him again. (Ghost Rider II#21) - With Coot Collier, Karen found John Blaze on the burning movie set, having just fought Gladiator there. After security, including Armstrong, ordered Blaze away, Karen confided in Blaze her worries about the Gladiator, remembering how he had once badly hurt Foggy. Karen then kissed Blaze and asked him to take her home. (Ghost Rider II#22 (fb) - BTS) - Blaze began pressing Karen for a relationship, but she felt like things were moving too quickly and pulled back. (Ghost Rider II#22) - Blaze visited Karen and asked her again about their relationship as she made coffee. Karen asked him not to rush her. Later, Karen filmed a scene where Stuntmaster rescued her from a fire. She interacted with Roxanne Simpson while Coot Collier brought his son Carson on set. (Ghost Rider II#23 (fb)) - Coot directed Karen and George in a promo spot before suddenly leaving. (Ghost Rider II#25) - At the studio, the crew gathered in Karen's dressing room to watch news footage of the villain Malice. (Ghost Rider II#26) - Doctor Druid arrived on set and began hypnotizing Karen before Blaze arrived. Druid battled Blaze, who turned into Ghost Rider, as the others watched. (Ghost Rider II#27 (fb)) - Blaze no longer felt welcomed by the film crew, including Karen, after they witnessed his transformation, so he left the show. (Marvel Two-in-One I#46 (fb) - BTS) - Karen was offered one million dollars to co-star in a show about the Hulk. (Marvel Two-in-One I#46) - Karen showed up on the movie lot, interacting with producer Jusko and actress Judy before Steve, Don, and Greg, three thugs who wanted to extort Karen, drew guns on her. Hulk and Thing got into a fight as the thugs tried escaping with Karen, but the bad guys were buried in a cave-in of wreckage. Jusko tried to finalize the contract with Karen, but she walked away to accept a job on a soap opera with Delazny Studios instead. (Marvel Team-Up Annual I#3/2 (fb) - BTS) - Alfred Savin blackmailed Karen Page with sleazy pictures from her past and demanded 500,000 dollars from her for the film. Karen Page hired Heroes for Hire to deal with the situation. (Marvel Team-Up Annual I#3/2 - BTS) - Savin watched as a man (secretly Luke Cage) dropped of the briefcase with the money, but decided to keep the film to blackmail Page for even more money. Iron Fist, who had been hired along with Luke Cage by Page to retrieve the film, attacked the blackmailer. Savin tossed the film to Iron Fist and ran off with the money, but was stopped by Luke Cage, who knocked him out. Luke Cage had a look at the film and was impressed how versatile Ms. Page was while Iron Fist was glad all the money was still there. He was sure Ms. Page would be pleased with their work. (Daredevil I#227 (fb) - BTS) - Karen became addicted to drugs and began selling herself to get them. To earn fast money, she started acting in adult films and developed a reputation for herself. This went on for months. (Daredevil II#13 (fb) - BTS) - Karen starred in "The Devil in Ms. Page", a porn film that featured her in devil gear on the cover. A bonus clip included "Mefisto Comes Over." (Daredevil I#327 (fb) - BTS) - Karen made a few films with directors Jim and Artie O'Farrell. (Daredevil I#339 (fb) - BTS) - Karen made a film called "A Tail of Two Cities". (Daredevil I#227 (fb)) - Desperate for another high, Karen wrote down Daredevil's real identity on a piece of paper and offered to trade it for drugs. (Daredevil I#227) - Months later, strung out on drugs, Karen was prepared to trade sex for more drugs from Smithson, but she found a man had just murdered him with a gun. The man fired at Karen and she fled with Matt on her mind. (Daredevil I#228 (fb) - BTS) - Karen fled and made it to another city, narrowly evading the assassins. She struggled to get through withdrawal. (Daredevil I#228) - Still ill, Karen tried calling Matt for help, but found his number disconnected. She fled when she saw the assassins again, knowing she had to make it to New York to get to safety. (Daredevil I#229 (fb) - BTS) - In Mexico, Karen robbed beggars to stay alive. (Daredevil I#229) - On Christmas Eve, Karen robbed a blind beggar and, when he fought back, she knocked him unconscious and fled. Later, a pimp, Paulo Scorcese, picked her up, saying he would get her drugs and take her north for a price, and saying he'd been a big fan of her movie work. When the assassins attacked, the pimp killed them, and he told Karen she better be worth it. Later, he seduced Karen as she lay strung out on drugs. (Daredevil I#230) - Paulo took Karen to New York City, keeping her high on drugs. She tried to kiss him goodbye, but he expected more from her, so she spent the night in a hotel with him. The next morning, Karen called Foggy and spoke with Debbie Harris, Foggy's estranged wife, to get his new number. She then called Foggy and he agreed to meet her. Foggy took Karen out for coffee, and she confessed that she was a junkie and she desperately needed Matt's help. Foggy told her about Matt's recent struggles, including criminal investigation, being disbarred, and having his home blown up, and Karen just knew it was her fault. Foggy offered Karen a place to stay, taking her back to his apartment, though she warned him that Paulo would come after them. (Daredevil I#231) - Karen vomited at Foggy's apartment, detoxing from drugs and overcome with cravings for more. When she looked out the window, contemplating suicide, she saw Paulo standing outside and she panicked. Foggy called the police, but just then gunshots rang through the window. Karen hit Foggy over the head with a potted plant, knocking him unconscious, believing that that would protect him from Paulo's violence, then she rushed outside to plead with Paulo, hoping she could get a fix and only get hit a bit. Paulo had just opened fire on two police officers. Karen rushed out to Paulo, who smashed her head into a wall as he was shot in the shoulder. Paulo pulled Karen into an alley as he was shot in the back and fell. She robbed drugs from his pocket, determined to get high before she was killed, but Matt Murdock stepped in, stopping Paulo from killing her, then he embraced Karen. (Daredevil I#232 (fb) - BTS) - Matt nursed Karen back to health as she came down off of the drugs. She confessed what she'd done, but he promptly forgave her. She watched him over a period of days wrestle with his own inner demons, considering putting the Daredevil costume back on. (Daredevil I#232) - Karen woke and saw Matt was gone. She held his Daredevil costume close, feeling safe again. Nuke attacked civilians in the street, firing bullets and rockets all around, and the ceiling caved in on Karen. Matt found her and she handed him his costume. (Daredevil I#233) - After Nuke was stopped, Karen made it to a local church, where nuns were giving medical care, and hundreds of civilians were dead in the streets. Matt found her at the church and kissed her before rushing off. On crutches and with her ankle in a cast, Karen visited a destroyed diner with Matt, and heard the woes of Otto and Bertha Schnapp. Karen then saw Matt put on his costume, stating that he needed it to put psychological fear in his enemies. Days later, Karen and Matt walked the streets of Hell's Kitchen, smiling. (Daredevil I#235) - Karen and Matt went for a walk in Hell's Kitchen and ran into Stinky McQuade, a bully from Matt's childhood, who apologized for his past misdeeds. (Daredevil I#237 (fb) - BTS) - Karen slowly and surely got clean, staying dedicated to sobriety. Matt got a job cooking hamburgers full-time, and enjoyed going home to Karen every evening. (Daredevil I#237) - Matt got home from patrol as Daredevil, and Karen asked him out to Chinese for dinner. After dinner, Karen confessed that while she had once believed she couldn't live with Matt as Daredevil, she now realized she couldn't live without him. Karen said she planned to begin looking for secretary work again. Hearing a threat, Matt turned down an alley to change to Daredevil, and he told Karen to run for it. That night, he told Karen of his battle with Klaw, and told her how he was finding his self-confidence again. (Daredevil I#239) - Matt saw Karen on the street and swept her up, totally in love, causing civilians nearby, like Ted, to notice. They got food from Matt's friend Vegas. (Daredevil I#240) - Matt woke Karen up from a dream and gave her roses. Hilda, the waitress at the diner where Matt worked, cancelled plans to join them for dinner so she could go out with her date, Boffo. Soon, Boffo rushed up to Matt and Karen on the streets, saying how Hilda had gone off on her own, and Matt rushed away in pursuit. (Daredevil I#241) - Karen woke up on Christmas morning with Matt after he had a nightmare. Later, Karen was frustrated when Matt interrupted Christmas dinner plans to go after the Trixster. Karen purchased a nativity set on the street, remembering the one she had as a child. Hilda came out of the bathroom having shot up with drugs and Karen, though angry for being triggered while in recovery, took Hilda on a walk. (Amazing Spider-Man I#287) - Karen accompanied Matt to a meeting with Francis Tork, the Falcon, and Melvin Potter (the Gladiator) as they implemented a plan to protect the Kingpin against outside forces. (Daredevil I#242 (fb) - BTS) - Karen saw continual news reports on Daredevil using excessive violence against foes, and she began to fear him. (Daredevil I#242) - When Matt entered her apartment as Daredevil, Karen was distant and asked him to remove the mask. She told Matt that his public image was suffering, and she worried that the violence was affecting her feelings for Matt. Later, she saw Daredevil covered on television using violence against a mob, and she grew scared for her life. (Daredevil I#243) - Thinking she should get a job, Karen was watering plants at home and missing Matt when he entered and startled her. When he playfully pinned her down, she had frightened memories of Paulo and yelled at him to stop. She yelled about being revolted by his violence and begged him to stay home with her, or to consider opening a law clinic to help people instead of beating them up. She asked him to come home with clean hands this time, and promised she'd be waiting when he came home. Karen waited for Matt for three hours at the diner, but he never showed. At home, she found his bloody glove hanging over the bed and dripping onto the sheets. After vomiting in the toilet, Karen was determined to go find him. (Daredevil I#244) - Karen clutched Daredevil's bloody glove, disgusted by it but feeling it was giving her strength and courage at the same time, and she went looking for him. Karen found Eric, the kid Daredevil had saved from drug dealers, at the hospital, and he agreed to take her to his dealer, Danny Guitar; Karen pushed the nurse aside so Eric could escape. Beginning to realize that someone had planted that glove, Karen went with Eric to Bucko Leary, a police officer, and he agreed to help them track Guitar and Daredevil. Karen was present when Bucko arrested Guitar, but the Nameless One attacked, defeating over a dozen cops. The Nameless One grabbed Karen by the neck and she saw that he had Daredevil's mask. Just then, Daredevil arrived, fighting off the Nameless One, and Karen yelled out that she wanted Daredevil to keep hitting the villain. She gave Daredevil his mask, giving him the fear to defeat the Nameless One, who dissolved into liquid. Later, Karen invited Matt to hold her while keeping his costume on; she realized he used violence to save lives and embraced him for it. (Daredevil I#248 (fb) - BTS) - Karen rented out a warehouse and set up a hotline so that Matt could help give legal advice to people again. (Daredevil I#248) - Karen kissed Matt then showed him to the warehouse, but when the first call came in, he hung up on them. He explained that he'd been disbarred, and he left, feeling like Karen didn't know him at all. When Matt returned later, he found Karen and Hilda (now with black hair) doing their best to aid several citizens in need, and he stepped in to offer advice. Karen embraced him gratefully. Just then, Marilyn Burbank, the wife of Bushwacker rushed into the clinic, asking for help. (Daredevil I#249 (fb) - BTS) - Karen re-named the place the "Legal Aid and Drug Hotline", and brought in more volunteers. It grew increasingly busier. (Daredevil I#249) - At the hotline, Karen saw Matt helping Marilyn Burbank. He confided in her that he loved the hotline, but he had doubts about mixing his legal career with his time as Daredevil. Later, Matt returned to the clinic despondent over a failed mission. Marilyn Burbank yelled at him over Bushwacker getting arrested, and Karen worried that Matt couldn't take much more. (Daredevil I#250) - Karen talked to addict Chuck on the phone, inviting him to come in for help. Mr. Fasolino came into the clinic and threatened to shut it down if Matt didn't first. At home, Karen washed Matt's Daredevil uniform and hung it up to dry as she realized how happy she was; she worried something would happen to take it all away. (Daredevil I#251 (fb) - BTS) - Admitting to having a soft spot for "street people" Karen saw the place overrun by homeless and drug addicts, and she couldn't bear to turn anyone away. They renamed the place the "Drug Hotline and Free Advice Clinic." (Daredevil I#251) - On a busy day at the warehouse, Karen saw Mr. Fasolino arrive to shut the place down, flanked by police, including Bucko Leary. Hilda put on an act, convincing the cops to leave the place open until its upcoming court date. Karen hugged Matt tightly, saying she was feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility of the place and the problems of the world. (Daredevil I#251 - BTS) - Bullet was arrested for a murder connected to Kelco Industrials, a company Matt was developing a case against. Bucko Leary informed Karen that Bullet had been let go and exonerated, despite evidence against him. (Daredevil I#251) - Karen gave the bad news to Matt and David. Matt crumpled up papers, saying the law was worthless like litter, and that he didn't care if the clinic was shut down any longer. (Daredevil I#252) - At the clinic, Karen continued working with Matt on the legal case, as Black Widow volunteered there. They found themselves getting continually busier. Young Cain rushed in with a child who had been beaten by his mother, and they got the kid help. Later, the city went black during a super hero battle, and Karen and Matt sought to keep calm at the clinic. Matt got the group to safety at a hospital, then went out patrolling with Black Widow. (Black Widow: The Coldest War) - After a late night at the law clinic, Karen went to Matt's apartment to hang out. (Daredevil I#253) - At the clinic, Karen, Hilda, Matt, and the others prepared for a Christmas celebration after all the volunteers showed up to help. (Daredevil I#254 (fb) - BTS) - Karen grew overwhelmed with the workload at the clinic when Matt spent days gone, helping young Tyrone. (Daredevil I#254) - Karen told Matt about a woman named Typhoid Mary killing criminals, and asked when he would return, but he was preoccupied and not listening. (Daredevil I#255) - Matt woke up after having a nightmare, and Karen told him she could handle the clinic while he went out and cleared his head. Karen called Matt from work, leaving a message, stating that she loved Matt, had faith in him, and that she'd left him dinner in the fridge. Later, at court, Karen saw Foggy there representing Kelco, but she turned her back on him. Karen wondered where Matt was as David delivered his opening arguments. After closing arguments, Karen saw Matt enter and she embraced him, surprised to see he seemed scared about the outcome. (Daredevil I#256) - Karen saw Matt finally come home only an hour before court started, and she was confused when he refused to talk to her. When he hugged her goodbye before she left, he squeezed her arm too tightly and she winced. At the courthouse, the jury ruled against Kelco and in favor of Tyrone Janson, and Karen and the others were thrilled. (Daredevil I#259) - Matt showed up late for lunch with Karen, and she confronted him, saying he was keeping secrets and growing distant. She said she lived with him but he felt like a stranger. Before Matt could respond, young Butch rushed up asking for help finding Daredevil as a young girl had been kidnapped. Matt rushed off to be Daredevil, and Karen accused him of trying to escape their problems. She defiantly said she would find the missing girl herself. Daredevil took Karen swinging across town and he deposited her in Times Square, where she put on an old outfit and pretended to be a desperate prostitute walking the street, asking about the kid. One vendor, Chuck, recognized her from her films. Convincing criminals she was back on the market, Karen got a meeting with men who were specializing in children. As she struggled with her own memories of her previous life, Karen saw Daredevil burst through the window and beat the men up, with Karen hitting one man with a camera to knock him out. They found two small children in the next room and Karen comforted them, promising to get them home to their parents. (Daredevil I#259 - BTS) - Bucko Leary and other police officers helped arrest the men and save the children. Karen laughed as they initially thought she'd defeated all the men herself. (Daredevil I#259) - Karen embraced Daredevil on the rooftops, feeling so in love. (Daredevil I#260) - Karen returned home with groceries and she and Matt laughed about how happy they were together in their lives. Karen asked Matt if he trusted happiness and they embraced, then he went off as Daredevil. (Daredevil I#261 (fb) - BTS) - Matt didn't come home that night and Karen grew worried, feeling her world come apart. A heat wave hit the city. (Daredevil I#261) - At the clinic with Hilda and the Fat Boys, Karen saw Human Torch entertaining everyone, and she grew angry and worried, saying Daredevil was missing. When Butch asked her where Matt was, she said he was out looking for Daredevil. Later, Karen saw Human Torch go to the Last Exit Bar to inquire about Daredevil, but he ended up burning it down after a bar fight. (Daredevil I#262) - The heat wave continued. In the streets, Karen, Black Widow, and Butch and Darla were nearly killed by falling stone statues. They headed to the subway and Karen noticed how inanimate things seemed to be getting a mind of their own, but she was determined to pressure Bucko Leary to look harder for Daredevil. Shoving through strangers, Karen went to the police station, only to find out Bucko was too busy handling crises of objects attacking people. She stormed out and was recognized by prostitutes. Karen exited in tears, feeling hopeless. They went to the clinic and found it trashed, and Black Widow narrowly saved the Fat Boys from being crushed in a sentient elevator. (Daredevil I#263 (fb) - BTS) - Matt was found, badly wounded, and Karen rushed to the hospital to be at his side. (Daredevil I#263) - Karen watched helplessly as Matt lay in a hospital bed, broken, bandaged, and unconscious, internally willing him not to die. Mary Walker showed up at the hospital, claiming she was Matt's true love and that she not only knew he was Daredevil, but that she had found him and brought him to the hospital. Shocked, Karen rushed into the room and demanded Matt to tell her the truth, but she only heard him weakly cry out for Mary. Karen rushed from the room in tears, back among the demons and living inanimate objects on the streets. (Daredevil I#267 (fb) - BTS) - The free clinic was shut down. (Daredevil I#294 (fb) - BTS) - Karen was devastated over Matt's betrayal, and she found herself tempted to fall back on her addictive cycles. Memories of her adult film days haunted her, and she cut her hair to reclaim her life on her terms, then she began volunteering with spreading anti-pornography material across the city. (Daredevil I#294) - Ignoring taunts from those who recognized her from her porn days, Karen worked with Joyce to hand out pamphlets, but she was flabbergasted when Matt Murdock showed up. Matt stammered apologies that Mary had meant nothing to him, but Karen walked away, furious at him, saying she didn't know if she'd ever trust him again as he'd been gone for weeks. (Daredevil I#296 (fb) - BTS) - Karen reluctantly agreed to meet with Matt. (Daredevil I#296) - Karen waited outside for the meeting, but Matt never showed. She muttered that he'd blown it before leaving. (Daredevil I#297) - Karen reluctantly had lunch with Matt, wanting to keep distance between them. As she drew idly, Matt grabbed the red crayon from her hand and drew a red heart with the letters MM and KP on either side. He tried getting personal with her, but she ripped the heart in half and left, taking the KP half with her. (Daredevil I#299) - Karen reluctantly met with Matt in Central Park, where they played with toy sailboats in the water. After refusing to talk about the past, Karen briefly let Matt take her hand. When Matt hinted that he was working to take down the Kingpin, Karen walked away, realizing he was still reckless and could end up dead. (Daredevil I#302 (fb) - BTS) - Karen heard that Daredevil took down the Kingpin, only to have more crimelords show up. She saw negative headlines in the paper and decided to go check on Matt at his new law office with Foggy Nelson. (Daredevil I#302) - Karen waited for Matt in the dark. She offered him comforting words, telling him he had done good work, but rushing away when he invited her to stay longer. (Daredevil I#305) - Karen read about the horrors of the Surgeon General murders in the paper, then provided intel to Matt on various nightclubs. She invited him to the movies, then realized he was going after the Surgeon General. (Daredevil I#312) - Karen ate street food while Matt confided in her about an arson case and criminal justice. She comforted him, reminding him what he stood for and what they'd sacrificed together. (Daredevil I#316) - Karen spent time with Matt, telling him it wasn't a date. When they got on the subway, a few civilians nearly got in a fight in front of them. (Daredevil I#318) - Karen went out to lunch with Matt and Ben Urich, who showed off the article he'd just written. (Daredevil Annual I#9/2) - At 8 PM Matt finally arrived, one hour late, to have dinner with Karen. She was mad at him. (Daredevil I#320) - Karen woke up to find a wounded Daredevil in her apartment, badly burned from a flamethrower and with his costume in shreds. Karen tended to the burns while commenting on their relationship and how it had changed to friendship. Daredevil needed his costume stitched up quickly, but he refused to take time to rest while threats were out there, so Karen got it barely holding together and he returned to the streets. (Daredevil I#323) - Karen joined Jillian in an anti-pornography protest when Foggy showed up and briefly argued with Jillian about censorship. He told Karen that Matt had been acting suspiciously lately and asked her to investigate. She reluctantly agreed. (Daredevil I#324 (fb) - BTS) - Karen saw a story in the local papers that claimed Matt Murdock was Daredevil. (Daredevil I#324) - Karen showed up at Foggy's office, imploring him to help his best friend, and Foggy agreed, calling Judge Crater for restraining orders. (Daredevil I#325) - After Matt successfully got the media off his back, Karen went to commend him, but she found him in a bitter and angry mood, worried about more exposure. Matt told Karen he wanted a relationship, having seen Elektra and remembering how important it is to be with someone. Matt pulled down his half of the heart he'd once drawn for Karen off the wall, and she showed him that she still had her half. Matt held her close, saying he still loved her, and telling her Elektra didn't compare to her. Later, Karen heard that Matt Murdock's body had been found and she lay crying in bed. (Daredevil I#326 (fb) - BTS) - Karen grieved for Matt deeply as Foggy made arrangements for the funeral. (Daredevil I#326) - Karen sobbed into Foggy's shoulder at the funeral. (Daredevil I#327) - Jillian and Karen taunted a man for purchasing pornography. Jillian worried after Karen, who discussed grieving Matt. Jim and Artie O'Farrell approached Karen on the street, remembering the days when they made movies together, but Karen wanted nothing to do with them. (Daredevil I#329) - Karen was confiding in Jillian over coffee when Artie returned, telling Karen he was sorry for her losses and he wanted to involve her in a scam to take money from banks; she turned him down. (Daredevil I#330 (fb) - BTS) - Karen took a computer disc from Artie and Jim and agreed to listen. (Daredevil I#330) - Back at the Smut Busters office, Karen played the disc; they wanted Karen to act for a new computer program that would allow the user to point and click, commanding women to do whatever they instructed. She briefly considered it, but then saw an image on the disc of a child being abused, though it quickly disappeared. Karen grew determined to find the girl. (Daredevil I#331 (fb) - BTS) - Karen took the disc to the police, and Sgt. Kinney and Detective Vernon agreed to take a look. (Daredevil I#331) - Vernon told Karen they found no evidence, then he tried flirting with her by saying he'd seen one of her movies once. Wondering if the child's life mattered to the police, Karen left in a fury, ignoring Vernon's apology. (Daredevil I#338) - Karen showed up at Pixelporn Technologies, where Jim and Artie worked, and she angrily confronted them about the child pornography on the disc. They both denied that there was anything inappropriate on the disc, and Karen stormed out, determined to find the truth. (Daredevil I#339) - Karen showed up at Foggy's law office to ask for help connecting to a private investigator, but Foggy was in business with Robert Dennehy, anchorman at WFET, Kingpin's television station. Dennehy insulted Karen, saying he had seen one of her movies. Foggy showed Karen out, and she was furious that he was keeping Murdock's name on the door given the kind of law he was practicing. (Daredevil I#342 (fb) - BTS) - Karen searched for a private investigator, but found no one professional enough. (Daredevil I#342) - At her apartment, Karen was eating take-out when John Garrett, a cyborg who worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., kicked the door in and shot her wall. He said he was there about the private investigator job, and she hired him immediately. (Daredevil I#345) - Karen woke up with a start and found "Daredevil" outside her window in his classic yellow costume. Later, Karen went to Matt's grave and she found it dug up with Daredevil inside, in his red costume. Daredevil rushed off as Karen called after him, wondering if he was Matt. (Daredevil I#346) - Foggy met Karen for lunch and she worried about how much cream cheese he was putting on his bagel. They discussed the recent Daredevil sightings, then the yellow-clad Daredevil showed up, claimed to be the original, kissed Karen, and paid for their breakfast before rushing off. (Daredevil I#347) - Karen was going through her photo albums and remembering the kiss when the yellow-clad Daredevil showed up, saying that Matt Murdock was still dead and that he was the original Daredevil. He told her he loved her and then rushed off. Karen woke Foggy up from a nap with urgency. Karen took Foggy with her to find Daredevil, and they found Matt Murdock in Daredevil's yellow costume, sobbing and incoherent. Foggy was baffled. (Daredevil I#348 (fb) - BTS) - Karen got Matt back to her apartment, where Matt lay conscious but seemingly catatonic and nonresponsive. Foggy began to realize that Matt really was Daredevil. (Daredevil I#348) - Karen checked on Matt, then Foggy threw a glass across the room in frustration, yelling at Karen for lying to him for all those years. Karen slapped Foggy's hand away when he pointed it at her, and she said that he should take up his struggles with Matt as his costumed identity had never been her secret to tell, then she stormed out. After walking around the block twice, Karen returned to find Matt gone, and Foggy offered his support as she cried. (Daredevil I#349) - Karen found Matt standing at his window and she wondered if he was going to fake his own death again and expect her to pick up the pieces. Matt tried to kiss Karen, but she was too angry about all the lies. Matt, ashamed of his past and decisions, opened up to Karen for hours, telling her the dark things he'd done, and he fell asleep in her arms, feeling accepted by her. She woke up filled with hope, even after finding Matt gone and only a note he'd left behind. (Daredevil I#350) - Matt returned to Karen, telling her how his old mentor Stick had helped him heal his mind, and Karen wondered if Matt had imagined the whole thing. As they danced in the kitchen, Matt kissed her, and she realized Daredevil was back in her life. (I ♥ Marvel: Marvel AI#1/3) - Matt and Karen walked together, in love. (Daredevil I#351) - Karen woke up when Matt returned from patrolling as Daredevil, and he seemed happy to be embracing both sides of his life. (Over the Edge#6) - When Daredevil prepared to go out after Klaw, a super-villain who had recently injured Foggy, Karen demanded that he stay and stop putting himself in danger, but Matt rushed off anyway. (Daredevil I#353) - Matt snuggled with Karen, discussing Foggy's strange connections to attorney Rosalind Sharpe, and he asked Karen what she wanted to do with her future. Matt described his sensory experiences of Karen in detail, and asked what color her eyes were; she said blue. (Daredevil I#354 (fb) - BTS) - Karen helped Matt check the windows at his new office, making sure the sun's glare in the mornings would prevent passersby from seeing him change out of his Daredevil costume. (Daredevil I#354) - Matt joined Karen for lunch, aggressively flirting with her before he discussed his case with Mr. Hyde. Karen lied to Matt about her recent job searches, then they saw Ben Urich and Peter Parker walk by. When Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) rushed by, Murdock rushed off, and Karen helped cover for him. (Daredevil I#357 (fb) - BTS) - Karen took a job at WFSK, working with Dom and Renny, as a radio show host. She adopted the pseudonym Paige Angel. (Daredevil I#355) - Foggy and Karen were packing up his office and he was being evasive about his connection to Sharpe. Karen quietly admitted she had an audition that evening. Matt stormed in furious about Sharpe expecting him to defend Mr. Hyde. Foggy and Karen briefly bickered about whether Hyde deserved a defense, then Liz Allan showed up to go shopping for office furniture with Foggy. (Over the Edge#10) - Karen woke to Matt cooking for her. (Daredevil I#356) - Karen visited Matt at his new office, bringing him a welcoming gift, a new audio recorder, but she grew frustrated with the intense screening of security man, Sunny Sitka, at the door. Karen chose not to tell Matt about her new job yet. After seeing Foggy, Karen met Rosalind Sharpe, who said she admired Karen for transforming her life and hoped that they could get to know each other. (Daredevil I#357) - After a night working as Paige Angel, Karen returned home exhausted, wondering how Matt's defense of Hyde was going. Karen went back to work that night as Dom and Renny watched over her. (Onslaught: Marvel Universe#1) - Karen and Foggy saw the Onslaught incident open in the skies over New York. (Daredevil I#358 (fb) - BTS) - Karen got word on the news that Matt had gone to visit the Black Widow as Daredevil, and she was furious. (Daredevil I#358) - When Matt got home, Karen yelled at him for keeping more secrets from her, and said that he should have told her he was going to see his ex. Matt confronted her about keeping her job a secret, and Karen stormed out, hurt, telling Matt not to follow her. (Daredevil I#359 (fb) - BTS) - Karen continued her work at the radio station, but still refused to tell Matt about her job, even as he saw her leaving every night. (Daredevil I#359) - At work at the radio station, Paige Angel held a discussion about the missing heroes and turned the conversation to Daredevil, as Renny and Dom watched the calls pour in. She took calls from Tony, Peter, Sarah, Wade, Samuel, Stuart, and then Mr. Hyde himself. Rosalind Sharpe called in unexpectedly, identifying Foggy as Daredevil's best friend, then she connected Foggy directly to provide commentary on Daredevil, and Foggy admitted they were best friends. After that, Karen took a call from "Mike", actually Matt himself, asking about her history with Daredevil, and she admitted on the air that Daredevil had saved her life more than once. "Mike" then said he admired what she was doing, trying to do good from a Fisk radio station. (Daredevil I#360) - Karen went to see Matt at the office and shared an elevator with Sharpe, who encouraged Karen to break up with Matt, wondering what she saw in him. After Sharpe asked Karen about WFSK and greeted Sunny Sitka, Karen saw Foggy enter with his mother, and Karen was shocked to learn that Anna was Foggy's step-mother and Rosalind his biological mother. Later, she tended to a wounded Matt, then told him about Foggy's parenting. (Daredevil I#361) - Karen finished a shift at WFSK when Matt surprised her by picking her up, and she introduced him to Dom and Renny. Matt shared a carriage ride with her then got off at his own job, meeting Foggy. Matt wondered who owned her station now that Kingpin was out of the picture. (Daredevil I#362) - Karen woke Matt up from a nightmare as she got ready for her lunch with Rosalind Sharpe. After hearing Sharpe chide Matt for not being at the office much lately, Karen saw a gunman come after her, and Daredevil took him down, with the help of Sunny Sitka and Deuce. At lunch, Karen checked on Rosalind, then asked her to ease up on Matt, confiding he was worried about an old girlfriend (Black Widow) lately; Rosalind encouraged her to break up with Matt. (Marvel Valentine Special#1) - Matt told Karen about a boy (Jerry) who was abusing a girl (Karen), and Karen remembered her own years as an addict, putting up with abuse. As Paige Angel, she addressed Angel directly, giving her the courage to leave Jerry, and Daredevil helped her as well. That night, Matt gave Karen a single rose. (Daredevil I#363) - Karen finished a shift at WFSK and passed Dom when she saw blood being mopped up in the hallway, but Renny distracted her, and when she turned around the blood was gone. (Daredevil I#364) - Karen was summoned by the WFSK boss, who revealed herself as the super-villain Insomnia. Karen went running through the building to get away, but Insomnia cornered her on the roof and then suspended her from a transmitter, one she had been using to mentally manipulate people who'd been listening to the Paige Angel show. Daredevil attacked and Insomnia cut Karen loose, but Daredevil plummeted after her, catching Karen and landing her in a rooftop pool, saving her life. Insomnia escaped. (Daredevil I#366 (fb) - BTS) - Karen went back to work as Paige Angel but made several mistakes and she wondered if she should retire, but she was happy to wait it out. (Daredevil I#366) - Karen met Matt for breakfast in a diner. (Daredevil I#367) - At WFSK, Kathy Malper and the police arrived to shut the station down, after the recent attack on New York, and Karen was furious. Malper questioned Karen's connections to the radio station, but then Malper rushed off to Ryker's Island after getting news of a riot there. (Elektra I#10) - Karen was out walking with Matt when he went suddenly quiet, sensing Elektra nearby. (Elektra I#11) - Karen and Matt ran into Elektra at dinner and chose to leave after an uncomfortable interaction. (Uncanny Origins#13) - Karen kissed Matt and then accompanied him to receive his Lawyer of the Year award. (Daredevil I#368) - Matt left Karen a note, inviting her to a fancy dinner. Karen waited for Matt for dinner that night but he never showed. (Daredevil I#369) - At home, Karen was drinking and ranting about Matt missing dinner when she heard someone outside. Opening the door, she found Black Widow holding a wounded Daredevil, saying she'd shot him. Black Widow said she'd patched the wound and told Karen the bullet had passed straight through Matt, but he'd lost a lot of blood. Karen put Matt to bed and treated his wound with alcohol, but he soon woke with a nightmare. She told him to rest before she planned to take him to the hospital. Matt got up and put his costume back on, wrapping bandages around his torso. Karen told him to let her get him help or they'd have a big problem, but he chose to walk out on her and go after the Widow. (Daredevil I#370) - Feeling sorry for herself, Karen got drunk and called to confide in Foggy, leaving a message. (Daredevil I#371) - Karen showed up at Rosalind's apartment majorly hungover, and wanted to vent, so Rosalind took her shopping at Tiffany's, where salesman Renaldo helped her try on jewelry that she'd charge to Matt's expense account. Karen turned down an invitation to dinner and returned home to confront Matt directly. Karen returned home to find flowers there, but Matt missing, and her anger intensified. When Matt finally came home, Karen confronted him, telling him that she was his partner in all this and she wouldn't be disrespected in the future. They made up as Rosalind called to tell Karen she'd gotten WFSK opened again and Paige Angel back on the radio. (Daredevil II#6 (fb)) - At some point, Matt was suiting up to be Daredevil, overwhelmed by the crimes of the city and Kingpin's ownership of the police. Karen provided love and support, saying she'd be the voice of reason when he needed her. Another night, they had sex and discussed the possibility of ever having a child. Karen made Matt promise not to ever quit being a hero and saving others. (Daredevil I#372) - Daredevil swung through the city with Karen, kissing her, then dropped her off at WFSK for her first day back as Paige Angel. Karen met her new producer Ian Hunter (to whom she was immediately attracted) and engineer Patrick Hinds. That night, Karen took a call from a man who threatened to eat her heart, then she heard from Peter in Forest Hills. (Daredevil I#373) - Karen wondered out loud about Ian Hunter as she gave Matt a mini-spa treatment at home. Back on the radio, with Patrick working sound, Paige Angel got flowers from a stranger, delivered to her by Ian Hunter. Later, Charles called back in, creeping Karen out on the phone and taking over every line of the radio station. (Daredevil I#374) - Rosalind offered to buy Karen a gun to deal with her stalker, but she turned her down as she challenged Matt to help her. At WFSK, another package arrived, this one with a human heart in it, and Karen didn't know how much more she could take; Patrick agreed to run a replacement show while Ian took Karen home. Karen invited Ian inside then she heard a knock at the door and when she answered Mrs. Banks fell into the apartment dead, a knife in her back. Karen screamed for Matt. (Daredevil I#375 (fb) - BTS) - Karen purchased a gun to protect herself, with Rosalind's help. Police assigned officer Charles Boroughs to act as security for her, but Karen soon realized that Boroughs was the killer/stalker and she shot him in self-defense. Karen was arrested for murder, with Foggy, Matt, and Rosalind acting as her defense attorneys. (Daredevil I#375) - After an appearance in court with Matt, Karen was yelled at by prisoners and berated by guards in jail. Matt comforted her as her trial began, but during his opening statement, the body of a woman (Marissa Dwyer) dropped through the glass with Karen's name carved in her flesh, disrupting Karen's defense that she had killed her stalker as this showed the stalker was still out there. In jail, one particular guard continually threatened Karen. After witnesses testified, including Rosalind Sharpe, Ian Hunter, Kathy Malper, Candace Nelson, and Patrick Hinds, Karen was questioned by Blake Tower about her previous heroin addiction and prostitution days. Smoking again and knowing that Mr. Fear was toying with them, Karen wondered privately to Matt that if she were convicted while innocent, if Daredevil might free her. In jail, Karen befriended prisoner Nina (secretly Elektra). As Karen and Foggy panicked, Matt ran late for court the next morning, but he brought in the journal of Judge Bryant Chalmers and handwriting expert Dr. Molle, which introduced evidence that Chalmers was Boroughs' father, and that Boroughs really was the Triple-Threat killer. That night in jail, while Karen showered, Nina beat up guards who had been sent to hurt Karen, but Karen remained oblivious as she wished Nina well. The next day, in court, after the jury deliberated, Karen was found not guilty, and she was embraced by Matt. (Cable II#55) - Matt and Karen had lunch at a diner before she headed to work. (Daredevil II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Karen felt a growing distance between her and Matt after her murder trial. They fell into a routine of comfort and silence, and he continually invited her to church with him, but she expressed little interest. When a WFSK station in California offered her a job, taking a morning show that they would call "Angel of the Morning", Karen and Matt initially laughed, but Karen considered it and finally agreed to take the job. (Daredevil II#8 (fb) - BTS) - At some point during her employment at WFSK, Karen retained the services of the firm Mosier, Schwalbach, and Pereira to handle her employment concerns, feeling like using Matt would be a bit too close at home. She had a life insurance policy in the millions of dollars, and she put it in Matt's name, leaving him a love letter with her attorneys. She made Matt promise to use the money to do something nice for himself. (Daredevil II#1 (fb) - BTS) - She left Matt a long love letter, telling him they needed time apart to figure out if they were still in love. (Daredevil II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Karen got results that showed she had AIDS, and she couldn't believe it, feeling like the dark part of her life was behind her. She immediately booked a ticket to see Matt. (Daredevil II#2) - Karen showed up at Matt's door, cursing God as she fell into his arms and gave him the news of her AIDS. (Daredevil II#3 (fb) - BTS) - Karen fell asleep crying at Matt's apartment. (Daredevil II#3) - Karen was smoking at Matt's apartment when a man showed up to see her about her "unfortunate situation". He tried convincing Karen that a small infant believed to be the Antichrist was responsible for her infection, and that she risked infecting Matt and others unless she killed the child. (Daredevil II#4) - Karen showed up at the Clinton Mission Shelter, where Matt was visiting his mother, the nun Sister Maggie. She told Matt she needed to see the baby, and he wondered who had told her about the child. Furious, Matt told her that her infection was due to her past lifestyle and not the child, and Karen rushed from the room in tears. (Daredevil II#5) - Karen cried in a park, contemplating her life choices and her connection to Matt. Karen showed up to the Shelter again and found several nuns slaughtered by Bullseye. She tried getting Sister Maggie to safety, but Maggie implored her to help Daredevil save the baby. Karen clutched a baby, offering to let Bullseye take it if he promised to let Daredevil go, but when Bullseye took the child, he realized it was the plastic baby Jesus from the nativity. Bullseye hit Karen in the head with it, then he grabbed the real child. Karen grabbed a gun and pointed it at Bullseye, but he threw Daredevil's billy club at her, puncturing her chest, killing her. As Daredevil held her, Karen muttered that she loved and would miss him. (Daredevil II#6 - BTS) - Ben Urich wrote about Karen's death in the Daily Bugle. (Daredevil II#8 - BTS) - Karen's funeral was held. Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Bill Everett, Steve Ditko & Sol Brodsky. Karen Page is one of my favorite characters in Marvel lore. And her character on the three seasons of Daredevil, the season of Defenders, and the two seasons of Punisher on Netflix, played by Deborah Ann Woll. From the daughter of the cobalt scientist, to the devoted, hopelessly in love secretary (how many times can one girl get kidnapped), to the heartbroken love interest (Daredevil outed himself to Karen very early in the series comparatively), to the struggling actress (with love ties to Ghost Rider, of all people), to the recovering addict (man, Frank Miller hit us hard with that one), to the Hotline manager and anti-pornography addict (that story with John Garrett and rescuing the girl on the disc really needs to be told), to the radio show host (what was with Charlie Boroughs anyway), Karen remained the most steady figure in Matt's life besides Foggy himself. I hate how she died, but I loved that she went out fighting, and I love that Matt still calls her the love of his life all these years later. On the flipside of all of that, Karen is an absolutely aggravating character in the number of times she chose to go back to the man who kept hurting her. He cheated on her, lied to her extensively, had assassins and super-villains constantly after him and his loved ones, and literally faked his own death multiple times, allowing Karen to believe him dead each one of those times. In Marvel Knights 20th#1-6, a seeming ghost of Karen appears to guide Matt and other heroes to destroy a machine they'd used to wipe the world's knowledge of heroes. Though Daredevil believed Karen to be an actual angel, the others proposed that she was a hologram created by the machine to guide them toward its destruction. In Daredevil I#612, when Matt lay dying, Karen appeared to welcome him in the afterlife. According to Elektra II#6 (February, 2002), Karen was age 28 when she was murdered. Thanks to Markus Raymond for adding a few missed appearances and additional images. Profile by Chadman. CLARIFICATIONS: (Daredevil I#374) - A single mother who ran an apartment complex, Mrs. Banks reminded Matt Murdock and Karen Page to pay their rent. Later, Karen heard a knock at her door and found Mrs. Banks dead there with a knife in her back. --Daredevil I#374 (Daredevil I#79) - Doorman at the district attorney's office, Bridwell, greeted both Karen Page and Foggy Nelson one evening. --Daredevil I#79
--Wolfram Bane
Karen Page should not be confused with:
(Daredevil I#250 - BTS) - Drug addict Chuck called in to a drug hotline for help and Karen Page coached him, inviting him in for help.
--[Daredevil I#250]
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(Daredevil I#259) - A street vendor Chuck recognized Karen Page when she walked by, dressed like a prostitute. He complimented her old films. --Daredevil I#259 |
(Daredevil I#324 - BTS) - Foggy Nelson called Judge Crater in the middle of the night to get restraining orders, after a news story exposed Matt Murdock as Daredevil.
--[Daredevil I#324]
(Daredevil I#11 - BTS) - Mr. Nesbitt, landlord of the building containing Nelson and Murdock, called Karen Page to inform her the rent was overdue.
--[Daredevil I#11]
(Daredevil I#359 - BTS) - Peter called in to the Paige Angel radio show to discuss his theories on Daredevil, telling Paige that he was her biggest fan. Peter felt Daredevil had been a swinger and a success before getting killed and sent to Hell, then the devil sent him back as a hero.
--[Daredevil I#359]
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(Daredevil I#56 (fb) - BTS) - Pop Arkham, in Fagan Corners, Vermont, befriended Dr. Paxton and Mrs. Penelope Page. (Daredevil I#56) - Pop Arkham saw an adult Karen, but didn't recognize her. He encouraged her to avoid the Page residence. --Daredevil I#56 ([Daredevil I#56 (fb)], 56 |
(Daredevil I#70) - Hollywood agent Ray tried arranging a meeting between Karen Page and movie star Buck Ralston; Ray apologized when Karen disagreed with Buck's politics. --Daredevil I#70 |
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(Daredevil I#359 - BTS) - Samuel called in to Paige Angel's radio show to discuss Daredevil, and he wondered why the hero was trusted when he was named after the devil himself.
--[Daredevil I#359]
(Daredevil I#359 - BTS) - Sarah called in to the Paige Angel radio show to discuss Daredevil, and wondered about the Fat Boys that Daredevil used to help.
--[Daredevil I#359]
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(Daredevil I#233 (fb) - BTS) - Otto and Bertha Schnapp ran a diner in Hell's Kitchen for years, but it was destroyed when Nuke attacked the city. The insurance told them the diner's damages couldn't be covered. (Daredevil I#233) - The Schnapps told Matt Murdock and Karen Page of their plight. --Daredevil I#233 ([Daredevil I#233 (fb)], 233 |
(Daredevil I#359 - BTS) - Stuart called in to Paige Angel's radio show.
--[Daredevil I#359]
(Daredevil I#239) - Ted was working in the streets when he saw Matt Murdock sweep up Karen Page, in love. He commented that if he did that to his wife, she'd think he was drunk. --Daredevil I#239 |
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(Daredevil I#359 - BTS) - Tony called in to the Paige Angel radio show to discuss his theories on Daredevil, commenting that he was confused by the hero.
--[Daredevil I#359]
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(Daredevil I#239 (fb) - BTS) - Elderly Vegas lived in a car in an abandoned lot in New York City, a lot that he learned was worth over a million dollars. Vegas rented out the backseat of his car to a student to sleep in and he sold food to friends, like Matt Murdock. (Daredevil I#239) - Matt Murdock and Karen Page came to get some food from Vegas, teasing him for how cluttered his lot was. --Daredevil I#239 ([Daredevil I#239 (fb)], 239 |
(Daredevil I#359 - BTS) - Wade called in to the Paige Angel radio show to discuss Daredevil, and he wondered if the hero had insect eyes with special vision powers beneath his mask.
--[Daredevil I#359]
images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#8, Karen Page profile (main, see also Karen Page's profile in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89#5)
Daredevil I#259, p5, pan4 (face)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Daredevil 2004, p32, pan1 (early days, based on Daredevil: Yellow#5, p20, pan2)
Daredevil King-Size Special#1, p44, pan1 (Karen Page pin-up)
Ghost Rider II#20, p7, pan3 (conversation with Daredevil)
Daredevil I#231, p22, pan1 (Karen embracing Matt)
Daredevil I#239, p7, pan5 (Karen in pink)
Daredevil I#259, p9, pan1 (swinging with Daredevil)
Daredevil I#294, p7, pan4 (Karen with short hair)
Daredevil I#357, p22, pan2 (Paige Angel radio show)
Daredevil I#375, p1 (on trial)
Daredevil II#5, p22 (death)
Daredevil I#374, p3, pan1 (Mrs. Banks)
Daredevil I#78, p7, pan6 (Bridwell)
Daredevil I#259, p10, pan6 (Chuck)
Daredevil I#56, p7, pan1 (Pop Arkham)
Daredevil I#70, p2, pan2 (Ray)
Daredevil I#233, p16, pan5 (Otto and Bertha Schnapp)
Daredevil I#239, p7, pan5 (Ted)
Daredevil I#239, p8, pan5 (Vegas)
Daredevil I#1 (April, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Bill Everett (penciler), Steve Ditko/Sol Brodsky (inkers)
Daredevil I#2 (June, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Joe Orlando (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker)
Daredevil I#3 (August, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Joe Orlando (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker)
Amazing Spider-Man I#16 (September, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Steve Ditko (artist)
Daredevil I#4 (October, 1964) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Joe Orlando (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker)
Daredevil I#5-9 (December, 1964 - August, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Wallace Wood (artist)
Daredevil I#10-11 (October, December, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Bob Powell, Wallace Wood (artists)
Fantastic Four Annual I#3 (October, 1965) - Stan Lee (writer), Jack Kirby (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#12-13 (January-February, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby, John Romita (artists)
Daredevil I#14-18 (March-July, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), John Romita (penciler), Frankie Ray (inker)
Daredevil I#19 (August, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), John Romita (penciler), Frank Giacoia (inker)
Daredevil I#20 (September, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Frank Giacoia (inker)
Daredevil I#22 (November, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Frank Giacoia, Dick Ayers (inkers)
Amazing Spider-Man I#43 (December, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer), John Romita (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#23-25 (January-March, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Frank Giacoia (inker)
Daredevil I#26 (April, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler)
Daredevil I#27 (May, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Frank Giacoia (inker)
Daredevil I#28 (June, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Dick Ayers (inker)
Daredevil I#29-31 (July-September, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Jon Tartaglione (inker)
Daredevil King-Size Special#1 (September, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), John Tartaglione (inker)
Daredevil I#33-35 (November, 1967-January, 1968) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Jon Tartaglione (inker)
Daredevil I#36 (February, 1968) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Frank Giacoia (inker)
Daredevil I#38 (April, 1968) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Frank Giacoia (inker)
Daredevil I#39 (May, 1968) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), George Tuska (inker)
Daredevil I#40-41 (June-July, 1968) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), John Taraglione (editor)
Daredevil I#42 (August, 1968) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Dan Adkins (inker)
Daredevil I#43-45 (September-November, 1968) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker)
Daredevil I#46-48 (December, 1968-February, 1969) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Gene Colan (penciler), George Klein (inker)
Daredevil I#50 (April, 1969) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Barry Smith (penciler), Johnny Craig (inker)
Daredevil I#51 (May, 1969) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Barry Smith (penciler), George Klein (inker)
Daredevil I#52 (June, 1969) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Barry Smith (penciler), Johnny Craig (inker)
Daredevil I#53-54 (June-July, 1969) -Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), George Klein (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#55-67 (August, 1969 - August, 1970) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Syd Shores (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#70 (November, 1970) - Roy Thomas (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Syd Shores (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#77-78 (June-July, 1971) - Gerry Conway (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#79 (August, 1971) - Gary Friedrich, Gerry Conway (writers), Gene Colan (penciler), Tom Palmer (editor)
Daredevil I#80 (September, 1971) - Gerry Conway (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#81-83 (October-December, 1971) - Gerry Conway (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Jack Abel (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#85 (February, 1972) - Gerry Conway (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Syd Shores (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Daredevil I#86 (March, 1972) - Gerry Conway (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Ghost Rider II#13-14 (August-September, 1975) - Tony Isabella (writer), George Tuska (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker), Len Wein (editor)
Ghost Rider II#15 (December, 1975) - Tony Isabella (writer), Bob Brown (penciler), Don Heck (inker), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Ghost Rider II#17 (April, 1976) - Tony Isabella (writer), Frank Robbins (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Ghost Rider II#19 (August, 1976) - Tony Isabella (writer), Frank Robbins (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Daredevil I#137 (September, 1976) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), John Buscema (penciler), Jim Mooney (inker)
Daredevil I#138 (October, 1976) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), John Byrne (penciler), Jim Mooney (editor)
Ghost Rider II#20 (October, 1976) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), John Byrne (penciler), Don Perlin (inker)
Ghost Rider II#21 (December, 1976) - Gerry Conway (writer/editor), Gil Kane (penciler), Sam Grainger (inker)
Ghost Rider II#22 (February, 1977) - Gerry Conway, Don Glut (writers), Don Heck (penciler), Keith Pollard (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Ghost Rider II#23 (April, 1977) - Jim Shooter (writer), Don Heck (penciler), Don Newton (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Ghost Rider II#25 (August, 1977) - Jim Shooter (writer), Don Heck (penciler), Tony DeZuniga (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Ghost Rider II#26 (October, 1977) - Jim Shooter (writer), Don Perlin (penciler), Sam Grainger (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Ghost Rider II#27 (December, 1977) - Jim Shooter (writer), Don Perlin (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Marvel Two-in-One I#46 (December, 1978) - Alan Kupperberg (writer/penciler), Chic Stone (inker), Roger Stern (editor)
Marvel Team-Up Annual I#3/2 (1980) - Roger Stern (writer), Herb Trimpe (penciler), Patterson (inker), Dennis O'Neil (editor)
Daredevil I#227-233 (February-August, 1986) - Frank Miller (writer), David Mazzuchelli (artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#235 (October, 1986) - Danny Fingeroth (writer), Steve Ditko (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#237 (December, 1986) - John Harkness (writer), Louis Williams (penciler), Al Williamson, Danny Bulanadi (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#239 (February, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Louis Williams (penciler), Al Williamson, Geof Isherwood (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#240 (March, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Louis Wiliams (penciler),, Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#241 (April, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Todd McFarlane (penciler), Al Milgrom (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man I#287 (April, 1987) - Jim Owlsley (writer), Erik Larsen (penciler), Art Nichols (inker), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Daredevil I#242 (May, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Keith Pollard (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#243 (June, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Louis Williams (penciler), Al Williamson, Danny Bulanadi (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#244 (July, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Louis Williams (penciler), Tony DeZuniga (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#248-249 (November, 1987) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Rick Leonardi (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#250-256 (January-July, 1988) - Ann Nocenti (writer), John Romita Jr (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#259-263 (October, 1988 - February, 1989) - Ann Nocenti (writer), John Romita Jr (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Black Widow: The Coldest War (April, 1990) - Gerry Conway (writer), George Freeman (penciler), Ernie Colon, Mark Farmer, George Freeman, Mike Harris, Val Mayerik, Joe Rubinstein (inkers), Terry Kavanagh (editor)
Daredevil I#284 (September, 1990) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Lee Weeks (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#294 (July, 1991) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Lee Weeks (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#296 (September, 1991) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Ron Garney (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#297 (October, 1991) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Lee Weeks (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#299 (December, 1991) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Lee Weeks (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#302 (March, 1992) - D.G. Chichester (writer), M.C. Wyman (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#304 (May, 1992) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Ron Garney (penciler), Bud LaRosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#305 (June, 1992) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#306 (July, 1992) - D. G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Bud LaRosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#310 (November, 1992) - Glenn Herdling (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Bud LaRosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#312 (January, 1993) - Glenn Herdling (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Bud LaRosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#316 (May, 1993) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Kevin Kobasic (penciler), Bud LaRosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#317 (June, 1993) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Bud LaRosa (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#318 (July, 1993) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDnaiel (penciler), Greg Adams, Bud LaRosa (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil Annual I#9/2 (1993) - Gregory Wright (writer), Andrew Paquette (artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#320 (September, 1993) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Michael Avon Oeming (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#321 (October, 1993) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (pencier), Hector Collazo (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#323 (December, 1993) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDnail (penciler), Hector Collazo, Rich Rankin (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#324 (January, 1994) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (pencier), Hector Collazo, Michael Avon Oeming (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#325-327 (February-April, 1994) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Hector Collazo (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvels#2 (February, 1994) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Alex Ross (artist), Marcus McLaurin (editor)
Daredevil I#329 (June, 1994) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Hector Collazo (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#330-332 (July-September, 1994) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Scott McDaniel (penciler), Hector Collazo, Rich Rankin (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#333 (October, 1994) - Gregory Wright (writer), Tom Grindberg (penciler), Ray Kryssing (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#334-335 (November-December, 1994) - Gregory Wright (writer), Tom Grindberg (penciler), Don Hudson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Daredevil I#338 (March, 1995) - Alan Smithee (writer), Alexander Jubran (penciler), Ande Parks, Don Hudson (inkers), Marie Javins (editor)
Daredevil I#339 (April, 1995) - Alan Smithee (writer), Alexander Jubran (penciler), Ande Parks, Don Hudson, Bud LaRosa, Rodney Ramos (inkers), Marie Javins (editor)
Daredevil I#340 (May, 1995) - Alan Smithee (writer), Alexander Jubran (pencier), Ande Parks, Don Hudson, Marie Severin (inkers), Marie Javins (editor)
Daredevil I#341-342 (June-July, 1995) - Alan Smithee (writer), Keith Pollard (penciler), Art Nichols (inker, Marie Javins (editor)
Daredevil I#345-347 (October-December, 1995) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Ron Wagner (penciler), Bill Reinhold (inker), Jim Novak (editor)
Daredevil I#348 (January, 1996) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Cary Nord (penciler), Bill Reinhold (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Daredevil I#349 (February, 1996) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Cary Nord (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Jaye Garnder (editor)
Daredevil I#350 (March, 1996) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Ron Wagner (penciler), Bill Reinhold (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Daredevil I#351 (April, 1996) - John Rozum (writer), Shawn McManus (Artist), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Over the Edge#6 (April, 1996) - Ralph Macchio (writer), Robert Brown (penciler), Mike Witherby (inker), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Daredevil I#353-355 (June-August, 1996) - Karl Kesel (writer), Cary Nord (penciler), Matt Ryan (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Over the Edge#10 (August, 1996) - Joe Kelly (writer), Stephen Jones (penciler), Mike Witherby, Al Milgrom, Justin Bloomer, Tom Palmer (inkers), James Felder (editor)
Daredevil I#356-357 (September-October, 1996) - Karl Kesel (writer), Cary Nord (pencier), Matt Ryan (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Onslaught: Marvel Universe#1 (October, 1996) - Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid (writers), Andy Kubert, Joe Bennett (pencilers), Dan Green, Art Thibert, Tim Townsend, Jesse Delperdang (inkers), Bob Harras (editor)
Daredevil I#358 (November, 1996) - Joe Kelly (writer), Pasqual Ferry (artist), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Daredevil I#359-360 (December, 1996 - January, 1997) - Karl Kesel (writer), Larry Hama, Cary Nord (pencilers), Matt Ryan (inker), James Felder (editor)
Daredevil I#362 (March, 1997) - Karl Kesel (writer), Larry Hama, Cary Nord (pencilers), Matt Ryan (inker), James Felder (editor)
Marvel Valentine Special#1/2 (March, 1997) - John Ostrander (writer), Mary Mitchell (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Daredevil I#363 (April, 1997) - Karl Kesel (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Cam Smith, Paul Neary (inkers), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Daredevil I#364 (May, 1997) - Karl Kesel (writer), Cary Nord (penciler), Matt Ryan (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Untold Tales of Spider-Man '97 (July, 1997) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Tom Lyle (penciler), Robert Jones (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Daredevil I#366-367 (August-September, 1997) - Joe Kelly (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Elektra I#10 (September, 1997) - Peter Milligan (writer), Mike Deodato Jr (penciler), Scott Koblish (inker), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Uncanny Origins#13 (September, 1997) - Bob Budiansky (writer), M.C. Wyman (penciler), Ralph Cabrera (inker), Joe Andreani (editor)
Daredevil I#368 (October, 1997) - Joe Kelly (writer), Gene Colan (penciler), Al Williamson (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Elektra I#11 (October, 1997) - Peter Milligan (writer), Mike Deodato Jr (penciler), Scott Koblish (inker), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Daredevil I#369 (November, 1997) - Joe Kelly (writer), Ariel Olivetti (penciler), Pier Brito (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Daredevil I#371-372 (January-February, 1998) - Joe Kelly (writer), Ariel Olivetti (penciler), Pier Brito (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Daredevil I#373 (March, 1998) - Joe Kelly (writer), Richie Acosta (penciler), Bud LaRosa (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Daredevil I#374 (April, 1998) - Joe Kelly, Jonathan Barron (writers), Ariel Olivetti (penciler), Pier Brito (inker), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Daredevil I#375 (May, 1998) - Joe Kelly, Chris Claremont (writers), CaryNord, Ariel Olivetti, John Paul Leon, Tom Lyle, Brian Denham, Rick Leonardi (pencilers), Mark Lipka, Pier Brito, Robert Jones, Chris Carlson, Scott Hanna (inkers), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Cable II#55 (June, 1998) - Joe Casey (writer), Jose Ladronn (penciler), Juan Vlasco (inker), Mark Powers (editor)
Daredevil II#1-8 (November-1998 - April, 1999) - Kevin Smith (writer), Joe Quesada (penciler), Jimmy Palmiotti (inker), Nanci Dakesian (editor)
Daredevil: Yellow#2-4 (September-November, 2001) - Jeph Loeb (writer), Tim Sale (artist), Nanci Dakesian & Stuart Moore (editors)
Daredevil: Yellow#5-6 (December, 2001 - January, 2002) - Jeph Loeb (writer), Tim Sale (artist), Bronwyn Taggart, Nanci Dakesian & Stuart Moore (editors)
Daredevil II#69 (March, 2005) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Alex Maleev (artist), Jennifer Lee (editor)
I ♥ Marvel: Marvel AI#1/4 (April, 2006) - C.B. Cebulski (writer), Toga (artist), Aubrey Sitterson (editor)
Daredevil IV#15.1/3 (July, 2015) - Chris Samnee (writer/artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Daredevil: Black Armor#1 (January, 2024) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Netho Diaz (penciler), J.P. Mayer (inker), Devin Lewis (editor)
First Posted: 10/28/2019
Last updated: 08/05/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and
© 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you
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Please visit The Marvel Official Site at: http://www.marvel.com
Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!