Real Name: (first name unrevealed) James
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Plastic surgery specialist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
Enemies: Doctor Doom (Victor Von
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Fool" (insult from Dr. Doom)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed, presumably
somewhere in the USA
First Appearance: Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics#4
Powers/Abilities: Professor James is a
world-renowned plastic surgery specialist. He is also quite brave for a
man his age, unafraid to face Dr. Doom head-on.
Height: 5'11" (by approximation)
Weight: 170 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Gray
History: (Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics#4 (fb) -
BTS) - Professor James became a renowned plastic surgery specialist.
(Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics#4) - One day, Professor
James was kidnapped and Jessica Drew witnessed James being forced into
a car by two thugs. Climbing to the rooftop, Drew watched as the car
traveled to a private plane and she decided to pursue in her identity
of Spider-Woman. Unable to catch up to the plane, Spider-Woman noticed
a branding on the side of the plane that said Latveria and soon caught
a plane to Latveria, where she attempted and failed to obtain an
audience with Latverian ruler Doctor Doom. More determined than ever to
rescue Professor James, Drew returned that night as Spider-Woman,
taking down Dr. Doom's guards and finding Doom attempting to force
Professor James to restore his scarred face. When Professor James asked
what would happened if he refused to help, Doom replied that he would
remain scarred forever and James would die. Spider-Woman then revealed
herself, announcing that Doom had no right to force his will on others,
but Doom grabbed Spider-Woman and attempted to force James' assistance
to save Spider-Woman.
James attempted to rescue Spider-Woman by grabbing
Doom's gauntlet, only to be shocked by Doom's electrified gauntlet.
Unfortunately for Dr. Doom, the shock to James' hands now prevented
James from being able to help Doom and Spider-Woman scolded Doom for
not asking for James' help in the first place. Despite James'
insistence that his hands would heal and he could come back to help
repair Doom's face, Doom grimly allowed both Spider-Woman and James to
go free, as they were no longer of any use to him and as they departed,
Spider-Woman remarked that perhaps someday, Doom could look in the
mirror and face himself.
Comments: Created by an uncredited writer and artist.
The Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics were a series of six tiny-sized, 10-page comic books distributed by the Amurol company with a stick of bubble gum on the back cover. The first four Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics were all published by Marvel (Spider-Man, Hulk, Captain America & Spider-Woman) and the final two were published by Archie (Archie & Sabrina). No credits were given in the issues.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Professor James has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics#4, p8, pan1 (Professor James, main image)
Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics#4, p6, pan1 (Professor James, headshot)
Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics#4, p10, pan2 (Professor James' damaged hands)
Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics#4 (1981) - uncredited writer, artist and
First Posted: 11/14/2020
Last updated: 11/14/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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