Real Name: Shannon Queller
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: News correspondent
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Norman Osborn
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Dark Avenges I#5 (August,
Powers/Abilities: Susan Queller had no
superhuman powers but she was a skilled news reporter and tough
Height: 5'11" (by approximation)
Weight: 150 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Strawberry blonde
History: (Dark Avengers I#5
(fb) - BTS) - Shannon Queller arranged to do an interview with Norman
Osborn and he provided her with a list of specific questions to ask.
(Dark Avengers I#5) - When Osborn arrived in
Queller's studio, Shannon greeted him and thanked him for taking the
time to meet with her. Osborn asked when the interview would air and
Queller informed him that it would be live in most areas of the United
States. Queller then asked if any questions would be off-limits and
Osborn asked if she had received the approved list of questions she
could ask, suggesting she stick to just those questions. Once the
television station went live, Queller informed viewers that she had
Norman Osborn live in the studio with her and remarked on Osborn's
recent incredible rise to power. After hearing Osborn speak about how
he now had to earn the public's trust, Queller responded that Osborn
had been appointed his position rather than voted in, but Osborn
reminded her that those who appointed him had been elected into power.
Osborn then told Queller that, by definition, his appointment was the
will of the people and that the country deserved better than the
superhero Civil War, remarking that in his short time in office, he had
met some very amazing people. Queller then followed up by asking about
Clint Barton's recent televised accusations that Osborn was a criminal
sociopath and that his Avengers were also criminals. Upon hearing a
video clip of Barton's accusations, Osborn feigned regret to Queller,
claiming that he wished to put his past as the Green Goblin behind him.
Admitting that he had once had a severe chemical imbalance, Osborn
claimed to Queller that he was now cured with signed documents to prove
it. When Queller mentioned that an accusation from Hawkeye still
carried some weight, Osborn was quick to remind Queller that Hawkeye
was a wanted felon when he first joined the Avengers and claim that
Hawkeye had been offered a place in Osborn's Initiative but turned it
down. Osborn then suggested Barton was not a well man following the
apparent death of Captain America and admitted that he deserved a
second chance much like Hawkeye had once received one. Claiming he had
prayed for a second chance, Osborn was then asked by Queller who his
Avengers really were but Osborn refused to answer, prompting Queller to
remark that some might have a problem with Osborn hiding his Avengers'
identities. Osborn again refuted Barton's claims that the Avengers were
criminals before Queller's interview was interrupted by a news report.
Queller, Osborn and Queller's news crew rushed to a television and
Osborn called Victoria Hand to assemble his Avengers.
Comments: Created by Brian Michael Bendis and
Mike Deodato.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Shannon Queller has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Dark Avengers I#5, p7, pan1 (Shannon Queller, main image)
Dark Avengers I#5, p21-22, pan10 (Shannon Queller, headshot)
Dark Avengers I#5 (August, 2009) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Mike
Deodato (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 03/02/2019
Last updated: 03/02/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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