Real Name: Conrad Strathdee
Identity/Class: Human (British)
Occupation: Hellfire Club member
Group Membership: Hellfire Club (Black
Bishop/Brian Braddock, Black King/Quentin
Templeton, Black Queen/Emma Steed, Red King/Alan
Wilson, Red Queen/Margali Szardos)
Affiliations: None, other than the Hellfire Club
Enemies: Black Bishop (Brian
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Hellfire Club, London,
First Appearance: Excalibur I#97 (May, 1996)
Powers/Abilities: The Red Bishop had no
superhuman powers but was quite brave, willing to stand up to others
much larger than himself.
Height: 5'3" (by approximation)
Weight: 130 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
History: (Excalibur I#97
(fb) - BTS) - At some point, Conrad Strathdee joined the London branch
of the Hellfire Club as its Red Bishop.
(Excalibur I#97) - The Red Bishop was present when
Brian Braddock arrived at the London Hellfire Club to take his father's
seat as Bishop. When the Red King and Black King agreed to hear
Braddock out, the Red Bishop became insulted, claiming the balance
between the black and red royalty of the Hellfire Club was already too
thick. Exclaiming that only one color should rule the Hellfire Club,
the Red Bishop challenged Braddock to a duel for sole bishopric of the
Hellfire Club but Braddock ignored him, instead asking about the
royalty colors. When the Red Bishop continued spouting insults while
the Black Queen was explaining the royalty colors, Braddock swatted the
Red Bishop aside, asking him to be quiet. Technically winning a duel he
had not even agreed to, the Black Queen dubbed Braddock the new Black
Comments: Created by Warren Ellis, Casey Jones and Tom Simmons.
The Red Bishop's real name was first revealed in the
United Kingdom entry in the Marvel Atlas I#1 (2007).
Profile by Proto-Man.
Red Bishop has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Excalibur I#97, p14, pan1 (Red Bishop, main image)
Excalibur I#97, p14, pan4 (Red Bishop, headshot)
Excalibur I#97 (May, 1996) - Warren Ellis (writer), Casey Jones
(pencils), Tom Simmons (inks), Suzanne Gaffney (editor)
First Posted: 04/04/2019
Last updated: 04/04/2019
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