Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Criminal lackey
Group Membership: The Ozarks Kingpin's
criminal gang (Ozarks
Kingpin, others)
Affiliations: The Mercs
for Money
(Deadpool/"Wade Wilson," Foolkiller/Greg
Salinger, Masacre,
Harmon, Solo/James Bourne, Stingray/Walt
Terror of
Earth-88194), the Ozarks Kingpin
Enemies: Baylee Ann, Armadillo (Antonio Rodriguez), Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo), Brain Drain (Werner Schmidt), Charlie Chainsaw, the Crazy Gang (Executioner, Jester, Knave, Red Queen, Tweedledope), Crime-Master, Doctor Bong (Lester Verde), Doctor Rot (Bentley Newton), Evil Deadpool, Kingpin (Wilson Fisk), Caroline le Fay, Leader (Samuel Sterns), Lord Deathstrike (Oyama), Madman (Phil Sterns), Mephisto, Mole Man (Harvey Elder), Moloids, Norman Osborn, Razor Fist (Douglas Scott), Sandman (William Baker), Scarecrow (Ebenezer Laughton), the Secret Empire (Number Four, Number Nine, Number Seven, Number Six, Number Three, others), Skrulls, Swarm (Fritz von Meyer), Tater Pud, Vulture (Jimmy Natale), the Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer/Henry Camp, Piledriver/Brian Calusky, Thunderball/Eliot Franklin, Wrecker/Dirk Garthwaite), the Zapata Brothers, Zodiac
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: The Ozarks Kingpin's
southern stronghold, Ozark Mountains, USA
First Appearance: Deadpool & the Mercs for
Money I#3 (June, 2016)
Powers/Abilities: Rocksalt did not display any
superhuman powers but he often carried weapons including a shotgun and
a machete.
Height: 5'2" (by approximation)
Weight: 120 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
History: (Deadpool & the
Mercs for Money I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Rocksalt worked with the Ozarks
Kingpin so often, he was considered the Ozarks Kingpin's faithful
(Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#3) - Rocksalt accompanied the Ozarks Kingpin to Deadpool's auction of a future-predicting Rigellian Recorder and when a supervillain brawl broke out, Rocksalt kept the assassin Lord Deathstrike from acquiring the Recorder by hitting him with a blast from his shotgun. Rocksalt then remained by the Ozarks Kingpin's side as the Ozarks Kingpin purchased the Recorder from Deadpool for one billion dollars.
(Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#5) - Rocksalt
was by the Ozarks Kingpin's side when Deadpool and his Mercs for Money
arrived at the Ozarks Kingpin's southern stronghold to deliver the
Recorder. After the Crazy Gang and Evil Deadpool attacked and Deadpool
ultimately blew up the Recorder to prevent it falling into the wrong
hands, Rocksalt was standing next to the Ozarks Kingpin as the Ozarks
Kingpin demanded to speak with Deadpool about his actions. He remained
by the Ozarks Kingpin's side, brandishing a machete, as the Ozarks
Kingpin ultimately let Deadpool and the Mercs for Money live.
Comments: Created by Cullen Bunn and Salva
Profile by Proto-Man.
Rocksalt has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#3, p16, pan1 (Rocksalt, main image)
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#5, p7, pan4 (Rocksalt, headshot)
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#3 (June,
2016) - Cullen Bunn
(writer), Salva Espin (art), Jordan D. White (editor)
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money I#5 (August, 2016) - Cullen Bunn
(writer), Salva Espin (art), Jordan D. White (editor)
First Posted: 03/09/2019
Last updated: 03/09/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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