(2099 A.D.)
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality human mutate? (see comments)
Occupation: Businessperson, head of Alchemax
Group Membership: Sinister Six (Doctor Octopus, Electro, Goblin/Jennifer D'Angelo, Venom/Kron Stone, Vulture/Snidely)
Affiliations: Alchemax
Enemies: Firelight (Gabriel O'Hara),
Goblin (Jennifer D'Angelo), Payback (Kasey Nash), Spider-Man (Miguel
O'Hara of Earth-928), Spider-Man (Miguel O'Hara; see
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Alchemax Headquarters, Nueva York, USA
First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 III#11 (August, 2016)
Powers/Abilities: By
sand from her hands, Sandwoman can induce illusions in people,
causing her victims to see those around as monstrous figures and
rush to attack them in terror. This is effective even against
her teammates, who are fully aware of her powers (see
comments). Unable to fly like some of her teammates, she
uses a hoverbike for transport.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green
History: (Spider-Man 2099 III#11 (fb)
- BTS) - Sandwoman was a member of the Sinister Six, a group of
super-powered individuals controlling the Alchemax
mega-corporation in the year 2099. The team suffered frequent
interruptions by Firelight, who hid projectors inside their base
of operations and used them to trick the Sinister Six with
illusions. After each intrusion, the Six hunted for and removed
every projector they could find, but despite each time believing
they had cleared out their base and secured it against further
intrusion, Firelight continued to circumvent their security to
plant new ones (see comments). After Sinister Six members
Venom (Kron Stone) and Doctor Octopus captured Spider-Man
(Miguel O'Hara), they took the unconscious prisoner to their
headquarters, where the rest of the Sinister Six were waiting.
Venom forbid the others from taking off Spider-Man's mask and
revealing his identity, although unbeknownst to any of them, he
was not the Spider-Man from their native timeline, but an
alternate reality counterpart from Earth-928.
(Spider-Man 2099 III#11) - When their prisoner
woke up, Goblin introduced the other members of Sinister Six and
they deliberated about what to do with him. Electro offered to
simply kill him but before he could make a move, an image of
Dormammu appeared in the room, conjured by Firelight, and in the
ensuing confusion Firelight's accomplice Payback freed
Spider-Man and escaped with him. After "Dormammu" was exposed as
an illusion, Doctor Octopus ordered Sandwoman and Electro to
search the chamber for the hidden projectors. Electro found that
Goblin had an unauthorized communication with someone after
Spider-Man's escape and shared it with Doctor Octopus and
Sandwoman. She then used her powers on the traitor, allowing
Venom to subdue the Goblin. Unmasking their former team member
revealed the Goblin to be Father Jennifer D'Angelo and the
Sinister Six sent a message to her accomplice stating that
Father Jennifer would die if Spider-Man was not returned to them
within an hour.
(Spider-Man 2099 III#12) - Outside Alchemax Headquarters, the Sinister Six awaited Spider-Man's return, but he arrived seemingly accompanied by hundreds of copies of himself (actually more projections). As Spider-Man attacked Vulture, Sandwoman used her hoverbike to close in, but as she was about to blow her sand onto her adversary, Spider-Man dodged and the sand hit the Vulture instead. Now seeing Sandwoman as a monster Vulture rushed to attack her, knocking her out. Although Spider-Man was able to free Father Jennifer and escape, Electro and Doctor Octopus followed them and managed to kill Father Jennifer while Spider-Man used his temporal portal to escape into the past (Earth-616). Back in their headquarters, the remaining five members of Sinister Six were debating what to do next when they were approached by Venture (Qweeg of Earth-15329). Hailing from an alternate version of 2099 himself, Venture offered them membership alongside him in the terrorist group known as the Fist, back in the past both their versions of 2099 shared, Earth-616.
(Spider-Man 2099 III#14 - BTS) - The Sinister Six accepted Venture's offer and disappeared from their 2099 reality, allowing Alchemax CEO J. Jonah Jameson (secretly a Skrull) to regain control of the corporation.
Comments: Created by Peter David and William Sliney.
The origin of Sandwoman's powers was never elaborated on within the story, which also makes her exact race of origin unrevealed.
Unlike the other surviving members of Sinister Six, Sandwoman did not reappear as part of the Fist on Earth-616, making it unclear whether she took up Venture's offer or ultimately decided to stay in 2099 on her own.
Goblin was presumably how Firelight kept managing to plant new
projectors inside the Six's base, replacing them each time the
Six found and destroyed a set.
There was definitely a Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man native to Sandwoman's reality; Venom had faced Spider-Man, Payback and Firelight rescued him because they knew Spider-Man, and Payback knew it was Miguel under the mask, even if she didn't realize it was her reality's version. He definitely hadn't faced Doctor Octopus before, as that villain stated as much in Spider-Man 2099 III#10, and probably hadn't encountered the other members of the Six, since Goblin felt the need to introduce them in turn to their captive. However, given their hostility towards 928's Spider-Man, it's probably still fair to include their native version among their enemies.
was unclear which 2099 variant Sandwoman originated from and as such,
it is left somewhat vague in this profile. If Sandwoman is confirmed to
a particular 2099 variant in the future, this profile will be updated
to reflect that. --Proto-Man
Profile by HBK123.
Sandwoman has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Spider-Man 2099 III#11, p3, pan1 (Sandwoman, main image)
Spider-Man 2099 III#12, p22, pan1 (Sandwoman, headshot)
Spider-Man 2099 III#11, p18, pan2-3 (Sandwoman uses her
Spider-Man 2099 III#11 (August, 2016) - Peter David
(writer), Will Sliney (pencils, inks), Charles Beacham
Spider-Man 2099 III#12 (September, 2016) - Peter David
(writer), Will Sliney (pencils, inks), Charles Beacham
First posted: 01/01/2021
Last updated: 01/01/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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