Real Name: Wally Sidney
Identity/Class: Human (see comments);
active circa World War I to modern era (including 1930-1945, 1945-1959, and the pre-modern era: 1960 - pre-Fantastic Four I (about 13-15 years ago))
Occupation: Haberdasher/clothier
Group Membership: Sidney Land Conservative Clothier;
formerly the US Army or Marines
Affiliations: Decency Committee/Demonstrations for Decency;
see comments
Enemies: Howard the Duck, Beverly Switzler;
see comments
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Doughboy" (a nickname used for the soldiers and marines in World War I)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
last seen in an interdimensional space between realities-616 and -791021;
he has (or at least had) Sidney Land clothier
stories at the Arcade shopping center in Cleveland, Ohio; and Burbank,
California; and all over the USA (in every city, town, and mall); many of these closed during the 1970s;
formerly Europe circa World War I;
First Appearance: Howard the Duck II#2 (December, 1979)
Powers/Abilities: Sidney is a skilled artist and entrepreneur.
He created the character Hymie the Rat.
He also perhaps wrote or directed the film Pantasy (among others).
He remains remarkably young and vital in appearance despite being over 100 years old (see comments).
Height: Unrevealed, perhaps 5'10"
Weight: Unrevealed, perhaps 165 lbs.
Eyes: Unrevealed (it's a black and white comic; they look dark, so possibly brown)
Hair: Brown
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Wally Sidney served in the US Army or Marines in World War I.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb)) <1919 AD> - Returning home, Sidney thought to use his drawing talent to become wealthy in the greeting card business.
Conceiving of a talking,
clothing-wearing rat named Hymie, Sidney proposed him to the director
of a greeting cards business, noting that he'd be great for
merchandising or talking pictures.
The director ridiculed the idea of a rat that talked and wore clothes, and the slam of his door was the most discouraging thing Sidney had heard in his life.
Utterly dejected, Sidney
considered how the door to his future had closed, but he was then
inspired by the word "closed" reminding him of the word "clothed," and
he decided that he could design clothes.
He opened his first shop in Burbank, California, clothing the rich and conservative and specialized in bland. His clothing establishments -- which he named Sidney Land -- boomed, spreading across the country into every city, town, and mall.
Sidney's name soon became a national institution, Sidney designs were borne aloft during the Haberdashery Day parade, and movie theaters featured his feature fashion film, Pantasy.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb)) - As the 1960's and 1970's heralded in bright colors and more varied and extreme fashions, Sidney's stores began to close and his fashion films failed to attract audiences.
Facing ruination, Sidney hit on the solution (presumably drawing on his initial ideas for Hymie): "If people no longer wore my clothes...then animals would!
He designed clothing for all animals, wild and domesticated
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS)
- Sidney inspired the formation of the Decency Committee, feeding on
public concerns over nudity to direct them to cover animals "privates";
uncovered animals were considered examples of "Animal Indecency."
Demonstrations for Decency were held.
Sidney sought one solid victory to assure his
project would move forward, making him rich as every animal on Earth
was clothed.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Demonstrations for Decency and boycotts of her story severely hurt the sales of the Pretty Kitty Pet store.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb)) -
From his Sidney Land store in Cleveland's Arcade shopping center,
Sidney observed members of the Demonstrations for Decency movement
protesting the Pretty Kitty pet store, demanding the pets be covered.
He was most intrigued as his target, Howard the Duck, approached the
Arcade with his girlfriend, Beverly Switzler. When Howard asked what
was going on, the demonstrators were shocked as his pants-less status,
with one of them fainting.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS) - After the pet store owner explained how she was forced to capitulate and had begun putting clothing on the pets in her store, Howard went out and berated the demonstrators. However, this only served to further inflame the situation, and the demonstrators insisted he cover up. Howard furiously attacked the demonstrators, but Beverly pulled him off, and they fled from the mob.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Mayor Kucinich gave a television address, noting he opposed the Demonstrations for Decency movement. He described that laws and moral views involving people become patently ridiculous when applied to animals, and he begged the demonstrators to give up on this repressive campaign.
As Howard and Bev watched Kucinich's broadcast,
the demonstrators, now whipped into mob-frenzy, located and rushed
them, threatening serious violence. Sidney apparently arranged to have
the demonstrators chase the pair towards his store.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - As Howard and Bev neared Sidney Land, Sidney urged them to take refuge inside his store. As soon as they had entered, Sidney locked the door and turned the sign to say "closed," after which the demonstrators seemed to no longer be able to see Howard or Bev; one remarked how their having vanished proved they were servants of Satan.
Revealing he had given the demonstrators the idea of Animal Indecency, Sidney related his history and motives, telling Howard that his covering his nakedness with the Sidney Design would ensure the clothing of the rest of the world's animals. Howard initially refused, but when Sidney threatened to open the door and allow bloodthirsty mob in, Howard agreed to comply. Though Howard warned him that the world was going to know he was to blame, Sidney noted that one of the privileges of power was to not be afraid to take credit for one's dastardly deeds. After trying on a series of outfits, Howard settled on a suit and tie.
Sidney then told Howard to go forth into the world with his blessings and to remember: "A dressed duck feels no shame!" The demonstrators burst into applause.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Sidney Land Clothiers became the official outfitters of Howard the Duck.
(Howard the Duck II#2) -
Claiming to have been watching out for the welfare of whoever he was
talking to (maybe the reader), Sidney related how the people of
Cleveland had understood its responsibilities and rallied to deal with
the serious and often underestimated problem of Animal Indecency.
Gerber's unpublished script for Howard the Duck#1 "Secret Crisis II"
(fb) - BTS) - Wally Sidney was transported -- along with Dr.
Angst and the
Band of the Bland (Black Hole Sitting Bullseye, Spanker, Tillie the
Hun), le Beaver, Black Talon, Bzzk J'oh, Dr. Bong, Jackpot, Jokester,
Greedy Killerwatt, Kong-Lomerate, Maller, Pro-Rata, Puffin, and Quizling -- to within a giant fire hydrant-like construct in an
interdimensional space between Reality-616 and Reality-791021 (mirroring the storyline
generated by the dark matter-powered Poporb of Krylorian techno-artist Chirreep).
Spanker took Wally Sidney over his knee and began delivering a spanking to him.
In addition to this construct, a motorhome (specifically a Winnebago)-like structure -- containing Andy the Angel, Dakimh the Enchanter, Jennifer Kale, Korrek the Barbarian, Man-Thing, Master C'haaj, Hemlock Shoals, Claude Starkowski -- was also present.
Gerber's unpublished script for Howard the Duck#1 "Secret Crisis II")
- After Howard the Duck encountered the Winnebago group, Hemlock Shoals
identified the hydrant group. Dakimh noted that, apart from their evil,
they seemed
to have little in common...except that they all wanted Howard dead. And
Spanker kept spanking Sidney.
As Howard attempted to depart and met up with
Chirreep, the monstrous mouth Galactongue appeared and disgorged an
entire galaxy. As the contents formed a planet with an immense office
building, Dakimh noted with concern the objects streaking toward them: The Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions (Amonger, Arounder, Betweener, Of,
Underneather, Withiner) then appeared and challenged both groups to "Play both ends against the middle, and all you
desire shall be yours."
Both groups were
transported to the office building on the planet formed from
contents disgorged by Galactongue; Sidney's group arrived in the boardroom.
Gerber's unpublished script for Howard the Duck#1 "Secret Crisis II") -
Sidney sat on Doctor Bong's side of the table (as opposed to Kong
Lomerate's side), nearest to Bong, followed by Greedy Killerwatt,
Maller, Jokester, Puffin, Quizling, and Pro-Rata, respectively.
Gerber's unpublished script for Howard the Duck#1 "Secret Crisis II" - BTS) - Kong Lomerate led the villains in a plot to destroy the other group.
Bong, presumably along with some of the others, targeted Andy
the Angel, Dakimh the Enchanter, Jennifer Kale, Korrek the Barbarian,
Man-Thing, Master C'haaj
(sp?), Hemlock Shoals, and Claude Starkowski, while Kong led Maller,
Jackpot, and Greedy Killerwatt to attack Howard and Chireep, who had followed Howard.
Sidney's involvement in this conflict is not revealed.
Nothing further has been revealed.
See comments.
Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo, Gene Colan, and Klaus Janson.
The story was an obviously parody of Walt Disney. I've heard various reports as well as an article quoting Marvel's Editor in Chief at the time, Jim Shooter, that Disney took legal action against Marvel, pressuring them to put pants on Howard the Duck to better distinguish him from Donald Duck. That seems silly, as Howard is highly outspoken and consistently involved in satire, while Donald can barely speak (or at least be understood) and is in very basic children's comedy. But, anyway, this story was the in-universe version of why Howard had to start wearing pants. Even now that Disney owns Marvel, Howard still wears pants.
Focusing on paralleling/parodying
the life of Walt Disney gave the dates for Sidney's activities, meaning
he was born about 1900, give or take. Even in the 1979 story, that
would make him almost 80, even though he looked more like 50, maybe 60
(or younger). In 2019, that would make him obviously 110-120 years old
(and getting older every year). Given the context, I'd prefer to keep
Sidney locked in that time (Rather than making 1919 topical and instead
having it be 60 or less years before the main story) as perhaps there's
a story to how he retains his youth, but with Disney owning Marvel, I'd
be surprised if Sidney shows up again.
Tragically, Bill Mantlo, having suffered brain
damage due to head trauma, can't reveal any thoughts on the matter.
Wally's full first name could be Walter...or it could be Wallace...or maybe Walleye...or just plain Wally...or...
While Howard continued to wear
pants, Sidney's plans to have all of Earth's animals be clothed never
took off...but, What If?
As the script was not published, we don't know how much/many of the
story events contained within occurred as written, so I'm including
them in the history here in italics.
Only the published data is listed in regular text below
Profile by Snood.
Wally Sidney should be distinguished from:
He opened his first shop in Burbank, California, clothing the rich and conservative and specialized in bland. His clothing establishments -- which he named Sidney Land -- boomed, spreading across the country into every city, town, and mall.
Sidney's name soon became a
national institution, Sidney designs were borne aloft during the
Haberdashery Day parade, and movie theaters featured his feature
fashion film, Pantasy.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb)) - As the 1960's and 1970's heralded in bright colors and more varied and extreme fashions, Sidney's stores began to close and his fashion films failed to attract audiences.
Facing ruination, Sidney hit on the solution (presumably drawing on his initial ideas for Hymie): "If people no longer wore my clothes...then animals would!
He designed clothing for all animals, wild and domesticated
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Demonstrations for Decency and boycotts of her story severely hurt the sales of the Pretty Kitty Pet store.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS)
From his Sidney Land store in Cleveland's Arcade shopping center,
Sidney arranged to have the Demonstrations for Decency movement's
members (aka the Decency Committee), who sought to force all animals to
wear clothes, drive Howard the Duck toward Sidney Land.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb)) -
As Howard and Bev neared Sidney Land, Sidney urged them to take refuge
inside his store.
As soon as they had entered, Sidney locked the door and turned the sign to say "closed," after which the demonstrators seemed to no longer be able to see Howard or Bev.
Via threatening to let the bloodthirsty
demonstrators into his store, Sidney coerced Howard to agree to wear
clothing from now on, and he supplied him with his first set.
(Howard the Duck II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Sidney Land Clothiers became the official outfitters of Howard the Duck.
by Howard the Duck’s wearing Sidney Land clothes, Americans forced
animals, wild and domestic, to wear Sidney Land clothes, and Wally
became very wealthy.
images: (without ads)
Howard the Duck II#2, story pg. 1, panel 1 (main);
panel 2 (Demonstrators outside Miss Kitty's);
pg. 6, panel 5 (face);
pg. 9, panel 1 (vision of getting rich by clothing animals)
Howard the Duck
II (magazine) #2 (December, 1979) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gene Colan
(penciler), Klaus Janson (inker), Ralph Macchio (associate editor), Roy
Thomas (consulting editor), Mark Gruenwald (insulting editor), Ralph
Macchio (associate editor), Rick Marschall (editor)
First posted: 06/23/2019
Last updated: 06/23/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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