Real Name: (first name unrevealed) Saviano
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Opera singer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Patch (James Howlett)
Enemies: The Hand, Priest of Sickles (Johan Richter)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Italy
First Appearance: Free Comic Book Day 2019:
Avengers/Savage Avengers (July, 2019)
Powers/Abilities: Signore Saviano possesses no
superhuman powers but he was a skilled opera singer and trafficker of
human beings in need of rescue.
Height: 5'6" (by approximation)
Weight: 290 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
History: (Savage Avengers
I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Saviano was a popular and successful opera singer,
well known enough that he at some point acquired kidnapping insurance.
(Free Comic Book Day 2019:
Avengers/Savage Avengers/2 (fb)) - Following a concert in Madripoor,
Signore Saviano was met by Wolverine (in his guise as Patch) and
Saviano agreed to help get several Genoshan mutants to safety aboard
his private jet. Patch admitted that this was another favor he owed
Saviano, who expected he would cash in his favors someday. He then
asked what good private jets were if he couldn't share them with
friends. He then asked the mutants if they had ever been to Italy.
(Savage Avengers I#1) - Years later, Saviano sung in
a show in Vienna and bowed to a cheering audience chanting his name. As
he exited the show to his limo, Saviano was chloroformed and he managed
to ask where he was being taken before passing out.
(Free Comic Book Day 2019: Avengers/Savage
Avengers/2) - Learning of Saviano's kidnapping, Wolverine immediately
began searching for his old friend, thinking back at how Saviano had
spent years moving oppressed people out of harm's way. At first
thinking perhaps Saviano had been kidnapped for ransom, Wolverine
caught the scent of the Savage Land at the crime scene and he was
quickly attacked by Hand ninjas, one of which tried to get Wolverine to
take a drink that he claimed would take Wolverine to his friend.
Killing the agent, Wolverine announced that he would make his own way
to the Savage Land to save Saviano. While Wolverine continued his
quest, the still-drugged Saviano was taken to Cairo, Egypt, where he
placed next to caskets housing the corpses of the Punisher's slain
(Savage Avengers I#1) - Fully
regaining consciousness as Hand ninjas brought him through a
teleportational gateway into the Savage Land, Saviano informed his
kidnappers that there was no need to treat him roughly. Insisting to
his captors that he had kidnapping insurance, Saviano assured them the
insurance would pay their ransom but he was told it would do him no
good. Asking where he was, Saviano was then informed that he was in the
City of Sickles and Saviano responded by warning his captors that he
had powerful friends. Told that they were counting on his powerful
friend's arrival, Saviano was led to the edge of a pit filled with
blood and informed that the pit was being filled with the blood of the
greatest of mankind including artists, thinkers and warriors in an
effort to summon Jhoatun Lau. As Saviano was told how much of an honor
it was to die for the summoning spell, he was beheaded and his corpse
knocked into the pit of blood. When Saviano's corpse fell into the pit,
his executioner commented that he loved Saviano's voice.
Comments: Created by Gerry Duggan and Mike
Deodato, Jr.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Signore Saviano has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Free Comic Book Day 2019: Avengers/Savage Avengers, p18, pan4 (Saviano
kneeling in captivity, main image)
Savage Avengers I#1, p1, pan1 (Saviano singing)
Free Comic Book Day 2019: Avengers/Savage Avengers, p11, pan4 (younger
Saviano in tuxedo)
Free Comic Book Day 2019: Avengers/Savage Avengers (July, 2019) - "Vs.
Free Comic Book Day" story - Gerry Duggan (writer), Mike Deodato, Jr.
(art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers I#1 (July, 2019) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Mike Deodato,
Jr. (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 04/16/2020
Last updated: 04/16/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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