Real Name: Unrevealed (see comments)
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Vassyr) mutate
Occupation: Warrior, sculptor
Group Membership: Enhanced (Gun Runner/Brell, Heavy Duty/Glora Teth, Lure/Kay Glayvor, Oracle)
Affiliations: Dark Angel (Shevaun Haldane), Death's Head (Minion), Gyre, Hercules (Heracles/Alcaeus), Killpower (Julius Mullarkey), Knights of the Tempered Brotherhood/Temploids, Gale Patric, Psylocke (Elizabeth Braddock), Sabretooth (Victor Creed), Wolverine (James Howlett/Logan);
his pulsmarmite/ferrous motile shape pre-programmed for automatic defense;
Enemies: Battletide, Cynodd (Shakata, Dog Soldiers, Strike Team, War-Dogs), Megaira, Synergysts, Tasker, Termagaira, Termagent, the Zoo (Ballistik, Blitz, Laz-Fire, Payload, Warcrime);
unidentified foes on Colosseum
Known Relatives: None
"pig," "void-waste" (insults by Ballistik); "metal shaper," "scum-sucker" (insult by Laz-Fire); "silent and deadly" (see comments)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
at least formerly mobile in space aboard the Warbird;
formerly his "studio," the planet Kouros, Spendeleen system;
formerly the planet Colosseum;
formerly the planet Vassyra
First Appearance: (Behind-the-scenes) BattleTide#1 (December, 1992);
(seen and identified) BattleTide#2 (January, 1993)
Smith's cybernetic gauntlets enable him to mold and shape the metal
Pulsarmite at will, typically into weapons and machines of war and/or
Manipulate other metal?
Smith is notably taciturn,
generally remaining silent, or speaking only one or two words as
needed. Rarely, he will use a full sentence, typically to express his
respect for a proven new ally.
Extended lifespan, maintaining a form in its physical prime well over 200 years old.
Smith was not shown without his
helmet on; it is not confirmed whether he can remove it or if it is
bonded to his head.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'3" or taller)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 265 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Gray (?) some images make it look almost purple
(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) - The Vassyr known only as Smith was a gifted sculptor.
(Gun Runner#5 (fb) - BTS) -
Recognizing the Cynodd's threat, the Vassyr race sought to prevent them
from activating a network of conditioned Synergysts across the galaxy,
which would turn all creation into a stolid, ordered, universal
(Gun Runner#1 (fb) - BTS / Gun Runner#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Vassyr created the Enhanced race of warriors to end forever the mystical threat of the Cynodd and expunge their evil.
(Gun Runner#2 (fb) - BTS)
- Those who would become the Enhanced had their innate skills and
talents genetically amplified by Vassyr technology into lethal fighting
(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) - Smith's sculpting talents became a weapon. He hated that he could no longer create without killing.
(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS / All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update#2: Gun Runner entry) - Enhanced Vassyr Gun Runner, Heavy Duty, Lure, Oracle, and
Smith worked together as the crew of the Warbird starship.
(Gun Runner#1 (fb)) - Gun Runner and the Enhanced battled the Cynodd on an unspecified world; the Cynodd's guns stunk of plasma.
(Gun Runner#2 (fb) - BTS)
- After a long and bloody war, the Enhanced defeated the Cynodd,
destroying their armies and machines, and incarcerating their leaders.
Gun Runner personally slew Shakata. The Enhanced believed the conflict
to be over.
(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) - Heavy Duty, Lure, and
Smith left the Warbird as soon as the victory was announced; they
didn't feel there was much to celebrate, and so they departed asGun Runner headed back to Vasyyra.
(Gun Runner#2 (fb) - BTS / Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS)
<203 years ago> - As Gun Runner was returning to Vasyyra aboard
his Warbird ship, an unidentified event incapacitated Warbird/Oracle
and Gun Runner, leaving the former drifting and dysfunctional.
(Gun Runner#1 (fb) - BTS) - Shakata and the Cynodd believed they had rid the universe of the Enhanced centuries ago.

(Gun Runner#5 (fb) - BTS) <100 years ago> - The Cynodd burned Vassyra.
(Battletide#1 - BTS / Battle Tide#2 (fb) - BTS) - Smith was collected by those serving Termagent and Megaira for their planned combat contest.
(Battletide#2 - BTS) - Termagent delivered the
combatants to Tasker, the Gamesmaster and overseer of the laws of
combat, on Colosseum. Tasker informed them of the nature of the Games.
Smith was outfitted with an inhibitor collar, paired
up with Dark Angel (Shevaun Haldane), and sent to a desert region
across which they trekked for hours.
(Battletide#2) - Dark Angel
expressed frustration that Smith hadn't spoke a word, after which they
were attacked by another combat team. While Dark Angel blasted her
attacker into submission, Smith somersaulted out of the way and then
formed an energy lash with which he snared and incapacitated his foe.
A trio of Knights of the Tempered Brotherhood (aka
Temploids) then appeared, blocked out the monitors, and prepared to
warn them of a threat of galactic importance.
(Battletide#3 (fb)) - Smith and Dark Angel defeated another team of combatants.
(Battletide#3) - Smith and
Dark Angel were regathered by Tasker and instructed to rest in
preparation for the next day's final bout, the free-for-all.
That evening, Smith gathered with Death's Head
(Minion), Hercules, Killpower, Psylocke, Sabretooth, and Wolverine
after Dark Angel organized them into an escape committee. A Temploid
led them through a portal into their inner sanctum, where they informed
the heroes of the Battletide, which was being drawn to Colosseum by the
violence and which threatened the galaxy. Killpower subsequently showed
the others how to remove their inhibitor collars.
The next day, Smith teamed with the others against
various alien combatants, during which time Smith and the rest of the group
removed their collars.
As Termagent and Megaira confronted the heroes, the Battletide approached Colosseum.
(Battletide#4) - As the Battletide ravaged Colosseum, Dark Angel and Psylocke formed mystic shields to protect the heroes minds.
Drinking in the Battletide's
power, Termagent and Megaira merged back into their previous self, the
powerful Termagaira. The Temploids reinforced the heroes' psychic
shields, and the heroes rushed to the tower to stop the Battletide. As
they fought their way past Battletide-crazed warriors, Smith surprised
Dark Angel by calling out for her to watch behind herself as a giant
warrior raised a weapon to strike her. Smith then summoned a
razor-disk, which he used to slice off the top of the giant's head.
Ultimately, Termagaira was consumed by the
Battletide, and Killpower merged a damaged Temploid with Death's Head
to destroy the Battletide.
After everyone had recovered, Smith told Dark Angel
to be well and thrive, explaining that he hadn't spoken before because
there was nothing to say.
When the others departed for Earth, Smith remained on Colosseum with the Temploids.

(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) - Smith relocated to the planet Kouros in the
Spendeleen system, where he was the sole life form, living in the
volcanic range in the equatorial belt and enduring the frequent
cyclonic winds.
He set up a pre-programmed automatic defense warrior
in the form of a pulsarmite/ferrous motile shape. He continued to
sculpt numerous forms from metal.
(Gun Runner#3) - Gun Runner sought out Smith on
Kouros. After being attacked by and destroying his defense drone, Gun
Runner and his human ally, Gale Patrec, located Smith in his studio
area. Gun Runner told him of the Cynodd threat on Earth and asked for
Smith's aid. After considering the situation momentarily, Smith,
responded, "OK."
Boarding the Warbird, Smith accompanied Gun Runner
and Gale to the water planet planet Nautilus to find Heavy Duty on her
clipper Skylax. Smith remained silent until a Cynodd warship arrived
and fired on them, at which point he urged Gun Runner to "Move." They
were then confronted by Cynodd strikeforce known as the Zoo.
(Gun Runner#4) - When the Zoo refused to back
down, Gun Runner instructed Smith to be ready to kill and then leapt
into fray, shouting "Now!" Smith wrapped Laz-Fire in pulsarmite wire,
but when she melted through and Ballistik asked, "Was that the best you
could manage, void-waste?" Smith replied with a simple, "No." as he
punched her across the ship's desk.
In return, Laz-Fire thrust her energy arms into
Smith, and he cried out in pain as she told him he'd just earned
himself a painful death. As Laz-Fire continued her assault, Smith
realized he could not evade her deadly tresses forever, and he quickly
sculpted another pulsarmite ingot into a staff and smashed her aside.
As he converted the staff into a spear and prepared to skewer the dazed
Laz-Fire, Ballistik put a gun to Smith's head and told him to drop his
weapon, but then Heavy Duty put her massive weapon to Ballistik's back,
and Gun Runner advised she demonstrate the art of dropping a weapon.
Knowing the rest of the Zoo would soon revive, Gun
Runner instructed the other Enhanced to prepare to evacuate
(Gun Runner#4 (fb) - BTS) - They returned to the War-Bird, after which Oracle initiated a space-fold
(Gun Runner#4) - As Gun Runner caught Heavy Duty up on recent events, Smith stood by and presumably listened to Gale Patric.
As they discussed plans to return to Vassyra, Smith
noted, "the other," and Gun Runner agreed that they would definitely be
stopping to pick up the last of their number en route.
Smith and the others met up with Lure on the facteroid Isambard;
when Lure refused to join them, Smith noted, "typical." The rest of the
Enhanced were shocked when Lure revealed that Vassyra was dead and gone.
(Gun Runner#5) - As Cynodd Dog Soldiers rushed them
across the deck, Smith molded Pulsarmite into multiple structures he
used to kill a number of Dog Soldiers with a single throw.
After Gun Runner's tactical noted 300 troops in
their vicinity, Gayle Patric and Oracle directed the group to a
location from which the Warbird could beam them up. At Gun Runner's
instruction, Smith formed a lever they used to break through a bulkhead
to get to the targeted region, after which Smith and the rest of the
Enhanced escaped aboard the Warbird.
After Lure suggested they return to Earth to stop
Shakata, Smith acknowledged, "Agreed" and cast his vote to return to
Earth rather than try to seek out any possible surviving Vassyrans.
Even when they learned of the Synergyst activity on Earth, Smith cast
his vote, "We go."
(Gun Runner#6) - On Earth, Smith and the other
Enhanced wandered the colorless void until Heavy Duty identified the
syntropic source, at which point the Zoo attacked them. Laz-Fire
charged Smith, noting he wouldn't best her again, but he smashed her in
the face with his pulsarmite battleaxe-like weapon, noting "Perhaps."
After the Enhanced stunned the Zoo members, Heavy Duty led the Enhanced
over the source and blew a hole in the syntropic shell with a
tri-thermex mine, and the Enhanced leapt through the hole, with the Zoo
in close pursuit.
Heavy Duty then guided the Enhanced down the web-like paths toward the Synergyst,
where the Zoo attacked them once again. As Blitz lunged at him, Smith
used his pulsarmite weapon, freshly reformed into a trident, to impale
Blitz through the chest, apparently killing him. With Lure having
learned the Synergyst's
coordinates from Gyre before its destructions, Gun Runner told Smith to
watch over the injured Lure and Heavy Duty while he went after the Synergyst.
As Gun Runner reached the Synergyst, however, he was
ambushed by Shakata who threatened to slay him until Smith hurled his
pulsarmite spear through Shakata's chest, killing him instead. When Gun
Runner reminded Smith he had been told to stay with the others, Smith
simply noted, "I disobeyed."
The Synergyst then grabbed
both Smith and Gun Runner in its immense hands. Smith was clearly
agonized as the a "skunch" sound occurred, but didn't make a noise at the time. It wasn't clear from the
subsequent panel if Smith was yelling in agony vs. Gun Runner
bellowing in rage (I believe the latter). Gun Runner's weapons systems ultimately finished off
the Synergyst.
Smith's fate was not reavealed, although Gale Patric was seen boarding the Warbird to depart Earth.
Comments: Created by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, and Geoff Senior.
Smith's stories occurred within the Marvel UK imprint.
I would think that Smith, Lure, and Heavy Duty all survived, but Gun Runner is the only one we've seen since.
Smith and the rest of the Enhanced
received "Gene Cards" as did the Genetix and Gene Dogs, etc. In his
card, Smith was given the genetic coding: GP90102E...whatever that
The card doesn't give any height/weight/etc. stats, just a brief summary of history and abilities.
I'm sure most people know this,
but maybe there are some for whom it doesn't cross a language barrier
or something: "Silent but deadly" is a term for quiet flatulence, the
foul of odor of which catches those around off guard.
Smith is more of a career or
descriptor, and even if it's his real name in English, it's not his
real name in his native language.
Smith has another good image in the Blitz sub-profile.
Profile by Snood.
Smith should be distinguished from:
- Smith - starred in Tender Affair with Karen Page--Daredevil I#78
- Smith, alias
of Elmer Bright, disguised himself as Charlie Clavven, fought Human
Torch & Toro, @ Human Torch Comics#25
- Smith of Earth-928 circa 2099 AD, former
prisoner of Herod, can create weaponry out of nearby objects, @
- Smith the Maker, of
Earth-Here Comes Tomorrow, @ New X-Men#152
- Smith,
Agent, of Earth-8206, @ Captain America Annual#6
- Smith, Andy - husband of Helen, captured by demons serving Melvin Weal via Hell Toupe, rescued by Strong Guy--X-Men Unlimited I#21
- Smith,
Doctor, mistook Alfred Pook for a volunteer to test his space
vessel, @ Mystery Tales#45
- Smith,
Dr. Armstrong, created W. H. O. computer alongside Dr.
Bradley Bolton, killed by computer, @ Daredevil I#124
- Smith, Arthur Allen,
mutant who gained minor telepathic abilities after
exposure to Dazzler's light, @ Dazzler#41
- Smith, Brendan - see SMITTY--Wolverine: The Origin#3
- Smith, Cody "One-Eye" - 19th century gunslinger--Western Outlaws and Sheriffs#69
- Smith, Colin - see ZAPPER--Marvel Graphic Novel: The Agent
- Smith, Curtis, aka
Stalagmite of Earth-New Universe, @ DP7#9
- Smith, Daphne
"Boomer," Midtown High student, former sophomore teacher of
Peter Parker, @ Peter Parker: Spider-Man#27
- Smith, Darryll, FBI
mutant hunter, former prisoner of Dirt Nap, able to block mind from
psi-screens, @ Wolverine II#96
- Smith, Sir Denys
Nayland, former agent of MI-6, old enemy of Fu Manchu,
retired after Fu Machu's "death," @ Special Marvel Edition#15
- Smith, Don - held a gun while filming a scence in central park, nearly shot by FBI agent, saved by Daredevil--Daredevil I#303
- Smith,
Pvt. Dwight, Missouri Marauders, @ Sgt. Fury & His
Howling Commandos#70
- Smith, Elise
Erickson, Thor fan, mother of Zachary & Mia, died of
cancer, @ Marvel Double Shot#1
- Smith, Francis, criminal,
former agent of Doctor Octopus, badly beaten by Octavius, @ Spider-Man:
Death & Destiny#1
- Smith, Frank - see Wrecker--Tales to Astonish I#63
- Smith, George - see Stunt-Master; current
head of Delazney Studios, @ Night Thrasher#21
- Smith, George of Earth-744 - see Captain Airstrip-One--Daredevils#7
- Smith,
Gideon, aka Forever Man, @ Tomb of
Dracula I#57
- Smith, Guy - see Mr. Sensitive--X-Force I#117
- Smith, Harold - see Gamesmaster--X-Men Annual 1997
- Smith, Helen - wife of Andy, sought by lovesick Melvin Weal via Hell Toupe--X-Men Unlimited I#21
- Smith, Indiana - adventurer, set up garden as dangerous obstacle course, delivered mail by Ghostman Bat--It's Wicked!#14/4
- Smith,
Jackie of Earth-199406, old friend of
Logan, led Logan into an ambush, @ What If? II#62
- Smith, Jennifer, ESU
student, dated Randy Reed, @ Nova III#1
- Smith, Jen, alias
used by Jen Walters/She-Hulk, @ She-Hulk II#4
- Smith,
Joe, aka Guy Named Joe, @ Amazing Spider-Man I#38
- Smith, Joe Jr., son
of Joe & Liz, died at an early age, @ Captain America I#246
- SMITH, JOHN - see VULTURE ("Jimmy" Natale)--Amazing Spider-Man II#592
- SMITH, KEVIN - see "Jimmy" --Hercules III#1
- SMITH, LAUREL - mutant with low-grade pyrokinesis; had many problems until trained to control it by Professor X--X-Men: Soul Killer
- Smith, Liz, wife
of Joe & mother of Joe Jr., @ Captain America I#246
- SMITH, LIZ - newspaper reporter, contacted by Debbie Harris regarding Micah Synn attending her party--Daredevil I#203
- Smith, Marge - see Mirage--Iceman I#1
- Smith, Marty Louis, Triune
Understanding, father of Meltdown, @ X-Force I#47
- Smith, Mandy, mother
of Meltdown, @ X-Force I#47
- Smith, Nina, Spider
Society/Webcorps, girlfriend of Miguel Legar, @ Amazing Fantasy III#3
- Smith,
Pow Wow Boom Boom of Earth-Amalgam, Boom Boom/Meltdown + Pow
Wow Smith, @ Generation Hex#1
- Smith, Roger - New York's West Side police
commissioner, blamed Daredevil for pushing crime out of Hell's Kitchen
into other areas--Daredevil: Father#2
- Smith,
Sammy, aka Rev, @ Punisher II#4
- Smith,
Sandie, Church of the Saved, sister of the Rev, possibly has
precognitive powers, @ Punisher II#5
- Smith, Sandy
"Baby-Face," outlaw, mistaken for & captured by Kid
Colt, @ Gunsmoke Western#64
- Smith, Tabitha, aka
Meltdown, Boomer, & Boom-Boom, X-Force, Nextwave, New Mutants,
@ Secret Wars II#5
- Smith,
Col. Tolliver, head of the Office of Insufficient Evidence, @
- "Smith,
Tom," alias used by the extraterrestrial "Watcher," @ Amazing
Adventures I#5
- Smith,
Tom, member of the Teen Brigade, turned bitter &
tried to kill Rick Jones, @ Avengers I#6
- "Smith,
Tom," alias used by Nobody Anyone Knows, @ Dracula Lives!#11
- Smith, Vanna, Midtown
High student, convinced Spider-Man was stalking her, @ Friendly
Neighborhood Spider-Man#5
- Smith, Wanda Jo
Bialowsky, step-mother of Meltdown, second wife of Marty, @
X-Force I#87
- Smith, warden - supervised prison from which the Living Laser was teleported by the Mandarin--Avengers Annual#1
- Smith,
Wildcat, Native American, died rescuing the Deadly Dozen, @
Combat Kelly & the Deadly Dozen#2
- Smith, Zachary, father
of Microbe, killed by own flesh-eating bacteria, @ New Warriors III#3
- Smith, Mr. - alias of Yandroth--Last Defenders#2
- Smith,
Mr., servant of Alden Maas, @ Fantastic Four I#263
- Smith,
Mrs., alias of the Viper, @ Captain America I#281
- Smith Building, Washington,
D. C. HQ of the Red Skull, @ Captain America I#347
- any other "Smith" characters
pulsmarmite/ferrous motile shape pre-programmed for automatic defense
(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) - Smith relocated to the planet Kouros in the
Spendeleen system, where he was the sole life form, living in the
volcanic range in the equatorial belt and enduring the frequent
cyclonic winds. Smith set up a pre-programmed automatic defense warrior
in the form of a pulsarmite/ferrous motile shape. He continued to
sculpt numerous forms from metal.
(Gun Runner#3) - When Gun Runner sought out Smith on
Kouros, the defense drone confronted him, and Gun Runner destroyed it with the aid of his tactical systems.
--Gun Runner#3 |

(Gun Runner#3 (fb) - BTS) - Smith relocated to the planet Kouros in the
Spendeleen system, where he was the sole life form, living in the
volcanic range in the equatorial belt and enduring the frequent
cyclonic winds.
From with his "studio" within a cave, Smith continued to
sculpt numerous forms from metal.
--Gun Runner#3
|  |
images: (without ads)
BattleTide#2, pg. , panel 3-5 (forming whip/lash from baton)
#3, pg. 19, panel 6 (hurling spear)
#4, pg. 10 (fashioning and throwing circular saw blade)
Gun Runner#3, back cover (mostly full);
pg. 14, panel 3 & 5 (defense construct);
pg. 15, panel 1 & 2 ("studio" entrance and "studio");
panel 3 (upper body, seeing Gun Runner);
pg. 16, panel (full, oblique)
#6, pg. 20, panel 1 (skunched by Synergyst)
Marvel UK Smith gene card: main image
BattleTide#1 (December, 1992) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), John Freeman (editor)
BattleTide#2 (January, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), John Freeman (editor)
BattleTide#3 (February, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), Jacqui Papp & John Freeman (editors)
BattleTide#4 (March, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Gun Runner#3
(December, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (script), Anthony Williams
(penciler), Colin Fawcett (inker), Bambos Georgiou (editor)
Gun Runner#4-6
(January-March, 1994) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (script), Anthony Williams
(penciler), Colin Fawcett (inker), Bambos Georgiou (editor)
First posted: 06/22/2020
Last updated: 10/29/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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