Membership: Sun-Tao;
formerly Tiger Minn, unidentified young female villager (flower girl), sister (deceased female Twelve member), the Twelve (see comments), unidentified servant, thousands
of followers (all apparently deceased)
Purpose: To follow and perpetuate worship and following of a trinity of flesh, the spirit, and the immortal god of science
Aliases: Church of Yinsen, the Twelve (see comments)
Affiliations: Dr. Midas, Harold "Happy" Hogan" Iron Man (Tony Stark), Jocasta, Model 01 Iron Man armor drones, Virginia "Pepper" Potts, Ho Yinsen, Mrs. Yinsen;
the surviving people of Wong-Chu's village
Enemies: Iron Man Model 16 "sentient armor" / Ultron Mark Twelve, Wong-Chu and his guards, "the Yokozuna" (see comments);
formerly Antigone, Sun-Tao;
the people of Kyoto, Japan and Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia were attacked by the Sons under Sun-Tao's direction, although
neither Sun-Tao nor the Sons would consider those people enemies;
those who suffered from the Kyoto attacks were the staff of
Askew-Tronics (including Professor Jennifer Smith) and their guests Rumiko Fujikawa and Tony Stark/Iron Man;
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly New Timbetpal (mobile throughout the Asian skies), as well as the Sons of Yinsen's mother ship;
formerly Wong-Chu's base in Southeast Asia;
formerly Timbetpal
First Appearance: Iron Man III#1/2 (1999)
Abilities: Each of the members of the Twelve are/were geniuses and scientific prodigies, highly skilled and
trained in the advanced science and technology of Ho Yinsen, as well as
having advanced upon that technology.
Each member of the Twelve has a strong faith in a religion dubbed "Yinsenism," based on the teachings of Ho Yinsen, and revering the union of life, the spirit, and technology.
The Twelve are all highly skilled in an
unspecified form of martial arts, apparently combining a mixture of
Each of the Twelve can, at least, levitate and sit suspended in air.
In combat, the Twelve traditionally wore
armor based on Iron Man's, containing a number of the Sons of Yinsen's
other advancements. They typically wore a helmet and
chest/torso plate (covering the back and front of chest and abdomen),
as well as gauntlets, but with bare arms (no armor connected the
gauntlets to the torso plate); similarly, they wore armored boots, but no leg
The Sons' armors typically granted them flight, enhanced
durability (at least in the covered areas), cloaking technology that
rendered them invisible to the naked eye and most forms of detection,
and stasis fields. Many of the armors contained personalized weaponry,
including repulsor waves and hypno-pulses; only a few of their
abilities were shown, and each member's personalized abilities were not
Following their involvement with the
Model 16 "sentient armor" / Ultron Mark Twelve, the Twelve each wore a full set
replica of the Model 16 armor, which granted them superhuman strength, durability, and repulsor blasts.
The Sons utilized Iron Man drones patterned after the Iron Man model 1
armor, with a few upgrades, including Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS / Iron
Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Ho Yinsen hand-picked twelve prodigies
who studied under him, starting with Sun-Tao, whom he considered his
greatest student.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - Ho Yinsen predicted to his followers the coming of Iron Man.
(Iron Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - Invading armies captured their nation, Timbetpal, and took Yinsen away. Sun-Tao insisted he be taken alongside Yinsen to help and protect his master.
(Tales of Suspense I#39 - BTS / Iron
Man III#31 (fb)) - Yinsen sacrificed himself to give Stark the time to
charge the Iron Man armor, and as Iron Man defeated Wong-Chu.
(Iron Man III#32 (fb) - BTS / Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb)) - Having given Sun-Tao his journal, with his apparent dying breath, Yinsen sent Sun-Tao to return to Timbetpal and teach the world of its greatest son.
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Agents of Dr. Midas -- via a space warp portal -- stole Yinsen's body seconds after he drew his final breath and apparently died.
(Iron Man
Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Midas harvested and preserved Yinsen's brain, which was allegedly kept alive inside a tank.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - Sun-Tao
returned to Timbetpal and gathered the other eleven disciples of Yinsen to teach the word of it's greatest son, the word
of life, death, and technology.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - Via Ho Yinsen's many journals, his undying
faith, and their own research, his twelve hand-picked disciples built
and constructed a way by which to honor Yinsen and the gift -- the gift
of the flesh, the spirit, and the immortal god of science -- he gave
them (presumably referring to New Timbetpal).
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - The Sons of Yinsen created a host of trite, yet commercially viable concepts.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS / Iron
Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - The Sons of Yinsen sold patents for their
inventions, accumulating great wealth to put into practice Yinsen's
greatest theories, and to build and maintain their equipment.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS / Iron
Man Annual 2000 (fb)) - The people of Timbetpal became curious of the
Sons of Yinsen and of their ideas and their ways, and the Sons took the
time to teach them.
Man Annual 2000 (fb)) - "Like rainfall, the master's words quenched the
people's parched souls. Before long, they had thousands of followers of
"Yinsenism." As the people converted, the Sons shared their secrets with
them, and the people formed a work force to hasten their efforts.
(Iron Man III#32 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, all but Sun-Tao took a vow of silence.
Man III#32 (fb) - BTS / Iron
Man Annual 2000 (fb)) - Aided by their followers, the Sons of Yinsen
constructed the immense floating city New Timbetpal and the large
With the city's completion, the Sons took their followers
with them as New Timbetpal rose into the Heavens and hid itself from
"the evil that is the world," just as Yinsen had prophesied.
Man III#32 (fb) - BTS) - With the exception of the Twelve
disciples/prodigies, who wore variations of the Iron Man armor, the
people of New Timbetpal were raised solely in the ways of Yinsen; as
such, they had no knowledge of combat.
The Twelve trained to defend the other citizens; having learned from Yinsen directly, they individually adapted their personal armor to fit each of their needs.
Man III#32 (fb) - BTS) - "The Transference of the Journal" was
considered one of the most sacred events in the Sons of Yinsen's
Man III#32 (fb) - BTS) - The Sons of Yinsen considered Iron Man the
embodiment of their master's beliefs: He was the merging of the human
spirit with the wonders of technology; and when Stark first donned his
armor, they believed that it not only saved his life, but transcended
him to another plane of existence. The Sons believed that Iron Man
would deliver them in their greatest hour of need.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - The Sons of Yinsen lived in secrecy for many
years, preferring the clouds and their machines to the world's earthly
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Midas sent an agent to meet with the Twelve, arranging a silent auction with Wong-Chu (though neither they nor Wong-Chu knew the identity of the other auctioneer) to possess Yinsen's still-living brain. Wong-Chu's greater wealth won out.
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Midas'
mediator offered the Twelve the name of the successful buyer
for the price of their losing bid.
Accepting this price and upon learning this was Wong-Chu, the Sons
realized that Midas was no friend of Wong-Chu.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - The Twelve sought out an informant, a
man who dealt in the commercial abuse of helpless children; this man
therefore had contact with Wong-Chu.
(Iron Man III#1/2 / Iron
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS)
- As part of a plot to flush out Wong-Chu, the Twelve -- in
their dragon-like ship -- assaulted the city of Kyoto, Japan,
unleashing numerous
Iron Man drones and firing energy blasts into the city (designed for
structural damage while not injuring the population).
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Within
seconds of the assaults, one of Wong-Chu's constituents warned him that
the Sons of Yinsen were hunting him.
(Iron Man III#1/2) - Via the mothership, the Twelve announced that they meant the city no harm, but were just seeking that which rightfully theirs: The city was harboring a prisoner of war, and they stated that they would not cease fire until the Yokozuna was released into their custody.
Stray blasts heavily damaged an Askew-Tronics facility, and Tony Stark -- present there with his girlfriend Rumiko Fujikawa -- was trapped under masonry. Freed via summoning and donning his Iron Man armor, Stark confronted the Sons of Yinsen. After his onboard diagnostics (see comments) determined the drone armors to be uninhabited, Iron Man began swiftly destroying the drones. After a powerful blast from the ship stunned him, the drones piled on top of Iron Man and began pummeling him.
Flying into the air, Iron Man tried to incapacitate the drones with an electromagnetic pulse but found them to be shielded. He next emitted a maximum magnetic field to trap the drones' air within them, and then pushed one of his boot jets to failure, flying himself and the whole mass of drones into the upper atmosphere, where the air inside them apparently caused them to explode. The fragments apparently burned up in re-entry.
(Iron Man III#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - The mother-ship and remaining drones departed without leaving a trace before Iron Man returned.
(Iron Man III#31) - The Twelve prepared for their coming encounter with tea.
(Iron Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - Jocasta identified Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as the most likely point of the Sons' attack and reported this to Iron Man.
Man III#31) - The Sons assaulted Kuala Lumpur, striking precisely to cause property damage without casualties.
As Iron Man arrived, the mothership broadcast a
message assuring the people of Malaysia that they meant them no harm
but instead sought a man they were harboring whom they were seeking for
crimes against humanity.
Iron Man assaulted the Model 1 drones, but when
he confronted Sun-Tao or one of the other Twelve, the leaders called
the drones to halt, and they knelt before Iron Man. When the Twelve and the
Drones suddenly took to the air and departed, Iron Man pursued them
back to the mothership, and then followed that back to the immense New
Timbetpal. Sun-Tao then led the Twelve to meet with Iron Man as he
revealed knowledge of Iron Man's true identity; Sun-Tao further
detailed his history with Yinsen, the origins of the Sons of Yinsen,
and the fact that Wong-Chu was still alive.
(Iron Man III#32 - BTS) - Warned of the Sons of Yinsen's having learned his location, Wong-Chu smiled and advised his aide to let them come.
(Iron Man III#32) - Sun-Tao gave Iron Man a tour of New Timbetpal. The people of the city gathered to meet and then knelt before the legendary Tony Stark; after a young girl gave Stark a flower, Sun-Tao explained their vow of silence.
Sun-Tao and the rest of the Twelve then met with
Stark, providing details of Wong-Chu's survival and subsequent
activities, and they assured Stark that they were
enlightened and wished to bring Wong-Chu before an international war
crimes tribunal for a proper trial.
Having secretly arrived over Wong-Chu's camp
while their city ship was cloaked, the Twelve led Iron Man in invading
the camp with aid from individual cloaking mechanism.
Man III#32 / Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - A young girl
from Wong-Chu's village gave Iron Man a ragdoll; as a precaution, Stark
hid a card/chip possessing the Sons' cloaking technology within the
Man III#32) - Iron Man and the Twelve easily
fought their way past Wong-Chu's men, including the guards to Wong-Chu's
However, as they confronted Wong-Chu himself, the
warlord, via having his troops hold 24 of the city's people at
gunpoint, demanded their surrender. Sun-Tao initially refused, but Iron
Man convinced him to comply to prevent the deaths of so many innocents.
Once Iron Man and the Twelve had removed and turned over their
armor, Wong-Chu had his soldiers slay the city residents anyway.
Wong-Chu then told Stark that the Sons of Yinsen weren't actually there to bring in their enemy, but to recover Ho Yinsen, who was still alive.
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Wong-Chu had Sun-Tao's face "branded" (though it looks a lot more like a tattoo; perhaps he meant marked with his brand/symbol) with the Mark of Wong-Chu.
Considering Stark unworthy to wear his symbol,
Wong-Chu instead felt the ragdoll tied around his neck was a more
appropriately mocking symbol.
Wong-Chu further donned the boots, pants, and gloves of some of the Sons' armors.
Wong-Chu taunted Stark and the Twelve as
had them sit around a table at his feast, with their arms bound behind
their backs; Wong-Chu's guards shoved Sons and Stark's faces shoved
into bowls of slop.
Man Annual 2000) - At Wong-Chu's urging, Sun-Tao revealed
the full truth about Yinsen's fate. Wong-Chu was pleased, nonetheless, that the Sons
of Yinsen had to use violence to locate him and mocked that he had
learned of their hunt and prepared for them.
En route to their planned execution, however, Stark freed the
Sons' cloaking card he had hidden within the ragdoll and placed it
within his artificial heart, allowing Stark to vanish suddenly.
Wong-Chu ordered the guards to fire, but the Twelve dodged and
attacked the guards.
Sun-Tao then instructed Stark that the Twelve could
handle the guards, but that Stark must return to the temple and recover
his armor.
Sun-Tao further hinted to Stark to remember the day he freed
himself from Wong-Chu's camp, leading Stark to punch in the date of his
escape from Wong-Chu's camp into
the cloaking card, which signaled a summoning of a large number
(Stark estimated "hundreds") of the Sons of Yinsen's Iron Man drones as
planned cavalry.
As programmed, the drones took out Wong-Chu's weapons
towers and soldiers all without actually harming anyone.
Wong-Chu's men
surrounded the still manacled Twelve, offering
to let them live if they gave up Stark's location. However, the
returning Iron Man used his repulsors to shatter the Twelve's manacles.
response, Wong-Chu smashed Iron Man's cloaking card, activated his own,
and then swiftly fled. Sun-Tao advised Stark that Wong-Chu would be
heading towards Yinsen, and Iron Man traveled to Wong-Chu's fortified
bunker, where Wong-Chu blasted him before cloaking himself again.
Ultimately, Iron Man blasted several drones flying overhead, and the shower of molten metal both outlined Wong-Chu and caused him to scream out in agony. Targeting that, Iron Man blasted Wong-Chu, knocking him to the ground and then physically battering him into submission.
When Wong-Chu vowed he would die before leading the Sons anywhere,
Sun-Tao sent his figurative sister and brothers into the bunker. Arriving first and tripping a sensor,
however, the Sons' sole female member was killed in the resultant explosion, leading Wong-Chu to mock her
death. As Wong-Chu continued to laugh, however, one of the Sons'
servants (who had been secretly in love with the female Sons member just killed), who had stowed
away inside one of the drones, picked up a machete, rushed forward, and
slew Wong-Chu with it before anyone could stop him.
(Iron Man
Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - The Sons of Yinsen pronounced Wong-Chu dead
and found the brain of Yinsen in a preservative chamber.
(Iron Man
Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - After Iron Man's heart unit ran out of power,
the Twelve rushed him back to New Timbetpal to recharge.
They transported Yinsen's brain to New Timbetpal and placed the chamber in the hands of their immense Yinsen statue.
(Iron Man
Annual 2000) - After Stark revived, Sun-Tao told him what had happened,
assuring him that his people did not look lightly upon murder, but that
the youth who had slain Sun-Tao would be dealt with fairly in the way
of their people.
Sun-Tao then brought Stark to see Yinsen, explaining the deal with Midas and his brain's preservation. Noting this to be the holiest of relics, Sun-Tao shared the thanks of himself, his people, and Yinsen himself for Stark's role in this recovery.
Sun-Tao then presented Stark with a medallion
marked with their flag and representing their hearts, which would
always be with him. He asked that the the word of Yinsen would bring
Stark peace and that happiness would follow him the rest of his days;
now until death, Stark would be a Son of New Timbetpal and part of
their family, and he would always be greeted at their gates. Thanking
Sun-Tao, Iron Man departed.
(Iron Man Annual 2000) - After acknowledging the consequences of his actions, the servant who slew Wong-Chu was accepted into the Twelve / Sons of Yinsen, replacing the fallen sister.
(Iron Man Annual 2000) - Days later, New Timbetpal arrived at the island in which Stark had buried his "sentient armor," the Model 16 sentient armor (actually controlled by Ultron, as it had been installed there by Jocasta; this was the more benevolent Mark 12 that had been in control due to a premature awakening caused by a lightning strike, although none of this was known at the time).
advised the Sons that from the ashes of the spirit and the flesh, and
from the ashes of the immortal god of science, the master would rise
again; and a new dawn of the Iron Man would also arise, as Yinsen had
(Iron Man III#46 (fb) - BTS / Iron Man III#47 (fb)) - The Sons of Yinsen recovered Iron Man's incapacitated Model 16 armor and implanted Yinsen's brain within it to give him a proper vessel through which to act/live.
(Iron Man III#48 (fb)) - Once the Sons of Yinsen reactivated the "sentient armor," the primary Ultron (Mark 12) established contact and transferred his mind/program into this new host.
(Iron Man III#47 (fb)) - The Sons of
Yinsen were ecstatic to have seemingly brought their holiest of
missions to fruition, but Sun-Tao soon noticed that "Yinsen" was more
arrogant and aggressive, and that the orders he gave the Sons grew
stranger each day; among these was the mass production of Iron Man's
Model 16 armor as if he was preparing for war. Sun-Tao wondered if this
behavior was an after effect of his extended disembodied existence or
if this actually was Yinsen at all. Regardless, Sun-Tao resolved to
stop "Yinsen," but the other Sons proved to be blinded by their
unyielding devotion.3
(Iron Man III#46 (fb) - BTS / Iron Man III#47 (fb)) - Sun-Tao was branded a heretic and ex-communicated from their order.
(Iron Man III#47 (fb)) - As "Yinsen," Ultron Mark 12 convinced the other Sons that a great madness had come over Sun-Tao and that their holy technology was the only way to dispel it. In reality, "Yinsen" used the opportunity to strip away Sun-Tao's mind, leaving "Yinsen" free to proceed without opposition.
Man III#46 (fb) - BTS / (Iron
Man III#47 (fb) - BTS) - The
youth who had slain Wong-Chu, now (at least) known as Tiger Minn, became the
leader and public figure of the Sons of Yinsen and the religion that
followed it.
(Iron Man III#46 (fb)) <Three weeks before the main story> - Ultron/"Yinsen" arrived with the Sons of Yinsen in New Timbetpal above New York City and decloaked.
Man III#46 (fb) - BTS) - Under Ultron's
control, the Sons of Yinsen set up the Church of Yinsenism,
with their main office in New York. The religion caught up quickly,
especially among the celebrity set, swiftly becoming the most chic new
Tiger Minn reported that Sun-Tao had disagreed with the Sons of Yinsen going public, and he parted ways with the order.
(Iron Man III#46 (fb) / Iron Man III#47 (fb) - BTS) - Ultron/"Yinsen" sent Sun-Tao, in an Iron Man model 16 armor replica to break into Askew Electronics, providing a distraction to allow the other Sons of Yinsen to steal the SKIN (Synthetic Kinetic Interfacing Nanofluid; digital fluid, generated by Askew Tronics).
(Iron Man III#47 (fb) - BTS) - Ultron had the Church of Yinsenism's New York City congregation horrifically altered, with SKIN used to turn them into his personal army of mindless cyborgs.
(Iron Man III#46 ) - After Iron Man defeated and captured Sun-Tao, Ultron/"Yinsen" led the Twelve to confront Iron Man and demand Sun-Tao and his armor's return. When Iron Man tried to warn "Yinsen" about the sentient armor, "Yinsen" initially tried to apologize for being too overzealous, blaming his lack of social graces on having been disembodied for so long.
"Yinsen" further told Iron Man that Sun-Tao had gone mad, but when Iron Man questioned his true nature, refusing to completely believe him and refusing to surrender Sun-Tao until the matter had been resolved, "Yinsen" told Iron Man he and his allies would surely take Sun-Tao over his dead body.
Man III#47) - As the Twelve attacked Iron Man while their cloaking
protected them from being attacked in return, Iron Man fired a blast at
the uncloaked Tiger Minn and Ultron/"Yinsen"; Tiger Minn protected "Yinsen"
with a force field, but "Yinsen" advised Minn that the blast would not
have harmed him. Iron Man's assault left him open to attacks by the rest of the Twelve.
(Iron Man III#47 - BTS) - Sun-Tao revived and told "Happy" Hogan and "Pepper" Potts what had happened with "Yinsen."
Though Iron Man magnetically trapped the others, "Yinsen" stunned Stark and fried his armor's systems, freed the Twelve, had them incapacitate Stark, and then sent them to recover Sun-Tao.
(Iron Man III#47) - Arriving alongside the rest of the Twelve as they broke into Stark Enterprises, Tiger Minn asked Brother Tao not to make it any harder than it must be. Attacking the group, Sun-Tao continued to try to convince them that the one they believed to be Yinsen was not their lord and savior. Ultimately, however, Tiger Minn struck down Sun-Tao, denouncing him as a blasphemer.
Praising Tiger Minn as bringing honor to his name, "Yinsen" instructed him to gather Sun-Tao and prepare him for the ceremony.
Man III#47 (fb) - BTS) - Minn had Sun-Tao brought to New York's Church of Yinsen.
Man III#47) - Before a crowd of kneeing worshippers, Minn denounced and
prepared to sacrifice Sun-Tao while announcing that "Lord Yinsen" had
seen in him a new beacon by which their religion would shine brighter
than ever before.
However, as Minn's dagger began to plunge toward Sun Tao's chest, a recovered Iron Man stopped him; the congregation moved not once. Accusing Iron Man of having desecrated their church with his presence, Minn had the Twelve cloak and prepare to slay Iron Man. With Jocasta's aid, however, Iron Man caused the Twelve's cloaking function to malfunction and instead absorb light, burning them. When the SKIN-mutated congregation confronted him, Iron Man decided to flee rather than fight them, planning to return with the Avengers and subdue them without injuring them.
As Iron Man freed Sun-Tao and prepared to depart, "Yinsen" then used his control of the "sentient armor" to control Stark's new artificial heart (which that armor had created), incapacitating Stark with pain and cardiac dysfunction. "Yinsen" then unmasked, revealing it to actually be Ultron in control.
Man III#48) - Revealing how he had come to control the
armor and then discussed his plans to conquer Earth, Ultron explained how the Church of Yinsen had provided him with
perfect launching point to wipe out humanity, and that the SKIN had
given him the means to control the Church members. Ultron then
demonstrated his power by instructing a member of the congregation to
impale herself in the name of her deity; responding "Right away, my
lord," she(?) transformed her hand into a spiked structure and fatally
shoved it through her chest. Ultron then taunted Iron Man and the Sons
with ongoing preparations being made for Church of Yinsen branches all
around the country and the planet.
After Ultron instructed his congregation to kill Iron Man and Sun-Tao while Ultron and the Sons
departed, however, Iron Man used his control of the SKIN distributor in his
own armor to incapacitate the entire congregation.
Sun-Tao gathered the helmet with Yinsen's brain so
that the true Yinsen might rise up again.
Man III#48 (fb) - BTS) - Ultron and the Sons returned to New Timbetpal,
and Ultron outfitted its entire population with SKIN and then
transported it to Las Vegas (or perhaps it was already there), where they developed a new Church of Yinsen.
(Iron Man III#48) - Iron Man (Stark) and Sun-Tao returned to Stark Enterprises, where Stark made arrangements with Jocasta to oppose Ultron.
Man III#48 (fb) - BTS) - Iron Man and Sun-Tao rigged their armors with
enhanced SKIN distributors. They planned to amplify the SKIN
controlling frequency through their sonic arrays to neutralize the SKIN
technology affecting any of Ultron's agents.
Ultron mocked the arriving Iron Man and Sun-Tao.
Though they incapacitated the SKIN-bonded population, Ultron again
exerted control over Stark's artificial heart. Iron Man then downloaded
Jocasta into Ultron's armor, allowing her to battle the sentient
armor/Ultron, distracting it while Iron Man engaged Ultron
externally. Together, they drove off Ultron, whose head was dislodged
and sent away with his synthezoid ally Antigone (which was, unknown to everyone else, apparently under Jocasta's control).
With Ultron ousted, the Sons of Yinsen and the
rest of the population of New Timbetpal regained their wits. Sun-Tao
welcomed his brothers back, assuring them that while there was much to
discuss, the Great Devil was gone.
Sun-Tao had the Iron Man helmet containing
Yinsen's brain
reattached to the armor Ultron had evacuated, and the armor began to
move anew. However, Ultron then appeared via a viewscreen as a
pre-recorded contingency message and announced that it
would have the last laugh; Sun-Tao swiftly appreciated that Ultron had
rigged the entire city of New Timbetpal to detonate, and he feared
there was nothing they could do to prevent it.
Iron Man
prepared to evacuate everyone, but Yinsen or whatever was now
controlling the armor countered that this city was the ultimate
extension of his people's belief system and that they would not
leave. Iron Man refused to believe this was Yinsen and argued that
it could be the "sentient armor" back in control, tricking them into
mass suicide. Noting his pride in the man Stark had become and
lamenting that they did not have more time together, Yinsen reluctantly
used the armor's control over Stark's heart to incapacitate him to stop him from interfering with his plans. Yinsen
then instructed Sun-Tao that his destiny was elsewhere, that he must
survive so that their ways would live on in some form, and that he
should fly Iron Man out. Yinsen then gathered his followers together to pray.
After Sun-Tao departed with Iron Man, New
detonated over the desert. They discussed what they had witnessed, with
Iron Man wondering if it could actually have been Yinsen.
Sun-Tao contended that it didn't matter; for him, it certainly was
Yinsen. He conceded that it
could have been the sentient armor or something in between, a leftover
spark of Yinsen saving Stark again one last time; regardlessly, Sun-Tao
considered it a
matter of faith.
Sun-Tao, however, wondered what he should do now:
The life he knew was over, and he wondered what would become of him.
Stark advised him to apply his faith to himself, and he would see that
things would work out fine.
Comments: Created by Joe Quesada, Alitha Martinez, Nelson DeCastro & Rodney Ramos.
As far as I can tell, the Sons of
Yinsen refers to the entire population of New Timbetpal who followed
the ways of Yinsen. It is most commonly used to refer to the Twelve,
who were the original twelve disciples of Yinsen (Tiger Minn joined
this group after the female member was slain by Wong-Chu's boobytrap).
The Twelve most clearly refers to the armored warriors of the Sons of
Yinsen. Yinsenism is the religion they follow, and the Church of Yinsen
is the name for the religious organization set up by Ultron (in the
form of Yinsen) in various locations around the world.
Iron Man scanned the Sons' Iron
Man drones with an MRI in Iron Man#1/2. However, MRI (Magnetic
Resonance Imaging) works with a localized field and can't image
metal...presumably he was using some other scanning technology that
gave images comparable to an MRI.
Seems like the Sons of Yinsen
stories were disliked by many people. I found a number of contrived
plot points painful (surrendering their armor to Wong-Chu, and not
having any means between their 14 uber-geniuses of stopping New
Timbetpal from blowing up), but I otherwise liked the idea. What I
really disliked, however, was the Son of Yinsen story in Iron Man
IV#7-12...which, along with the previous arc, took a big dump on 40
years of continuity.
Iron Man III#31 refers to the
first encounter between Iron Man and the Sons as having taken place in
Osaka, but it was named as Kyoto in the original story (Iron Man#1/2
Profile by Snood.
The Sons of Yinsen should be distinguished from
Aboard New Timbetpal, an unidentified servant brought (presumably) tea to the Twelve as they prepared to assault Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as part of their plan to locate Wong-Chu.
In his haste, the servant stumbled and nearly spilled tray carrying the drinks, but he caught his balance and composed himself before entering the Twelve's chambers.
The servant brought the tea and served a glass to each of the Twelve.
--Iron Man III#31
Note: As I first started reviewing the issues for
the Sons of Yinsen profile, I thought that the servant who was
bringing tea to the Twelve in Iron Man III#31.
It's possible,
but that servant had a mohawk-like streak of hair down the middle of
his head, while the servant who slew Wong-Chu in Iron Man Annual 2000
had a shaved head.
He certainly could have shaved his head, but I'd imagine the Twelve had more than one servant, and these two aren't a perfect match. It's hard to compare their features, because the artists were different in the two issues.
Also referred to as the dragonship (maybe only in my head?), this smaller vessel was dispatched from New Timbetpal for specific missions.
The mothership is immense, spanning multiple city
blocks (see the image of the drones over Kuala Lumpur), and can
apparently carry hundreds of drones. It can also unleash a blast that can stun Iron Man.
(Iron Man III#1/2 / Iron
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS)
- As part of a plot to flush out Wong-Chu, the Sons of Yinsen -- in
their dragon-like ship -- assaulted the city of Kyoto, Japan,
unleashing numerous
Iron Man drones and firing energy blasts into the city (designed for
structural damage while not injuring the population).
After his onboard diagnostics (see comments) determined the drone armors to be uninhabited, Iron Man began swiftly destroying the drones. However, after a powerful blast from the ship stunned him, the drones piled on top of Iron Man and began pummeling him.
(Iron Man III#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - After Iron Man destroyed the bulk of the drones, the dragonship and remaining drones departed without leaving a trace before Iron Man returned.
(Iron Man III#31) - The mothership traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, releasing a large number of drones that struck precisely to cause property damage without casualties.
As Iron Man arrived, the mothership broadcast a message assuring the people of Malaysia that they meant them no harm but instead sought a man they were harboring whom they were seeking for crimes against humanity.
Iron Man assaulted the Model 1 drones, but when he confronted Sun-Tao or one of the other Twelve, the leaders called the drones to halt and knelt before Iron Man.
-- Iron Man III#1/2 (1999; this was a "one-half" issue, not the second story of the first issue) (#31, 32
New Timbetpal was an immense ship created by the Sons of Yinsen.
Typically floating hidden in the clouds, it was home to the entire former population of Timbetpal.
The mothership/dragonship was
nearly as large in width as a skyscraper, and that ship could fly
within the corridors of New Timbetpal.
Large elevator tubes could be extended from the mothership to the street level surface of New Timbetpal.
Man III#32 (fb) - BTS / Iron
Man Annual 2000 (fb)) - Aided by their followers, the Sons of Yinsen
constructed the immense floating city New Timbetpal and the large
With the city's completion, the Sons took their followers
with them as New Timbetpal rose into the Heavens and hid itself from
"the evil that is the world," just as Yinsen had prophesied.
Man III#32 (fb) - BTS) - With the exception of the Twelve
disciples/prodigies, who wore variations of the Iron Man armor, the
people of New Timbetpal were raised solely in the ways of Yinsen; as
such, they had no knowledge of combat. erence of the Journal" was
considered one of the most sacred events in the Sons of Yinsen's
(Iron Man III#31) - When the members of the Twelve and the Drones suddenly took to the air and departed, Iron Man pursued them back to the mothership, and then pursued that back to the immense New Timbetpal.
Sun-Tao then led the Twelve to meet with Iron Man.
Man III#32) - Sun-Tao shared the Sons' history with Iron Man and then
gave him a tour of New Timbetpal.
Sun-Tao and the rest of the Twelve then met with
Stark, providing details of Wong-Chu's survival and subsequent
(Iron Man
Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - After Iron Man's heart unit ran out of power,
the Sons rushed him back to New Timbetpal to recharge.
The Sons transported
Yinsen's brain to New Timbetpal and placed the chamber in the hands of
their immense Yinsen statue.
Sun-Tao then presented Stark with a medallion marked with their flag and representing their hearts, which would always be with him. He asked the the word of Yinsen would bring him peace and that happiness would follow him the rest of his days; from now until death, Stark would be a Son of New Timbetpal and part of their family, and he would always be greeted at their gates.
(Iron Man Annual 2000) - After acknowledging the consequences of his actions, the servant who slew Wong-Chu was accepted into the Twelve / Sons of Yinsen, replacing the fallen sister.
(Iron Man Annual 2000) - Days later, New Timbetpal arrived at the island in which Stark had buried his "sentient armor," the Model 16 sentient armor (actually controlled by Ultron, as it had been installed there by Jocasta; this was the more benevolent Mark 12 that had been in control due to a premature awakening caused by a lightning strike, although none of this was known at the time).(Iron
Man III#48 (fb) - BTS) - Ultron and the Sons returned to New Timbetpal,
and Ultron outfitted its entire population with SKIN and then
transported it to Las Vegas (or perhaps it was already there), where they developed a new Church of Yinsen.
Man III#48) - As the newest Church of Yinsen neared completion, Iron
Man and Sun-Tao arrived, with Sun-Tao using still-active access codes
to shut down the Iron Man drones surrounding New Timbetpal.
Though Iron Man and Sun-Tao incapacitated the SKIN-bonded population, Ultron again
exerted control over Stark's artificial heart. Iron Man then downloaded
Jocasta into Ultron's armor, allowing her to battle the sentient
armor/Ultron Mark 12, distracting it while Iron Man engaged Ultron
externally. Together, they drove off Ultron, whose head was dislodged
and sent away with his synthezoid ally Antigone (which was, unknown to everyone else, apparently under Jocasta's control).
With Ultron ousted, the Sons of Yinsen and the
rest of the population of New Timbetpal to regain their wits. Sun-Tao
welcomed his brothers back, assuring them that while there was much to
discuss, the Great Devil was gone.
Sun-Tao had the Iron Man helmet containing
Yinsen's brain
reattached to the armor Ultron had evacuated, and the armor began to
move anew. However, Ultron then appeared via a viewscreen as a
pre-recorded contingency message and announced that it
would have the last laugh; Sun-Tao swiftly appreciated that Ultron had
rigged the entire city of New Timbetpal to detonate, and he feared
there was nothing they could do to prevent it.
Iron Man
prepared to evacuate everyone, but Yinsen or whatever was now
controlling the armor countered that this city was the ultimate
extension of his people's belief system and that they would not
Iron Man refused to believe this was Yinsen and argued that
it could be the "sentient armor" back in control, tricking them into
mass suicide. Noting his pride in the man Stark had become and
lamenting that they did not have more time together, Yinsen reluctantly
used the armor's control over Stark's heart to incapacitate him to stop him from interfering with his plans. Yinsen
then instructed Sun-Tao that his destiny was elsewhere, that he must
survive so that their ways would live on in some form, and that he
should fly Iron Man out. Yinsen then gathered his followers together to pray.
--Iron Man III#31
Man III#32) - The people of New Timbetpal gathered to
meet the legendary Tony Stark who was introduced by Sun-Tao.
As they passed through a village, Stark praised the Utopia they had built themselves.
A young girl reached out and grasped Iron Mans
gauntlet, getting his attention. She gave him the flower, and he
thanked her for her kindness before introducing himself as Tony and
asking her name.
As she remained silent, Sun-Tao explained their vow of silence; Stark was somewhat bothered by this, but Sun-Tao dismissed it as "their way" before taking Stark to meet the rest of the population.
--Iron Man III#32
Note: She is pictured fully in the image of the New Timbetpal villagers.
Presumably like the rest of the population, she perished in New Timbetpal's destruction caused by Ultron.
--Iron Man III#31
Man III#32 (fb) - BTS / Iron
Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Ho Yinsen kept journals of his research and designs.
Man III#32 (fb) - BTS / Iron
Man Annual 2000 (fb)) - Sun-Tao was tasked with disposing of Yinsen's
body in the jungle. Having clung to life, Yinsen gave Sun-Tao his journal that contained all of his life's works,
including notes on the Iron Man armor and his cloaking technology.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - After Yinsen's apparent death (with his body
having been claimed and his brain having been harvested, by agents of
Dr. Midas), Sun-Tao
returned to Timbetpal and gathered the other eleven disciples of Yinsen
to teach the word of it's greatest son, the word
of life, death, and technology.
(Iron Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - Via Ho Yinsen's many journals, his undying faith, and their own research, his twelve hand-picked disciples built and constructed a way by which to honor Yinsen and the gift -- the gift of the flesh, the spirit, and the immortal god of science -- he gave them.
(Iron Man III#31 (fb) - BTS / Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - The Sons of Yinsen sold patents for their inventions, accumulating great wealth to put into practice Yinsen's greatest theories, and to build and maintain their equipment.
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS / Iron
Man Annual 2000 (fb)) - The people of Timbetpal became curious of the
Sons of Yinsen and of their ideas and their ways, and the Sons took the
time to teach them.
Man Annual 2000 (fb)) - "Like rainfall, the master's words quenched the
people's parched souls. Before long, they had thousands of followers of
"Yinsenism."As the people converted, the Sons shared their secrets with
them, and the people formed a work force to hasten their efforts.
--Iron Man III#31 (32
Note: Presumably like the rest of the city's population, the journal of Ho Yinsen was destroyed in New Timbetpal's destruction caused by Ultron.
Presumably designed via information gleaned from the journals of Ho Yinsen, the drones were robots patterned after the Model 01 Iron Man armors.
Controlled and directed by the Sons of Yinsen, they were often pre-programmed to assault the Sons' opponents, incapacitating them and potentially causing structural damage to strategic locations while not injuring innocents.
Though the drones, whose numbers were estimated
at least to be in the hundreds at any one time by Tony Stark, were
patterned after the Model 01 Iron Man armor, we don't know that they
matched those armors' abilities exactly. They were upgraded to include
shielding from electromagnetic pulses, at least.
Regardless, they could fly, fire repulsor blasts,
and at least were as durable as a thin sheet of iron or steel. Having a
significant amount of hollow space filled with atmospheric air, if
their armors were sealed they would be subject to explosive
decompression if placed into a vacuum or other low-pressure situations.
They would also be risk to crushing injury if brought to the ocean's
depths or other high-pressure situations.
(Iron Man III#1/2 / Iron
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS)
- As part of a plot to flush out Wong-Chu, the Sons of Yinsen -- in
their dragon-like ship -- assaulted the city of Kyoto, Japan,
unleashing numerous
Iron Man drones and firing energy blasts into the city (designed for
structural damage while not injuring the population).
(Iron Man III#1/2) - The mothership announced that they meant the city no harm, but were just seeking that which rightfully theirs: The city was harboring a prisoner of war, and they stated that they would not cease fire until the Yokozuna was released into their custody.
A stray blasts heavily damaged an Askew-Tronics facility, and Tony Stark -- present there with his girlfriend Rumiko Fujikawa -- was trapped under masonry. Freed via summoning and donning his Iron Man armor, Stark confronted the Sons of Yinsen drones. After his onboard diagnostics (see comments) determined the drone armors to be uninhabited, Iron Man began swiftly destroying the drones. However, after a powerful blast from the ship stunned him, the drones piled on top of Iron Man and began pummeling him.
Flying into the air, Iron Man tried to incapacitate the drones with an electromagnetic pulse but found them to be shielded. He next emitted a maximum magnetic field to trap the drones' air within them, and then pushed one of his boot jets to failure, flying himself and the whole mass of drones into the upper atmosphere, where the air inside them apparently caused them to explode. The fragments apparently burned up in re-entry.
(Iron Man III#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - The mother-ship and remaining drones departed without leaving a trace before Iron Man returned.
(Iron Man III#31) - The Drones, joined by at least two members of the Twelve, assaulted Kuala Lumpur, striking precisely to cause property damage without casualties.
As Iron Man arrived, the mothership broadcast a
message assuring the people of Malaysia that they meant them no harm
but instead sought a man they were harboring whom they were seeking for
crimes against humanity.
Iron Man assaulted the drones, but when
he confronted Sun-Tao or one of the other Twelve members, these leaders called
the drones to halt and knelt before Iron Man. When the Twelve and the
Drones suddenly took to the air and departed, Iron Man pursued them
back to the mothership, and then pursued that back to the immense New
(Iron Man III#32 - BTS) - The Twelve led Iron Man in invading Wong-Chu's camp, but they surrendered and gave up their armors to Wong-Chu when he threatened innocents.
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Wishing to help rescue the Twelve, the servant later identified as Tiger Minn entered one of the Sons of Yinsen's Iron Man model 1 drone armors.
(Iron Man Annual 2000) - Via a hidden cloaking card, Tony Stark escaped and recovered his armor. Sun-Tao further hinted to Stark to remember the day he freed himself from Wong-Chu's camp, leading Stark to punch in the date of his escape from Wong-Chu's camp into the cloaking card, which signaled a summoning of a large number (Stark estimated "hundreds") of the Sons of Yinsen's Iron Man drones as the planned cavalry. As programmed, the drones took out Wong-Chu's weapons towers and soldiers all without actually harming anyone.
When a cloaked Wong-Chu assaulted and repeatedly
got the better of Iron Man / Stark, Iron Man blasted several drones
flying overhead, and the
shower of molten metal both outlined Wong-Chu and caused him to scream
out in agony. Targeting that, Iron Man blasted Wong-Chu, knocking him
to the ground and then physically battering him into submission.
After Wong-Chu mocked the death of one of the
Twelve, however, the future Tiger Minn (who had been secretly in love
with the female Sons member just killed), still within a drone armor,
picked up a machete, rushed forward, and
slew Wong-Chu with it before anyone could stop him.
Man III#1/2 (Iron Man III#31, Iron Man Annual 2000
Man III#31 (fb) - BTS) - The only female of Yinsen's twelve disciples
in Timbetpal, following Yinsen's apparent death, she was gathered by
Sun-Tao along with the other ten disciples to teach the word of it's
greatest son, the word
of life, death, and technology.
(Iron Man
Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - Selling patents for their
inventions, the Sons of Yinsen accumulated great wealth to build and
maintain their equipment while training the people of Timbetpal in
Yinsen. Eventually, the original Twelve took the entire population of
Timbetpal with them in their immense, floating city, New Timbetpal.
(Iron Man III#32 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, all but Sun-Tao took a vow of silence.
(Iron Man III#32 (fb) - BTS) - Like the rest of the Twelve, the sister wore variations of the Iron Man armor and trained to defend the other citizens; having learned from Yinsen directly, they individually adapted their personal armor to fit each of their needs.
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - The servant later identified as Tiger Minn fell in love with the female member of the Twelve; this love was described as secret, but it is unrevealed whether it was mutual or unrequited.
(Iron Man Annual 2000 (fb) - BTS) - After years of secrecy, the Sons were sought out by agents of Dr. Midas and participated in a silent auction to possess Yinsen's still living brain. Though they lost the auction, Midas' mediator offered them the name of the successful buyer in exchange for the price of their losing bid: They thusly learned it was Wong-Chu,
(Iron Man III#31 (fb) - BTS / Iron Man III#1/2 ) - Seeking those with connections to Wong-Chu, the Sons sent their drones to assault Kyoto, Japan, attracting the attention of Iron Man (Tony Stark).
(Iron Man III#31) - Following a similar drone assault on Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the Sons allowed Iron Man to follow their drones to their mothership as it entered New Timbetpal.
The sister levitated alongside the rest of the
Twelve as they met with Iron Man, whom Sun-Tao told of their history
and the fact that Wong-Chu was still alive.
Man III#32) - The Twelve then met with
Stark, providing details of Wong-Chu's survival and subsequent
Having secretly arrived over Wong-Chu's camp while their city ship was cloaked, the Twelve led Iron Man in invading the camp with aid from individual cloaking mechanism.
(Iron Man III#32) - Iron Man and the Sons of Yinsen easily fought their way past Wong-Chu's men, including the guards to Wong-Chu's temple.
However, as they confronted Wong-Chu himself, the
warlord, via having his troops hold 24 of the city's people at
gunpoint, demanded their surrender. Iron
Man convinced the Sons to comply to prevent the deaths of so many innocents.
Once Iron Man and the Sons of Yinsen had removed and turned over their
armor, Wong-Chu had his soldiers slay the city residents anyway.
Wong-Chu then told Stark that the Sons of Yinsen
weren't actually there to bring in their enemy, but to recover Ho
Yinsen, who was still alive.
(Iron Man Annual 2000) - Wong-Chu taunted Stark and the Sons of Yinsen as
had them sit around a table at his feast, with their arms bound behind
their backs; Wong-Chu's guards shoved the Sons and Stark's faces shoved
into bowls of slop.
As Wong-Chu prepared to have his men execute the
group, Stark used one of the Sons' cloaking card he had hidden to
vanish suddenly.
Via Sun-Tao's guidance, Stark recovered his Iron Man armor and signaled a summoning of a large number
(Stark estimated "hundreds") of the Sons of Yinsen's Iron Man drones as
planned cavalry.
As programmed, the drones took out Wong-Chu's weapons towers and soldiers all without actually harming anyone.
Wong-Chu's men
surrounded the still manacled Sons of Yinsen, offering
to let them live if they gave up Stark's location. However, the
returning Iron Man
then used his repulsors to shatter the Sons' manacles. Iron Man subsequently subdued Wong-Chu.
When Wong-Chu vowed he would die before leading the Sons anywhere,
Sun-Tao instructed his figurative sister and brothers to open the bunker. Arriving first and tripping a sensor,
however, the female member was killed in the resultant explosion, leading Wong-Chu to mock her
As Wong-Chu continued to laugh, however, one of the Sons'
servants (who had been secretly in love with the female Sons member just killed), who had stowed
away inside one of the drones, picked up a machete, rushed forward, and
slew Wong-Chu with it before anyone could stop him.
(Iron Man Annual 2000) - After acknowledging the consequences of his actions, the servant who slew Wong-Chu was accepted into the Twelve / Sons of Yinsen, replacing the fallen sister.
Man III#31 (32 (fb), 31-32, Annual 2000
Note: I didn't see any images of the armored Sons of Yinsen with a distinctly feminine figure, so I think it's likely she just wore a more slender version of the armor than her brethren.
This MAY have been her here.
images: (without ads)
Iron Man III#1/2, pg. 9, panel 2 (dragonship);
Man III#31, pg. 6, panel 3 (servant carrying tea);
panel 4 (meeting hall, pillars);
panel 5 (servant serving tea, face);
panel 6 (levitating, shadowed) - possible inclusion;
pg. 13-14 (drones);
pg. 16, panel 4 (2 sons, armored, full);
pg. 18, panel 1 (New Timbetpal, lower exterior);
pg. 20 (Twelve/sons; largely unarmored except for Sun-Tao);
#32, pg. 2, panel 1 (New Timbetpal, exterior);
panel 2 (mothership);
pg. 3, panel 4 (Yinsen's journal);
panel 6 (symbolic journal on pedestal);
pg. 4-5 (New Timbetpal, interior/city, view from above);
pg. 6, panel 2 (mothership, receiving elevator tubes);
panel 5 (Stark and Sun-Tao in elevator tube);
pg. 7, panel 1 (village, from above);
panel 2 (village, ground level);
panel 4-5 (flower girl, face, and rear oblique);
pg. 8, panel 5 (masses kneeling before Stark);
pg. 11, panel 2 (Twelve plotting against Wong-Chu);
pg. 14, panel 2 (armored Twelve assaulting Wong-Chu's guards);
pg. 16, panel 2 (two of Twelve flying alongside Iron Man);
panel 4 (one of 12 kicking);
panel 5 (force field);
pg. 17, panel 1 (Twelve member; yellow robe; staff of some sort);
panel 2 (hypno-pulses);
panel 4 (orange robe, kicking);
pg. 21, panel 2 (sister stripped of armor in Wong-Chu's camp);
Iron Man Annual 2000, pg. 7-8, panel 1 (Twelve and Stark enslaved, at table with Wong-Chu);
pg. 16-17, panel 1 (forming Sons of Yinsen);
panel 4 (teaching Yinsenism to villagers);
panel 6 (villagers traveling to New Timbetpal);
panel 8 (New Timbetpal taking to they sky);
pg. 20-21, panel 3 (fighting in chains);
pg. 23, panel 1 (Drones attacking Wong-Chu's camp);
pg. 29, panel 2-5 (Twelve sister enter bunker, tripping sensor, slain, corpse);
pg. 32, panel 3 (levitating around Yinsen statue and brain);
pg. 35, panel 6 ("Tiger Minn" welcomed to the Twelve);
pg. 36, panel 4 (New Timbetpal, side view)
Iron Man III#1/2 (1999; this was a "one-half" issue, not the second story of the first issue) - Joe Quesada (writer), Alitha Martinez
(penciler), Nelson DeCastro & Rodney Ramos (inkers), Brian Smith
(assistant editor), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Man III#31-32 (August-September, 2000) - Joe Quesada & Frank Tieri
(writers), Alitha Martinez (penciler), Rob Hunter (inker), Brian Smith
(assistant editor), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Iron Man Annual 2000
(October, 2000) - Joe Quesada & Frank Tieri (writers), Dan Panosian
& Paul Ryan (penciler), Bud LaRosa, Walden Wong, Harry Candelario,
& Mark Pennington (inkers), Brian Smith (assistant editor), Bobbie
Iron Man III#46 (November, 2001) - Frank Tieri (writer), Keron Grant
(penciler), Rob Stull (inker), Mark Sumerak (assistant editor), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Iron Man III#47 (December, 2001) - Frank Tieri (writer), Keron Grant
(penciler), Rob Stull, Rich Perotta, Rick Ketcham (inker), Mark Sumerak & Jeff Youngquist (assistant editor), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Iron Man III#48 (January, 2002) - Frank Tieri (writer), Omar Dogan,
Udon Studios (pencilers & inkers), Mark Sumerak & Jeff
Youngquist (assistant editor), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
First posted: 02/03/2019
Last updated: 02/03/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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