Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial cosmic entity (true nature unrevealed)
Occupation: Scientist, surveyor of Worlds, data accumulator
Group Membership: He is often associated and/or grouped with beings of cosmic power, including Celestials (especially the One Above All and Ziran the Tester), Death, Epoch (and presumably formerly Eon), Galactus (Galan), In-Betweener, Infinity,
Kronos the Eternal, Living Tribunal, Lord Chaos, Mephisto, Master Hate, Mistress Love, Master Order, and Uatu and/or other Watchers
Affiliations: Black Bolt
(Blackagar Boltagon), Binary (Carol Danvers; now Captain Marvel), Black
Goliath (William Foster), Blockade, Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau),
Celestials (especially the One Above All and Ziran the Tester), Champions of Los Angeles
(Angel/Warren Worthington, Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff, Darkstar/Laynia Petrovna, Ghost Rider/John
Blaze/Zarathos, Hercules/Heracles/Alcaeus, Iceman/Bobby Drake), Collector (Taneleer Tivan), Death, Epoch, Eurth residents, Galactus (Galan), Glorian
(Thomas Gideon), Hyperion of Earth-712, Ikaris, In-Betweener, Infinity,
Kronos the Eternal, Living Tribunal, Lockjaw, Lord Chaos, Makkari, Mephisto, Master Hate, Mistress Love, Master Order, Moondancer (Myla), Perun, Prester John, Shaper of Worlds, Solar Wind, Space Phantom, Tim, Ualu the Watcher, Voyager (Divad), Watchers;
formerly Skeletron and the Starblasters (Codabac, Fabrikant,
Insidio, Nygorn, Skar, Threkker, Zardok);
in a warped reality: Champion (Tryco Slatterus), Contemplator (En Dwi Gast);
formerly enslaved Prosh;
Al B. Harper's sacrifice convinced the Stranger that Earth was worth saving;
he allegedly emulated and carried on the role of the gestating composite Gigantian after inadvertently slaying it;
he has been both ally and enemy to many, depending on his motivations at the time, including Alter Ego, the Avengers
(Captain America/Steve Rogers, Hawkeye/Clint Barton,
Quasar/Wendell Vaughn, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Scarlet
Witch/Django Maximoff, Sersi, Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Starfox/Eros,
Thor Odinson, Vision/"Victor Shade"), Kayla Ballantine, Eternity, Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Woman/Sue Storm, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Hulk (Bruce Banner), Jean Grey, Iceman (Bobby Drake), Juggernaut (Cain Marko), Mystique (Raven Darkholme), Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Thor Odinson, Toad (Mortimer Toynbee), Adam Warlock, Uatu the Watcher;
Enemies: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Magneto/Max
Eisenhardt, aka Erik Lehnsherr, Mastermind/Jason Wyngarde,
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff,
Toad/Mortimer Toynbee), Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell), Cressida
(later Avenger X), Shabby Dayes, Gardener (Ord Zyonz), Gunthar the
Rigellian, Howard the Duck, Rick Jones, Linda the Duck, Nebula, Otmu
the Watcher, Over-Mind (Grom), Prosh, Pluto (Hades), Betty Ross, She-Hulk (Jen Walters), General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, S'Byll, Scout (Rebecca), Shocket, Skeletron, Super-Skrull (Kl'rt), Tara Tam, Thanos, unidentified rogue Watcher;
numerous prisoners/laboratory experiment subjects on his prison/laboratory world, including, but not limited to: Abomination (Emil Blonsky), Alpha the Ultimate Mutant, Bi-Beast, Creature
from Kosmos (Pilai), Dalabuur, and the rest of the former crew of Reptyl's Serpent's Tooth ship, Diamondhead (Archibald Dyker), Dragonfly (Veronica Dultry), Ego-Prime, Elect/Power Platoon, Ethicals, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse/Axi-Tun, Fusion (Hubert & Pinky Fusser), Futurist, Gorr the Golden Gorilla, Jack of Hearts (Jonathan Hart), Jakar, Krakoa, Magneto (Max Eisenhardt), Megaman (Nathan Cooper), Mercurio the 4-D Man, Meru the Mind-Bender (and most likely Dalia the Shape-Changer, since they were last seen merged), Monitors/Marvanites, Moondancer (Myla), Nygorn (aka the Last Monitor), Over-Mind (Grom), Presence (Sergei Krylov), Rocket Raccoon, Sky-Walker, Solar Wind, Sphinxor, Star-Dancer (Shanga), Stardust, Starlight (Tania Belinsky), Starman, Ten-For, Threkker (aka the Captive/aka the Thing from the Black Hole Star), Toad (Mortimer Toynbee), the Trikon, Voyager (Divad), Weird Sisters (Beauty, Charm, Truth), Woodgod;
numerous test subjects on his Battleworld replica, including but not limited to: Bi-Beast, Coldblood (Eric Savin), Darkhawk (Chris Powell), Deathlok (Michael Collins), Vlad Dracula, Dragon Man, Firebird (Bonita Juarez), Gravity (Greg Willis), Hood (Parker
Robbins), Kraven the Hunter (Alyosha Kravinoff), Medusa (Medusalith
Boltagon), Photon (Monica Rambeau), Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym, Sleepwalker, Terror
(Shreck), Venom (Mac Gargan), Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), Wonder Man (Simon
Williams), unidentified Kree soldier, unidentified Skrull, allegedly
dozens of others;
Al B. Harper died deactivating the Stranger's Null-Life Bomb, but never directly interacted with the Stranger; 
he allegedly inadvertently slew the gestating composite Gigantian;
Over-Mind manipulated several members of Earth-712's
Squadron Supreme (Dr. Spectrum/Joe Ledger, Moonglow/Arcanna Jones,
Power Princess/Zard, Skylark/Linda Lewis, Whizzer/Stanley Stewart);
the heroes of Earth-148611 present on the Dark
Seed/Skeleton ship (All-American/Jack Magniconte, Captain Manhattan, Chrome/Jenny Swenson, Metallurge/Chris Barret, Nightmask/Keith Remsen, Overshadow/Philip Voigt, Pit Bull/Gaylord Picaro, Psi-Hawk) ended up being the subjects of the Stranger's allies' assault, rather than the Starblasters as he presumably intended;
he has been both ally and enemy to many, depending on his motivations at the time, including Alter Ego, the Avengers
(Captain America/Steve Rogers, Hawkeye/Clint Barton,
Quasar/Wendell Vaughn, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Scarlet
Witch/Django Maximoff, Sersi, Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Starfox/Eros,
Thor Odinson, Vision/"Victor Shade"), Kayla Ballantine, Eternity, Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Woman/Sue Storm, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Hulk (Bruce Banner), Jean Grey, Iceman (Bobby Drake), Juggernaut (Cain Marko), Mystique (Raven Darkholme), Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Thor Odinson, Toad (Mortimer Toynbee), Adam Warlock, Uatu the Watcher;
Known Relatives: None;
he created Ego and Alter Ego;
by one account, he is an aspect (the "fourth face") of the Living Tribunal
Aliases: "The Boss" and "Big Boss" (to people of OK Space Station on asteroid world near Deneb IV)
"Big Man" (nickname from Hulk); "Whitey" (nickname from the Thing);
posed as the Beyonder and the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God (Yahweh)
Base of Operations: Unidentified Laboratory
World (by some accounts his home planet), an immense artificial planet
located in the far reaches of the universe (or "halfway across the Milky Way galaxy" (relative to Earth); see comments);
various starships including an ark;
mobile throughout the universe;
formerly Battleworld;
formerly O.K. Space Station on asteroid world near Deneb IV
Education: Extensively self-taught
First Appearance: X-Men I#11 (May, 1965)
The Stranger possesses cosmic and psionic power beyond human
measurement. His abilities are superior to extremely powerful beings
such as the Silver Surfer. They are comparable, perhaps slightly less
than, one of the Watchers (he required Quasar's aid to challenge Otmu).
He has commented that Galactus would be reluctant to war against him
(presumably his technology might make him a match for Galactus, who
would otherwise seem is superior. He is certainly surpassed in
power by the Celestials, Eternity, Infinity, the Living Tribunal, and
Above-All-Others. He is vastly overpowered by beings using the energies
of the Infinity Union, the Infinity Gauntlet, the Heart of the
Infinite, or other such devices granting near omnipotence.
Whether the Stranger taps outside
sources of cosmic energy or internally generates such energy is
unrevealed; he does sometimes use technology to amplify or recharge his
powers (as well as to rapidly heal himself from injuries). Regardless,
he can employ his cosmic energies for a vast number of effects.
He can project cosmic energy ranging from incredibly
powerful concussive and/or disintegrative bolts to relatively harmless
paralysis beams.
He can manipulate gravitons (subatomic particles that carry
the force of gravitational attraction) to increase or decrease the
force of gravity, levitating himself or others, or pinning others to
the ground.
Able to reorder matter in his immediate vicinity, the Stranger can alter his own size, mass, and density to
unrevealed limits (he
has appeared to be anywhere from human-sized to
over 50' tall; he has appeared comparable in size to a Celestial (who
are generally 2000' tall, although this may have been a Manifestation
Body from the Dimension of Manifestations)),
even rendering himself immaterial or transforming himself into pure energy.
Stranger possesses superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and
durability, all of which he can further augment with his own energies;
he can demonstrate Class 100 strength, sufficient to physically battle
Thor or
the Silver Surfer), speed, and endurance.
He can
restructure matter into different shapes, sizes, masses, forms, and
properties; for example, he can form large sums of money, make the
ground like quicksand, levitate large sections of
rock and "demolecularize" it, causing it to explode. He can even
affect materials of great power, such as melting the Silver Surfer's
He can use his energies on other beings, healing wounds, curing ailments, altering powers and abilities, and shrink others to sub-microscopic size, transporting them to "microverse" realms accessed by shrinking. He can cover others in a thin film on anti-magnetic membranes
(effectively restraining Magneto, for example), which he can convert
into cocoons.
He can create highly durable, invisible force fields around himself and others.
He can create a "neo-physical vacuum" (he generates a
whirlwind that creates a vacuum at its center) around another being and
then change this effect into a "field of living force" to contain and
facilitate transport of others.
He encase others in a sphere of undefined black energy that can drain starlight as well as the power cosmic.
His powers were briefly vastly augmented by the Star Brand.
The Stranger has extensive, undefined psionic powers and extrasensory perception.
He can mentally probe the minds and scan the bodies of others, analyzing energies, etc.
He can project himself into the psychic plane and communicate with other beings as if they were in a dream.
He can physically immobilize and/or mentally control others.
He can
create illusions, including forming multiple images (convincing
three-dimensional constructs) of himself.

The Stranger can convert himself and others into energy to fly a great
speeds throughout space. This process leaves a psion trail able to be tracked by
beings such as the Silver Surfer.
He can travel through space-warps and across dimensional
barriers, allowing him to be virtually anywhere in the universe
As he has, at least claimed to have, lived for at least
a billion years, he is extremely long-lived and is quite likely
immortal (his white-haired modern appearance in contrast to his
black-haired appearance when he allegedly encountered and unwittingly
slew the Gigantian composite MAY indicate that he ages, but at an
extremely slow rate).
He can survive in the cold and vacuum of space
unaided and can communicate with others in space as if he were simply
speaking (despite sound not existing in the vacuum).
The Stranger possessed vast
genius, and he is respected and sought for counsel even from beings
such as the Watchers.
Although a physical being, the
Stranger's power and history affords him the respect of and the status
to be considered one of the cosmic beings who judge the fate of the
universe. Many of these beings are abstract beings representing certain
concepts, such as Death, Eternity, Infinity, etc. While these beings
take physical form via utilizing M-Bodies from the Dimension of Manifestations,
the Stranger may also adopt an M-Body when interacting with the cosmic
The Stranger remains an enigmatic
being, studying the the phenomena of the universe for unguessed reasons
and acting towards other living beings with unfathomable motives, although curiosity seems to be a primary factor.
values his privacy and refuses to explain himself (even to the point of conflict) unless it serves his
ends, in which case he may provide dubious or contradictory explanations.
He has worked to oppose universal
threats (which threaten him, as
well) but often treats individuals (even beings of power, such as the
Silver Surfer or Quasar) dispassionately and as subjects for
experimentation (including vivisection (dissecting their bodies while
they are still living); numerous beings, apparently including the other
Monitors, have allegedly perished as a result of his examinations).
He is willing to attack/battle others if
they stand in the way of his goals or refuse his instructions that he
be left alone. He is willing to use hostages and harm innocents to force cooperation.
Limitations: The Stranger has sometimes vulnerable to blinding light and other
conventional attacks; however, he may also be feigning weakness/defeat/vulnerability for his own purposes.
He is consistently vulnerable to
Infinity Gauntlet (the combined power of the six primary Infinity Gems)
assaults; Infinity
Union-powered assaults; Heart of the Infinite-powered assaults;
and other such supremely powerful energy sources. He has been
physically trapped by the power of Null-Life Bomb. Opposed by the
combined energies of the Infinity Soul and Time Gems (although by
beings untrained in their full powers), the Stranger was pained and
sufficiently delayed that he chose to depart rather than continue the
The Stranger has not demonstrated the ability to travel through
time unaided, resurrect the dead (?),
attain solar system scale
stature, or move planet-sized objects unaided (although he has designed
and/or altered technology that allowed Ego the Living Planet to travel
through space). He apparently reassembled Battleworld, but he may have
utilized technology to do so.
His continued search for
knowledge indicates that he is neither omniscient nor precognitive.
Technology: The Stranger studies and employs a wide variety of
artifacts; the extent to which these items augment or diversify his
powers remains unrevealed. 
These objects have included the mechanical servant Blockade, the Infinity
Power Gem (at which point he sought to possess all of the Infinity
Gems), the Infinity Union, the Null-Life Bomb,
the Runestaff of Kamo Tharn, the Star Brand, spaceships of varying
dimension, and the extensive equipment of his own Laboratory World (as
well as that of Battleworld), and his stasis arcs (used to restrain
Adam Warlock). His medical facilities'
restorative systems enable his recovery from severe injuries in minutes
Aided by unspecified technology, he has allegedly created two intelligent planets, Ego and Alter Ego (see comments).
The Stranger has occasionally used a machine to augment and/or replenish his natural powers
Height: Variable (ranging from 6' to at least 50')
Weight: Variable (ranging from immaterial, to perhaps 225 lbs.
at 6' tall, to perhaps 65 tons at 50' tall; perhaps even more if
amplifying his own density or magnifying gravity)
Eyes: Black (variable; sometimes brown, sometimes solid white with no visible irides or pupils)
Hair: White (apparently formerly black; occasionally blond; variable)
History: The Stranger is an enigma, perhaps even to himself.
He and/or others have related multiple, sometimes contradictory,
origins and histories for him, and the truth, if it still exists,
remains unrevealed.
Among the explanations of his origins/histories are (see comments):
He generally represents
himself as part of an ancient race which studied mutation in other
civilizations, but has also claimed this was a lie designed to mislead
simpler minds.
He has identified himself
as the composite of all the quintillion minds of the destroyed planet
Gigantus, but has since stated that this was another ruse.
The Living Tribunal once
identified the Stranger as what should have been the Tribunal’s fourth
face (in opposition to the face he identified as “Equity”),
representing the parts of the universe which must stand apart and
outside the rest of the cosmos.
The Tribunal himself has since apparently contradicted this, showing its fourth face to be Necessity, a cosmic mirror to all beings, apparently including the Stranger; the Stranger took great umbrage at this description, perhaps unwilling to be considered a part of anything, even the Tribunal.
He has also claimed to
have been manipulating Earth’s genetic evolution for decades, saying
that humanity was fated to evolve and be the sole survivor from this
universe into the one that follows, and that by pushing humanity’s
evolution faster than it was prepared for, the Stranger could usurp
their role and be the universe’s sole survivor; however, he has also
said he first visited Earth only a few years ago, so all his various
claims are in doubt.
(Quasar#16 (fb) - "Many galactic revolutions ago" (see comments), when the Stranger
had first begun collecting specimens for experiments regarding the
nature of life in the universe, he encountered an organic
sac floating in space and containing the gestating of the last Gigantian.
Sensing the being to be far more advanced than anything he had
heretofore discovered, perhaps a member of the long-lost race that had
sired him, the Stranger investigated the gestating being. In
his youthful exuberance, the Stranger unintentionally fatally injured
the being in the process of extricating him.
Before it expired, the being communicated to the
Stranger its history, nature, and purpose; it was intended to develop into a form that could
seek out and thwart the last Eyungian survivor (the Over-Mind), who was a composite of
the minds of all the Eyungians and who planned to enslave the galaxy,
if not the universe.
Unable to determine if the being was indeed one of
his ancestors, the Stranger nonetheless vowed to carry on its mission and to remain
vigilant for the great menace it had described.
(Quasar#15 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger encountered at least one renegade Watcher, whom he considered dangerous and unpredictable.
(Silver Surfer I#5 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger's
existence was known to the people of Zenn-La, although his name was
only spoken in whispers (presumably due to fear of his power?).
(Astonishing Thor#3 (fb)) - Seeking
to create a living planet, the Stranger applied to the Elder of the Universe known as the Collector to
loan to him certain instruments and formulae existing only in the
Collector's possession. The Collector agreed, with the stipulation that
they should create two such planets and to provide the second for the
Collector's museum. Seeking to eventually challenge the two as a test
of whether captivity or freedom bred the stronger will.
In creating the free planet, the Stranger gave it
his own character and force of will and named it Ego. The captive
planet was named Alter Ego.
(Avengers I#317 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger obtained the Infinity
Union, a combination of three devices of enormous power that, when
combined, has the ability to channel all forms of ambient energy into
the user.
The Stranger stored the device deep within his "homeworld."
Handbook of
the Marvel Universe I#10: Stranger entry) - The Stranger traveled to
Earth, apparently attracted by the sudden proliferation of superhumanly
powerful beings.
(X-Men I#11 - BTS) - Xavier's
radar-image beam -- apparently associated with Cerebro -- sensed an
extremely powerful apparent mutant, but the being's power somehow
disrupted the beam before it could form an image of what it had
detected. The X-Men then split up to seek out this being.
(X-Men I#11) - Not far from the
X-Men's West Chester base, the Stranger rented a room from a woman,
creating a massive handful of cash to satisfy her requests for payment
in advance.
Outside, he walked on air to avoid traffic and then -- attracted to one particular
building via Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants who wished to
recruit him -- passed
through the wall of a building to escape the attention he was drawing; several women
fainted from the shock of seeing these activities. Magneto introduced
himself, and when the Stranger asked why he would join them, Magneto
and Mastermind demonstrated their powers against him; wishing to show
them that he was not to be toyed with thusly, the Stranger released
energy that disrupted their powers and broke him free as well as
transforming Mastermind into a statue of solid matter.
The X-Men then arrived and battled
the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and when Magneto created a shield to
protect them, the Stranger formed a cone of energy that transported him
to a quiet wooded area, and he allowed Magneto and Toad to accompany
him. When Magneto demanded to know his mutant power, the Stranger told
him he was no mutant and then grew to his full height. He further
covered Magneto and Toad in a thin film of anti-magnetic membrane,
which then transformed into cocoons. 
Noting that these would protect
them for their journey, the Stranger adopted more alien proportions
and confirmed that he was an extraterrestrial and explained that his
people were greatly interested in mutations and that he traveled from
planet to planet, taking specimens of mutants back to his world for
study. As Magneto's actions convinced the Stranger to take him, along
with the Toad, whose loyalty was touching, the Stranger transported the
three of them into space, announcing that they would never return.
Forever I#3) - The Stranger studied numerous specimens in his "zoo,"
including Magneto and the Toad.
Via future manipulation of Prosh, the
sentient form of the ship that had served X-Factor and Cable, the mind
of Toad's future self briefly occupied Toad's form, causing to
reexamine how he would squander the opportunities that would be
presented to him.
After Toad's mind went further into the past, his
present self had no memory of the occupation or insight gained.
(X-Men I#18 (fb) - BTS) - Months after bringing Magneto and the Toad to his prison/lab world, the
Stranger departed to survey other worlds.
(Avengers#2.1 - BTS) - As the Stranger approached
Earth to investigate the young woman known as Cressida, the Scarlet
Witch and Quicksilver sensed his approach.
Professor X guided the Avengers to northern Thailand.
(Avengers#2.1) - As the Stranger confronted
Cressida, noting that she had sensed the re-emergence of mutant power
on Earth as he had, the Avengers arrived, and Hawkeye struck him in the
back with a blast arrow. Annoyed, the Stranger asked who dared attack him thusly.
When the Avengers challenged him, the Stranger
blasted them away and then easily defended himself from their assaults.
However, Cressida then amplified the Avengers' powers, after which the Avengers each battered the Stranger.
Angered, the Stranger reverted to his alien energy
form, blasted the Avengers back, stopping the conflict and
congratulating them on having played well.
He then informed them that if they had not
interfered, he would have taken Cressida to his world for study, but
that their interference had given him time to realize that this would
have been pointless as she was not a mutant.
The Stranger then converted to energy and departed.
(X-Men I#18 (fb) - BTS) - During the Stranger's
absence, Magneto repaired an inactive spaceship and flew back to Earth,
leaving the Toad behind.
(X-Men I#18 (fb) - BTS) - Xavier mentally contacted the Stranger and informed him of Magneto's escape and his presence on Earth.
(X-Men I#18) - As the Stranger returned to Earth, Magneto fled, with the Stranger in pursuit.
(Avengers I#47 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger returned Magneto to his laboratory world.
(Avengers I#47 - BTS) - From the Stranger's laboratory world, Magneto
locked onto magnetic beams sent from Earth (by Dane Whitman and his
assistant Norris in hopes of contacting extraterrestrials life) and
transported himself and the Toad back to Earth.
(Avengers I#47 - BTS / Official Handbook of the
Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11: Stranger entry) - The Stranger
allowed Magneto's departure/escape.
(Tales to Astonish I#89/2 (fb) -
BTS) - From a vantage point in deepest space, the Stranger studied
Earth, and he was displeased to see mankind consumed by greed, as well
as with hatred for fellow mortals; with mankind obsessed with war and
possessing atomic power, he considered humanity a danger to the
(Tales to Astonish I#89/2) - The Stranger appeared in the
desert, awakening a sleeping Bruce Banner while forcing him to remain
mute and immobile. Reviewing his assessment of humanity, he revealed
his plan to use the Hulk to weaken humanity (destroying its bridges,
dams, military installations, government buildings, etc.) after which
he would virtually wipe it out and then rebuild it under his command.
Aware that millions would perish in the process, he noted that he would
sacrifice the whole solar system to bring peace to the universe without
shedding a tear. Sensing Banner's hatred of him, the Stranger countered
that he was mankind's benefactor as he would bring about a better world.
The Stranger then transported to Earth a machine to
replenish his natural powers, after which Banner became so upset that
he transformed into the Hulk; augmenting his powers via the machine,
the Stranger used his energies to incapacitate the Hulk. Noting that he
would prefer to remain and study the Hulk's power, but that there
matters in distant galaxies that concerned him, the Stranger then used
his machine to cause the Hulk to hate all of mankind and to seek only
to destroy it. Thus affected, the Hulk departed to do just that; as he
prepared to leave Earth, the Stranger noted that he did pity Earth for
what was coming.
(Tales to Astonish I#90/2 - BTS) -
The Hulk rampaged until, when trying to figure out what would be best
to destroy next, the effort to think logically caused him to revert
back to Bruce Banner.
Free of the Stranger's influence, Banner returned
to Desert Base (or wherever his gamma equipment was at the time) and
prepared his gamma machine to deliver a dose of radiation powerful
enough to permanently destroy the Hulk (even if it killed him).
However, Banner was discovered and apprehended before he could activate
the device. Instead, Yugoslavian spy Emil Blonsky, fearing detecting
and punishment, used the device on himself, transforming him into the
Abomination, even stronger than the Hulk at his baseline level. Seeing
the Abomination outraged Banner, and the Hulk soon confronted but was
knocked out by the Abomination.
(Tales to Astonish I#91/2 - BTS) -
After being exposed to the gamma device's full power, the Hulk
recovered. Rick Jones got through to the Hulk, who reverted back to
Banner, who arranged to lead the Abomination back to the base where
Banner drained his power. Ultimately, the Hulk defeated the weakened
(Tales to Astonish I#91/2) - "A
thousand galaxies away," the Stranger observed this conflict,
considering that if the savage Hulk could be so valorous, perhaps
there was hope for humanity. Considering that the evil Abomination
might better serve as his agent, the Stranger transported him to his
laboratory world.
(Silver Surfer I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Concluding again that Earth was a threat to the cosmos, the Stranger resolved to destroy Earth through other means. He brought his Null-Life Bomb into a ship he piloted to Earth.
(Silver Surfer I#5) - As the Stranger approached
Earth, he observed the energy unleashed by the Silver Surfer as he
attempted to penetrate the Galactus-created barrier that kept him on
Earth. As he flew down to Earth with plans to deposit his bomb and
await its detonation, the Stranger investigated the energy beams,
discovered the Surfer, and announced his plans to destroy all life on
Earth. The Surfer argued that humanity just needed time to mature, but
the Stranger insisted that their time had run out. When the Surfer
tried to stop the Stranger with an energy blast, the Stranger rendered
himself immaterial to allow the blast to pass through him harmlessly,
after which he vanished, apparently teleporting to Earth's surface as he
warned the Surfer that if he remained on Earth he would die.
(Silver Surfer I#5 - BTS) - The Surfer told Al B.
Harper, who was assisting his efforts to escape Galactus' barrier, and
Harper warned the local police, and then the army and the FBI, in
hopes of spreading the word and getting everyone to search for the
bomb, but they all dismissed him as crazy.
The Surfer transported Harper, with his portable
Geiger-scope, in search of the bomb, and they soon located the area in
which the Stranger held it. While Harper tracked the bomb, the Surfer
sought out the Stranger.
(Silver Surfer I#5) - As the Surfer approached, the
Stranger advised him that they were more akin to each other than
humanity and that the Surfer should depart and leave them to their
fate. When the Surfer refused, the Stranger created a "neo-physical
vacuum" that changed into a field of living force to contain the Surfer; the Stranger then brought the
Surfer into a city where he pinned the Surfer under his foot. The
Surfer blasted the Stranger in the eyes, blinding him and causing him
to fall backward into a building. Recovering, the Stranger fought the
(Silver Surfer I#5 - BTS) - Al Harper deactivated the
Null-Life Bomb despite appreciating that its defense mechanisms would
be fatal for him.
(Silver Surfer I#5) - As a signal from
his tunic sensor indicated that the Null-Life Bob had been neutralized,
the Stranger appreciated that someone had sacrificed his or her life to
save the world; considering that he had misjudged the human race, the
Stranger departed for the ever-changing wonder of endless space, noting
that he could not restore a lost life.
(Silver Surfer I#12 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger left his laboratory world for months, exploring other galaxies.
(Silver Surfer I#12 (fb) - BTS) - A coven of witches and
warlocks led by Warlock Prime summoned the Abomination from the
Stranger's laboratory/prison world to Earth.
(Thor I#178 (fb) - BTS) - After the Abomination's defeat, the witches coven sent him back to the Stranger's laboratory/prison world.
(Thor I#178 - BTS) - However, the Abomination returned outside of his previous confinement chambers.
(Thor I#178) - As the Abomination invaded the Stranger's chambers, he
found the Stranger studying his space scanner. While the Abomination
prepared to ambush him, the Stranger identified a specimen on another
world. Briefly considering teleporting the being to him, the Stranger
instead elected to visit the being's planet, study it firsthand, and
face his victim to test his powers and better savor the prize he had
won. He therefore teleported himself away under his own power.
(Thor I#178 - BTS) - The Abomination
investigated the scanner, which shifted to viewing Asgard, after which
he unwittingly activated a piece of equipment that summoned Thor to his
side. Showing Thor the other beings imprisoned on the Stranger's world,
the Abomination convinced him that the Stranger was the one to bring
him there and that all present were innocent victims. When Thor
shattered a wall imprisoning a number of such captives, the Stranger
detected and returned to investigate.
(Thor I#178) - The Stranger reappeared, demanding to
know who had tampered with his private compound and set his captives
free. As other captives fled, Thor confronted the Stranger, who made
the ground below Thor's feet like quicksand. Thor hurled his hammer,
Mjolnir, at the Stranger, who made himself immaterial to allow the
hammer to pass through him. After Thor freed himself via the returning
Mjolnir, the Stranger formed multiple duplicates of himself. Shattering
the ground below them, Thor identified the correct Stranger, before
departing to learn more about his enemy's nature.
(Thor I#178 - BTS) - Seeking to hide out from the
Stranger, Thor returned to Don Blake's form, after which he relocated
the Abomination and heard him discussing his and his associates'
criminal nature and plots to escape captivity and menace the the cosmos
Ultimately, Thor attacked the Abomination and his allies until the
Stranger found and challenged him anew. Realizing the Stranger's ire
might lead him to attack Asgard, Thor "reversed time" (see comments)
to the moment at which the Abomination summoned him to Stranger's Laboratory World (actually diverging Reality-616 from Reality-70766).
Wise to
the Abomination's deceptions, Thor punched him out and reimprisoned him
before returning to Asgard without having encountered/enraged the
(Fantastic Four I#116) - The Stranger arrived on Earth in response to
the assault of the Over-Mind, claiming to be the sum of the power of
the Gigantians, having been waiting to deal with his threat. Enduring
the Over-Mind's assaults, the Stranger shrunk him to sub-microscopic
size, leaving him trapped on a lifeless "sub-atomic" world (actually a "microverse" realm accessed by shrinking). He then
departed "this dismal planet for the glory of the stars and the cosmic
pursuits" he found there.
(Captain America I#150 (fb) - BTS) - Observing the
Stranger's meeting with the Fantastic Four via a dimensional rift,
Jakar conceived of a plan: Posing as the Stranger, he would capture
human children whose souls could then be used to restore the comatose
people of his world.
(Captain America I#149-150) - Posing as
the Stranger, Jakar acted on his plan until convinced that his lover,
Kari-Le, would be disappointed in his actions.
(Avengers I#138 (fb) - BTS) - Using technology learned from Magneto,
Toad constructed a starship that allowed him to return to the
Stranger's prisonworld. Knowing the Stranger spent most of his time
away from that world, Toad breached the planet's defenses and plundered
the Stranger's technology. Taking all that he could understand and
installing it in his ship, Toad returned to Earth, intending to use his
new power to impress the Scarlet Witch and get her to marry him. Upon,
learning that the Witch had married the Vision, Toad instead plotted to
make the Avengers suffer.
(Avengers I#137-138 - BTS) - Posing as the Stranger,
Toad assaulted the Avengers until ultimately being tricked into
dropping the illusion by the Beast, after which Toad was defeated and
the ship was taken by the Avengers.
(Captain Marvel I#42 (fb) - BTS) - Coming upon the O.K.
Space Station, a domed city on an asteroid world near Deneb IV, the
Stranger was amused by "this hamlet of madmen," and he established
himself as the "Big Boss."
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11: Stranger entry) - The Stranger studied the half-poisoned inhabitants and their backwards society.
(Captain Marvel I#42 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11: Stranger entry) - The Stranger recreated the miners’ social structure to mimic Earth’s old west, with himself as boss.

(Captain Marvel I#42 - BTS) - Captain Marvel and Rick Jones were
transported to the asteroid world by the Supreme Intelligence, after
which the local Shabby Dayes brought them into the domed city. After
the two visitors defeated Jaqe Murania and his gang when they assaulted
Shabby for returning to the space station, Jaqe and his gang warned
them that they "would be pushin' up locoweed once Big Boss" heard about the
day's events.
(Captain Marvel I#42) - As Mar-Vell asked Shabby about the Big Boss, Shabby noted he had never seen him, as " 'round these parts, he's still a--"
And then, the Stranger smashed into the Red Dog Saloon and finished Shabby's clause with, "Stranger, Ho Ho Ho!"
Mar-Vell recognized the Stranger, who explained his
interest in the cosmically bizarre (or bizarrely cosmic?) before
insisting on a "gunfight" with Mar-Vell and threatening to destroy the
entire installation if Mar-Vell objected.
After the Stranger fired repeatedly on Mar-Vell,
hero reluctantly blasted him back, but the Stranger absorbed the energy
and then expelled it, with the energy burst striking and cracking the
dome. While Jones worked to repair the crack, the Stranger continued
firing blasts at Mar-Vell. When Shabby Dayes collapsed due to exposure
to the poisonous atmosphere seeping in, Mar-Vell turned to check on him
and was struck down
by one of the Stranger's blasts. Upset to have inadvertently shot his
enemy in the back, the Stranger considered his experience ruined and
(Captain Marvel I#42 - BTS) - Mar-Vell suspected that
the Supreme Intelligence's mental powers had influenced the American Old West culture/structure of
the O.K. Space Station.
(Marvel Team-Up I#55 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger obtained the Power Gem,
after which he sought to obtain the other Infinity Gems (see comments).
(Champions I#12 (fb) - BTS) - After the Null-Life Bomb was
unwittingly reactivated, the Stranger, who was in deep space, sensed
this and departed for Earth.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11: Stranger entry) - The Stranger then tracked the Time Gem to Earth’s moon (where the Elder of the Universe known as the Gardener held
(Marvel Team-Up I#55 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger arrived
in the Kree-created Blue Area of Earth's moon, unknowingly observed by
the Gardener.
(Marvel Team-Up I#55) - The Stranger confronted Adam
Warlock (there alongside Spider-Man) in the Blue Area, seeking to
collect his Soul Gem. As removal of the Soul Gem would allegedly prove
fatal for him, Warlock fired an energy blast at the Stranger, stinging
his hand, but then the Stranger fired a return blast from his own gem,
seemingly destroying Warlock.
Spider-Man began trying to web up the
Stranger, who became irritated, grew in stature, and cast Spider-Man
into a densely wooded area. Expressing a desire to deal with an urgent
matter on Earth, the Stranger levitated a section of the moon, lifting
himself and Warlock into space before "demolecularizing" the moon-chunk
and causing it to explode. Unfazed due to having turned into energy,
the Strange recovered the fallen Warlock from the moon's surface.
(Marvel Team-Up I#55 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger bound Warlock in his stasis arcs and prepared to remove his Soul Gem.
(Marvel Team-Up I#55) - Spider-Man returned and covered
the Stranger in webbing to stop him, but when the Stranger easily tore
free and began firing blasts to destroy Spider-Man, the Gardener
reluctantly joined the fight.
As Spider-Man tried to destroy the stasis
arcs with a rock, the Stranger fired an energy blast to stop him and
unwittingly destroyed the arcs himself, releasing Warlock. Warlock and
the Gardener combined blasts from their gems, causing the Stranger pain
and making him realize he didn't have time to fight them; he departed
for Earth, vowing they each would pay.
(Marvel Team-Up I#55 - BTS) - Considering his gem tainted by the battle, the Gardener left it behind and departed.
(Champions I#12 - BTS) - The Null-Life Bomb was brought to the
Champions' headquarters by Regina Clayborne; it was contained within a
box, and she was unaware of its nature; see the Null-Life Bomb profile for further information).
(Champions I#12) - Burning through the Champions' headquarters' wall, the
Stranger announced that they must act with haste and surrender to him
his device, which was capable of destroying their entire star system.
Not willing to surrender so dangerous to the Stranger, the Champions
refused, and when he reached for Regina Clayborne they attacked him.
The Stranger overpowered the Champions, but the
time involved allowed
the Null-Life Bomb to begin its expansion. However, Angel was able to
strike the Stranger and knock him off balance, which caused his leg to
enter and become trapped within the Null-Life Bomb. Chastising the
Champions for
causing the delay, the Stranger explained how the device would expand
to encompass the solar system and then solidify and contract,
destroying everything within it.
Entering the Null-Life Bomb to slow its expansion,
the Stranger dispatched the Champions to the world of Kamo Tharn the
Possessor, in hopes that his Runestaff could help stop the weapon.
(Champions I#13) - Engulfed by the Null-Life Bomb, Black
Goliath encountered the Stranger, who exerted all of his power to slow
the weapon's expansion. After Darkstar accessed the realm within the
Null-Life Bomb, she convinced the Stranger to withdraw his power,
allowing the bomb to expand again\. Darkstar then informed him that the
Runestaff was not where they had been sent, and the Stranger -- his senses
no longer preoccupied by the bomb -- realized the Runestaff was on
Earth, and he sent Darkstar to retrieve it.
Adding what remained of his
power to hers, the Stranger instructed Darkstar activate the Runestaff;
he then explained that the Runestaff's energies were accelerating the
Null-Life Bomb's growth, beyond what it was designed to handle: As the
bomb's danger was in its contraction, it instead continued to expand
throughout the universe.
(Champions I#13 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger returned the others to Earth.
(Champions I#13) - The Stranger departed, bidding Darkstar farewell and telling her she had taught him much about courage.
(Avengers Annual#7 (fb)) - Thanos stealthily stole the Power Gem from the Stranger.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11: Stranger entry) - The Stranger, for reasons unrevealed, apparently abandoned his quest for the Infinity Gems.
(Marvel Two-In-One Annual#5 (fb) - BTS) -
The Stranger discovered Pluto's plot to threaten the entire universe
with a rapidly growing black hole. Seeking allies with high levels of
raw power, savagery, and innate courage, the Stranger chose the Hulk
and the Thing.
(Marvel Two-In-One Annual#5 - BTS) - The Stranger caused
a gamma ray blast to strike the Fantastic Four in the Fantasticar,
leading the Thing to seek out Bruce Banner for aid in treating the
incapacitated Human Torch, Invisible Woman, and Mr. Fantastic. At
roughly the same time, he caused a cosmic ray blast to strike Betty and
General Thaddeus Ross, leading Bruce Banner to seek out Reed Richards.
(Marvel Two-In-One Annual#5 (fb) - BTS) -
Banner called the Baxter Building and reached the Thing, who put his
allies in stasis tubes and flew toward one of Banner's Desert Bases.
(Marvel Two-In-One Annual#5) - From his
artificial planetoid creation's main observatory, the Stranger's
equipment reported that the cycle was accelerating. Transforming
himself into a bolt of energy, the Stranger pulsed Earthward.
Though his energy beam struck the arriving Thing's
ship, the Stranger elected not to help him, as if he could save
himself, he was not worthy of the task ahead of him. Ultimately, this
led to a conflict with both the Hulk and the Thing, which the Stranger
ended after some struggle by mentally immobilizing the pair. Telling
them he had their friends in suspended animation to ensure their
cooperation against a cosmic threat, the Stranger then released them,
and they agreed to help so he would cure their friends.
The Stranger then opened an interdimensional warp
that brought them to Hades and named Pluto as their foe. After they
fought of Pluto's minions, Pluto revealed his immense factor that was
feeding energy into and expanding a nether-hole that would grow to
engulf the entire universe. When the Stranger stopped the Thing and
Hulk from attacking Pluto, who could extinguish their lives with a
thought, the confused Hulk started a fight with the Thing, and the
Stranger assaulted Pluto, who drew energy from his realm to endlessly
restore his reserves; nonetheless, Pluto found himself sorely tested by
the Stranger's power.
Ultimately, realizing their conflict would last
until the nether-hole had grown beyond the point they could stop it,
the Stranger drained a portion of Pluto's power and then feigned
defeat, knowing this would be the catalyst to stop the heroes from
fighting each other and come to his aid. The Thing and Hulk then tore
up the platform on which Pluto stood, causing Pluto to fall into his
own furnace. Subtly using his powers, the Stranger caused himself to be
cast to safety. When Pluto's energy form was pulled into
the vortex.; an energy backlash destroyed Pluto's energy breeder, and
the Stranger transported himself, the Hulk, and the Thing back to Earth
and revealed his duplicity.
Praising the two's success and their
reinforcing of his feeling of the nobility within humanity, the
Stranger departed (apparently curing his irradiated victims in the

(Quasar#55 (fb) - BTS) - Shi'ar Imperial Guardsmen Moondancer, Solar Wind and Voyager were captured by
the Stranger, imprisoned on his laboratory-world and experimented on for
"countless rotations" ("almost three cycles"). Under
circumstances that have never been revealed, the three Guardsmen were
eventually freed and an imperial treaty was established whereby no Shi'ar
citizen would ever be a subject of his experimentation as long as the Shi'ar
left the Stranger's "worlds" alone.
(Beyond#6 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger watched as
the Beyonder abducted heroes and villains from Earth to Battleworld for
his Secret Wars.
(Vision and Scarlet Witch II#11 - BTS) - As the Terrible
Toad-King, the Toad again used the Stranger's technology in a failed
bid to win the hand of the Scarlet Witch. Toad lost interest upon
seeing her nearly full-term pregnancy form.
(Silver Surfer III#27 - BTS) - A
craft, four times the size of a class-1 comet, suddenly appeared on the
monitor screens of the Serpent's Tooth, the pirate ship of Captain
Reptyl. Navigator Dalabuur noted it to be heading toward "Andromeda-6,"
and ordered his crew to follow it (I don't think this was ever clarified, but it was presumably either one of the Stranger's crafts or a cloaked Badoon fleet).
(Silver Surfer III#27) - The Stranger transported
himself to the planet Satriani, where he noted that his people were
greatly interested in mutations and that he had come for Empress
S'Byll, whose metamorphic ability had been restored by the combined
efforts of the Super-Skrull (Kl'rt) and the Silver Surfer, and who
could now restore other Skrull's lost metamorphic powers. Though S'Byll
refused to go with him, the Stranger encased her in a force field and
prepared to transport her away. 
The Surfer attacked the Stranger to
prevent his departure, but the Stranger encased him in a sphere of
black energy that pulled the starlight and power cosmic from his form.
The Super-Skrull attacked next, but the Stranger mimicked his
stretching ability and punched him down, causing him to trip over an
invisible Badoon member. This revealed an invading Badoon army allied
with the Kree, leading to a battle between the Skrulls and Badoon.
Allowing the darkness around the Surfer to dissipate, the Stranger
departed with S'Byll. When the Surfer pursued him, the Stranger created
insubstantial duplicates of himself to distract the Surfer, but the
Surfer quickly identified the true Stranger; the Surfer avoided a
second sphere of black energy. When the Stranger melted the Surfer's
board, the Surfer formed a new board from his own energies.
The Serpent's Tooth then arrived, and Reptyl offered
his entire crew, including the mutant navigator Dalabuur, in exchange
for S'Byll. Accepting this offer, the Stranger transported S'Byll
aboard the Serpent's Tooth, pulled its crew out with him, and vanished
with his new captives.
(Silver Surfer III#30 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger monitored the Kree-Skrull War with great interest in its conclusion.
(Silver Surfer III#29) - The Stranger
floated in space, but when the Surfer happened upon and hailed him, the
Stranger departed, fleeing faster than the Surfer could follow.
(Silver Surfer III#30) - When the
Surfer and S'Byll confronted Kree Empress Nenora, the Stranger blasted
away the Surfer and Nenora's ally Clumsy Foulup, stating that he did
not wish to see "lesser" beings contend. The Stranger then instructed
S'Byll to proceed, and she swiftly restored Nenora's metamorphic
powers, exposing her a skrull. As S'Byll declared victory for the
Skrulls, the Surfer wondered what to make of the Stranger's involvement.
(Silver Surfer III#31 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger departed Hala.
(Silver Surfer III#31 - BTS) - The Surfer tracked the Stranger's psion trail toward the galactic center via hyperspace.
(Silver Surfer III#31) - As the Surfer
arrived, the Stranger demanded to know why he had followed him. The
Surfer asked why he observed and interacted with them during the
Kree-Skrull War, but the Stranger refused to explain himself to the
Surfer or anyone; he further refused the Surfer's offer of
Seeing that the Surfer would not depart without an
explanation, the Stranger recounted his alleged origins (being from a
race of beings who collect specimens for mutation; and being a
composite of the Eternals of Gigantus), and in succession, the Surfer
discounted each of these, believing that the Stranger would never
reveal anything about himself to anyone. When the Surfer insisted to
know the truth, the Stranger prepared to incapacitate him to be rid of
him, but then the Living Tribunal appeared and forbade the Stranger
from doing this.
Having theorized that the Stranger could not exist
as a truly singular being and that extreme pressure would force a
revelation of his other, the Surfer concluded that the Stranger was
associated with the Tribunal. After the Tribunal noted that on the
fourth side of its skull, there could have been another face, that of
the Stranger; irate at this apparent revelation, the Stranger cursed
the Tribunal and insisted that he related to none other. The Stranger
turned his back in apparent disgust when the Tribunal allowed the
Surfer to briefly feel what it was like to be one with the cosmos.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11: Stranger entry) - Distracted by a brief gift of cosmic awareness, the Surfer accepted this answer and the Stranger departed.
(Avengers I#317 (fb) - BTS) - For a millennium, hundreds of
beings had failed to pierce the security defenses on the Stranger's
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11: Stranger entry) - While the Stranger traveled the universe gathering specimens...
(Avengers I#317 (fb) - BTS) - Alongside her agent
Gunthar, Nebula somehow pierced the security on the Stranger's
"homeworld," after which Gunthar's Rigellian Tracking Device -- which
was accurate with .0009% certainty -- determined that the Stranger was
on the far side of the galaxy; based on this, Gunthar surmised that
even if the Stranger detected them, that they would have completed
their mission before he could return. Ultimately, the pair located and
claimed the Infinity Union.
(Avengers I#318 (fb)) - Both Gunthar and
Nebula intently studied the Infinity Union. Serendipitously, they
discovered the frequency upon which the Union transmitted its energies.
Via a complex operation, Gunthar inserted a bio-receiver into Nebula's brain/mind.
(Avengers I#314-315 - BTS) - Via the Universal Compressor, Nebula briefly destroyed but then restored the universe.
(Avengers I#318 (fb) - BTS) - The
experiments of the Universal Compressor were done so that the Union
would have massive amounts of energy to absorb and store.
(Avengers I#317 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger sensed these universe-wide spasms.
The vast power unleashed by the Universal Compressor was absorbed by the Infinity Union.
(Avengers I#316 - BTS) - Despite Gunthar's recommendations, Nebula activated the Infinity Union.
(Avengers I#318 (fb) - BTS) - Gunthar
rigged a failsafe into the Infinity Union that if anyone but Nebula
tampered with the Infinity Union, it would transfer its stored energies
into Nebula.
(Avengers I#316) - Detecting the Infinity Union's
activation, the Stranger arrived on Nebula's ship, tearing into the
room in which the Avengers held Nebula, Gunthar, and a pair of Nebula's
(Avengers I#317) - Stranger demanded Nebula; seeing
Nebula bound, the Stranger tore open her bonds and grabbed her in his
hand and demanded to know where she had taken his possession. However,
still under the influence of Starfox's pleasure power, Nebula joked
playfully, but failed to answer his question. When Spider-Man tried to
re-introduce himself and explain what had happened to Nebula, the
Stranger noted his recollection of their meeting before bursting out of
the hole in Nebula's ship and returned to his own.
As the Avengers arrived in the Stranger's ship, his
robot agent Blockade confronted them, and the Stranger astrally
projected to them, advising them to heed Blockade's warnings. When the
Avengers refused to depart without knowing what they had planned for
Nebula, the Stranger revealed how she had stolen from him.
Frustrated as Nebula remained too affected by
Starfox's powers, the Stranger considered that she had likely used the
Universal Compressor so the power it released would be absorbed by the
Infinity Union. Still unable to sense the device's location on her
ship, the Stranger increased the level of his psychic probing, greatly
paining the the Avengers.
(Avengers I#317) - Captain America
resolved that they should destroy the device to make sure neither
Nebula or the Stranger obtained the device. Spider-Man subsequently
located the device and snagged it with a web.
(Avengers I#317 / Avengers I#318 (fb) - BTS) - Spider-Man's tampering set off Gunthar's failsafe, releasing the stored energy in explosive fashion
(Avengers I#318) - Existing in spectral form and showing
up on her ship's monitors, Nebula tormented the Stranger and the
Avengers with how Gunthar had arranged it so that she would gain the
Infinity Union's power. When the Stranger threatened Gunthar to reveal
how he had done this, Nebula disintegrated the Stranger, only to
restore him a few seconds later (to some degree in order to impress the
Avengers). To this end, she then disintegrated and restored him again,
causing the Stranger to collapse from the strain.
The Stranger revived while Nebula was toying with
the Avengers, and he confronted Gunthar and demanded to know how he had
accomplished this feat. Fearing Nebula more than the Stranger, Gunthar
gave the desired explanation, after which the Stranger transported
Gunthar back to Nebula's ship.
With Gunthar's presumptive aid, the Stranger located
the Infinity Union; he resolved that he could easily change the
frequency of the Union's transmissions, and he mentally contacted the
Avengers, advising them of his plans and noting that they must use the
opportunity to remove the brain from Nebula's mind. When Captain America
expressed concerns that this might be fatal for Nebula, the Stranger
clearly noted that this point was not significant.
Unable to stop the energy from being released from
the Union, the Stranger -- knowing that this could be dangerous even
for him -- re-routed them into himself, screaming and collapsing as a
(Avengers I#318 - BTS) - As planned, Sersi took advantage of Nebula's weakness to remove the implant without otherwise harming Nebula.
Gunthar then notified the Avengers of the Stranger's injuries.
(Avengers I#318 - BTS) -
Bringing the Stranger back to his ship, the Avengers took him to its
advanced medical facilities, the restorative systems of which revived
the Stranger in minutes.
(Avengers I#318) - Reviving, the Stranger thanked the
Avengers for their quick ministrations, as he was barely able to
survive the Infinity Union's energies. As he acknowledged the Avengers'
advice that the Union should be destroyed and agreed to personally see
the task done, Gunthar suddenly transported himself and Nebula back to
her ship; as they escaped at warp velocity, the Stranger noted that the
damages she had done to his own arc had left it unable to pursue her.
Presumably his recent injuries prevented him from converting to energy
and pursuing her himself.
At Captain America's request, the Stranger
transported the Avengers back to Avengers Headquarters, noting in the
process that they had earned his respect.
(Quasar#15 (fb) - BTS) - While
engaged in his usual specimen-gathering, the Stranger happened upon a
dead Watcher. Unable to determine the cause of his death, the Stranger
took the Watcher's corpse to the next sector's Watcher to ask him for
assistance. The Stranger found that Watcher dead as well. The next two
he encountered were dead as well.
(Quasar#15 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger brought the deceased Watcher's bodies aboard his ship for further study.
(Quasar#14 (fb) - BTS) - Finding a total of nine dead Watchers, the Stranger continued his investigation.
(Quasar#13 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking
vengeance against the Stranger, the Over-Mind took mental control of
several members of the Earth-712's Ex-Squadron Supreme -- including Dr.
Spectrum, Haywire, Moonglow, Power Princess, Shape, Skylark, and
Whizzer -- who were on Earth-616 at that time (and whom the Over-Mind
had previously controlled; he was unable to take control of Hyperion as
he apparently could not control the minds of other Eternals.
(Quasar#13 - BTS) - As the
Over-Mind departed with the Squadron members under control, his ship
was discovered and approached by Quasar. To distract Quasar, the
Over-Mind sent Haywire and Shape to battle him. Quasar eventually
defeated the pair, but the Over-Mind escaped Earth with the others.
Hyperion asked Quasar to help him rescue his missing friends/teammates.
(Quasar#14 - BTS) - The Over-Mind's ship -- carrying himself and Dr. Spectrum, Moonglow, Power Princess, Skylark, and Whizzer -- arrived at the Stranger's Laboratory World. They determined that the Stranger was not present on that world.
Meanwhile, Quasar -- joined by Hyperion and his
associate, Earth-616 Eternal Makkari -- traced the Over-Mind's ship to
the Stranger's Laboratory World. Quasar encountered and was assaulted
by a number of inhabitants.
Discovering Quasar and his allies' presence (and
that all three were immune to his mind-control), Over-Mind took mental
control of numerous prisoners on that world.
(Quasar#14) - Investigating the
Watchers' deaths, the Stranger traveled to the largest moon of the 4th
planet in the Sirius system and investigated that Watcher's home.
Easily navigating its labyrinthine and incomprehensible-to-most's
architecture, the Stranger found that Watcher dead as well. Receiving a
message from his starship that someone was tampering with his
Laboratory World. More concerned with the matter of the Watchers, the
Stranger swept the message from his consciousness.
(Quasar#15 - BTS) - Over-Mind
deactivated every environmental barrier containing the Laboratory
World's subjects, and he summoned a battalion of the more powerful
subjects to come to him to him to serve as his elite strikeforce.
The Over-Mind subsequently coerced Quasar to find
the Stranger and bring him back there, or he would cause the enslaved
Squadron to suffer instantaneous brain death.
Guided by his mentor, Eon,
Quasar soon arrived on the Stranger's ship (apparently still in the
Sirus system), inadvertently damaging a portion of it when he
quantum-jumped in.
(Quasar#15 (fb) - BTS) - The
Over-Mind set a trap that would mentally assault the Stranger as soon
as he returned to his Laboratory World.
(Quasar#15) - As the Stranger
searched the ship, the Stranger arrived in energy form, converting back
to matter and carrying a deceased Watcher with him. After the Stranger
brought that Watcher into the chamber holding the other Watcher's
bodies, Quasar greeted him. Acknowledging Quasar as "Eon's lackey," the
Stranger related his experience with the Watchers, and Quasar told him
of the Over-Mind's activities on his Laboratory World. Unconcerned with
the Over-Mind in comparison to his intention to pursue the Watchers'
fates to its resolution, he dismissed Quasar. Hoping to help the
Stranger to resolve the mystery so he would return to his Laboratory
World (and prevent the Over-Mind from killing the Squadron), Quasar
questioned Eon about the Watchers and traveled to a site where two
Watchers were communicating.
When Otmu the Watcher tried to forcibly dismiss
Quasar, the hero fought back until the Stranger arrived. Considering
Otmu a dangerous renegade, the Stranger encouraged Quasar to help him
swiftly neutralize him; faced with this power and fearing the Stranger
would break his mind and rob him of his resolve, Otmu chose to end his
own existence. Ualu the Watcher then explained Otmu's philosophical
resolution, the Doctrine of Ultimate Non-Interference, which stated
that the act of observing influenced those they observed, and that the
only way to not interfere with others' existence was to not exist; he
further noted that 10 billion Watchers (Quasar#16 had another Watcher note this number to be "over a billion") so far had willed themselves unalive.
(Quasar#15) - With the mystery resolved, the Stranger agreed to
return with Quasar back to the Laboratory World.
(Quasar#16 (fb) - BTS) - The
Stranger had Otmu's body transported to his lightship, which would
travel back to his Laboratory World at a slower rate than he could
transport himself.
(Quasar#15) - Arriving there, the
Stranger was instantly assaulted by the Over-Mind's trap.
(Quasar#16 (fb) - BTS) - The
Over-Mind traveled to the Stranger, who was exhausted from his travels
and had let down his mental guard, and continued his mental assault
(Quasar#16) - Literally shrinking
from massive to merely large under the Over-Mind's assault, the
Stranger collapsed; hoping to give the Stranger time to recover, Quasar
questioned Over-Mind's motives. During this time, the Stranger indeed
gathered his strength, telling the Over-Mind that he was indeed
fatigued, but not destroyed. The Over-Mind welcomed the challenge as
the two fought directly. Though considering the Stranger the lesser of
the two evils, Quasar had been disgusted by the nature of the
Stranger's experiments upon his captives, and so he let the two of them
fight it out until he was assaulted by the former captives now under
the Over-Mind's control. At the Over-Mind's bidding, some of the former
captives -- including Bi-Beast, Fusion, Gorr, Mercurio, Nygorn,
Stardust, Threkker -- attacked the Stranger as well, forcing him to use
energy to
drive them off.
Seeking to free the others from the Over-Mind's
control, Quasar convinced the Over-Mind that if he dropped his mental
domination over the Squadron, he'd have even more mental power to use
against the Stranger. The Over-Mind did so, and the Stranger dropped to
a knee against his psychic assault. Meanwhile, the Squadron helped
fight off the rebelling former captives.
Over-Mind taunted the weakened Stranger, telling him
he was killing him one brain cell at a time, leading the Stranger to
tell him that he was not actually the sum of the Gigantians, but rather
had adopted that role after inadvertently slaying that being. Uncertain
whether to believe this, the Over-Mind vowed to kill him regardlessly
for the humiliation of their first encounter.
At that moment, a number of Watchers (approximately
two dozen) arrived, seeking the Stranger's advice on their current
philosophical struggle. Seeing these Watchers, the Over-Mind accused
the Stranger of summoning them. The Stranger's losing struggle caused
some Watchers to consider interfering so they could gain his input, but
ultimately the Watchers resolved to let events take their course.
Nonetheless, their collective presence made the Over-Mind fear they
were the Stranger's allies. Ultimately, the Over-Mind's paranoia and
psychoses caused him to collapse in a catatonic state; freed from his
assault, the Stranger confirmed that the Over-Mind had defeated himself.
The Watchers then asked the Stranger for his input,
noting that despite Otmu's apparent demise, the philosophy had spread
telepathically amongst their entire race. The Stranger concluded that
allowing themselves to be seen indeed affected others, as demonstrated
by the Over-Mind's self-defeat; this point led four more of the
Watchers present to think themselves to death. The Stranger apologized
for causing that, but when they asked for his recommendation, he was
flattered but knew they wouldn't like his advice: To abandon their
oaths and become active experimenters like himself. After the Watchers
explained that they cataloged the universe's history for the benefit
of those who existed in the next universe that would follow, the
Stranger told them he had no information to help resolve their debate.
When Quasar offered his help, the Stranger dismissed him, noting that
his brief existence precluded him from having any wisdom that ancient
beings such as himself lacked.
Generating a massive energy release to get the
Watcher's attention, Quasar explained how their dying also affected
things, and their collective deaths would massively affect the
universe's balance of power. When Quasar concluded that the importance
of their database would outweigh their limited interference, the
deceased Watchers revived, and they collectively agreed to continue
their mission. After their departure, the Stranger explained that life
and death were not absolute concepts to "our kind."
The Stranger then instructed Quasar to gather his
friends and depart so he could deal with the Over-Mind, repair the
damage to his world, and recapture what specimens he could. When Quasar
questioned his inhumane methods, the Stranger told him he was not human
(and nor were most of his captive), and human standards did not apply.
Noting his unique nature, the Stranger refused to explain himself and
ordered Quasar's departure. Telling him to "go wax his mustache,"
Quasar complied and departed with the Squadron members.
(Fantastic Four I Annual#23/3) - Kubik gave
Kosmos a tour of the universe and its beings of power. As he covered
the cosmic entities, Kubik noted that the Stranger was an enigma,
perhaps even to himself.
(Infinity Gauntlet#3) - The Stranger was one of the cosmic beings -- including Epoch, Kronos the Eternal, Lord Chaos, Master Order, Galactus, Master Hate, Mistress Love, Uatu the
Watcher, and the Celestials Ziran the
Tester and the One Above All (as well as Quasar, the Silver Surfer, and
Adam Warlock)
-- gathered as Eternity presented his case to the Living Tribunal
regarding Thanos' possession of the Infinity Gauntlet, the collective
Infinity Gems (minus the sentient Ego Gem), usurping Eternity's
position as the actuality of the universe. After the Tribunal refused
to intervene, considering Thanos' efforts to usurp Eternity's role as
natural selection, both the Tribunal and Eternity departed.
When Galactus argued against Adam Warlock guiding
the cosmic beings' plan of attack, the Stranger was one of the many
cosmic beings who allied with Warlock, leading Galactus to reluctantly
join them.
(Infinity Gauntlet#4 - BTS) - After Earth's
champions had failed against Galactus, Warlock advised Eternity's
forces that it was now their turn, although he feared the universe may
not survive this conflict.
(Infinity Gauntlet#4) - The Stranger and the other cosmic beings then confronted Thanos at his fortress/monument to Death.
(Infinity Gauntlet#5) - After Thanos refused to
surrender the Infinity Gems, and the cosmic beings attacked, and the
universe was shuddered. Nearby solar systems were destroyed, and
interdimensional distortion cascades threatened to wipe out anything in
their paths. During the battle, the Stranger joined with Galactus and
Epoch (see comments) in a
powerful assault on Thanos; however, Thanos swiftly rallied and
overcame the trio. After defeating all attackers, Thanos imprisoned the
cosmic beings, including Eternity, in a field above his
(Infinity Gauntlet#5 - BTS) - After defeating
Eternity, however, Thanos stretched out his consciousness to become an
abstract representation of the universe. With Thanos' mortal form
abandoned, however, his alleged granddaughter Nebula stole the Infinity
Gauntlet and usurped his power.
Nebula retained the cosmic beings in her stasis field.
(Infinity Gauntlet#6 - BTS) - Nebula used the
Infinity Gauntlet to revert everything to as it was 24 hours before,
reversing Thanos actions, but also freeing the cosmic beings.

(Infinity Gauntlet#6) - The Stranger and the
other cosmic beings confronted and attacked Nebula en masse, but she
ultimately gained the upper hand and defeated them, petrifying them and
making them part of what was previously Thanos' monument to Death.
(Infinity Gauntlet#6 - BTS) - Via his connection
to the Soul Gem, Adam Warlock caused the Infinity Gauntlet to reject
Nebula, and he claimed it in her stead.
and the Infinity Watch#1) - The Stranger -- alongside Epoch, Galactus, Master Hate, Master Order, Mistress Love, the Stranger, a Watcher (it was not identified as Uatu), and
Ziran the Celestial -- stood
silently in witness in what appeared to be a portion of the Dimension
of Manifestations as the Living Tribunal presided at the hearing of
Eternity against Adam Warlock, regarding his worthiness to wield the
Infinity Gauntlet.
Ultimately, the Tribunal ruled that Warlock was not worthy to wield the
gauntlet, but instructed him to disperse the Infinity Gems to people of
his choosing. At the Tribunal's suggestion, the Stranger and the others
departed to return to their own works.
(Incredible Hulk II#412 (fb) - BTS) - From his
Homeworld, the Stranger conducted an experiment in which he allowed the
Bi-Beast to approach the talisman of power known as the Family Jewels,
which he had left unguarded. Stealing these, the Bi-Beast traveled to
Earth and sought vengeance on the Hulk.
(Incredible Hulk II#412) - As the Bi-Beast confronted
the Hulk and She-Hulk, the Stranger remarked how pointlessly
single-minded so many Earth creatures were. Tiring of the experiment, he
decided to see if the Bi-Beast and/or Hulk would notice if he set the
Family Jewels to detonate with enough force to destroy everything
within 1000 miles.
(Incredible Hulk II#412 - BTS) - Shortly
thereafter, the Hulk's Pantheon ally Hector reported to him the energy
build-up and its potential for destruction. Ultimately, the Hulk and
She-Hulk used their bodies to shield the Jewels as they prepared to
detonate. However, the Stranger instead deactivated and reclaimed the
Jewels before they exploded. The Hulk correctly suspected that this had
been an experiment.
(Starblast#2) - On his homeworld, the Stranger sent landing coordinates
to Skeleton and his crew of the Dark Seed when they hailed him, noted
his "unrivaled analytical and scientific ability" and requested his aid
in appraising a "curiosity of exceeding perplexity." Once they had
landed, the Stranger was intrigued with the Star Brand (an energy source
from Reality-148611 (The "New Universe"))-empowered human Kayla
- After Skeletron noted his belief that the Star Brand was from a
distant universe with different physical properties and that it had
been brought to their universe by Quasar, the Stranger accepted
Skeletron's deal that if he could remove the power source from its
host, determine where it was from and how Skeletron might get there,
the Stranger could keep the Star Brand.
As Skeletron's allies kept a group of
human agents from interfering, the Stranger informed Skeletron that he
had nearly completed his analysis, but that he would have to remove the
Star Brand before he could determine its location of origin.
(Starblast#3) - As the Stranger explained to
Skeletron that he had determined that there was an 85% chance that he
could forcibly but safely remove the Star Brand from Kayla, he detected
the approach of Quasar (Kayla's boyfriend) and instructed Skeletron to
deal with him as his work was at a critical juncture and could not be
disturbed. When Quasar demanded Kayla's release, the Stranger flatly
refused just before Skeletron ambushed him. Momentarily freeing himself
from Skeletron's clutches, Quasar covered the Stranger's eyes with
quantum energy and instructed him to stop what he was doing; annoyed,
the Stranger told Quasar he had gone too far, and he fired a burst of
energy that transported Quasar a "few thousand MI-CICs" away, where
Skeletron locked on to his energy signal and confronted and attacked
him anew, ultimately capturing him.
When Uatu the Watcher appeared to observe,
confirming the Stranger's suspicions that what he was doing was
potentially extremely significant, the Stranger allowed him to remain
as long as Uatu maintained his oath of non-interference. Finding he
needed Kayla's cooperation to remove the Star Brand, the Stranger
projected himself into the dreamscape, appearing in a form consistent
with her perception of God and told her he had come to free her of the
curse of unwanted power.
(Starblast#3 (fb) - BTS) - After Kayla agreed to the transfer, the Stranger transferred the Star Brand onto himself.
(Starblast#3 - BTS) - A powerful energy release
occurred due to the conjunction of the Stranger's energies and the Star
Brand's, pulling Earth-148611 halfway into Universe-616's dimension
in proximity to the Stranger's world and disrupting Skeletron's
systems, forcing him to disgorge Quasar as he returned to the Stranger.
- Kayla Ballantine was transported to the surface of Earth-148611, and
the Stranger's world was pulled halfway into Universe-148611 (elsewhere
in the Milky Way galaxy).
As the Stranger, Watcher, Skeletron, and Quasar
recovered, the former two determined they were no longer in their
universe of origin, and the Stranger theorized that the conjunction of
his and the Star Brand's energies had caused this. He confirmed that he
had recovered the Star Brand, but he erroneously concluded that Kayla
had been disintegrated. He further resolved to gain a full
understanding of his newfound capabilities to avoid further
unintentional actions. He thus analyzed the Star Brand, identifying the
psychic resonance of its previous possessors.
Meanwhile, Skeletron transported the Dark Seed (an
extension of his own form) into Universe-148611, intending to extract
all of the Star Brand energy from Earth-148611.
(Starblast#4) - When the Stranger's former
prisoners Moondancer, Solar Wind, and Voyager confronted him, seeking
vengeance, the Stranger instead mentally commanded them to worship and
obey him. With his new servants, the Stranger confronted Earth's
heroes, instructing them to accompany him in his mission to engage
Skeletron; wishing his allies to be at their best, he healed Ikaris the
Eternal from wounds inflicted via vivisection by the Starblasters'
Insidio, granted Black Bolt temporary control of his voice, restored
Binary's fragmented psyche, restored Captain Marvel's transformative
powers, and returned Perun's enchanted mallet to him.
The Stranger arrived with his associates outside the
Dark Seed and instructed them to subdue everybody inside, while
Skeletron, having taken the form of his entire ship confronted him and
challenged him for reneging on their agreement. 
(Starblast#4 - BTS) - The Stranger's instruction
unfortunately led to his allies attacking the Earth-148611 heroes
already present on the Dark Seed, effectively preventing them from
opposing Skeletron.
(Starblast#4) - The Stranger stated his lack of
interest in Skeletron's value judgments, but Skeletron, who had attuned
itself to Star Brand energy began to drain his power. However, the
Stranger surprised Skeletron by causing Earth-148611 to disappear
(transporting it completely to Universe-616).
Exhausted by
this effort, the Stranger seemed powerless to resist Skeletron's
drainage of his own Star Brand energies. However, after Skeletron had
significantly drained
his Star Brand energies, the Stranger teleported back to his own world.
Having tracked him across hyperspace, Skeletron renewed its energy draining process, and the Stranger
willingly relinquished his connection to the Star Brand.
As the Star Brand-powered Skeletron taunted the
Stranger with his imminent demise, the Star Brand-exhausted Stranger
allowed both Earth-148611 and his own homeworld to transport completely
to reality-616.
The Stranger informed Quasar that Skeletron had the
greatest power in a universe devoid of life save himself while he had a
world teeming with paranormal beings, and he asked Quasar whom he would
say got the better bargain.
- When Quasar insisted the Stranger tell
him if he had brought Earth-148611 into their universe just so he could
study it, the Stranger refused to explain himself, instead advising
Quasar to take his friends and depart before he made specimens of them
all. As Earth-148611's heroes rushed to confront the Stranger over
their and their world's fates, the Living Tribunal suddenly appeared and instructed the Stranger to hold. Wishing to speak
only with the Stranger, the Tribunal transported away the Earth-148611
natives and other beings involved in the war against Skeletron and the
Starblasters, apparently sending them to their native worlds.
that Earth-148611 was contaminated with an energy beyond this
Multiverse, the Tribunal informed the Stranger that its presence upset
the universal balance, and that he had no right to bring it there. The Tribunal demanded that this Earth be sealed
so that none of its anomalous power could leak out into the rest of the
(Quasar#57 (fb) - BTS) - The
Living Tribunal surrounded Earth-148611 with an impenetrable barrier,
containing that world and its natives, as well as Kayla Ballantine,
Quasar's girlfriend, who had been permanently contaminated by the Star Brand.
- After encountering the barrier, Quasar again confronted the Stranger,
who informed him of the Tribunal's actions and told him that Kayla had
been permanently contaminated by the Star Brand energy and was now
trapped on that world forever.
Covenant of the Shield#1) - After the Living Tribunal, Eternity, and Infinity approved the Shaper of Worlds' petition to create a
world of swords and sorcery loosely based on Earth, the Shaper thus created Eurth, drawing inspiration from Glorian, Prester John, the Stranger, and
teenager named Tim with extensive knowledge of heroes via comic books.
Covenant of the Shield#3 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger traveled to Eurth
at times, observing its people as a mysterious cloaked figure.
Covenant of the Shield#3) - After observing the adventures of the
Champions of the Realm, the Stranger
exited the inner sanctum of the Order of Avalon via a door, emerging in
an interdimensional realm (possibly the Dimension of Manifestations)
where Eternity, Infinity, Tribunal, and the Shaper observed Eurth.
The Stranger congratulated the
Shaper on his creation, noting that it had been "aeons" since he had
experienced so much surprise and wonder. The Shaper considered this a
compliment without equal.
Eternity, Infinity, and the Tribunal agreed to permit Eurth's continued
existence, noting that they would watch it closely as it may provide the answer to humanity's fate.
The Stranger concurred, noting that he had no doubt that its future would be even more fascinating.
Forever I#1 (fb) - BTS / X-Men
Forever I#6 (fb) - BTS)
- The cosmic/abstract beings of the universe (including Death, Epoch,
Eternity, In-Betweener, Infinity, Lord Chaos, Master Order; with Uatu
or another Watcher presumably observing) considered that humanity
(perhaps the fruition of the Celestials' seeding the universe) would
eventual replace them and remake the very structure of reality.
Forever I#6 (fb) - BTS) - Feeling erroneously that the cosmic beings would be unwilling to allow this, and that they would eventually act, the
Stranger allegedly resolved to usurp the controls of the fundamental
forces of the universe, nurturing what they would seek to restrict. He
plotted to prematurely spark humanity's evolution and turn it into a
raging inferno that would engulf and consume the universe, leaving him
as the sole survivor of a new universe (much like Galactus had been to
the current universe).
Forever I#1 (fb) - BTS / X-Men
Forever I#6 (fb) - BTS) <14 weeks before the main story> - The Stranger infiltrated the systems of Prosh.
Forever I#1 (fb) - BTS / X-Men
Forever I#6 (fb) - BTS) <10 weeks before the main story> - The Stranger corrupted Prosh's systems.
Forever I#1 (fb) - BTS / X-Men
Forever I#6 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11:
<9 weeks before the main story> - The Stranger captured Prosh
within a construct in the form of the husk of a catatonic Celestial..
Forever I#1 - BTS / X-Men
Forever I#6 (fb) - BTS)
- Prosh was allowed to escape the "Celestial," and he fled back to
Earth to warn humanity of the seeming plans of the cosmic beings to
destroy humanity.
Forever I#1 - BTS) - Prosh gathered five people from Earth-- Jean Grey
(who had served as a touchstone to the cosmic forces), Iceman (Bobby
Drake, who represented mutantkind's untapped potential), Juggernaut
(Cain Marko, who represented the jealousy and insecurity the human race
felts toward mutants), Mystique (Raven Darkholme, who represented the
mystery and fear humans had of mutants), and Toad (Mortimer Toynbee,
who manifested mutation as an aberration and the manipulations of
humans to control that process) -- telling them they each represented
important aspects of human evolution and of his plan to sow the seeds
that would one day protect humanity from the cosmic beings.
Prosh gathered the Toad by initially appearing in the form of the Stranger.
Forever I#1 - 5 - BTS) - Prosh sent the minds of his agents back
through time to occupy their younger selves forms so they could evolve
to their needed roles.
Forever I#5 - BTS) - Prosh explained to the gathered group that he had
been programmed to gather them in preparation for some advancement, but
that he was able to sidestep his programming to try show them the way
to save themselves.
Forever I#5 - BTS) - Exploring Prosh's immense Celestial ship, Toad
recognized the technology as similar to what he had used when he had
stolen the Stranger's ship. The Stranger (off panel, with his voice heard and energy blast seen)
then discovered and blasted at Toad, calling him an insignificant mote
and noting that he was least deserving of discovering the truth.
Forever I#5) - After the gathered group accessed their potential and
defeated Prosh (with Iceman, who had gained the ability to transform
fully into ice, freezing him solid), Toad rushed to inform them of the
Stranger's involvement, but the Stranger blasted him front behind
before he could do so and instead revealed his own presence. He told
them this had all been preparation for a great cosmic game he intended
to win.

Forever I#6) - After the Stranger blasted the Juggernaut and noted his
frustration that humanity had achieved such significance on the
universal scale, the group attacked him, but he converted into energy
to escape their assaults. He then explained how, in combination, the
five of them encompassed the full spectrum of human and mutant affairs
on Earth; they would have served as the vanguard for the acclimation of
Earth's genetic enhancement, had Prosh's manipulation of them not
occurred several million years too early for them to fulfill those
The Stranger then allowed Jean
Grey to seemingly access the Phoenix Force and to then experience
millions of years of exponentially increasing evolutionary growth until
humanity became eternity.
Forever I#6 - BTS) - Meanwhile,
Iceman unfroze a section of the medical bay to treat Toad, reviving a
portion of Prosh free from the Stranger's control, and Prosh guided
Iceman to enable him to correct genetic tampering done to Toad,
allowing him to fully express his true genetic mutation.
Forever I#6 - BTS) - Speaking
in the moments between time, Eternity contacted Jean Grey, confirming
humanity's ultimate role, but informing her that the cosmic entities
accepted this eventual change, provided it occurred at its natural
pace; Jean correctly interpreted this as approval to stop the
Stranger's plot.
Both Toad and Mystique's abilities were significantly enhanced.
Prosh and the gathered group
plotted to thwart the Stranger, with the revived and enhanced Toad
using his knowledge of the Stranger's technology to bypass the
Stranger's virus in Prosh's system.
Forever I#6) - Reincorporating, the Stranger sensed that Jean had
communed with cosmic forces and angrily fired an eyeblast at her.
Blocking it, she reminded him that she was one of the mutants he needed
for his plan; conceding this point, the Stranger, grabbed her with his
hand and prepared to put her in a specimen cage. Juggernaut then
smashed into the Stranger's head, causing him to drop Jean, and when
the Stranger prepared to eyeblast Marko, Iceman covered his eyes with
ice and then physically immobilizing him.
This delayed the Stranger
sufficiently for the Toad to free Prosh from the Stranger's influence,
allowing Prosh to trap the Stranger while the others escaped outside.
Prosh then banished itself extradimensionally.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11:
Stranger) - As soon as Prosh was out of the mutants’ vicinity, the Stranger freed himself and turned to newer experiments.
Universe: The End#4) - After Thanos gained the vast power of the Heart
of the Infinite, the Living Tribunal ruled that this situation was
unacceptable, and they summoned a council of cosmic beings and other
beings of power, including Epoch (appearing as and perhaps
confused for Eon), Eternity, Galactus, the In-Betweener, Infinity, Lord
Chaos, Master Hate, Master Order, Mephisto, Mistress Love, the
Stranger, Uatu the Watcher, the entire race of Celestials, and Thor,
Zeus, and other godheads.
Universe: The End#5) - After Thanos dispersed or otherwise banished Eternity, the Living Tribunal transported Earth's heroes and the cosmic
entities to assault Thanos.
Universe: The End#6) - After a relatively short battle, Thanos
apparently absorbed all present, ultimately even Eternity, Infinity,
and the Tribunal into his being, leaving nothing left of the
Universe: The End#6 (fb) - BTS) - When Thanos sacrificed his power to
restore the universe, and diverged the previous conflict to Reality-4321, the Stranger was apparently restored as well.
(Beyond#6 (fb) - BTS) - Allegedly
wishing to study humanity -- because he feared and wished to understand
its capacity to survive and wanted to be prepared for some future day
when humanity would tilt the balance of power in the universe -- the
Stranger restored the Beyonder's Battleworld and began using a
teleportation device to bring groups of costumed heroes and villains
into ships that were then transported to Battleworld. Posing as the
Beyonder, the Stranger provided the instruction to "slay your enemies
and all you desire would be yours"
(Beyond#3 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger brought Coldblood, Darkhawk, Deathlok, Dracula, Photon, Sleepwalker,
Terror, and Wonder Man to Battleworld. Deathlok made a deal that allowed the others to return to Earth,
while he remained on Battleworld.
(Beyond#3 (fb) - BTS) - Deathlok reportedly watched dozens of groups (hundreds of superhumans) come and go on Battleworld.
There was an abandoned city with shelter and food, and sometimes it was the way out.
(Beyond#4 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the
Stranger enlisted the Space Phantom as his agent to further manipulate
those he brought to Battleworld.
(Beyond#3 (fb) - BTS) - Per Deathlok, dozens had died on Battleworld.
(Beyond#1) - Appearing only a disembodied voice,
the Stranger used Beyonder's motif to summon Dr. Pym, Firebird,
Gravity, Hood, Alyosha Kravinoff, Medusa, Venom (Gargan), and Wasp onto
the ship that began transporting them to Battleworld. He also brought
the Space Phantom, who was impersonating Spider-Man. After the
"Beyonder" promises them their heart's desires if they slay their
enemies, Venom impaled and seemingly slew "Spider-Man."
(Beyond#2 - BTS) - The ship crashed on Battleworld and Venom fled,
after which the others met up with Collins, who turned into Deathlok
when Dragon Man attacked.
(Beyond#3 - BTS) - Deathlok told the others of
his experiences on Battleworld, and the Hood exposed "Spider-Man" as
the Space Phantom.
(Beyond#4 - BTS) - The heroes decided to trade the Space Phantom to the "Beyonder," but the Phantom then escaped.
Dr. Pym created a portal to Limbo and the heroes traveled
there, planning to ambush the Phantom, but Venom found and destroyed the portal
on Battleworld and then shouted to the Beyonder that he had won.
(Beyond#5 - BTS) - Heroes captured Space Phantom and forced him to return them to
Uatu the Watcher arrived on Battleworld.
(Beyond#5 - BTS / Beyond#6 (fb) - BTS) - Via shrinking the other heroes, Dr. Pym seemingly slew the others to claim the reward.
(Beyond#6) - The "Beyonder"
contacted Pym and asked what he wished as his reward. He was distracted
by Uatu's presence, but he decided that as long as the watcher honored
his vow of non-interference, he could remain and observe. Pym asked for
three wishes, starting with his first two: (1) To go home; and (2) to
know who the "Beyonder" really was (as he behaved differently than the
Beyonder, and the Beyonder was reportedly dead). Though noting he could
argue that the Beyonder's power could not be circumscribed by human
concepts of life and death, the Stranger admitted his true identity and
appeared before Pym. Pym then made his final request, that the Stranger
stop this experiment and never do it again. Though appreciating the
wish, the Stranger noted he could not comply and offered instead to
restore Pym's teammates' lives; when Pym insisted on his request, the
Stranger correctly suspected that the others were not dead, and he then
sensed their continued existences.
Revealing the reasons for his experiments, the
Stranger noted that Pym's deception did not bind him to any agreement
and that his work was too important to be discontinued. The heroes then
attacked the Stranger, and while they lacked the power to truly
challenge him, Deathlok played on the Stranger's paranoia, telling him
that Uatu was there to observe the Stranger's defeat. The Stranger
questioned Uatu, who remained silent, but the Stranger feared Uatu
might get involved, which could lead to a conflict with the collective
Watchers, and he agreed to honor the agreement with Pym. He restored
the crashed ship that brought them there, but told them to hurry as
Battleworld would soon break apart again without him actively
maintaining it; he then teleported away.
(Beyond#6 - BTS) - Gravity sacrificed his life helping the others get to the ship and escape before Battleworld broke apart.
Uatu revealed that he had been on Battleworld to observe Gravity's death, naming Gravity to have
lasting significance.
Michael Collins found himself unable to turn back into Deathlok on Earth.
(Astonishing Thor#3 (fb)) - The
Stranger sought out Ego, informed him of his captive twin, and gifted
him with the means to move unaided across the void and to access the
byways of hyperspace. He watched as Ego departed to find his "brother."
(Astonishing Thor#1) - As Ego
approached Earth, threatening Earth via his very mass and velocity,
Thor traveled to Ego and attempted to drive it off. The Stranger,
however, confronted Thor, telling him he could not permit him to do
this. Announcing himself to be Ego's creator and wishing for Ego to
achieve his destiny, the Stranger banished Thor from Ego, casting him
far away.
(Astonishing Thor#2 - BTS) -
Charting Ego's trajectory, Thor arrived at one of the Collector's
museum, learned of the existence of Alter Ego, and was forced into
confrontation with Alter Ego.
(Astonishing Thor#3) - As Thor fled Alter Ego, the Stranger helped him escape the tesseract that contained Alter Ego.
(Astonishing Thor#3 (fb) - BTS)
- The Stranger also released Alter Ego from the tesseract and sent him
on the path to meet Ego; he further supplied both planets with a
psychic link so they could sense each other.
(Astonishing Thor#3) - Noting
he could command Thor's obedience if he wished, the Stranger thanked
Thor for revealing which of the Collector's dodecahedra contained Alter
Ego. When Thor requested the Stranger explain himself in return, the
Stranger explained how and why -- despite the many origin stories to
the contrary, some of which I fostered -- he had created Ego with the
Collector's aid.
Upon learning that the Stranger
intended to measure the planets' superiority by which of them survived,
Thor advised the Stranger that he would refuse to allow such a battle; amused with
Thor's implied threat, the Stranger considered he was persistent, like a fly
batting itself against a window pane.
Noting that he had set the two planets on a course to meet each other, the Stranger bade Thor farewell.
(Astonishing Thor#5) - After
Ego shattered Alter Ego, who was reborn in the form of Ego's new moon,
the Stranger confronted Thor, noting his repeated interference in his
experiments. Exhausted by the conflicts, Thor nonetheless warned the
Stranger that if he gave him further provocation, he would put an end
to the Stranger's recklessness. As Thor departed, the Stranger noted
that Thor just might do that, and that this was an awkward and
distasteful coda. Pondering why he seemed unable to summon sufficient
ire, the Stranger considered that he might be pleased by the unexpected
result of the experiment, as rather than ending in destruction, it had
led to a family.
(Thanos: The Infinity Ending
(fb) - BTS) - As an alternate future Eros (formerly aka Starfox) and Pip the Troll traveled through time
in an effort to affect younger versions of Thanos in an effort to
thwart a virtually omnipotent alternate future Thanos, they apparently
created a number of temporal paradoxes that at least temporarily
distorted reality.
(Avengers Assemble#7) - Having
acquired a Cosmic Cube-like device constructed by the US military
(actually an advanced dark matter generator using stolen formulae from
an AIM terrorist), Thanos summoned a group of "Elders" (see comments),
which included immense forms of the Champion, the Collector, the
Contemplator, the Stranger, and the In-Betweener. The Stranger asked
Thanos how many times the universe must punish him for his ways. Saying
all he wanted was for them to know that he was the one who ended their
existence, he unleashed energy from the Cube that seemingly did just
(Thanos: The Infinity
Ending) - Observing Thanos' confrontation with the "Elders" (or Cosmic
Aspects, as Eros called them), Eros noted them to be the wrong people,
notably the In-Betweener with some of the Elders of the Universe. When
Pip further noted that those beings were supposed to be human-size,
Eros reasoned that they may have caused this with all of their wild
jumping around time.
(Avengers Assemble#8
(fb) - BTS) - Unable to destroy these cosmic beings, the Cube's
energies instead banished them to the Cancerverse (Reality-10011).
(Avengers Assemble#8)
- After Thanos transported the Avengers to the Cancerverse, they
encountered the Stranger, In-Betweener, and the three Elders, who
helped Iron Man (Tony Stark) complete his program to neutralize this
false Cosmic Cube.
(Avengers Assemble#8
(fb) - BTS) - In exchange for the cosmic beings' aid, the Avengers
agreed that the cosmic beings could take custody of Thanos after his
Iron Man returned the Avengers and cosmic beings to Earth.
(Avengers Assemble#8)
- After the false Cosmic Cube's destruction and Thanos' defeat, the
Stranger and his associates appeared and then vanished, taking Thanos
with them.
(Howard the Duck VI#3) - Wishing to use Howard the Duck's status as a
living nexus of all realities to form a portal to a new universe in
which he could operate without interference from the likes of Thanos or
the Avengers, the Stranger transported Howard onto his ship.
(Howard the Duck VI#3 (fb) - BTS) - As Howard the
teleportation process took some time, Howard realized he would need
some help. He used his nexus-power to transport his allies -- Linda
the Duck, Shocket, and Tara Tam -- from their ship, the Thundertrek, to
somewhere they could get help (they arrived on the ship of the
Guardians of the Galaxy).
(Howard the Duck VI#3) - Introducing
himself and explaining his plans, the Stranger explained that Howard
would have to remain his prisoner to prevent surprises caused by his
wandering the universe. Howard reluctantly agreed on the condition that
the Stranger spared his friends. Wishing to prevent rescue attempts,
the Stranger instead used his ship's weapons to destroy the Thundertrek.
(Howard the Duck VI#4) - As Howard futilely tried to
convince the Stranger not to keep him, the Stranger sensed the approach
of other ships and was then confronted by Scout (a woman named Rebecca
who gained power from a portion of the Silver Surfer's coating she had
stolen from Alicia Masters and who imagined herself the herald of
Galactus; she wished to give Howard to Galactus to prove her worth).
The Stranger initially blasted Scout back and, noting that Galactus
would not wage war with him over Howard, asked Scout who she was.
However, Scout feigned blasting him and instead freed and swiftly
escaped with Howard.
(Thanos: The Infinity Ending -
BTS) - Ultimately the efforts of Adam Warlock, via alternate future
Eros, defeated the alternate future Thanos (and presumably reversed the
temporal paradoxes Eros and Pip had caused).
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Werner Roth, Alexander Toth, Vince Colletta, and Charles Eber "Chic" Stone.
I am not going to try to
chronologically insert the time periods at which the Stranger captured
each of his Prisonworld and Battleworld captives, as that would be too
speculative. Many of them have their own profiles, and you can check
there for likely time periods.
Similarly, discussions of whether certain
captives/subjects are or are not who they claimed and/or were stated to
be is covered under each of their profiles.
What is the deal with the symbol on the Stranger's chest/tunic/shirt. Some sort of horned or winged creature?
During the Infinity Gauntlet, Eon
was pictured multiple times as being present, but as Thanos had slain
Eon before the conflict began, this was revealed to be
Eon's daughter, Epoch. I would have to imagine they drew Eon and
learned of Eon's death so changed the text to Epoch. Epoch had a little
baby form at that time, but the in-story explanation is that Epoch
adopted Eon's form to be more impressive/familiar.
As further detailed by Donald Campbell:
During the Infinity Gauntlet mini-series, Quasar's boss is identified
by Quasar as "Epoch" in issue #2, identifies itself (yes, I
know Epoch is female but that hadn't been established yet) as
"Epoch" in issue #3, does not appear in issue #4, is identified as
"Eon" only by the Omniscient Narrative in issue #5 and appears
without being named in issue #6.
Galactic revolution
Per Wikipedia: The galactic year, also known as a cosmic year, is the duration of time required for the Sun to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Estimates of the length of one orbit range from 225 to 250 million terrestrial years.The
Solar System is traveling at an average speed of 230 km/s
(828,000 km/h) or 143 mi/s (514,000 mph) within its
trajectory around the galactic center,
a speed at which an object could circumnavigate the Earth's equator in
2 minutes and 54 seconds; that speed corresponds to approximately
1/1300 of the speed of light.
What do you call the Eternals of Gigantus?
In Fantastic Four I#115-116, they are just called the people of
Gigantus. That's also what they are called Silver Surfer III#31
- They are called Gigantians in the Over-Mind and Stranger
profiles in the 20th century OHotMU profiles (although I don't think
the names were used in their Master Edition), as well as in Quasar I#16
and the Over-Mind's 21st century profiles.
- They are called Gigantans in
the Stranger's 21st century OHotMU profiles. I prefer "Gigantans," but
it seems to be in the vast minority, and it doesn't seem to have any
precedent. Dagnabbit!
Infinity Gems or Soul Gems
In the original stories, all of
the Infinity Gems were called "Soul Gems." It wasn't until Starlin started his
Infinity Gauntlet storyline that they were called Infinity Gems and
spelled out to have different powers.
How tall?
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#10: Stranger entry states he can reach up to 50'
The Official Handbook of
the Marvel Universe II (Deluxe Edition) #12: Stranger entry states he can reach up to 36'
The Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11:
Stranger says "over two dozen feet"
not sure why this height has diminished over time in his profiles, but
he's a clearly at least 50' tall when he confronted Spider-Man and Adam
Warlock in Marvel Team-Up I#55. Check out the image above.
Quasar I#16 revealed that the Gigantians were the Eternals of Gigantus,
and it was clarified/confirmed that the Eternals/Eternians/Eyungians
were the Eternals of Eyung.
The composite nature of the
Over-Mind and the Gigantian composite is more interesting in that
light, as the Eternals are known to merge their minds into a collective
known as the Uni-Mind.
Ego and Alter Ego
Ego has had numerous,
contradictory origins over the decades since its first appearance, and
the Stranger's story is but one of those.
The Stranger's history of deception and providing false origins for himself doesn't strengthen his credibility in this instance.
The claim that the
Strange had created Ego was supported by what the ghost of Egros told Galan of
Taa in Ultimates2#8. However, the Silver Surfer: Black mini-series contradicted
that origin by having a new-born Ego being present "at the dawn of
time" well before the Collector (who is no more than 5.5 billion years old)
could have be present to help create him.
--Donald Campbell
Strange claims
- In X-Men I#11, the Stranger claimed to be a member of a people who were greatly interested in mutations
- Tales to Astonish I#89 first referenced his concern that humanity was a threat to the universe
- The Stranger first claimed to be the sum of the Gigantians in Fantastic Four I#116.
- He discussed exploring the
universe and cosmic pursuits in FF I#116, but his surveying other
worlds was discussed as early as X-Men I#18
- In Quasar#16, the Stranger first claimed to be a member of a long-lost race.
When did the Stranger become one
of the Elders of the Universe (as shown in Avengers Assemble#7-8)?
- He didn't...nor did the In-Betweener,
who is an abstract, conceptual entity.
- I can explain the problem in
one word: Bendis.
- Fortunately, before I finished up this profile, the solution came in another word: Starlin.
- Starlin explained the cause as
reality distortions caused by the time-traveling of alternate reality
Eros and Pip the Troll.
Other Appearances?
Some sources list the Stranger as
appearing in Warlock Chronicles#1 (1993) and X-Men First Class#3
(2007). My comics are in disarray as I am trying to reorganize them,
and I can't locate either issue, but I suspect the former is just a
flashback with no new information, while the latter isn't "official"
continuity at the moment. I've also seen him listed as appearing in
Marvel Fanfare II#5 (1997); that's a story about Longshot and the
Mojoverse rebellion, and I don't see him in it. I also can't find
Silver Surfer: Inner Demons#1 (1998) or Avengers: I am an Avenger#1
It's hard to wrap my head around it all, but I think
the Stranger seen Infinity Entity#2-3 and Thanos: The Infinity Finale
is part of an alternate reality in which Galactus was slain.
Regardless, he just stands around with a bunch of cosmic entities and
doesn't do anything except get destroyed a couple times (and then
reformed as well).
Via the infinite nature of the Multiverse, the
Stranger's plan to use the Hulk to rebuild human society bore fruit in
this reality:
the enigmatic Stranger’s influence, the Hulk assaulted humanity,
leaving it vulnerable to the Stranger's assault, which virtually wiped
out human society; thereafter, the surviving humans built a better
world under the Stranger’s
command. Tales to Astonish #89 (1967)
Thor's "reversing time" was interesting, as he didn't travel back in
time, or there would have been two of him present. Somehow he seemed to
turn back time (like Cher wishes she could) but retained memories of
the events that had occurred. Regardless, this diverged another reality
(although I suspect the Stranger-616 somehow was aware of both
Earth-70766 Thor
duped by Abomination into freeing some of the Stranger’s criminal prisoners, earning
the Stranger’s ire; diverged from Reality-616, in which Thor, fearing the
Stranger attacking Asgard, "reversed time" to the point of his arrival on the Stranger's world and instead defeated and
reimprisoned the Abomination before returning to Asgard without encountering
the Stranger. Thor #178 (1970)
I'll start working on a profile on the Stranger's laboratory/prison world, but for now, I'll compile comments here.
Stranger's laboratory world "across the infinite, fathomless void of space...a grim, gray world without a name" (Av47).
Quasar#15 called the Stranger's Laboratory World his homeworld.
Starblast#2 describes the Stranger's Homeworld as a Neptune-sized planet.
It is called a "zoo" in X-Men Forever I#3
Per Donald Campbell:
Quasar#14 - According
the the Omniscient Narrative, the Stranger's "home planet" (a.k.a.
his laboratory-world) is "about a million light-years closer to the center
of the Milky Way" than Earth is. This is impossible since the Milky Way is
only between 150,000 and 200,000 light-years in diameter.
This laboratory-world was "approximately the size of Uranus" which
means that, as a solid, rocky planet instead of an ice giant, its gravity
should have been much more than that of Earth but instead is was only "1.4
times that of Earth." Super-science at work?
Quasar#15 - According to
the Omniscient Narrative, the Stranger's laboratory-world was located
"halfway across the Milky Way galaxy." Presumably this was meant to be
relative to Earth's position.
Obviously a long profile with lots of appearances.
I've reviewed and re-reviewed the issues to try to be complete, but I'm
sure I've missed some things and screwed up others, so let me know if
you've got anything to add/correct, and we'll work on getting it
Big thanks to Donald Campbell for providing multiple corrections/additions. He further added:
Although I appreciate
the fact that Jim Starlin at least attempted to fix some of the mistakes made
by Brian Michael Bendis, I strongly doubt that Starlin's last six Infinity OGNs
have actually been set within the Prime Marvel Universe. Aside from the
discrepancies allegedly caused by Eros and Pip while time-traveling, Al
Ewing's Ultimates 2 stories treated the Thanos who was living happily with
Mistress Death as being in an alternate timeline and not the Prime Marvel
Universe. Also, Starlin also didn't treat the Living Tribunal as being unique
in the multiverse but as someone who had counterparts in each universe. Plus,
Eros is dead in the Prime Marvel Universe, long before he could become the
alternate future Eros from the last three Infinity OGNs. It makes things easier
all around if we just assume that those OGNs take place in the
"Starlinverse" section of the Marvel Multiverse.
I'm inclined to
agree it takes place in an alternate universe. I think we just have to
take it as being in error about the Living Tribunal., regardless. I'll
have to sort it all out someday when I have more free time (which may
only be an alternate universe!)
Regarding the O.K. Space Station:
I noticed that you stated that Mar-Vell had
suspected that the Stranger had influenced the American Old West
culture/structure of the O.K. Space Station
In fact, the Stranger had come across the
O.K. Space Station after its inhabitants had become "crazed from breathing
too many cycles of poisons" and had begun living "lives of
charades." The Stranger found their situation to be so fascinating
that he had involved himself (as the "Big Boss") so that he
could enjoy their madness.
Mar-Vell quickly suspected that
the reason why the setting was an Earthly one was so that it would be
significant to Rick Jones and he concluded that the Supremor (Supreme
Intelligence) had used his mental powers to influence the form of the fantasy
being lived by the miners. Mar-Vell also assumed that the
Stranger was acting as an agent of the Supremor but the
Stranger's ignorance of why Mar-Vell had injected himself into the
experience made Mar-Vell realize that his assumption was wrong.
Don Campbell
Rip Taylor has the perfect look for the Stranger, but he's way too happy and silly, while the Stranger is pretty somber.
Sadly, but as an interesting coincidence, Rip passed away while I was
working on this profile. I'd already pasted this picture and included the above sentence in the comments prior to that.
Profile by Snood.
The Stranger should be distinguished from:
- "STRANGER" - tiny extraterrestrial (or extradimensional) who traveled to Earth with some of his people--World of Suspense#1
- STRANGER - alien stranded on Earth, briefly worked for
Carl Barker to raise money to return home, stole the "jazzed up" car of J.B.
Winthrop and flew home when Barker tried to cheat him out of his money--Journey into Mystery I#89/2
- STRANGER (Vince Jones) - Shadowriders--ShadowRiders#1
- "STRANGER" - see GLORIAN. nickname used by Hulk--Incredible Hulk II#190
- "STRANGER" - see GREGOR. Grim Hunter/Vladimir Kravinoff ally--Spider-Man I#47
- "STRANGER from SPACE" - carnivorous alien--Mystic I#24/2
- STRANGERS of Earth-93060 (Atom Bob, Electrocute,
Grenade, Lady Killer, Spectral, Yrial, Zipzap, Teknight)
- Dr. Stranger Yet - monstrous warthog-like form, existed in Earth briefly remade by the Creators--Dr. Strange II#25
Markham Moros
- powerful extradimensional being who came to Earth to preach a message
of cosmic harmony; and who looks a lot like the Stranger, but with a
full beard--World of Mystery#3/3
- other "Strange" characters, beings, races, etc.
images: (without ads)
X-Men I#11 cover (white coat, floating in air);
pg. (giant, but still human form);
panel (giant, alien form)
Tales to Astonish I#89/2 cover,
pg. 2 (blue costume)
Silver Surfer I#5, pg. 32, panel 1 (Stranger standing with foot on Silver Surfer);
pg. 38, panel 5 (Stranger traveling through space in energy form)
Thor I#178, pg. 4, panel 5 (using scanner);
pg. 10, panel 5 (multiple illusory selves)
Fantastic Four I#116 (alternate colors; vs. Over-Mind);
Marvel Team-Up I#55, pg. 7, panel 1 (with Power? Gem; confronting Spider-Man and Adam Warlock);
panel 3 (blasting Adam Warlock with Power? Gem);
pg. 12, panel 4 (holding Warlock in stasis arcs);
Champions I#13, pg. 15, panel 5 (backing Darkstar and Runestaff);
Marvel Two-In-One Annual#5, pg. 11, panel 2-3 (charging/programming electrodes);
panel 4 (beaming away);
Silver Surfer III#27, pg. 10 (dramatic appearance on Skrull world);
#31, pg. 15, panel 3 (seething with energy, confronting Surfer);
Avengers I#316, last page (confronting Avengers on starship);
Quasar I#15, pg. 9, panel 2 (energy form/face);
#16, pg. 28, panel 3 (Gigantians last survivor; gestational forms)
Infinity Gauntlet#5, pg. 14, panel 3 (w/ Galactus and Epoch, energy form assaulting Thanos);
#6, pg. 21-22 (petrified with other cosmic powers by Nebula);
Starblast#3, pg. 19, panel 6 (posing as God);
Quasar I#56, pg. 7, panel 3 (examining Star Brand on finger);
Star Brand#4, pg. 19, panel 3 (Star Brand energy drained by Skeletron);
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition#1: Stranger images;
Avataars: Covenant of the Shield#3, pg. 21, panel 1 (small, rear oblique);
panel 3 (face);
Forever I#5, last page (confronting assembled team);
Beyond#6, pg. 5, panel 3 (confronting Pym);
Astonishing Thor#1, pg. 20 (Stranger, knees up);
#3, pg. 10, panel 3 (full; distant);
pg. 11 (creating Ego and Counter Ego);
pg. 13, panel 2 (face);
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z#11: Stranger profile main image (refurbished from OHotMU I#10)
Avengers#2.1, pg. 14, panel 1 (face);
pg. 19, panel 1 (alien form);
Howard the Duck VI#3, pg. 15, panel 1 (long pants outfit)
X-Men I#11 (May, 1965) - Stan
Lee (co-writer/co-penciler/editor), Jack Kirby (co-writer/penciler),
Werner Roth & Alexander Toth (co-pencilers), Vince Colletta, and
Charles Eber "Chic" Stone (inkers)
X-Men I#18 (March, 1966) - Stan Lee
(writer), Werner
Roth (penciler), Dick Ayers (inkers)
Avengers I#47 (December, 1969) - Roy Thomas (writer), John Buscema (penciler), George Tuska (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Tales to Astonish I#89/2-91/2 (March-May, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor)), Gil "Sugar" Kane (penciler/inker)
Silver Surfer I#5 (April, 1969) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), John Buscema (penciler), Sal Buscema (inker)
Thor I#178 (July, 1970) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), John Buscema (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker)
Fantastic Four I#116 (November, 1971) - Archie Goodwin (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Joe Sinnott (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Captain America I#150 (June, 1972) - Gerry Conway (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), John Verpoorten (inker), Stan Lee (editor)
Avengers I#138 (August, 1975) - Steve Englehart (writer), George Tuska (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker), Len Wein (editor)
Captain Marvel I#42 (January, 1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), Al
Milgrom (penciler), Mike Esposito (inker), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Marvel Team-Up I#55 (March, 1977) - Bill Mantlo (writer), John Byrne (penciler), Dave Hunt (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Champions I#12 (March, 1977) - Bill Mantlo (writer), John Byrne (penciler), Bob Layton (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Champions I#13 (May, 1977) - Bill Mantlo (writer), John Byrne (penciler), Bob Layton (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Avengers Annual#7 (November, 1977) - Jim Starlin (writer/penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Marvel Two-In-One Annual#5 (1980) - Alan Kupperburg (writer/penciler), Pablo Marcos (inker), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Official Handbook of
the Marvel Universe I#10: Stranger entry (October, 1983) - Tom DeFalco, Mark Gruenwald,
Mark Lerer, Peter Sanderson (writers), Fred Baumann, Myra David, Peter
David, Joanne Harris (research team), Mike Zeck (artist), Michael Carlin (associate
editor), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Vision and Scarlet Witch II#11 (August, 1986) - Steve Englehart
(writer), Richard Howell (penciler), Frank Springer (inker), Adam
Philips (assistant editor), James Salicrup (editor)
Official Handbook of
the Marvel Universe II (Deluxe Edition) #12: Stranger entry (November,
1986) - Mark Gruenwald, Steve Saffel, Peter Sanderson (writers), Mike
Zeck (penciler), Josef Rubinstein (inker)
Silver Surfer III#27 (September, 1989) - "Stainless" Steve Englehart,
Ron Lim (penciler), Tom Christopher (inker), Craig Anderson (editor)
Silver Surfer III#29-30 (November-mid-November, 1989) - "Stainless" Steve Englehart (writer),
Ron Lim (penciler), Tom Christopher (inker), Craig Anderson (editor)
Silver Surfer III#31 (December, 1989) - "Stainless" Steve Englehart (writer),
Ron Lim (penciler), Tom Christopher & Keith Williams (inker), Craig Anderson (editor)
Avengers I#316 (April, 1990) - John Byrne (writer), Paul Ryan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Avengers I#317 (May, 1990) - John Byrne (plot), Fabian Nicieza
(script), Paul Ryan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Howard Mackie
Avengers I#318 June, 1990) - Fabian Nicieza
(writer), Paul Ryan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Howard Mackie
(editor); special thanks to Tom Morgan for the 11th hour art assist!
(August, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Dan
Panosian (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
(September-October, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Dan
Panosian (inker), Len Kaminski (editor)
(November, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Dan
Panosian & Keith Williams (inks), Len Kaminski (editor)
Fantastic Four I Annual#23/3 (1990) - Len Kaminski (writer), Greg
Capullo (penciler), Larry Mahlstedt (inker), Michael Hesler (assistant
editor), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition#1
(December?, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald, Glenn Herdling, Len Kaminski, Jamie
Tost (writers), Keith Pollard (penciler), Josef Rubinstein (inker),
Phil Sheehy (editorial assistant), Peter Sanderson (consultant), Mark
Gruenwald (editor)
Infinity Gauntlet#3 (September, 1991) - Jim Starlin (writer), George
Perez (penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker), Craig Anderson (editor)
Infinity Gauntlet#4 (October, 1991) - Jim Starlin
(writer), George Perez & Ron Lim (penciler), Joe Rubinstein with Bruce N. Sotoloff (inkers), Craig
Anderson (editor)
Infinity Gauntlet#5-6 (November-December, 1991) - Jim Starlin
(writer), Ron Lim (penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker), Craig
Anderson (editor)
and the Infinity Watch#1 (February, 1992) - Jim Starlin (writer), Angel
Medina (penciler), Terry Austin (inker), Craig Anderson (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#412 (December, 1993) - Peter David (writer), Paul
Pelletier (penciler), Cam Smith (inker), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Starblast#2 (February, 1994) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Herb
Trimpe (pencils), Ralph Cabrera (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Quasar I#55-56 (February-March, 1994) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), John
Heebink (pencils), Aaron McClellan (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Starblast#3 (March, 1994) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Grant Miehm (pencils), Mike Higgins (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Starblast#4 (April, 1994) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Kong, Palant &
Buckler (pencils), Don Hudson & Ernie Chan (inks), Mike Rockwitz
(April, 1994) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Peter Sanderson
(co-plotter), John Heebink (penciler), Aaron McClellan (inker), Mike
Covenant of the Shield#1 (September, 2000) - Len Kaminski (writer),
Oscar Jiminez (penciler), Eduardo Alpuente (inker), Tom Brevoort
Avataars: Covenant of the Shield#3 (November, 2000) -
Len Kaminski (writer), Javier Saltares (penciler), Walden Wong & Chris Ivy
(inkers), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Forever I#1 (January, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Kevin Maguire
(penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Peter Franco & Lara Castle
(assistant editors), Mark Powers & Ralph Macchio (editors)
Forever I#2-6 (February-June, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Kevin Maguire
(penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Peter Franco & Brian Smith
(assistant editors), Mark Powers & Ralph Macchio (editors)
Universe: The End#4-6 (June-August, 2003) - Jim Starlin
(writer/penciler), Al Milgrom (inker), Marc Sumerak & Andy Schmidt
(assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Beyond#1 (September, 2006) - Dwayne McDuffie (writer), Scott Kolins
(artist), Molly Lazer, Andy Schmidt, & Aubrey Sitterson (assistant
editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Beyond#2-4 (October-December, 2006) - Dwayne McDuffie (writer),
Scott Kolins (artist), Molly Lazer & Aubrey
Sitterson (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Beyond#5-6 (January-February, 2006) - Dwayne McDuffie (writer),
Scott Kolins (artist), Molly Lazer & Aubrey
Sitterson (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11:
Stranger (January, 2010) - Ronald Byrd (writer), Jeff Christiansen,
Stuart Vandal, & Sean McQuaid (head writers/coordinators), Mike
Fichera, Madison Carter, Markus Raymond, & Mike O'Sullivan
(coordination assistants), Mike Zeck (artist), Jeff Youngquist &
Jennifer Grunwald
Astonishing Thor#1 (January, 2011) - Robert Rodi
(writer), Mike Choi (art), Charlie Beckerman (assistant editor), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Astonishing Thor#3 (April, 2011) - Robert Rodi
(writer), Mike Choi (art), Charlie Beckerman (assistant editor), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Astonishing Thor#5 (September, 2011) - Robert Rodi
(writer), Mike Choi (art), Charlie Beckerman (assistant editor), Ralph
Macchio (editor)
Avengers Assemble#7-8 (November-December, 2012) - Brian Michael Bendis
(writer), Mark Bagley (penciler), Danny Miki (inker), Jake Thomas
(assistant editor), Lauren Sankovitch (associate editor), Tom Brevoort
Howard the Duck VI#3 (March, 2016) - Chip Zdarsky (writer), Joe
Quinones (penciler), Joe Rivera (inker), Chris Robinson (assistant
editor), Wil Moss (editor)
Howard the Duck VI#4 (April, 2016) - Chip Zdarsky
(writer), Joe Quinones (penciler), Joe Rivera (inker), Chris Robinson
(assistant editor), Wil Moss (editor)
Avengers#2.1 (February, 2017) - Mark Waid (writer), Barry Kitson
(penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), Alanna Smith (assistant editor), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Thanos: The Infinity Ending (2019) - Jim Starlin (writer), Alan Davis (penciler), Mark Farmer (inker), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
First posted: 02/28/2020
Last updated: 12/14/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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