Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human magic user
Occupation: Cult leader, former member of the Hand
Group Membership: None; formerly the Church of the Sheltering Hands (Chen, Samuel Chung, the Eights, Nonefingers, Onehand, Lu Wei, others), the Hand
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Beast of the Hand, Blindspot (Samuel Chang), Daredevil (Matt Murdock), the the Fist, Hand, Billy Li, Muse, the Tongue of the Beast
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: China; formerly New York City, New York
First Appearance: Daredevil V#1 (February, 2016)
Powers/Abilities: Tenfingers drew magic from the Hand and their benefactor, the Beast, to give himself mystical abilities. After grafting stolen fingers from slain ninjas on to his own hands, Tenfingers could empower the natural skills of others, making them better and faster fighters, and he could influence the minds of others. Tenfingers also had limited skills in prophecy. Tenfingers also trained for a time as a ninja with the hand.
Height: 6'3" (by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
(Daredevil V#3 (fb) - BTS) - The man who would become Tenfingers was once a member of the Hand, but he quit their number, wanting to gain his own power. He discovered how to manipulate the energies of the Hand, and its Beast, by severing hands of its members, and he began grafting extra fingers on to his own hands.
(Daredevil V#4 (fb) - BTS) - The man drew upon the power of the Beast of the Hand to achieve greater skill in battle, greater influence over his enemies, and of prophecy. He had a vision of himself as a god leading people to salvation.
(Daredevil V#5 (fb) - BTS) - Tenfingers also had a vision of the Hand summoning the Fist, a massive demonic warrior, to attack him in the future.
(Daredevil V#2 (fb) - BTS) - An illegal immigrant on American shores, Tenfingers figured out how to manipulate the demonic energies used by the Hand to his own benefit, and he discovered how to use them to influence the minds and wills of others. Drawing dozens of illegal Asian immigrants around him, he set up the Church of the Sheltering Hands, and he began taking the fingers of his most loyal followers, who considered giving up their fingers to be a sign of honor and loyalty, and he promised them both salvation and protection in return. Now with ten fingers on each of his own hands, the cult leader called himself Tenfingers, and he made his most trusted advisors the Eights, a group of three trained warriors who were granted eight fingers on each of their hands. Some of his other church leaders were Nonefingers and Onehand. Tenfingers required his followers to give their all to the Church, and he began seeking legal status in the American courts for his church. Tenfingers began using extortion and murder to gain power, and he took over two gangs. One of his Eights, Lu Wei, asked Tenfingers to give a trusted position to her son, Sam Chung, and Tenfingers started trusting the boy. Tenfingers received word that one of his followers, Billy Li, was going to testify against him in court.
(Daredevil V#1 (fb) - BTS) - Tenfingers ordered Billy Li to be killed, and wanted direct confirmation of the death.
(Daredevil V#1) - Later, after getting the news that Billy was still alive, having been saved by Daredevil, Tenfingers ordered Sam to make sure Billy and his attorney Matt Murdock were killed in the courthouse.
(Daredevil V#2) - Tenfingers gave an inspiring speech to his followers, promising that they would soon triumph. Sam Chung returned from his mission at the courthouse with the severed fingers of Billy Li, but he hadn't killed Li or the attorney, claiming that stopping the trial would be better for the Church in the long run. Flanked by the Eights, Tenfingers expressed his disappointment to Chung but gave him another chance. Later, Tenfingers drained the life from Onehand and Nonefingers before Daredevil attacked, with the Hand right on his heels, there to reclaim their magics.
(Daredevil V#3) - Daredevil warned Tenfingers to take his followers and run, but Tenfingers claimed he'd foreseen how the fight would end, then he ordered the Eights to fight the Hand. Daredevil and Blindspot intervened, seeking to save lives, and the Hand soon fled. Tenfingers assured everyone in the church that the danger was over, despite Daredevil's warnings. Later, he showed up at Matt Murdock's office and introduced himself.
(Daredevil V#4 (fb) ) - Tenfingers alluded that he was a god and that he would do whatever it took to stop Murdock from coming after his church.
(Daredevil V#4) - Tenfingers assembled the church and gathered many donations, then he kissed Lu Wei in his private chambers, where Sam entered and asked to speak to his mother in private. Later, the Fist attacked.
(Daredevil V#5) - The Fist began slaughtering members of the Church, and Tenfingers announced it was his destiny to defeat it. Knowing that Sam Chung had just revealed himself as the hero Blindspot, Tenfingers said he would address that later. Tenfingers ordered the doors of the church locked, then he armed himself with guns to fight the creature. Tenfingers shot at the Fist, who hurled the corpses of other church members at him. To protect himself, Tenfingers threw some of his mystical energy at the living church members so the Fist would target them. Daredevil arrived, intervening in the battle. Fleeing and determined to start over elsewhere, Tenfingers ordered the Eights to kill the church members who had witnessed his defeat. Tenfingers was packing his bags to depart when someone attacked him, and Daredevil soon found Tenfingers hanging on a wall, all of his limbs severed.
(Daredevil V#13 (fb) - BTS) - The serial killer/artist Muse had been the one to attack Tenfingers.
(Daredevil V#27 (fb) - BTS) - The Beast of the Hand, in his temple in China, began resurrecting Tenfingers every night only to torture and kill him, and this went on for weeks.
(Daredevil V#27) - The Beast continued resurrecting, torturing, and killing Tenfingers, every night.
(Daredevil V#28 (fb) - BTS) - The Beast regularly conjured the Tongue, his own demon, to torture and kill Tenfingers.
(Daredevil V#28) - Tenfingers was kept on a chain as Daredevil was brought to the Beast, and he watched with the Hand, Lu Wei, and Blindspot as the Beast conjured the demonic Tongue of the Beast from his own form to consume Daredevil. Daredevil chose to fight back against the Tongue, and Tenfingers encouraged him to just lie down and be killed as it assured he would suffer less frequently when the Beast grew weary of him. Daredevil refused and fought back anyway, tirelessly battling the Tongue and a summoned Fist until Blindspot turned against the Beast. In the end, the Beast consumed Lu Wei and allowed Daredevil and Blindspot to escape. The Beast teleported his entire temple away, taking Tenfingers with him.
Comments: Created by Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney & Goran Sudzuka (artists).
Tenfingers was one of several very creepy super-villains introduced by Charles Soule to battle Daredevil. His hands are the things of nightmares.
Profile by Chadman.
Tenfingers should not be confused with:
(Daredevil V#2 (fb) - BTS) - An illegal immigrant on American shores, the man who would become known as Tenfingers figured out how to manipulate the demonic energies used by the Hand to his own benefit, and he discovered how to use them to influence the minds and wills of others. Drawing dozens of illegal Asian immigrants around him, he set up the Church of the Sheltering Hands, and he began taking the fingers of his most loyal followers, who considered giving up their fingers to be a sign of honor and loyalty. Now with ten fingers on each of his own hands, the cult leader called himself Tenfingers, and he made his most trusted advisors the Eights, a group of three trained warriors who were granted eight fingers on each of their hands. Some of his other church leaders were Nonefingers and Onehand. Tenfingers required his followers to give their all to the Church, and he began seeking legal status in the American courts for his church. One of his Eights, Lu Wei, asked Tenfingers to give a trusted position to her son, Sam Chung, and Tenfingers started trusting the boy. Tenfingers received word that one of his followers, Billy Li, was going to testify against him in court. (Daredevil V#1 (fb) - BTS) - Tenfingers ordered members of the Church to kill Billy Li (who was threatening to give testimony against him), and he wanted confirmation of the death. They threw Billy Li off the Manhattan Bridge into the river. (Daredevil V#1) - Daredevil leapt after Billy, saving him, and then he fought the Church members with Blindspot at his side. Later, the men delivered the news to Tenfingers that Li had escaped. Tenfingers ordered Onehand, Nonefingers, and Sam Chung to kill Li and his lawyer, Matt Murdock, in the courtroom the next day. (Daredevil V#2) - Tenfingers gave an inspiring speech to his followers, promising that they would soon triumph. Sam Chung returned from his mission at the courthouse with the severed fingers of Billy Li, but he hadn't killed Li or the attorney, claiming that stopping the trial would be better for the Church in the long run. Flanked by the Eights, Tenfingers expressed his disappointment to Chung but gave him another chance. Later, Tenfingers drained the life from Onehand and Nonefingers before Daredevil attacked, with the Hand right on his heels, there to reclaim their magics. (Daredevil V#3) - The Hand attacked the Church, while the Eights protected Tenfingers, and Daredevil and Blindspot fought to save as many lives as possible, and the Hand soon fled. (Daredevil V#4) - The church gathered its followers, many of them poor, and they continued making many donations. Later, the Fist attacked. (Daredevil V#5) - The First began slaughtering members of the Church. Tenfingers ordered the doors of the church locked, then he armed himself with guns to fight the creature. When overwhelmed, Tenfingers transferred some of his energy to the church members so the Fist would go after them instead. Daredevil arrived to fight the Fist as Blindspot got the members, including Mr. Chen, to safety. The Eights sought to kill them, but Blindspot battled them to a standstill until Lu Wei turned against the other Eights, killing them. --Daredevil V#1 ([Daredevil V#2 (fb)], [1 (fb)], 1-5 |
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(Daredevil V#5) - A member of the Church of the Sheltering Hands, Mr. Chen was among those who witnessed the failure of Tenfingers in combat against the Fist, a demon sent by the Hand. Blindspot got Chen and the others to safety. --Daredevil V#5 |
(Daredevil V#2 (fb) - BTS) - Members of the Church of the Sheltering Hands, the Eights are warriors and trusted advisors of Tenfingers himself, granted the blessing of eight fingers on each hand to show their status. One of the Eights, Lu Wei, encouraged Tenfingers to provide a place for her son, Samuel Chung, in the church. (Daredevil V#2) - When Chung returned from a mission having disobeyed Tenfingers' orders, the Eights stood by while Tenfingers chose to give him another chance. Later, the Eights watched Tenfingers drain the life from Onehand and Nonefingers, but then Daredevil and the Hand attacked. (Daredevil V#3) - Tenfingers asked Lu Wei and the Eights to defend the church against the Hand, and they went into battle, with Daredevil intervening, determined to save lives, and the Hand soon fled. (Daredevil V#5) - When the demonic Fist, sent by the Hand, attacked, Tenfingers failed against the creature, then he ordered his Eights to slaughter all the church members who had witnessed his failure. The Eights battled Blindspot until Lu Wei turned against them, killing the other two before departing. --Daredevil V#2 ([Daredevil V#2 (fb)], 2, 3, 5 |
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(Daredevil V#1 (fb) - BTS) - Wanting to leave the Church of the Sheltering Hands, Billy Li reached out to Matt Murdock at the district attorney's office, agreeing to testify against Tenfingers in exchange for protection. Murdock said he could put his friend Daredevil on the case. Tenfingers ordered the death of Billy Li, and wanted direct confirmation. (Daredevil V#1) - Members of the Church tied Billy up with cinderblocks attached to his legs, then threw him from the Manhattan Bridge into the river, but Daredevil dived in after him, cutting the ropes loose and saving him. After defeating the thugs, Daredevil took Billy to the home of Foggy Nelson to sleep and recover. Billy later showed up for a meeting with Murdock and he was hesitant to testify, but Murdock said he didn't have a choice. (Daredevil V#2) - Li was in the courthouse under police protection on the day of his testimony before the grand jury, but before he could speak, Sam Chung, Nonefingers, and members of the Church knocked out the guards and then severed several of Li's fingers, intimidating him into not testifying. Matt Murdock and Ellen King soon found Li there, and the trial was cancelled. --Daredevil V#1 ([Daredevil V#1 (fb)], Daredevil V#1, 2 |
(Daredevil V#1) - At the Church of the Sheltering Hands, Tenfingers ordered Onehand and Nonefingers to show out some of his followers who had disappointed him. Tenfingers ordered Onehand, Nonefingers, and Sam Chung to kill Li and his lawyer, Matt Murdock, in the courtroom the next day. (Daredevil V#2) - Nonefingers accompanied Sam to the courthouse, where they assaulted the guards inside then severed the fingers of Billy Li, intimidating him into refusing to testify. Back at the Church, Tenfingers, with his Eights, was furious with Chung for not following orders. Then Daredevil attacked, with the Hand attacking soon after. Later, Tenfingers drained the life out of Nonefingers and Onehand. Daredevil V#1 (Daredevil V#1-2 |
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(Daredevil V#1) - At the Church of the Sheltering Hands, Tenfingers ordered Onehand and Nonefingers to show out some of his followers who had disappointed him. Tenfingers ordered Onehand, Nonefingers, and Sam Chung to kill Li and his lawyer, Matt Murdock, in the courtroom the next day. (Daredevil V#2) - Tenfingers drained the life out of Nonefingers and Onehand. --Daredevil V#1 (Daredevil V#1-2 |
images: (without ads)
Daredevil V#4, p7 pan4 (in robe)
Daredevil V#1, p21, pan1 (Tenfingers, 2nd)
Daredevil V#4, p21, pan3 (the Church of the Sheltering Hands members)
Daredevil V#5, p12, pan3 (Mr. Chen)
Daredevil V#2, p12, pan1 (the Eights)
Daredevil V#1, p2, pan1 (Billy Li)
Daredevil V#1, p20, pan5 (Nonefingers)
Daredevil V#1, p20, pan5 (Onehand)
Daredevil V#1-3 (February-April, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Daredevil V#4 (April, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney, Goran Sudzuka (artists), Sana Amanat (editor)
Daredevil V#5 (May, 2016) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Sana Amanat (editor)
Daredevil V#26-28 (December, 2017-February, 2018) - Charles Soule (writer), Ron Garney (artist), Jordan White (editor)
First Posted: 02/11/2020
Last updated: 02/11/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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