Real Name: Roy Thomas
Identity/Class: Human (World War II era)
(possibly British?
- see comments)
Occupation: Military general/expert
Group Membership: The Army (possibly British
Army - see comments)
Affiliations: Sgt. Nick Fury
Enemies: Nazis
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Marvel Mini-Books: Sgt. Nick
Fury (1966)
Powers/Abilities: General Roy Thomas was a
decorated military officer, having earned the rank of general, and he
was also a military expert.
Height: Unrevealed (see comments)
Weight: Unrevealed (see
Eyes: Unrevealed (see comments)
Hair: Unrevealed (see comments)
History: (Marvel Mini-Books: Sgt. Nick Fury
(fb) - BTS) - War hero General Roy Thomas made a name for himself as a
military expert and became friends with Sgt. Nick Fury.
(Marvel Mini-Books: Sgt. Nick Fury) - While on a
mission, Gen. Thomas' plane was reported missing, prompting the London
newspapers to print a photo of Gen. Thomas, remarking on the general's
adventures and how his disappearance was a great loss. Weeks later,
Sgt. Nick Fury read a report from Nazi-occupied France that Thomas was
still alive and he began working with the French Underground to bring
Thomas back. After parachuting into France under cover of night
alongside his Howling Commandos squad, Sgt. Fury was greeted by
"General Roy Thomas" and Fury quickly noticed that "Thomas"' scar was
on the wrong side of his face. Suspecting a trap, Fury punched the
supposed "Thomas" and the Howling Commandos escaped a group of Nazis by
knocking several out and disguised themselves as Nazis. Once onboard a
plane to return to headquarters, one of the Howling Commandos asked how
Fury knew the mission was a trap and Fury revealed that the London
newspapers had earlier printed Thomas' photo in reverse and how the
Nazi agent posing as Thomas had his scar on the wrong side of his face
to match the misprinted photo. Explaining that Thomas' scar on the
right side of his face, Fury suspected that Nazis had intended to have
the imposter Thomas return to headquarters with the Howling Commandos
as a spy.
Comments: Created by an uncredited writer and artist (possibly Larry Lieber or Flo Steinberg and Marie Severin? - see comments).
The Marvel Mini-Books were VERY small comic books that were sold inside plastic eggs dispensed from gumball machines for a nickel in the 1960s. Each book was only about the size of a quarter and continued a basic story. Six Marvel Mini-Books were made, including the Amazing Spider-Man, the Mighty Thor, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America and surprise inclusions Sgt. Nick Fury and Millie the Model.
Since the comic featuring Gen. Roy Thomas was in black & white,
it was
impossible to determine his eye and hair color. Additionally, he was
only ever seen from the shoulders up and not next to any other
character so his height and weight were equally impossible to determine.
Profile by Proto-Man.
General Roy Thomas has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Mini-Books: Sgt. Nick Fury, p12, splash page (General Roy
Thomas, main image)
Marvel Mini-Books: Sgt. Nick Fury, p44, pan2 (General Roy Thomas, side
profile headshot)
Marvel Mini-Books: Sgt. Nick Fury (1966) - uncredited writer (possibly
Larry Lieber or Flo Steinberg?), uncredited artist (possibly Marie
Severin?), uncredited editor
First Posted: 01/18/2021
Last updated: 01/18/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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