Real Name: Brock Jones
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Football coach, super hero;
former vice-president of
Delmar Insurance Company, professional football player
Group Membership: "Defenders for a Day" (Black Goliath/Bill Foster, Captain Marvel/Mar-Vell, Captain Ultra/Griffin Gogol, Falcon/Sam Wilson, Havok/Alex Summers, Hercules/Heracles, Iron Fist/Danny Rand, Jack of Hearts/Jack Hart, Marvel Man/Wendell Vaughn, Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers, Nova/Richard Rider, Paladin, Polaris, Prowler/Hobie Brown, Son of Satan/Daimon Hellstrom, Stingray/Walt Newell, Tagak the Leopard Lord, White Tiger/Hector Ayala)
Affiliations: Amy, Mrs. Anderson, Aragorn, Brandy Clark/Starshine, Luke Cage, Brandy Clark, Jonathan Clark, Sarah Clark, Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Defenders (Hellcat/Patsy Walker, Hulk/Bruce Banner, Nighthawk/Kyle Richmond, Valkyrie/Brunnhilde), "Defenders for a Day" (Black Goliath/Bill Foster, Captain Marvel/Mar-Vell, Captain Ultra/Griffin Gogol, Falcon/Sam Wilson, Havok/Alex Summers, Hercules/Heracles, Iron Fist/Danny Rand, Jack of Hearts/Jack Hart, Marvel Man/Wendell Vaughn, Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers, Nova/Richard Rider, Paladin, Polaris, Prowler/Hobie Brown, Son of Satan/Daimon Hellstrom, Stingray/Walt Newell, Tagak the Leopard Lord, White Tiger/Hector Ayala), Dollar Bill (Aaron Tagma English), Frank, Franky, Steve Jackson, Kala, Kenny, Mack Killburn, Joy Meachum, Mikey, Mole Man, Moloids, Outcasts (Boulder, Digger, Landslide, Water Witch), Piney Plum, Rom, Jennie Royce, Starshine (Landra), Doc Stennis, Torpedo (Michael Stivak), Reverend Walker
Enemies: Chameleon, "Defenders" (Batroc the Leaper/Georges Batroc, Boomerang/Fred Myers, Joe the Gorilla, Libra LMD, Melter/Bruno Horgan, Pecos, Shocker/Herman Schultz, Toad/Mortimer Toynbee), Dire Wraiths, Dr. Dredd, Hybrid, Rocketeers (Wescott, others), Skrulls, Star Disc, Eugene Stivak
Known Relatives: Lorraine "Lorry"
Jones (wife), Daniel "Danny" Jones (son),
Ann "Annie" Jones (daughter), Tammy Helen "Nell" Jones (daughter), Maggie Jones
(sister), Suzy (sister-in-law), Phillip Jeffries (cousin), Michael "Mike" Jeffries (Turbo, cousin), Maggie Jeffries (cousin)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Clairton, West Virginia,
formerly New York City, New
York, USA
First Appearance: Daredevil I#126 (October,
Powers/Abilities: The Torpedo battlesuit was designed by the first Torpedo, Michael Stivak, using plans from Wraith technology and enhanced by human tech. Initially designed to defeat the Spaceknight Rom, the Torpedo suit was powered by nuclear-powered jet turbo units contained in the ankles and wrists of the body armor. Called turbines at times and rockets at others, these engines could allow Torpedo to fly at 2500 miles per hour for short bursts and far lower speeds for much longer times. The "turbo jets" allowed Torpedo to deliver "power punches" and Torpedo could control the output of strength, making him capable of delivering a small harmless blow to a human or a powerful blow that could knock through an armored aircraft or a small building. The Torpedo could redirect energy attacks and absorb massive amounts of radiation that he could then redirect. The Torpedo's visor was once altered to detect Dire Wraiths in their true forms.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
History: (Daredevil
I#126 (fb) – BTS) – Brock Jones was an
all-American hero, famously playing football as quarterback.
(Marvel Premiere I#40 (fb) – BTS) – Jones ran one
game on a
broken ankle, taking his team to victory.
(Rom I#22 (fb) – BTS) – Growing more famous, Jones
played as
quarterback in the Super Bowl.
(Daredevil I#126 (fb) – BTS) – After his early retirement, he used his prestige to get a job as vice president of an insurance company. Jones grew resentful about his boring and difficult life, thinking the world owed him fame and recognition.
(Defenders: Strange Heroes (fb) – BTS) – Brock worked at Delmar Insurance, where his sister Maggie also worked.
(Marvel Premiere I#39 (fb)) – Brock married
Lorraine (whom he
called Lorry), a former model, and they had two children, a son and a
(Rom I#21 (fb) – BTS) – Brock and Lorraine named
their son Danny.
(Daredevil I#126) – While working at his hated
job, Jones
rushed out to aid a kid who'd been nearly hit by a truck outside but
(whom Jones had just been resenting for his colorful life) saved the
man first, having just rushed by civilian Eddie.
Later, after working late, Jones boarded the elevator. When the
elevator door
opened, it distracted the Torpedo (Michael Stivak), who had been
fighting Daredevil. Rather than
kill an innocent with his already loaded wrist-blaster, the Torpedo
fired the
shot into the wall and the building came crashing down. Jones heard
moaning, dying from a crushed chest. Torpedo begged Jones for help and
whispered secrets into his ear before he died. Vowing to help the man,
put on the Torpedo costume just as Daredevil and the police closed in,
assuming Jones was the original Torpedo.
(Daredevil I#127 (fb) – BTS) – Jones contemplated
last words about wanting to clear his name by having Jones break into
family mansion to make sure there were no more Torpedo suit plans
(Daredevil I#127) – Jones tried explaining that he
innocent and had a different hair color than the first Torpedo, not
Daredevil couldn't see. Panicking, Jones hit the hero and blasted away.
Later, Jones
realized he was wanted for murder and in over his head but he loved
the rush
of being the hero again too much to give up. He left his job at Delmar
Insurance as Torpedo, determined to keep his promise. Torpedo searched
house after breaking in and the police began to gather. Daredevil
and as they sparred, Jones explained that he'd been trying to clear the
previous Torpedo's name. Daredevil didn't believe Jones and the two
across the city, soon punching through the wall of civilian Frank, a
black man
who lived with his wife and son, Amy and Kenny. They destroyed the
place before
realizing how far things had gone. Jones turned the suit plans over to
Daredevil and rushed out of there peacefully.
(Daredevil I#134 (fb) – BTS) – Jones returned to
his job at
Delmar Insurance.
(Daredevil I#134) – When Chameleon impersonated Thaddeus Smythe,
Smythe's driver Dooley,
in order to rob a jewelry store, he was chased by cops Franky and
Mikey. Jones
threw on his Torpedo costume, evading gunfire from the police, and
Chameleon. Daredevil soon attacked Torpedo, thinking he was the
villain, but
Torpedo convinced the hero to go after the robber instead. Chameleon
into a crowded store and Torpedo pursued him, determined to make
respect him again. Chameleon kept changing disguises, including into a
leading the crowd to believe Daredevil was assaulting an officer.
sparred with Chameleon, was chased off by the police again and then
Chameleon with Daredevil, rushing ahead to get all the glory from the
Chameleon posed as Torpedo himself, hoping to confuse Daredevil, but
the hero easily
exposed the criminal. After punching Chameleon out of one last
Daredevil rushed away, leaving Torpedo to deal with the police's arrest
of the
(Marvel Premiere I#39 (fb) – BTS) – Keeping his
new heroic
identity a secret from his family, Jones began practicing with the
suit, learning more about its controls and capabilities. He began
searching for
the Rocketeers gang.
(Marvel Premiere I#39) – Torpedo went hunting for
Rocketeers gang, unaware that they had been ordered to steal his
costume. After
a brief battle, he struggled with keeping the controls on his suit and
he went
home to his family, bringing his children Pet Rocks and telling his
wife about
his dissatisfaction with his job. After practicing more at being
Torpedo for
hours in the study, Jones went to bed with Lorry suspicious at secrets he
keeping. The next day at work at Delmar Insurance, after interacting
Lombardi, Torpedo went back on patrol at lunch. Wescott led the
Rocketeers into
attacking him again and the subsequent battle destroyed a store,
Jones of the family he had once put in danger. When the store manager
threatened to sue him, he gave her insurance advice then flew away.
knowing they were luring him into a trap, followed the Rocketeers into
a battle
at the nuclear power plant, accidentally putting the reactor in danger
over-heating. Suspecting the Rocketeers were after him, Torpedo confirmed they
were after his suit as the man who had designed his suit had also
designed theirs.
Meanwhile, Lorry got stomach pains and went to the doctor, where she
she was pregnant.
(Marvel Premiere I#40) – Torpedo managed to channel the nuclear energy of the reactor into his suit but when he expelled it, it destroyed the entire plant. Cops arrived, including Lorenzo, and opened fire on him but he rushed home, where he found his sister-in-law Suzy watching the kids. Jones researched and realized Senator Eugene Stivak was behind the Rocketeers. He used his former celebrity status as Jones to get a meeting with Stivak, offering to support his campaign over a steak dinner then that night, he snuck back in as Torpedo to get the truth about the first Torpedo who, as it turned out, thought the Rocketeer suits were inferior designs and stole his uncle Stivak's plans to build the Torpedo suit as a foreign double agent. The Rocketeers attacked anew and Torpedo was soon captured. Unable to get his costume off, Stivak strapped Torpedo to a device that electrocuted him. Once Torpedo escaped, he accidentally threw Stivak into the self-destuct computer and the building soon blew up, leaving Torpedo thinking the villains were dead, though Stivak survived, planning revenge. He returned home and Lorry, now a redhead, told him she was pregnant.
(Defenders I#62 (fb) – BTS) – Torpedo saw a television ad put out by Dollar Bill about the Defenders seeking new members.(Marvel Team-Up I Annual#3 (fb) – BTS) – Joy
Meachum, of the
Rand-Meachum Corporation, worked with Delmar Insurance on securing
computer equipment to Chicago. Jones set up several decoy missions
contacted Jennie Royce, secretary at Heroes for Hire, offering three
times the
payment to have Luke Cage and Iron Fist deliver the chip to Chicago.
(Marvel Team-Up I Annual#3) – Meachum watched
Jones meet
with the Heroes for Hire to set up the mission. While they protected
component from being robbed, it ended up getting broken anyway.
(Rom I#21 (fb) – BTS) – Lorry gave birth to Brock's daughter
(Rom I#21 (fb)) – The Rocketeers found out
Torpedo's real
identity and attacked him at his home. He fought back but when he
them, they turned to dust. He realized he was a murderer.
(Rom I#21 (fb) BTS) – Feeling he needed to run and
have a
new beginning, he quit his job at Delmar Insurance and took one as the
high school coach in Clairton, West Virginia. He told Lorry it would make him
despite there being less money.
(Rom I#21) – Brock took Lorraine and the three
children to
Clairton, driving all night to get there. They met Steve Jackson and moved
into their new home. Locals introduced themselves, including Reverend
and the Clark family (Sarah, Jonathan and Brandy). After tucking the
kids into
bed, Brock went for a long walk as Lorry worried about him. He
wondered how he
had put his family in danger. Just then, he saw a flying being in the
sky, Rom,
and, assuming it was a Rocketeer, he blasted into the air and attacked.
about doing property damage, Torpedo took the fight over the football
field and
he powered up a blast, determined to kill Rom. When Rom stood still,
fighting back, Torpedo discharged the blast and ended up making friends
the alien hero. Rom explained that he had battled Dire Wraiths, who
to ash when killed, and Torpedo realized that not only had the
Rocketeers he
had killed been Dire Wraiths but the aliens may very well have been
Stivak and the design of his suit. Rom asked Torpedo to watch over
while he went off on a mission. Meanwhile, at Delmar Insurance, the
Wraiths found a letter from Lorry with Brock's new address on it
addressed to
Maggie and were determined to go after him.
(Rom I#22 (fb) – BTS) – Rom began training Torpedo
as his
(Rom I#22) – On the first day of his new job,
Jones went
jogging but found milkman Piney Plum in an accident. Jones took Plum to
home and then called over people from the town, including the Clarks,
Reverend, Steve Jackson and Rom. Lorry was confused until Jones
revealed that
he was the Torpedo, why they had moved to Clairton and about Rom and
the Dire
Wraiths. The Rocketeers attacked the school, putting Torpedo's children
(who he
called Tammy and Danny here) in danger. Rom and Torpedo battled the
who were revealed as Dire Wraiths, at the high school. With memories of
his old
football victories in his mind, Torpedo realized his jet-punches killed
aliens. Trying to protect his kids, Torpedo was briefly wounded but Rom
him, finishing off the Rocketeers. His super hero identity now known by
entire town of Clairton, Torpedo agreed to watch the city while Rom
went to
check on his home planet of Galador.
(Rom I#23) – Out on patrol and worried about his
ability to
live up to Rom's expectations, Torpedo rushed to interrupt a mugging
but a
strange mist made the criminal and victim act like friends. Lorry (who
like Brock being Torpedo) saw the same mist calm baby Nell down.
(Rom I#24) – Returning home from patrol, Torpedo
saw Lorry
panicking about all three of the kids being sick; she had summoned Doc
to tend to them. Jones rushed upstairs and found all the kids smiling
and well
as a mist rolled out of the room. Lorry screamed that the kids weren't
themselves and Jones noticed that they seemed listless.
(Rom I#25) – Brandy Clark and Steve Jackson rushed
over to
the Jones' home, panicked to see the fog inside of it as well. Brock
Lorraine were also mesmerized.
(Rom I#26) – Steve Jackson and Brandy Clark were
taken by
the mesmerized people of Clairton, including the Jones family, to the
mine, where a group of Dire Wraiths revealed they had used the
sorcerous Star
Disc to mesmerize the entire town. They took over Brandy and Steve as
then sent the humans into stasis in the old mine. The Dire Wraiths then
the forms of the humans and waited for Rom to return.
(Rom I#27) – Torpedo and the others got control of
wills again but found themselves trapped in a white stasis cell with
the Dire
Wraiths sending them food periodically. Torpedo felt like a failure and
himself unable to escape.
(Rom I#28 (fb) – BTS) – Hearing about the people
of Clairton
being trapped, Mole Man led his forces in that direction and had his
dig through the white stasis cell. The people of Clairton allied with
Mole Man
and those of his kingdom, including his queen Kala and the
super-powered team,
the Outcasts (Boulder, Digger, Landslide, Water Witch).
(Rom I#28 – BTS) – The Moloids began pulling some
of the
Dire Wraiths in Clairton down under the ground, where Torpedo helped
(Rom I#28) – Rom and his ally Starshine returned
from space
and ended up battling the Outcasts before realizing they were allies.
He heard
everything that had happened with the Brocks and Clairton. A few Dire Wraiths killed Starshine
before Rom
banished them to Limbo.
(Rom I#29) – At the funeral for Starshine, Brock
over his family as Rom grieved, firing upon the corpse of Starshine in
order to
release the essence of light contained in her armor. Jones was feeling
everything was his fault but the others reassured him and they
wondered if
they could equip his Torpedo visor with Wraith-detecting equipment.
(Rom I#30 (fb) – BTS) – The men at Brandy Clark's
company updated
Torpedo's visor to include Wraith-detecting technology and needed Rom to
activate the tech.
(Rom I#30) – Torpedo and his family joined with
the Clarks,
Steven and Rom at Christmas time. Rom activated Torpedo's technology,
him that it might be more of a curse than a blessing, and Torpedo
checked the people in the room. Ignoring the kids when they said they
saw a
spaceship outside, Torpedo and Lorry put the children to bed. Torpedo
patrolling with Rom, asking about his feelings for Brandy, and then
they split
up. Checking out the old Marks' farm, Torpedo found something that
(Rom I#31) – At the farm, Hybrid manifested
himself and
easily batted aside Torpedo's attacks, including a thrown pitchfork.
(Rom I#32 (fb)) – Hybrid walked away, leaving
collapsed in the snow.
(Rom I#32) – Jones went home to his family.
Recovering, with
his head wrapped in bandages, he told them, Brandy, Steve and Rom
about the
attack and reporter Mack Killburn entered, becoming a new ally. As Rom
off to battle Hybrid, Jones, frustrated with himself, found he was too
(Rom I#33) – Jones, using a crutch, felt
frustrated with his
injuries as Rom flew overhead. His wife and children encouraged him.
(Contest of Champions I#1) – Torpedo was among the
dozens of
heroes selected from Earth to participate in the Contest of Champions
but he
was ultimately not chosen for the fight.
(Rom I#37 (fb)) – Out on patrol, Torpedo saw
Brandy at the
grave of Starshine.
(Rom I#37) – Still patrolling, Torpedo told Steve
seeing Brandy.
(Rom I#40) – Having followed Steve, Torpedo found
that Steve
and Brandy were the captives of the Wraith warlock, Dr. Dredd. Torpedo
Dredd and was winning until Brandy, now with the powers of Starshine
and under
the control of Dredd, defeated him.
(Rom I#41) – Torpedo grabbed Steve and fled from
Dr. Dredd
and Starshine/Brandy. When Starshine opened fire on civilians, Torpedo
was shot
down from the air and crashed to the ground, full of thoughts about how
he was
letting everyone down. Dredd and Starshine went away as Steve tended to
Torpedo, seeing if he was okay.
(Rom I#42) - Brandy's father arrived on the scene and was told by Torpedo and Steve how his daughter had been turned into Starshine to kill Rom.
(Incredible Hulk II#279) – Torpedo attended a
celebrating the Hulk alongside many other heroes.
(Rom I#49) – Jones coached the football team at
the high
school when he saw Rom and Starshine (with Brandy now in control) return.
reported that things had been quiet for Torpedo lately as he put on the
costume, stating that his visor hadn't detected a single Dire Wraith.
Starshine and Torpedo greeted happy civilians, including Mrs.
Anderson. Rom
tried scanning Mr. and Mrs. Clark but they protested and Torpedo
assured Rom
that his visor showed them as normal. Rom and Starshine soon exposed
civilians however, including the Clarks and Steve, as Dire Wraiths, and
realized the humans had been murdered and the Wraiths had taken their
(Rom I#50) – Determined to retire his super hero
once and for all now that Rom was back, the unaware Torpedo went to visit the
Clarks and
inside, many civilians revealed to him that they were actually Dire
and had been clouding his mind with sorcery, preventing him from seeing
Torpedo killed several of the Wraiths but then one killed him and
assumed his
form and memories. At home with Lorry and the kids, the Wraith
Jones was soon killed by Skrulls.
(New Warriors I#73 (fb) - BTS) - After Brock's
death, Lorry took the kids and went into hiding. She sent the Torpedo
suit to his cousin, Phillip Jeffries, in a box and it eventually ended
up in the hands of Mike Jeffries. Years later, Mike and his friend
Michiko Musashi would share the duties of wearing the suit as the
heroes Turbo.
Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman, Bob Brown and Klaus Janson.
Torpedo received a profile in Defenders: Strange Heroes.
Brock Jones had a daughter who was called both Tammy and
Annie (Annie first, chronologically) and his wife was called Lorraine,
Lorrain and Lorry. He was a pretty whiny character overall, walking around
moping about personal responsibility and how he could never do enough and never
be happy. His death was a big surprise, given this era of comics, in a storyline
that killed off several major characters in Clairton.
The Turbo armor was later acquired by Mike Jeffries and Mickey Musashi, who wore it to fame in the New Warriors.
Profile by Chadman.
Torpedo should not be confused with:
(Daredevil I#134) – Dooley the chauffer took his boss Thaddeus Smythe out shopping. Coughing due to some gas in the car, Dooley didn't realize Chameleon had knocked out his boss in order to rob a jewelry store. When he found Smythe tied up, Dooley was shocked then Chameleon hit him in the head with a briefcase and fled as Dooley called for the police.
--Daredevil I#134
(Daredevil I#126) – Eddie and his girlfriend saw Daredevil showing off in the streets.
--Daredevil I#126
(Daredevil I#127) – Frank, a black civilian living with his wife Amy and son Kenny was watching television when a battle between Daredevil and Torpedo (Brock Jones) caved in the wall of his home. As the home was destroyed, Amy cried out for them to stop and the heroes finally realized what damage they had caused.
--Daredevil I#127
(Daredevil I#134) – After hearing cries from chauffer Dooley that a criminal had robbed his boss Thaddeus Smythe cops Franky and Mikey pursued the criminal, who was the Chameleon in disguise. When Torpedo (Brock Jones) intervened, the cops recognized him and opened fire on Torpedo, then on Daredevil when he showed up, having heard the hero was responsible for the deaths of cops in a fake news report. Franky and Mikey pursued the heroes into a crowd, but they fled again, going after Chameleon. Daredevil fled from them again as the police came to arrest Chameleon, who was defeated at the feet of Torpedo.
--Daredevil I#134(Daredevil I#134) – When the rich old man Thaddeus Smythe went out shopping with his chauffer Dooley, Chameleon knocked him out with a gas attack and left him tied up in his own car. Posing as Smythe, Chemeleon robbed a jewelry store and was soon pursued by police.
--Daredevil I#134
images: (without ads)
Defenders: Strange Heroes, p60, Torpedo, main image (main)
Daredevil I#127, p8, pan3 (face)
Daredevil I#127, p8, pan5 (flying)
Rom I#50, p5, pan1 (2nd flying image)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition I#20, Torpedo entry (death)
Daredevil I#134, p4, pan2 (Dooley)
Daredevil I#126, p1, pan1 (Eddie)
Daredevil I#127, p9, pan4 (Frank, Amy, Kenny)
Daredevil I#134, p5, pan2 (Franky and Mikey)
Daredevil I#134, p4, pan4 (Thaddeus Smythe)
Daredevil I#126-127 (October-November, 1975) – Marv Wolfman
(writer/editor), Bob Brown (penciler), Klaus Janson (editor)
Daredevil I#134 (June, 1976) – Marv Wolfman (writer/editor),
Bob Brown (penciler), Jim Mooney (inker)
Marvel Premiere I#39 (December, 1977) – Marv Wolfman
(writer/editor), Bob Brown (penciler), Al Milgrom (inker)
Marvel Premiere I#40 (February, 1978) – Marv Wolfman, Bill
Mantlo (writers), Bob Brown (penciler), Al Milgrom, Allen Weiss (inkers),
Archie Goodwin (editor)
Defenders I#62-63 (August, 1978) – David Kraft (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Jim Mooney (inker), Bob Hall (editor)
Defenders I#64 (September, 1978) - David Kraft (writer), Sal Buscemi (penciler), Don Perlin (inker), Bob Hall (editor)
Marvel Team-Up I Annual#3 (November, 1980) – Roger Stern
(writer), Herb Trimpe (penciler), Mike Esposito, Bruce D. Patterson, Frank
Springer, Al Milgrom, Dave Humphreys, Joe Rubinstein (inkers), Dennis O’Neil
Rom I#21-23 (August-October, 1981) – Bill Mantlo (writer),
Sal Buscema (penciler), Joe Sinnott (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Rom I#24 (November, 1981) – Bill Mantlo, Mark Gruenwald
(writers), Sal Buscema (penciler), Joe Sinnott (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Rom I#25-28 (December, 1981-March, 1982) – Bill Mantlo
(writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Joe Sinnott (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Rom I#29 (April, 1982) – Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema
(penciler), Chic Stone, Mike Esposito, Frank Giacoia, Al Milgrom, Rick Magyar
(inkers), Al Milgrom (editor)
Rom I#30-33 (May-August, 1982) – Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal
Buscema (penciler), Joe Sinnott (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions I#1 (June, 1982) –
Mark Gruenwald, Steven Grant, Bill Mantlo (writers), John Romita Jr (penciler),
Pablo Marcos (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Rom I#37 (December, 1982) – Bill
Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Ian Akin, Brian Garvey (inkers), Ann
Nocenti (editor)
Rom I#40-41 (March-April, 1983) – Bill
Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Ian Akin, Brian Garvey (inkers), Ann
Nocenti (editor)
Rom I#42 (May, 1983) – Bill
Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Ian Akin, Brian Garvey (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#279 (January, 1983) – Bill Mantlo (writer),
Mark Gruenwald (penciler), Greg LaRocque (inker), Al Milgrom, Ann Nocenti
Rom I#49 (December, 1983) – Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal
Buscema (penciler), Ian Akin, Brian Garvey (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Rom I#50 (January, 1984) – Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema
(penciler), Ian Akin, Brian Garvey (inkers), Bob Harras (editor)
New Warriors I#73 (July, 1996) - Evan Skolnick, Dwight Coye (writers),
Patrick Zircher (penciler), Andrew Pepoy (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Defenders: Strange Heroes (January, 2012) - various writers, Jeff Youngquist (editor)
First Posted: 11/21/2018
Last updated: 01/02/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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