Real Name: None
Identity/Class: Terrestrial magical construct
Occupation: Trash monster
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Squirrel Girl
(Doreen Green);
formerly Morgan le Fey
Enemies: Beavan, Emulator (Ember Quade),
Inferno (Dante Pertuz), Iso (Xiaoyi Chen), Morgan le Fey,
Ms. America (America Chavez), Quake (Daisy Johnson), Robb, Spider-Man
(Peter Parker), Squirrel
Girl (Doreen Green), Tippy-Toe;
formerly Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Squirrel Girl
(Doreen Green)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Hudson River outside New
Attilan, New York City, New York, USA
First Appearance: (unidentified): Marvel
Rising I#3 (July, 2019);
(identified): Marvel Rising I#4 (August, 2019)
Powers/Abilities: Morgan le Fey used the Eye of Igraine to power her magic and then she animated a giant pile of trash into a monster form, sending it to attack her foes. Called Treshie, the trash monster was able to alter its size and shape, forming long arms and a giant mouth as it lashed out. Treshie operated well underwater but did poorly in the air. After evolving a bit, Treshie seemed to take on the entire essence and energy of the Hudson River, growing resentful of humans for polluting it. Eager for friends, it demonstrated the ability to communicate telepathically with Squirrel Girl. In his sentient water form, Treshie can manipulate or fire blasts of water.
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eyes: None
Hair: None
History: (Marvel Rising I#4
(fb)) - In the waters of the Hudson River outside New Attilan in New
York City, Morgan le Fey used her magic, enhanced by the artifact the
Eye of Igraine, to animate all of the trash underwater, joining it
together in the form of a sentient green monster. She then sent it to
attack the heroes who had been fighting her in New Attilan.
(Marvel Rising I#3) - The trash
monster attacked New Attilan, seeing the heroes Squirrel Girl,
Tippy-Toe, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Ms. America, Quake, Emulator and Iso
(Marvel Rising I#4) - The heroes struggled in their
battle with the monster, who they called Treshie, and who was resistant
to injury while capable of inflicting massive damage. Treshie led the
fight underwater, where the heroes were overwhelmed, but soon Ms.
America flew underneath the water and lifted Treshie outside into the
air, where it was vulnerable. Ms. America slammed Treshie into the
walls of New Attilan, breaking part of the city, then Spider-Man webbed
Treshie's mouth closed. Morgan le Fey attacked the heroes again. (Marvel Rising I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Treshie continued
attacking the heroes, destroying parts of New Attilan. (Marvel Rising I#5) - Treshie sank in the water,
where it grabbed Ms. Marvel. Squirrel Girl dove in to save her. Treshie
began communicating with Squirrel Girl telepathically, revealing the
essence of the Hudson River was within him. Treshie revealed he once
remembered Ms. Marvel saving a teen from drowning in the Hudson then it
confessed it didn't trust humans because of their pollution and
disregard for the river. Squirrel Girl convinced Treshie to bring Ms.
Marvel and herself to the surface and she promised to return to make
peace with Treshie later. Back on the surface, Treshie told Morgan le
Fey that he no longer worked with her and that he sided with the
humans, and he fired a blast of water at her when she tried to assert
control over him and this freed the humans Beavan and Robb from her
control. After Morgan le Fey escaped, Treshie made peace with the
heroes and returned to the Hudson River. Squirrel Girl made plans to
seek him out soon to ask his advice on recycling programs.
Comments: Created by Nilah Magruder, Roberto Di Salvo, and Georges Duarte.
Treshie started out as a talking pile of trash then he was suddenly the essence of the Hudson River in trash form. So, in a way, he could be considered to be BTS in every appearance of the Hudson River.
Profile by Chadman.
First Posted: 08/08/2020
Last updated: 08/08/2020
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