tyrant-worldship-military protectors-impaledunidentified race
(Tyrant's worldship's military protectors)

Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race 

Location/Base of Operations: At least formerly Tyrant's worldship;
    their planet of origin is unrevealed;

Known Members: None identified

Affiliations: Tyrant used them as military protectors of his Worldship after enslaving their race

Enemies: Tyrant;
    indirectly Thanos and everyone who opposed Tyrant in the conflict involving Thanos, including Air-Walker, Beta Ray Bill,
Ganymede, Jack of Hearts, Legacy (Genis-Vell), Morg, Terrax

First Appearance: Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3 (November, 1995)

Powers/Abilities: Tyrant's worldship's military protectors' abilities are unrevealed.

    Presumably, they were skilled warriors with some degree of physical prowess, such as superhuman strength and durability; however, their abilities were never demonstrated. They were described as having a dense physiology, such that a fatal penetration of their body retained the exact form of the penetrating object.

    They were no match for Tyrant.

    Like most beings of semi-humanoid organic structure, removal of one's heart was fatal, and their bodies froze in space.

    They have sharp teeth, elongated tongues, and their fingers, at least, ended in sharp points. They had sharp fins or plates running from the top of their heads down the middle of their backs.

    Only male forms were shown, but they were specifically noted as male, presumably indicating that females exist as well.

Traits: The race that served as Tyrant's worldship's military protectors presumably had traits such as discipline, courage, ability to follow orders, etc.

Type:  Bilaterally symmetric semi-humanoid reptilian bipeds
: Two (on head; eye color not clearly seen)
: Four (plus opposing thumb)
: Unrevealed
Skin color: Orange
Average height: Approximately 7-8' (they looked smaller than the 10' tall Tyrant, but they weren't dwarfed by him)
Average weight: Approximately 300-600 lbs.

tyrant-worldship-military protectors-corpse (
Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3 (fb) - BTS) - An unidentified race was enslaved by the powerful Tyrant and brought aboard his Worldship, where they were appointed military protectors.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3 (fb)) - Following Thanos' theft of Tyrant's cosmic energy sphere, Tyrant punished the race the race he had appointed military protectors of his worldship. He tore the hearts out of every male and threw their body husks into space.

    One of these frozen cadavers was found by the extradimensional entity Jakar, who had recently returned to Universe-616. Jakar found that the victim's dense physiology had retained a perfect mold of the fist that had burned its his chest cavity.

    From this Jakar made a casting of Tyrant's hand.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3) - Transported to Tyrant's Worldship and given the casting of Tyrant's hand by Jakar, Ganymede and Persephone opened the vault containing Tyrant's cosmic power sphere.

Comments: Created by Michael Gallagher and Sandu Florea.

    Thanks to Loki for providing the images while I was evacuated from Hurricane Dorian.

    I don't no whether these guys appeared in the previous Cosmic Powers series...if so, I'll have to add that stuff when I get home.

Profile by Snood.

This unindentified race should be distinguished from:

tyrant-worldship-military%20protectors-tyrant-castcast of Tyrant's hand

 (Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3 (fb)) - Following Thanos' theft of Tyrant's cosmic energy sphere, Tyrant punished the race the race he had appointed military protectors of his worldship. He tore the hearts out of every male and threw their body husks into space.

    One of these frozen cadavers was found by the extradimensional entity Jakar, who had recently returned to Universe-616. Jakar found that the victim's dense physiology had retained a perfect mold of the fist that had burned its his chest cavity.

    From this Jakar made a casting of Tyrant's hand.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3) - Transported to Tyrant's Worldship and given the casting of Tyrant's hand by Jakar, Ganymede and Persephone opened the vault containing Tyrant's cosmic power sphere.

    This awakened Tyrant, who sought out the thieves, but Jakar had already teleported them, Jack of Hearts, and the cosmic sphere back to his ship, which swiftly dimensionally-traversed numerous galaxies from that location to avoid Tyrant's wrath.

--Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3

images: (without ads)
Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3, pg. 11, panel 2 (cast of Tyrant's hand);
          panel 3 (Tyrant tearing out alien's heart);
          panel 4 (alien cadaver floating in space)

Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3 (November, 1995) -
Michael Gallagher (writer), Sandu Florea (artist), Joe Andreani (assistant editor), Mark Gruenwald (editor)

First posted: 09/04/2019
Last updated: 09/04/2019

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!

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