of Reality-666
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional / Alternate Reality (Earth-666) magic-user; possible zombie
Occupation: God-like being
Group Membership: Likely part of a group of Celestials
Affiliations: Avengers of the Undead ("Black Widow," Brother Voodoo, "Captain America,"
"Daredevil," "Hawkeye," Man-Spider (Peter Parker), "Punisher," Thor the Accursed, Wolverine (Logan));
it presumably had some past or present association with Shuma-Gorath, but even that is speculation
Enemies: Beast-616 (Hank McCoy), Captain Britain-616 (Brian Braddock), Hawkeye-616 (Clinton Barton)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Hawkeye called it a "nut"
Base of Operations: Shuma-Gorath's Ego Maze, Reality-666
First Appearance: Secret Avengers#33 (December, 2012)
Powers/Abilities: As a Celestial, it
presumably had vast abilities to manipulate energy, rearrange or
transmute matter, and travel across or warp space, etc. It likely was
virtually immortal and indestructible (although it seemed to missing a
chunk of armor over its right forearm)
As an undead being, its powers were somewhat magical in nature, and it seemed to be surrounded by various spirit forms. It could also project presumably vengeful spirits from its eyes.
Armed with the Orb of Necromancy, it hoped/planned to spread undeath to the ends of reality.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 2000'; the standard height for most Celestials)
Weight: Unrevealed (most Celestials seemed to be energy within
their armor, whereas the Undead Celestial appeared to be a reanimated
semi-humanoid being)
Eyes: Apparently solid red
Hair: None (or possibly sparse black hair over his head)
Avengers#33 (fb) - BTS) - The Undead Celestial was worshipped by the Avengers of the Undead.
Avengers#35 (fb) - BTS) - Following this, Brian Braddock (Captain
Britain) went through his father's files and found that James Braddock,
Sr. had borrowed Merlyn's Orb of Necromancy to give the spark of true
life to the automatons he had helped create.
(Secret Avengers#33 (fb) - BTS) - To prevent Father from obtaining the Orb of Necromancy (which he might use to grant true life to more of his Descendants), Captain Britain hid it with the Avengers of the Undead on Earth-666, telling them never to release it.
(Secret Avengers#33 (fb) - BTS) - Brother Voodoo hid the Orb within Shuma-Gorath's Ego Maze with the Undead Celestial; to recover it, one must journey into the Center Tower, where a living man could die of introspection.
Comments: Created by Rick Remender and Andy Kuhn.
Nothing has been revealed of the Undead Celestial's origins. We can only speculate on whether it had origins similar to Reality-616's Celestials (which are largely unrevealed) or whether it somehow achieved its current power/status by other means, perhaps by feeding on an existing Celestial...Comments: Created by Rick Remender and Andy Kuhn.
Profile by Snood.
The Undead Celestial should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Secret Avengers#33, pg. 12, panel 1 (confronts Captain Britain and Hawkeye; face detail);
#34, pg. 10, panel 1 (full, shadowed);
panel 4 (eye blast, close);
pg. 11, panel 1 (eye blast, distant, ghosts)
Secret Avengers#33 (December, 2012) - Rick Remender (writer), Andy Kuhn (artist), Jake Thomas (assistant editor), Tom Brevoort with Lauren Sankovitch (editors)
Secret Avengers#34-36 (January-March, 2013) - Rick Remender (writer), Matteo Scalera (artist), Jake Thomas(assistant
editor), Tom Brevoort with Lauren Sankovitch (editors)
First posted: 03/21/2019
Last updated: 03/21/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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