Membership: None identified
Purpose: Challenging those who wished to claim the Sword of
Hyborian era
Aliases: None
Affiliations: Connection to the Elder Gods (see comments);
if the Sword of Strength is an incarnation of the
Sword of Bone, then they would be affiliated with Oshtur to some extent
Enemies: Conan, Noyo, all previous challengers
Base of Operations: A graveyard in an unidentified region in the Black Kingdoms (see comments), the expanse of lands south of Kush in the Hyborian era
First Appearance: Conan the Barbarian I#128 (November, 1981)
Giant in stature (perhaps 15' tall), the Warriors are superhumanly
strong and durable. They were unharmed by conventional swords, even when wielded
by one as strong as Conan.
Despite their size, they were swift enough to side step an onrushing, seasoned warrior.
The Warriors wielded longswords and/or rocky maces, weapons befitting their great size.
They had limited intelligence and were fairly single-minded in their
goal of fighting off attackers seeking the Sword.
They were described as immortal, but it is unclear if they continued to
exist as guardians until being slain by the Sword of Strength or
whether they were restored after such a death to again serve the Elder
Gods (see comments) again.
The Warriors of Eternity rested in graves surrounding the Sword of
Strength until someone arrived and sought to claim it.
the Barbarian I#129) - The Warriors of Eternity were all once human
warriors who had sought to claim the Sword of Strength, one of the
Cornerstones of Creation, created by the Elder Gods (see comments).
Failing to overcome (and presumably being slain by) the existing Warriors (see comments),
they each became one of the Warriors of Eternity, immense, virtually
immortal zombie-like creatures serving as guardians of the Sword.
the Barbarian I#128 - BTS) - Under duress to recover the Cornerstones
of Creation for the wizard Pau-Styss in order to save her husband,
Laynnen, the Priestess of the Elder Gods Noyo transported herself,
Conan, and her son, Dreeme, to the Black Kingdoms a short distance from
the Warrior's graveyard.
Noyo's powers shielded the three visitors from
the dinosaur-like creatures that inhabited that region.
the Barbarian I#128) - As the trio arrived at the graveyard surrounding
the Sword of Strength, Conan, overwhelmed by the palpable energy
charging the area and ignoring the gravestones, rushed forward to claim
the Sword.
However, as Noyo warned him of the threat, the Warriors of
Eternity began to emerge from their graves. 
the Barbarian I#129) - As Conan drew his sword and rushed the giants,
one side-stepped his initial charge and then, unharmed by a second
sword-swipe to the shin, swatted him back into a tombstone, dazing him.
At Noyo's urging that her magicks were useless
against these creatures and that the Sword of Strength could only be
won by strength, Conan charged the warrior anew.
When Noyo urged him to
reach the Sword as it was the key to victory, Conan leapt past the
Warriors and raced to the Sword. With supreme effort he pulled the
immense Sword from its sheathe, after which it shrunk to fit his frame.
Noyo noted how the Elder Gods had rewarded Conan
after he had proven himself worthy of the Sword and that, backed by
their power, nothing could bar his way.
As even their feeble minds could sense that the
balance of power had shifted, the Warriors hesitated, and Conan rushed
forward, swiftly gaining confidence in the Sword's power and using it
to hack into the Warriors.
Though they initially felt under Conan's assaults,
the Warriors rallied and surrounded him anew. Calling on the war-cry of
his Cimmerian tribe, Conan attacked savagely, slashing at the Warriors
As he progressively dismembered and/or felled the
Warriors, Conan achieved union with the Sword, accessing the Elder
God's power and becoming the embodiment of strength. Against such
power, the Warriors were slaughtered.
Conceding defeat, the Warriors returned to the ground from which they had crawled.
the Barbarian I#129 - BTS) - With the Warriors having failed at their
goal of protecting the Sword of Strength, the vengeance of the Elder
Gods would be great.
Comments: Created by J.M. DeMatteis and Gil
The region of the Black Kingdoms in which the
Warriors of Eternity dwelled was apparently the same region in which
Conan had ruled as war-chief of the Bamulas.
If each of the Warriors of Eternity was once a
human seeking the Sword of Strength, then it would logically follow
that there was once a first warrior to seek the Sword, and what stopped
him (I'd say or her, but they were all males) is unrevealed.
- Perhaps the initial challenge was just the drawing of the immense
Sword from its sheathe (which took all of the mighty Conan's strength),
and that warrior failed that and became the first Warrior of Eternity,
with subsequent challengers either being slain by the Warriors or
failing to unsheathe the Sword.
- Or maybe there was some other initial challenge, with the
Warriors becoming the new challenge only after a sufficient number of
them were accumulated?
- Or maybe the Elder Gods' magic allowed them to magically bypass
temporal limitations, such that there was a group of Warriors of
Eternity even first human sought and failed to claim the Sword.
Elder Gods
- In the past, we have always considered the Elder Gods of
the Hyborian Age (never specifically named and sometimes referred
to as the Primal Gods and the Creation-Lords) to be distinct from the
true Elder Gods (Chthon, Gaea, Oshtur,
and Set; with others having long since perished) and to possibly be the major gods mentioned elsewhere in the Conan series: Crom,
Mitra, Asura, and Set..."
- However, the Mystic Arcana series included the
Cornerstones of Creation (created by the Elder Gods of the Hyborian era) and revealed them to be associated with the
true Elder Gods; further, the Crown
of Wisdom was shown to a form of the Serpent
Crown (associated with Set); the Mirror of Beauty was shown to be a form of the Darkhold
(associated with Chthon); the Rose of Peace was shown to be the Ebon Rose (associated with Gaea); and the Sword of Strength was shown to be a form of
the Sword of Bone (associated with
Oshtur), used by Cadaver.
Interestingly, the one image in Conan the Barbarian
I#130 that shows the Elder Gods looks to at least three completely human-looking males. Is
this just an image from Noyo's understanding of her masters? Did she
lack understanding of their true forms/natures and just assume them to
be human males who mystically combined their energies to generate a
living being? Were these beings actually avatars of the Elder Gods,
rather than the Elder Gods themselves? Or are there two different sets
of Cornerstones of Creation?
- I know the author of Mystic Arcana, David
Sexton, intended the Cornerstones in his stories to be the same ones
from the Conan stories.
- This issue will likely remain
perhaps moot, depending on how the new Conan series fits in. It's
supposed to be a continuation of the older series, although they don't
necessarily plan to revisit much outside of classic Robert E. Howard
story themes. We shall see.
Profile by Snood.
The Warriors of Eternity have no known connections to:
warriors - Island (Koma Koi?) native, controlled by Giger,
apparently destroyed in the destruction of the Giger portal--Marvel Comics Presents I#137
- Warriors
of "Don Russell"'s race - extraterrestrial, plan to assault Earth
aborted after Steve and Nan Miller discredited Russell--Strange Tales
"Warriors from Story Times" - see CROSS-WALLACE's warriors--Marvel Comics Presents I#68/2
- WARRIORS of the DEAD - see GRATEFUL UNDEAD--Marvel Comics Presents I#93/3
WARRIORS of the WORLD of 1000 GALAXIES - see WORLD of 1000 GALAXIES--Thor Annual#2
- WARRIORS THREE (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg)
– Asgardians, apparently slain in the destruction of Asgard at the hands of
Thor--Journey into Mystery #119
- Seven Friendless, abstract entity, manifestation of the entire
timeline, supreme time being of the universe, together with Infinity
makes up entire space-time continuum, possible progenitor of Eon,
father of Entropy and Epiphany--Strange Tales I#137/2 - BTS, 138/2
- other Warriors or Eternity groups

"Graveyard of Eternity"
It was located in an unidentified region in the Black Kingdoms (see comments), the expanse of lands south of Kush in the Hyborian era.
The graveyard was surrounded by a jungle inhabited by dinosaur-like creatures
The Warriors of Eternity rested in the Graveyard
surrounding the Sword of Strength, emerging from their graves when a
challenger came seeking to claim the Sword. Those who failed joined the
ranks of the Warriors of Eternity.
the Barbarian I#128 - BTS) - Under duress to recover the Cornerstones
of Creation for the wizard Pau-Styss in order to save her husband,
Laynnen, the Priestess of the Elder Gods Noyo transported herself,
Conan, and her son, Dreeme, to the Black Kingdoms a short distance from
the Warrior's graveyard.
Noyo's powers shielded the three visitors from
the dinosaur-like creatures that inhabited that region.
Barbarian#128-129) - Conan, Noyo, and Dreeme arrived at the Graveyard,
and Conan ultimately claimed the Sword and defeated the Warriors, who
returned to their graves to face the punishment of the Elder Gods.
--Conan the
images: (without ads)
Conan the
Barbarian#128, pg. 18, panel 2 (land and dinosaurs surrounding the Warriors' graveyard);
pg. 19, panel 2 (graveyard);
pg. 21 (Warriors emerging);
#129, pg. 2, panel 2 (Warriors confronting Conan);
panel 4 (face; bludgeoning Conan with mace);
pg. 8, panel 2 (slaughtered by Sword of Strength-wielding Conan)
Conan the
Barbarian#128 (November, 1981) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Gil
Kane (artist), Louise
Jones (editor)
Conan the Barbarian#129 (December, 1981) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Gil
Kane (pencils), Gil Kane & P. Craig Russell (?) (inks), Louise
Jones (editor)
First posted: 05/12/2019
Last updated: 06/02/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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