Real Name: Unrevealed (see comments)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (1950s era)
Occupation: Scientist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Professor Ruggles and his henchmen
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: George Weston (see comments)
Base of Operations: Temporarily his home, somewhere in America;
originally somewhere in the "Fourth Dimension"
First Appearance: World of Fantasy#9/3 (December, 1957)
Powers/Abilities: Apparently a human-like being from the "Fourth Dimension," George Weston was a genius in the field of atomic research.
Weston implied he had an unspecified number of paranormal powers, but the only one he demonstrated was the ability to "disappear"--presumably, this was some form of teleportation which transported him back to the "Fourth Dimension".
Height: 6' 2" (by
Weight: 190 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blond
(World of Fantasy#9/3 (fb) - BTS) - At some point in the past,
an extradimensional being left his home in the "Fourth Dimension" and
came to Earth; keeping his true nature a secret, he established himself
with the human identity of scientist George Weston. Under unrevealed
circumstances, he offered his knowledge and services to the United
States government to do peaceful research; taking for granted that
Weston's experiments would be beneficial, the government assigned him to
work at an atomic research laboratory, and they spared no expense to
arrange for accommodations for him while he worked there.
of Fantasy#9/3) - Weston went to the laboratory, where he reported to
Professor Ruggles. Ruggles was impressed that Weston was being given his
own personal lab at the facility, and Weston explained that it was because
he alone knew what he was working on for the government. Ruggles then
drove Weston to the furnished house and automobile that were provided by
the government for his use--Weston unpacked his belongings and settled in
his new residence.
The following day at the lab, Weston delegated some of the minor tasks of
his mysterious project to other lab-workers--since none of them knew how
his part of the assignment related to the whole of Weston's secret
project, one of the workers voiced his concerns to Ruggles, because for
all they knew, they could be working on anything...
or nothing.
But Ruggles assured the worker that Weston's project was vital to the
government, or else he wouldn't be there.
One evening a week later, Weston finished his work at the laboratory and
drove his car to his house--as he pulled in the driveway, he was stunned
to find the entire garage was gone! Going inside the house, Weston went
from room to room and found all the furniture and his personal belongings
were also missing! Returning to the front door, Weston opened it and found
that his car had just disappeared! Walking upstairs so he could use the
phone to call the police, Weston found that the telephone and wiring were
also missing!
Deciding that he better leave before the whole house vanished, Weston
hurriedly descended the staircase, but saw that some of the walls of his
home had disappeared in the interim; then a voice warned Weston that he
would disappear as well unless he listened and obeyed. Weston turned to
see a quintet of unearthly green-skinned creatures approaching him.
Identifying themselves as visitors from the Fourth Dimension, the five
invaders told Weston that they planned to attack Earth, and they wanted to
know whether his secret research was a threat to their invasion. The
creatures warned Weston that they would make him disappear as well unless
he cooperated with them, and that they would proceed with their invasion
even if he didn't tell them the information.
At that moment, Professor Ruggles happened to drive up to Weston's
partially-vanished house, and two of the invaders seized him. The invaders
told Weston that they would destroy Ruggles unless he told them what they
wanted to know--Ruggles begged for Weston to spare his life and tell the
creatures about his project.
But somehow having seen through the disguise of the invaders, Weston
pulled the face-mask off one of the "Fourth Dimensional creatures" and
revealed the assailants to actually be humans--Weston explained that he
had only played along with the rogues to find out who was their leader...
and when Ruggles walked in, Weston had his answer.
Realizing that his plot had been foiled, Ruggles pulled out a handgun and
pointed it at Weston; the professor revealed himself to be a spy for
"America's enemies," and admitted his elaborate plot--Ruggles and his men
had built the house with removable sections that could be carted away, and
he had his men costumed as alien invaders so as to frighten Weston into
revealing his secrets.
Although his scheme had failed to get Weston to tell them about his
project, Ruggles threateningly informed the scientist that his gun would
accomplish the same goal. But Weston told Ruggles that he was wrong, and
cryptically disclosed that when he returned to where he came from, he
would see to it that Ruggles and his henchmen were reported to U.S.
Then Ruggles and his thugs were amazed when Weston's body began to
vanish--Ruggles wondered aloud how Weston could disappear, and Weston's
disembodied head told the professor that disappearing was only
one of his powers.
As the last physical vestige of
George Weston faded away, his disembodied voice revealed to the
dumbfounded Professor Ruggles that it was actually he
who was from the "Fourth Dimension"!
Comments: Created by an unidentified writer and Al Eadeh (artist)
Since he came from
another dimension, I'm guessing that his real name wasn't George Weston.
But considering he came from some other dimension, and he apparently had
other powers, perhaps George Weston had some connection to Arla.
Or maybe he had some connection to the extraterrestrial Mercurio,
who was also (for some inexplicable
reason) known as the "Fourth-Dimensional Man".
And the plot of this 4-page story--Spare
Me, Please!--with Professor Ruggles' henchmen disguising
themselves as extradimensional invaders--reminds me of the scheme later
used by the Tinkerer (Phineas Mason) and those ersatz
Profile by Ron Fredricks.
George Weston has no known
connections to:
Professor Ruggles has no known connections to:
The "Fourth Dimension" has no known connections to:
![]() |
Both were provided
by the U.S. government for scientist George Weston to use while he worked
at an atomic laboratory. |
![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Presumably the head
of an atomic research laboratory, Ruggles was secretly a spy for
"America's enemies". |
![]() |
![]() |
They were five
unidentified criminals who assisted Professor Ruggles in an elaborate plot
to learn the secrets of scientist George Weston's research. |
![]() |
images: (without ads)
World of Fantasy#9/3, p1, pan1 (Main Image - George
World of Fantasy#9/3, p1, pan3
(Headshot - George Weston)
World of Fantasy#9/3, p4, pan5 (George
Weston begins to disappear; unmasked henchman and Professor Ruggles
World of Fantasy#9/3, p4, pan6
(with his body vanished, George
Weston's disembodied head implies that he has other powers; Professor
Ruggles (foreground))
World of Fantasy#9/3, p4, pan7
(completely vanished, George Weston's disembodied voice reveals his
place of origin; Professor Ruggles and his henchmen (background))
World of Fantasy#9/3, p2, pan3
(Professor Ruggles shows George Weston his house and car)
World of Fantasy#9/3, p3, pan2
(interior of Weston's house, George Weston finds furniture and all
his belongings gone)
World of Fantasy#9/3, p3, pan3 (interior of Weston's
house, George Weston descends staircase to find walls
World of Fantasy#9/3, p3, pan7
(Professor Ruggles, threatened by "extradimensional invaders")
World of Fantasy#9/3, p4, pan3
(Professor Ruggles reveals his plot to George Weston)
World of Fantasy#9/3, p3, pan4
("extradimensional invaders" threaten George Weston)
World of Fantasy#9/3, p4, pan2 (George
Weston unmasks one of the "extradimensional invaders")
World of Fantasy#9/3 (December, 1957) - unidentified writer, Al
Eadeh (pencils and inks), Stan Lee (editor)
First Posted: 01/14/2020
Last updated: 01/14/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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