Wolverine of Earth-94102
Real Name: James Howlett
Identity/Class: Extradimensional / Alternate Reality (Earth-94102) Human mutant/mutate
Occupation: Adventurer, warrior, hero, etc.
Group Membership: Resistance forces
formerly X-Men, etc. (his history likely paralleled Wolverine-616 at least up until Wolverine II#53 and possibly beyond)
Affiliations: Forge and the resistance forces;
Albert-616, Elsie Dee-616,
possibly Albert-94102 and Elsie
Dee-94102 (although they may have been the -616 versions having
traveled forward in time);
presumably includes those of Wolverine-616 at least up until Wolverine II#53 and possibly beyond
Enemies: Adversary, anti-mutant forces of Reality-94102
Known Relatives: Presumably includes those of Wolverine-616 at least up until Wolverine II#53 and possibly beyond
Aliases: Presumably includes those of Wolverine-616 at least up until Wolverine II#53 and possibly beyond
Base of Operations: Unspecified location on Earth-94102
First Appearance: (Divergent skeleton)
Wolverine II#52 (March, 1992);
(full appearance) Wolverine II#86 (October, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Wolverine possesses
superhuman healing and senses (especially olfactory/smell) and enhanced
speed, strength, etc. His bones are bonded with Adamantium, making them
virtually indestructible. He also possesses three Adamantium claws that
he can extend at will.
Wolverine-94102 otherwise possesses the same abilities as his Earth-616 counterpart.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 300 lbs (105 lbs. of which is the Adamantium)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
History: Wolverine-94102 presumably paralleled Wolverine-616 at least up until Wolverine II#53 and possibly beyond.
Note: The is confusing and headache-inducing, moreso than your average time travel SNAFU.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - BTS) - In Reality-94102 -- approximately 10 years in the relative future from the main story -- Forge tracked the Adversary to the 18th century Canada of their "common" past in pursuit of the Adversary who had fled there after escaping Forge's seemingly permanent containment. The Adversary's actions in that "time string" was setting off a "devious destructive seed of evil consequences," resulting in a chain of trans-temporal events that could spread across the entire time continuum, infection all time streams.
Figuring that if Forge was heading to the northwoods of the past, he should come along to protect him, Wolverine joined Forge in traveling to the18 th century to thwart the Adversary's plot.
Forge further determined that the Adversary had taken over Siksisa shaman Man-Killer Wolf, and that a faction of the Siksisa had gone over to him, while many who were wise to the Adversary's plots and opposed him. Forge and Wolverine based themselves in a village of a Siksisa sect that opposed the Adversary and Man-Killer Wolf's forces.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - BTS / Wolverine II#52 (fb) - BTS) - Forge and Wolverine fought the Adversary, who set off a temporal displacement vortex. Wolverine was pulled into this vortex and ejected ten years later, where his lifeless skeleton ended up within a burial mound.
(Wolverine II#52) - In the modern era, the feral creature known as
the Hunter in Darkness somehow sensed Wolverine's skeleton within an
ancient Blackfoot burial ground next to an abandoned government
facility, and he led his allies the androids Albert and Elsie Dee there.
(Wolverine II#52) - Finding access to information on the location to
be locked out with security shields, Albert noted that the burial
ground was not consistent with known funerary practices. Digging
into the mound, Albert and the Hunter were surprised to find a skeleton with Wolverine-esque
Adamantium claws.
(Wolverine II#53) - Via technology on their stealth bomber, Albert evaluated
the skeleton, confirming the Adamantium claws and Adamantium bonding to
the bones. Eventually determining
it to be over 200 years old via evaluating the comparative rate of
soluble mineral-leaching , Albert used facial reconstruction programs
flesh out the tissue: An image resembling Logan appeared.
When Mystique and Spiral -- having traveled back
from the end of time (the "Big Crunch") while Wolverine faced Mojo and his Plasma Wraiths
-- arrived and insisted they needed the bomber's missile to save
Noting the skeleton to be a relic from an alternate time string, Spiral arranged an agreement with Elsie Dee: Spiral sent Elsie Dee, Albert, and the Hunter back in time to investigate the skeleton while sending the missile forward in time to help Wolverine.
(Wolverine II#83 (fb) - BTS) - The Hunter, Albert, and Elsie Dee arrived amidst a battle between the Siksika sects.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - BTS) - Albert, Elsie Dee, and the
Hunter's time traveling back to the time of Wolverine-94102's
confrontation with the Adversary somehow, in concert with Wolverine's
presence at the Big Crunch, altered the conflict, diverging Wolverine-94102's death to Reality-52415.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - After Albert disemboweled Man-Killer Wolf,
and his followers took home back to their base, Forge revealed his
presence and explained the situation to Albert and Elsie Dee. Wolverine
showed himself soon after, and Elsie Dee was ecstatic to see him, but
he sensed things heating up across the river at Man-Killer Wolf's camp.
Forge then tuned in with his pre-set remote scanner, and they watched
as the Adversary restored and magically enhanced Man-Killer Wolf before
sending him back to recover Forge for him.
As the powerful, magic energy-charged Man-Killer
Wolf flew in, Wolverine and the others were thrown off balance, and
Wolverine noted that it looked like he'd gotten a major tune-up.
Man-Killer Wolf picked up Forge, and Wolverine jumped in as Man-Killer Wolf took off. After Forge confirmed that Man-Killer Wolf was just a vessel for the Adversary's power, Wolverine slashed him to the bone with his claws, and Forge blasted him with his energy weapon (possibly his neutralizer), causing him to flee back to the waterfall where they knew the Adversary was waiting for them.
Elsie Dee offered that she, Albert, and the Hunter could help, but Wolverine instructed her that this was between him, Forge, and the Adversary, and that he needed Elsie and her allies to stay there and watch the Siksika; Elsie reluctantly promised.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - BTS) - As Wolverine
and Forge fought the Adversary, he/it generated a temporal vortex that
pulled in Wolverine. However, Albert, Elsie, and the Hunter's having
traveled back in time and/or Wolverine's involvement at the Crunch
protected Wolverine so that he was returned to his own time.
(Wolverine II#83 (fb) - BTS) - Searching for Wolverine, Albert and Elsie Dee began to run out of power. After the Hunter encountered a pack of his own kind and departed with them, Albert and Elsie returned to the area of the burial mound and put themselves into system sleep.
(Wolverine II#82 - BTS) - In the modern era, the vampiric Bloodscream located Elsie Dee within the burial mound (which did not contain Wolverine-94102's skeleton) and revived her, after which they revived Albert as well.
(Wolverine II#86) - Back in his own time/reality, wearing a "type II
armored fighting suit," and carrying a case containing Elsie Dee's
head, Wolverine was tracked and pursued by a cyborg designated CX288
who was instructed by its
controller to slay him. After the cyborg instructed him to prepare to
go into the long dark system crash, Wolverine noted that he'd have
thought that these geeks would have lost their sick sense of humor
after getting "cyborged-up." Wolverine dodged the first blast from
CX288, but a subsequent volley shattered his armor. Thanking the cyborg
as the armor had just been slowing him down, Wolverine swiftly
attacked, incapacitating the cyborg (and possibly decapitating it) with
claws to the face.
Forge then greeted Wolverine, noting that it was
good to see him again; the two compared notes, and Elsie Dee questioned
how Wolverine survived. Albert (who had joined forces with Forge)
stated that his and Elsie Dee (and the Hunter in Darkness) having time
traveled back to the time of the 18th century conflict with the
Adversary had diverged the timeline where Wolverine died.
Forge further theorized on how Wolverine had returned, with Forge further adding that he suspected Wolverine had been permanently affected by a temporal paradox field (and an editorial note explained that this was due to Wolverine's having traveled forward in time to the Crunch in Wolverine II#52).
Forge also explained that as he was still battling the Adversary at the time, he was caught up in the Adversary's own alternate time reality.
As Forge's forces' transport arrived, Forge noted
that things were going to heat up around there quickly, and Wolverine
accepted his invitation to join their resistance.
As they boarded the ship, Forge agreed to rebuild
Elsie Dee's body but expressed concern about re-creating her pink
dress. Wolverine then revealed that, having noted the thing to be more
durable than her old body, he had saved her old dress. Elated, Elsie
Dee told him she loved him.
Comments: Skeleton created by Larry Hama, Marc Silvestri , and Dan Green;
true/full version fleshed out by Larry Hama, Ron Wagner, Reinhold, Younger, and Palmer.
Reality-94102 involved a group (which included
cyborgs) targeting mutants for death. The resistance was organized in
troops against them, but not much more was known beyond that.
We don't know whether it was Earth-616's Albert and/or Elsie Dee who traveled forward in time to that reality or whether it was Earth-94102's Albert and/or Elsie Dee. Maybe one from from -616 and one wasn't? The world may never know...
Albert estimated the skeleton to be over 200
years old. That was in a story from 1984, and there's no reason to
consider that the Siksika story should slide forward with Marvel's
modern era timescale, so I would consider it to be before 1784.
Profile by Snood.
Wolverine-94102 should be distinguished from:
Figuring that if Forge was heading to the northwoods of the past, he should come along to protect him, Wolverine joined Forge in traveling to the18 th century to thwart the Adversary's plot.
Forge further determined that the Adversary had taken over Siksisa shaman Man-Killer Wolf, and that a faction of the Siksisa had gone over to him, while many who were wise to the Adversary's plots and opposed him. Forge and Wolverine based themselves in a village of a Siksisa sect that opposed the Adversary and Man-Killer Wolf's forces.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - BTS / Wolverine II#52 (fb) - BTS) - Forge and Wolverine fought the Adversary, who set off a temporal displacement vortex. Wolverine was pulled into this vortex and ejected ten years later, where his lifeless skeleton ended up within a burial mound.
(Wolverine II#52) - In the modern era, the feral creature known as
the Hunter in Darkness somehow sensed Wolverine's skeleton within an
ancient Blackfoot burial ground next to an abandoned government
facility, and he led his allies the androids Albert and Elsie-Dee there.
(Wolverine II#52) - Finding access to information on the location to
be locked out with security shields, Albert noted that the burial
ground was not consistent with known funerary practices. Digging
into the mound, Albert and the Hunter were surprised to find a skeleton with Wolverine-esque
Adamantium claws.
(Wolverine II#53) - Via technology on their stealth bomber, Albert evaluated
the skeleton, confirming the Adamantium claws and Adamantium bonding to
the bones. Eventually determining
it to be over 200 years old via evaluating the comparative rate of
soluble mineral-leaching , Albert used facial reconstruction programs
flesh out the tissue: An image resembling Logan appeared.
When Mystique and Spiral -- having traveled back
from the end of time (the "Big Crunch") while Wolverine faced Mojo and his Plasma Wraiths
-- arrived and insisted they needed the bomber's missile to save
Noting the skeleton to be a
relic from an alternate time string, Spiral arranged an agreement with
Elsie Dee: Spiral sent Elsie Dee, Albert, and the Hunter back in time
to investigate the skeleton while sending the missile forward in time
to help Wolverine.
Inc.#9 (fb) - BTS) - Boneyard,
who collected and sold body parts with special abilities, located and
dug up -- from an unmarked grave, nearby what was left of a high-tech
joint "Great White North-way" -- a skeleton with claws similar to
Wolverines and with flesh on its right arm (see comments).
Inc.#9 (fb) - BTS) - Terror was hired by Maximllian Braniff to investigate the
murder/assassination of his alleged daughter, Kristin Braniff, whose
cadaver had been seized by S.H.I.E.L.D. for reasons of "international
Inc.#9 (fb) - BTS) - Having examined the body, Terror determined that the girl had died as a
result of multiple stab wounds inflicted with at least a pair of
tri-bladed weapon, which he suspected to be Wolverine's claws.
Inc.#9 - BTS) - Terror met with
Boneyard, who supplied him with the arm of a man possessing claws like
Wolverine (see comments),
which Terror used to engage Wolverine. Allowing Wolverine to slash his
chest with his claws, Terror realized that the spacing between
Wolverine's claws did not match those of Kristin's wounds.
Wolverine severed Terror's clawed arm.
(Terror Inc.#10 - BTS) - Explaining
the apparent frame, Terror convinced Wolverine to join his efforts
to uncover the truth. They did this by confronting Braniff who
committed suicide after revealing his motivations.
(Wolverine II#86 (fb)) - BTS) - Albert, Elsie Dee, and
the Hunter's time traveling back to the time of Wolverine-94102's
confrontation with the Adversary somehow, in concert with Wolverine's
presence at the Big Crunch, altered the conflict so that Wolverine
survived and was returned to his own time, diverging his death (and the Wolverine skeleton) to
Regarding the Wolverine-esque-clawed skeleton in Terror Inc. #9:
The Wolverine: Official Index
of the Marvel Universe confirms the Wolverine skeleton in Wolverine
II#52-53 to be next seen in Terror Inc. #9. The timing fits, as the
Terror appearance is a year after
(real time) the Wolverine II#52-53 appearances.
images: (without ads)
Wolverine II#52, pg. 21, panel 2 (burial mound);
#53, pg. 8, panel 3 (Elsie examining skeleton);
Terror Inc#9, pg. 11, panel 5 (skeleton with flesh on right arm, in Boneyard's custody)
pg. 15, panel 2 (clawed arm on Terror)
Wolverine II#52-53 (March-April, 1992) - Larry Hama (writer), Marc Silvestri (penciler), Dan Green (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Terror Inc. I#9-10 (March-April, 1993) - D.G. Chichester (writer), Richard Pace (penciler), Temujin (inker), Marcus McLarin (editor)
Wolverine II#82 (June, 1994) - Larry Hama (writer), Adam Kubert w/ Bob McLeod
(pencilers), Mark Farmer & Joe Kubert (inkers), Bob Harras
Wolverine II#83 (July, 1994) - Larry Hama (writer), John Nadeau
(penciler), Bud LaRosa & Keith Champagne (inkers), Bob Harras
Wolverine II#84 (August, 1994) - Larry Hama (writer), Ron Wagner
(penciler), Reinhold, Younger, Palmer, Younger (inkers), Bob Harras
Wolverine II#86 (October, 1994) - Larry Hama (writer), Ron Garney
(penciler), Bud LaRosa & Al Vey (inkers), Bob Harras
First posted: 04/05/2019
Last updated: 09/18/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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