Membership: None identified
Purpose: To leech off of the emotions of/and bond to others
Aliases: None
Affiliations: Kulan Gath
Enemies: Doctor Voodoo (Jericho Drumm),
Elektra (Elektra Natchios), Punisher (Frank Castle)
Base of Operations: Presumably mobile
First Appearance: Savage Avengers I#4
(October, 2019)
History: (Savage Avengers I#4 (fb) - BTS) - At
some point in his adventures, superhero houngan Doctor Voodoo
encountered the demonic, illusion-casting Xholtan Skin-Walkers, quickly
learning that once the Skin-Walkers bonded themselves to a person's
emotional heart, they never let go.
(Savage Avengers I#4) - After Hyborian era sorcerer
Kulan Gath unleashed the marrow god Jhoatun Lau and prepared to depart,
he announced a gift for his enemy, the Punisher, releasing the caskets
of Punisher's supposed family. Emerging from the caskets in the form of
Punisher's deceased family, a trio of Xholtan Skin-Walkers began
appealing to the stunned Punisher's emotions and the Skin-Walker posing
as Maria Castle bade the Punisher to come into her arms. Recognizing
the Skin-Walkers for what they were, Punisher's ally Doctor Voodoo
warned Punisher not to speak and insisted that Punisher didn't know
what he was dealing with. Still stunned, the Punisher began to move
closer to the Skin-Walkers but Doctor Voodoo cast a spell on Punisher
to remove his mouth in order to prevent him for further speaking before
turning his attention towards the Xholtan Skin-Walkers directly. Doctor
Voodoo then revealed the Skin-Walkers' true forms before banishing them
and returning the Punisher's mouth, apologizing for his actions and
explaining that the Skin-Walkers had their proverbial hooks in the
vigilante. Doctor Voodoo further explained that a victim of the
Skin-Walkers could say the wrong thing and become bound to them, which
was not easy to undo.
Comments: Created by Gerry Duggan and Mike
Deodato, Jr.
Profile by Proto-Man.
The Xholtan Skin-Walkers have no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Savage Avengers I#4, p12, pan5 (Xholtan Skin-Walkers in true forms,
main image)
Savage Avengers I#4, p10, pan2 (Xholtan Skin-Walkers, in the form of
Punisher's family)
Savage Avengers I#4 (October, 2019) - Gerry Duggan (writer), Mike
Deodato, Jr. (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 05/02/2020
Last updated: 05/02/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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