Real Name: Zgreb
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial cosmic being
(Celestial) (Distant
past to modern era)
Occupation: Destroyer
Group Membership: Celestials (Progenitor, others), the Final Host (Callus the Void, Obliteron, Valknar the Exhumer, two others)
Affiliations: The Final Host, Loki (Loki Laufeyson);
formerly Progenitor
Enemies: Avengers of 1,000,000 B.C. (Agamotto,
Black Panther, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist/Fan Fei, Lady Phoenix, Odin/Odin
Borson, Starbrand/Vnn), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Earth in general, Ghost Rider
(Robbie Reyes), the Horde
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "New Friend" (called by Loki), Zgreb the Aspirant
Base of Operations: An underground cavern
beneath South Africa;
formerly mobile throughout space
First Appearance: (unidentified): Marvel
Legacy#1 (November, 2017);
(identified): Avengers VII#5 (September, 2018)
Powers/Abilities: Like most Celestials, Zgreb
exists as energy inside a physical shell resembling a large suit of
armor and he possesses vast cosmic powers of unknown limits. He is
extremely long-lived, having survived for millennia, and can survive in
space unaided, even within the heart of Earth's sun. Zgreb is
superhumanly strong, able to rend Earth by simply digging, and he can
at least charge his hands with energy, if not outright project said
Zgreb likely possesses other cosmic powers that he
did not display, probably in relation to his function as a Celestial.
Height: 2000' (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed
History: (Avengers VII#5
(fb) - BTS) - The Celestial Zgreb the Aspirant was the lover of the
Celestial known later as the Progenitor.
(Avengers VII#3 (fb) - BTS/Avengers VII#5 (fb)) -
Circa 1,000,000 B.C., Zgreb came to Earth in a state of distress, in
need of assistance in locating the Progenitor. Finding the Progenitor's
corpse teeming with Horde infection, Zgreb was driven mad by the sight
and was moments later, infected by the Horde as well.
(Marvel Legacy#1 (fb)/Avengers
VII#4 (fb)) - Zgreb
ravaged the planet Earth, somewhat deranged due to his Horde infection,
appearing to be searching for something. His actions were witnessed by
the Avengers of 1,000,000 B.C. and sorcerer Agamotto informed the other
Avengers of Zgreb's status as a Celestial as they discussed what to do
with the unhinged cosmic being. The Avengers ultimately decided to
attack Zgreb, who reached for the small beings.
(Free Comic Book Day 2018: Avengers/Captain America
(fb)) - Defeating Zgreb and thinking him dead, some of the Avengers
felt immediate regret while others felt Zgreb had left them no choice.
Agamotto admitted that he was not sure Zgreb truly was dead but Odin
insisted that he had killed enough giants to know when they were dead.
The Black Panther suggested they should have tried to cure Zgreb's
infection rather than killing it and expressed worry of what might come
from the sky next.
(Marvel Legacy#1 (fb) - BTS/Free
Comic Book Day 2018:
Avengers/Captain America (fb) - BTS) - Odin suggested nailing Zgreb to
Earth's moon as a warning to the other Celestials.
(Avengers VII#1 (fb) - BTS/Avengers VII#4 (fb)) -
Following Zgreb's seeming death, Agamotto magically sealed Zgreb in the
ground. Agamotto confirmed with the other Avengers that Zgreb was
infected with something but proved unable to determine what exactly.
Aware of what had been done to Zgreb, other Celestials soon arrived on
Earth for the First Celestial Host to avenge their fallen comrade and
the Avengers of 1,000,000 B.C. fought back.
(Avengers VII#5 (fb)) - Deciding to leave Earth as it
was, the other Celestials departed, leaving Zgreb buried in the Earth,
succumbing to his Horde infection.
(Avengers VII#1 (fb) - BTS) - In the modern era, when
all magic died, the spells containing Zgreb were removed and never
reconstituted due to the sheer age of the original spells.
(Marvel Legacy#1) - Having remained sealed in an underground caverns for millennia, Zgreb was found by a team of archaeologists and he reawakened, repeating the phrase "Summon...the Final Host." Announcing "cleanse them all," Zgreb killed the archaeologists and he was later met by the Asgardian god of mischief Loki. When Zgreb repeated "Summon...the Final Host" again, Loki, wishing to obtain power from the Celestial, agreed and suggested they do just that.
(Avengers VII#5 (fb) - BTS) - Having been transformed by millions of year of Horde infection, Zgreb took the name Zgreb the Sorrower and told Loki the story of his infected lover, the Progenitor, his own infection and the attack on him by the Avengers of 1,000,000 B.C.
(Avengers VII#3 (fb) - BTS) - Loki helped Zgreb regain his true form and assisted in his recovery.
(Free Comic Book Day 2018: Avengers/Captain America (fb)) - Loki and the revived Zgreb visited Odin in the ruins of Asgard and Zgreb grabbed Odin, recalling his earlier defeat at Odin's hands.
(Avengers VII#5 (fb) - BTS) - Regrouping with the
Celestial Final Host, Zgreb the Sorrower (with Loki in tow) infected
the other Celestials with the alien Horde, seemingly killing them and
littering Earth with their corpses.
(Avengers VII#1 - BTS) - Having been informed of Zgreb's escape by Odin, the modern day Black Panther (T'Challa) brought modern Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange to Zgreb's former cavern and Strange confirmed Agamotto's magics present there. The two then became curious as to where Zgreb had went when it escaped and began investigating.
(Avengers VII#3) - Zgreb and Loki accompanied the
Final Host following Celestial corpses falling to Earth but they were
all teleported into the sun by Captain America. Surviving thanks to
Loki's magic, Captain America was introduced to Zgreb and Loki took all
three to the root cause of the worldwide Horde infection, the corpse of
the Celestial Progenitor.
(Avengers VII#5) - Remaining by Loki's side as Loki reiterated the story of the Celestial Horde infection and Zgreb's burial in the Earth, Zgreb joined the Final Host in preparing to destroy Earth. When Captain America escaped Loki's capture with the assistance of the Ghost Rider, Zgreb pursued the escaping Captain America and Ghost Rider alongside other Final Host Celestials. Stopping in Russia, Zgreb and the other Final Host went about destroying the area.
Comments: Created by Jason Aaron, Esad Ribic, Steve McNiven, Chris Samnee, Russell Dauterman, Alex Maleev, Ed McGuinness, Stuart Immonen, Wade von Grawbadger, Pepe Larraz, Jim Cheung, Daniel Acuna, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Mike Deodato, Jr. and David Marquez.
Online sources say Zgreb is mentioned in Avengers VII#10 but I could not find a mention of him anywhere in that issue...
Zgreb's height was approximated using the Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe's Celestials entry, which states that
most Celestials exist within physical armor standing 2000' high. As an
energy being, Zgreb's weight could be non-existent but the weight of
his armor is unrevealed. Due to always being inside his armor, Zgreb's
true eye and hair color (if any) is also unrevealed.
It was unclear what became of Zgreb after Zgreb and
the Final Host attacked Russia. The Final Host was eventually defeated
by the Avengers but Zgreb was not seen again...
Profile by Proto-Man.
Zgreb the Sorrower has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Avengers VII#5, p6, pan2 (Zgreb, main image)
Avengers VII#5, p6, pan3 (Zgreb, headshot)
Marvel Legacy#1, p5, splash page (Zgreb on Earth circa 1,000,000 B.C.)
Marvel Legacy#1, p38, pan1 (Zgreb sealed in cave)
Marvel Legacy#1 (November, 2017) - Jason Aaron (writer), Esad Ribic, Steve McNiven, Chris Samnee, Russell
Dauterman, Alex Maleev, Ed McGuinness, Stuart Immonen, Wade von
Grawbadger, Pepe Larraz, Jim Cheung, Daniel Acuna, Greg Land, Jay
Leisten, Mike Deodato, Jr., David Marquez (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Free Comic Book Day 2018: Avengers/Captain America (May,
2018) - "A Million Years in the Making" story - Jason Aaron (writer),
Sara Pichelli (pencils, inks), Elisabetta D'Amico (inks), Tom Brevoort
Avengers VII#1 (July, 2018) - Jason Aaron (writer), Ed McGuinness
(pencils), Mark Morales (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#3 (August, 2018) - Jason Aaron (writer), Paco Medina, Ed
McGuinness (pencils), Juan Vlaso, Mark Morales, Jay Leisten (inks), Tom
Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#4 (September, 2018) - Jason Aaron (writer), Paco Medina,
Ed McGuinness (pencils), Juan Vlasco, Mark Morales (inks), Tom Brevoort
Avengers VII#5 (September, 2018) - Jason Aaron (writer), Paco Medina,
Ed McGuinness (pencils), Juan Vlasco, Mark Morales, Karl Story (inks),
Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 12/20/2019
Last updated: 12/20/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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