Official Name: Zygotea;
aka Delta-7
Nature: Alternate Reality (Reality-8116) extraterrestrial world (destroyed);
Milky Way galaxy
Natives: None identified to this point
Population: Zygotea was apparently uninhabited at the time of its destruction;
the total population that lived on Zygotea is
unrevealed, as is the number of Zygoteans (aka Deltans) that ever existed in their
interstellar armada
Capital City: Unrevealed
Government: Inapplicable;
the specific governments that ruled the populated
world are unreaveled, but it went from a utopian world to one where
greedy rulers gained power of everything; at least some of these
leaders were part of a theocracy
Languages: Unrevealed
National Defense: Unrevealed
Places of Interest: None identifed
Visitors: None identified
First Appearance: Epic Illustrated#7 (August, 1981)
Illustrated#7/6 (fb) - BTS) - Zygotea, aka Delta-7, was once a utopia, rich in
beauty, promise, and reality, with seemingly endless bounty and the
freedom of mind and body that all shared.
(Epic Illustrated#7/6 (fb)) - Eventually
the dreamers died a slow and unnoticed death, while the workers traded
reason and responsibility for numbing contentment.
The true leaders' words fell on barren ground.
Greedy, insensitive, incompetent, profit-worshipping politicians took power.
Noble families were
fashioned to rule, but the future potential was ignored.
resources were depleted and cities and technology overran the world,
and only a select had any wealth.
The people turned toward exploiting
limited aspects of their live, sure as drugs and other hedonistic
activities; abruptly, their resources ran out, and only the rulers and
the ruled were left, and all cries for social justice were ignored.
The only resource left was the people themselves.
(Epic Illustrated#7/6 (fb) - BTS) - In seeking the
stars, the many -- persuaded by the military's might and blessed by the
church -- set out to save the few: Their sweat and muscle built the
fleet's ship, their lives were sacrificed to test space weapons, and
their bodies were used as fuel.
Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.
Profile by Snood.
Zygotea has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Epic Illustrated#7: Metamorphosis Odyssey chapters X: Requiem, pg. 1 (planet from space);
pg. 1, lower half (blended into each other rather than separate panels);
pg. 2, upper panel (strip-mined land);
second panel (city and factories on barren land);
fourth panel (people weeping over devastated city);
pg. 3, third panel (spectre of death over city);
pg. 4 (people departing in ships)
Epic Illustrated#7: Metamorphosis Odyssey chapters X: Requiem (August, 1981) - Jim Starlin (writer, artist), Stan Lee
(editor/publisher), Archie Goodwin (editorial director), James Shooter (consulting editor)
First posted: 07/30/2019
Last updated: 07/30/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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