Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-148611) paranormal (see comments)
Occupation: Gang leader
Group Membership: Para-Troop (Aqualung, Helter Skelter, Purple Haze, Space Oddity, Wild Thing/George Mullaney (aka Mutator), Wipeout/Martin, Wooly Bully)
Affiliations: Helter Skelter was her boyfriend
Enemies: Captain Manhattan, Dave Landers, Randy O'Brien, Jenny Swenson;
she considered the Skeevos gang (Moe) to be enemies for forcing a
confrontation with Captain Manhattan in order to save face
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Queenie" (from Helter Skelter and Aqualung, at least)
Base of Operations: The Black Shamrock, lower east side Manhattan, New York, Earth-New Universe
First Appearance: D.P.7#30 (April, 1989)
Powers/Abilities: Acid Queen had a corrosive touch, although she could presumably control this to some degree, as her clothing was not affected, and she could sit on the lap of her boyfriend, Helter Skelter, without harming him.
Perhaps she could control it consciously when she was awake, but when knocked out, her corrosive touch was constant.
The members of the Para-Troops feared and respected her power.
Unrevealed (she wasn't clearly shown in proportion to others, but she
appeared to be about average height for a woman, so perhaps 5'5" to
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 115 to 140 lbs.depending on her height)
Eyes: Unrevealed (she had red markings around her eyes, either makeup, tattoo, or part of her paranomality)
Hair: Platinum blonde (likely dyed vs. part of her paranomality)
(DP7#1 (fb) - BTS / DP7#30 (fb) - BTS)
<7/22/1986> - The woman who would become the Acid Queen, like
everyone on Earth, was exposed to the Starbrand energies of the "White
Event," released when the unidentified "Dutch count" attempted to expel
his power into an asteroid.
At some point thereafter, she developed paranormal abilities, and at some point after that she adopted the alias "Acid Queen," and she eventually ended up leading the Para-Troops, a gang of paranormals who established a reputation as the "primo gang" in Manhattan's five boroughs, adopted their names from classic rock songs (see comments), and established a base in Manhattan's Black Shamrock bar.
(DP7#30 (fb) - BTS) - George Mullaney (aka Mutator) and his friend Martin, who possessed incapacitating halitosis, were two late joiners of the Para-Troop as Wild Thing and Wipeout.
George, at least, appreciated that the Acid Queen would crush anyone who crossed her...or if she was just in the wrong mood.
(DP7#30 - BTS)
arrange a trap for Captain Manhattan, the Para-Troop kidnapped street corner
Santa Clauses to disguise themselves, and then had their members Space Oddity and Wooly Bully attempt to steal the
Christmas tree from Rockefeller Plaza to draw the Captain out.
Captain appeared, but was joined by three paranormals Dave Landers,
Randy O'Brien and Jenny Swenson (the former two drawn via association
with Jenny would had previously witnessed Manhattan's heroic nature).
In the fight that
followed, Jenny (aka Chrome) threw Helter Skelter into Acid Queen, who
begged her to take her hands off of him before she made him...
Apparently knocked out by the impact, she failed to remove her hands, and Helter Skelter screamed in pain.
Ultimately, the four paranormals bested the entire Para-Troop, except for Wild Thing, who fled when he recognized Landers and O'Brien from his days at the Clinic. Landers tied up the Para-Troop with Christmas lights and they left them for the police.
Comments: Created by Mark Gruenwald, Paul Ryan and Danny Bulanadi.
Each member of the Para-Troop is named for a classic rock song. Acid Queen is a song by British rock group the Who, circa 1969.
With each of the Para-Troop's aliases being inspired by classic rock music, I have to think Wild Thing and Wipeout being named George and Martin is not a coincidence. George Martin is obviously the English record producer, arranger, etc. known as the "Fifth Beatle" (in reference to his involvement in each of the Beatles' albums, in case your parents were derelict in educating you about music).
Check out the New Universe primer, courtesy of Prime Eternal.
Acid Queen had a sub-profile in Prime Eternal's Para-Troops profile, originally posted 01/29/2006.
This profile was completed 9/14/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
The Acid Queen should be distinguished from:
(April, 1989) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (penciler), Danny
Bulanadi (inker), David Wohl (assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
First posted: 09/22/2021
Last updated: 09/21/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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