Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Asgardian god)
Occupation: Astronomer (see comments)
Group Membership: Asgardian gods
Affiliations: Odin, at least
Enemies: None, beyond Asgard's enemies, in general
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unidentified chambers with the royal castle of Asgard city, on the Asgard landmass, in the dimension of Asgard
First Appearance: Thor I#165 (June, 1969)
Powers/Abilities: The Astrologer Royal is
extremely knowledgable about the planets and galaxies of the universe.
He has access to technology allowing him to scan the universe for
distant phenomena and observe it on his immense viewscreen.
As an Asgardian God, the Astrologer Royal has superhuman strength (Class 25?), durability, and other physical traits; however, he did not demonstrate his strength or any combat skills.
He presumably ages at an extremely slow rate.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'4"; Odin
is apparently 6'9" tall, and the Astrologer Royal doesn't seem much
shorter, although they are not shown side-to-side or face-to-face.
Weight: Unrevealed (at a height of 6'4", a human of his build
would likely be 220 lbs.; Asgardians are allegedly 2-3 times more dense
than humans, so perhaps as much as 660 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black facial hair, at least (uncovered head not shown)
(Thor I#165 (fb) - BTS) - Odin instructed the Astrologer Royal to search for the origins of Galactus (Galan).
(Thor I#165) - Finding a long hidden galaxy amongst the distant stars, the Astrologer Royal summoned Odin.
Having sought the land that
spawned Galactus, Odin told the Astrologer Royal he had done well to
summon him, and Odin asked if he had at last found that land.
After the Astrologer acknowledged that he was uncertain and that " 'tis all most passing strange!", Odin gave strict orders for the Astrologer to study the world of interest for a long time and to only summon him when the truth was known to him. The Astrologer replied that Odin's word was his solemn law.
(Thor I#166 (fb) - BTS) - While scanning distant worlds, the Astrologer Royal spied Thor as he battled Him (later Adam Warlock).
(Thor I#166) - The Astrologer
Royal showed Odin the images of Thor -- overcome by "Warrior Madness"
after Him had abducted Thor's beloved Sif -- savagely battering Him.
Both the Astrologer and Odin expressed concern regarding Thor's
apparent Warrior Madness affliction. Odin then detailed the condition
of Warrior Madness, most forbidden malady of all, after which Odin
noted that any guilty of Warrior Madness must pay the penalty...even
his own son.
(Thor I#166 (fb) - BTS) - Soon after, Odin prepared to use the Cosmos-Craft to search space for Galactus.
Comments: Created by Stan (the Man) Lee, Jack (King) Kirby, and Vince Colletta.
And that's all that was seen of the Astrologer Royal.
Studing physical space, he really should have been the Astronomer Royal. However, it is possible that he was an expert in studied Astrology, using the movements of the stars to predict events and detail the natures of people on Earth...or something like that.
50 years and counting since this guy has shown up...
This profile was completed 11/12/2020, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
The Astrologer Royal should be distinguished from:
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(Thor I#165) - Finding a long hidden galaxy amongst the distant stars, the Astrologer Royal summoned Odin. Odin
gave strict orders for the Astrologer to study the world of interest
for a long time and to only summon him when the truth was known to him. (Thor I#166 (fb) - BTS) - While scanning distant worlds, the Astrologer Royal spied Thor as he battled Him (later Adam Warlock). (Thor I#166) - The Astrologer Royal showed Odin the images of Thor Note: The Astrologer Royal noted that he had found a new, long-hidden galaxy. It certainly wasn't new, although it was newly discovered by him. When Odin arrived, the Astrologer Royal showed him a vision a world and a structure spanning a world. It is unclear whether the Astrologer Royal actually discovered a previously unseen galaxy, or just a world or solar system. |
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Thor I#165, pg. 15, panel 4 (viewscreen);
panel 5 (upper body);
pg. 16, panel 1 (world? -- Taa II?);
#166, pg. 13, panel 2 (with Odin, viewing Thor);
panel 3 (standing before Odin)
Thor I#165-166 (June-July, 1969) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (penciler), Vince Colletta (inker)
First posted: 09/12/2021
Last updated: 09/10/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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