Real Name: John Jameson
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-3145) human mutate
Occupation: Astronaut, protector, scavenger
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Annie, Hector, Spider-Army (Scarlet Spider/Kaine Parker of Earth-616, Spider-Kid/Peter Parker of Earth-218, Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew of Earth-616, Spider-Woman/Ashley Barton of Earth-807128)
Enemies: Verna of Earth-001
Known Relatives: Annie (wife, deceased), Jonah (father, likely deceased)
Aliases: "Astro," "Babe," "Dipspit," "Doofus," "Mason Jarhead"
Base of Operations: The Nautilus, an orbital platform in space, just outside of Earth's atmosphere
First Appearance: (unidentified) Spider-Force
I#1 (December, 2018);
(name revealed) Spider-Force I#2 (January, 2019)
Powers/Abilities: Astro-Spider possessed telepathy, allowing him to speak into the minds of other beings as well as read their thoughts and psionically share memories from one being to another. He also had telekinesis, which he often used to levitate himself or telekinetically move others.
In addition to his psychic powers, Astro-Spider could also project energy-based webbing from his hands, which he used to ensnare or net opponents or carry them from one place to another.
He also had a red gemstone embedded into his neck but what abilities the gemstone provided remain unrevealed. It's possible the gemstone could have transformed him into the werewolf-like Man-Wolf, like on Earth-616, but it was never shown doing so.
Astro-Spider wore an astronaut suit that protected him from most radiation and it was equipped with an insulated helmet and mask with anti-glare lenses that protected him from blinding light.
He also carried blaster weapons when needed and occasionally utilized robotic drones in his scavenging work.
Astro-Spider was a skilled astronaut, experienced with anti-gravity living and the piloting of space shuttles such as the Jericho.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'2")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 200 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
(Spider-Force I#2 (fb)) - John Jameson, son of Jonah, was an astronaut
who went into
space. During the launch into orbit, John noticed a spider crawling on
the inside of his helmet and the shuttle soon passed through a wall of
cosmic radiation. John later returned to Earth in a small capsule,
apparently mutated by the radiation. (Spider-Force I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Some time later, John
was sent back into space onto the Nautilus orbital platform to
construction of NASA's long-range rover project and while he was in
space, Earth was ravaged by a nuclear war. Despite the platform only
having enough supplies for a dozen people to live for six weeks, John
became the leader of thirty-six surviving humans and he began taking
weekly trips back to the radioactive Earth to scavenge for additional
supplies as the Astro-Spider. At some point, John married a fellow
survivor, Annie, and acquired a gemstone that became embedded into his
neck. (Spider-Force I#3 (fb)) -
During one of his scavenging missions to the radioactive Earth,
Astro-Spider found an emergency power relay in an abandoned subway
tunnel and reported back his findings to his wife Annie aboard the
Nautilus orbital platform. When Annie mentioned it would take weeks to
scavenge the entire system, John remarked that there was no sense
taking any finesse with the removal, suggesting he would just have some
drones rip the relay out. Soon hearing a thump sound, unaware that it
was the exiled Earth-001 Inheritor Verna, Astro-Spider stopped
momentarily then went on about his mission, asking Annie what would be
for dinner when he returned to the Nautilus. (Spider-Force I#3 (fb) - BTS) - During another
scavenging mission, Astro-Spider found a strange red crystal in the
subway tunnels beneath the former Sims Tower, unaware it contained the
essence of the Inheritor patriarch, Solus, and he placed the crystal in
his backpack, figuring its odd energy signature might make for a good
study or possible use as a power source. (Spider-Force I#1 (fb)) - Shortly after, Astro-Spider spotted a small squad of the Multiversal Spider-Army and attacked them. (Spider-Force I#2) - While
Astro-Spider was on Earth,
the Earth-001 Inheritor Verna arrived in the space docking station
housing Astro-Spider and the surviving humans of Earth-3145. Unaware
that Verna was slaughtering the humans aboard the space station while
searching for a crystal housing her father Solus' consciousness and
thinking the Spider-Army members were automatons, Astro-Spider fired
psi-webs at the spider-themed heroes and ordered them to surrender.
Earth-218's Spider-Kid shot flashbang grenades at Astro-Spider in
response but Astro-Spider was unaffected due to his helmet's anti-glare
lenses. Earth-616's Spider-Woman then tackled Astro-Spider and
Earth-616's Scarlet Spider (Kaine) deduced that Astro-Spider was
communicating with them telepathically. Scarlet Spider then burned part
of Astro-Spider's E.V.A. suit and suggested he telepathically probe
their minds for proof that they weren't his enemies. Knowing he would
have to get his suit patched up soon or suffer from the radioactivity
on Earth-3145, Astro-Spider agreed to share a glimpse into the minds of
all present. He then telepathically shared glimpses of how he acquired
superhuman powers while also glimpsing into the minds of the other
heroes, learning some of their life stories and their mission against
Verna. Having to relive traumatic memories caused Spider-Kid to panic
and he attacked Astro-Spider, demanding Astro-Spider get out of his
head, but Astro-Spider generated a psi-web shield and tried to calm
Spider-Kid down. Still a bit unsure whether he could trust the
spider-heroes, Astro-Spider agreed to let them accompany him back into
his shuttle and once inside, Astro-Spider claimed that he could not
help them against Verna, as he was responsible for the last remnants of
humanity. When the discussion was
interrupted by a distress call from
his friend Hector about a creature that had attacked his wife Annie in
space, Astro-Spider ordered the heroes to leave his shuttle. The other
heroes eventually managed to convince Astro-Spider to help them against
Verna, the "creature" Hector had called about and Astro-Spider split
the heroes into two squads, with himself leading Spider-Kid and
Earth-807128's Spider-Woman. Telepathically sending a map of the
platform into the minds of Spider-Kid and Spider-Woman-807128,
Astro-Spider broke off on his own to rescue his wife. Soon confronting
Verna one-on-one, Astro-Spider stabbed Verna with the crystal housing
Solus' consciousness. Comments: Created by Priest, Paulo Siqueira,
Oren Junior & Craig Yeung. Astro-Spider's eyes appeared blue in Spider-Force I#1
but brown in Spider-Force I#2-3. Since brown was shown more often, I
went with brown for his eye color in this profile. We only caught glimpses of John Jameson's origin as
Astro-Spider. For example, we see him launched into space, then a panel
showing a spider inside his helmet, then a panel of the shuttle hitting
a wall of cosmic radiation followed by a panel showing John and another
astronaut inside the radiation, and lastly, a space capsule landing in
the ocean. We can only assume one of two things: either the spider was
irradiated by the cosmic radiation and bit John, or John himself was
irradiated and developed spider-like powers due to his proximity to the
spider inside his helmet. Either way, he was mutated and gained
superhuman powers. While we only ever get a single mention of Jonah
being John's father, it seems extremely likely that this Jonah would be
the Earth-3145 counterpart of J. Jonah Jameson, Earth-616 Daily Bugle
publisher/owner/etc. Since he was only called "Jonah," I listed the
subprofile under only that name rather than assume his full name of J.
Jonah Jameson. I mean, for all we know, on Earth-3145, his name
could've been Joe Jonah Jameson or Jonah Jackson Jameson or who knows
what....though let's be honest, it probably is just J. Jonah Jameson,
haha...I just didn't want to assume facts that we don't know for sure. Profile by Proto-Man. CLARIFICATIONS: Annie was the wife of Astro-Spider and was an astronaut as well,
having survived Earth's ravaging aboard the Nautilus orbital platform
in space. When Astro-Spider scavenged supplies from Earth, Annie often
provided radio contact with Astro-Spider via his helmet and she helped
take care of the surviving humans on the Nautilus in his absence.
During one of Astro-Spider's scavenging missions, however, Annie was
attacked and killed by the Earth-001 Inheritor Verna, who was seeking a
crystal housing her father's life essence. Teaming up with four
spider-totems from the Multiverse, Astro-Spider returned to the
Nautilus to find Annie dead and he impaled Verna with the very crystal
she was seeking. Upon learning that the Spider-Army was also seeking
the crystal, Astro-Spider admitted that he might've been able to
prevent Annie's death had he known earlier they wanted the crystal that
he was carrying in his backpack. Hector was one of the surviving humans aboard the
Nautilus orbital platform and friend of Astro-Spider. During one of
Astro-Spider's scavenging missions, Hector provided radio contact with
Astro-Spider's wife Annie as she made some minor repairs to the
Nautilus and was on the radio line when Annie was killed by the
Earth-001 Inheritor Verna. When he lost contact, Hector returned to a
different part of the Nautilus to report losing contact with Annie,
only to find several more surviving humans slaughtered by Verna. Verna
then forced Hector to send a distress call to Astro-Spider, hoping that
Astro-Spider might possess the crystal housing her father Solus'
essence. Hector did as ordered, sending a distress call to Astro-Spider
and warning him about the attack on Annie by Verna. Moments after
Hector sent the distress call, however, Verna killed him, leaving his
corpse scattered amongst the other survivors she had killed. --Spider-Force I#2d The Jericho shuttle was the personal shuttle utilized
by Astro-Spider when he went to Earth on scavenging missions. He used
it on several missions and had used it to travel to Earth when he met
four of the Multiversal Spider-Army. When Astro-Spider began returning
to the Nautilus orbital station using the Jericho, he allowed the
spider-heroes to accompany him until he received a distress call about
his wife Annie being attacked, at which point he attempted to order the
spider-heroes to depart the shuttle. He ultimately allowed them to stay
as they mounted an attack on Verna, docking the Jericho at the
Nautilus. When Astro-Spider was killed battling Verna, the
spider-heroes used the Jericho to return to Earth and set a trap for
Verna. --Spider-Force I#2 (#3, Jonah was the father of John Jameson, the
Astro-Spider. He presumably died when Earth was ravaged by a nuclear
war. --Spider-Force I#2 - BTS The Nautilus was an orbital space station platform
constructed just outside of Earth's atmosphere. When Earth was ravaged
by nuclear war, those on the Nautilus were spared from the devastation
due to being off-planet. Knowing the Nautilus did not have enough
supplies for long-term habitation, Astro-Spider began making weekly
trips back to Earth to scavenge what supplies he could and he helped
protect the survivors aboard the Nautilus. When the Earth-001 Inheritor
Verna secretly boarded the Nautilus in search of a crystal housing her
father's life essence, she killed Annie and several other surviving
humans then forced Nautilus resident Hector to send out a distress call
to summon Astro-Spider back to the Nautilus. While Astro-Spider made
his way back, Verna booby-trapped the Nautilus airlocks but the
Astro-Spider teamed with four Multiversal spider-totems and split them
up into squads, with Spider-Woman-616 and Scarlet Spider-616 going to
the Nautilus ops center, Spider-Kid-218 and Spider-Woman-807128 going
to the airlocks and himself confronting Verna personally. Spider-Kid
and Spider-Woman-807128 accidentally set off one of the booby-trapped
airlocks but survived using a Nautilus escape pod while Astro-Spider
impaled Verna with the very crystal she was seeking. The barely living
Verna managed to use the last bit of her life to consume the life
essence of Astro-Spider, rejuvenating herself, and the four
spider-totems escaped the Nautilus in Astro-Spider's Jericho shuttle to
set a trap for Verna on Earth. --Spider-Force I#2 (#3, Appearances: First posted: 08/10/2022 Any Additions/Corrections? please let
me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
(Spider-Force I#3) -
Astro-Spider telepathically summoned Spider-Woman-616 and Scarlet
Spider-616 to his location and showed them that he had taken care of
the problem of Verna by using the crystal he had in his backpack the
entire time. Admitting that he wished that the Multiversal
spider-heroes had mentioned that they were looking for the crystal in
the first place, as his wife might still be alive if they had,
Astro-Spider was ordered to destroy the crystal by Scarlet Spider but
Astro-Spider commented on the possibility of using the crystal as a
power source to give the last remnants of humanity a fighting chance.
Scarlet Spider tried to argue on the danger of Solus possibly being
resurrected using the crystal and Astro-Spider assured Scarlet Spider
that Verna was dead, preventing Solus from being resurrected.
Spider-Woman-616 and Scarlet Spider-616 then tried to explain to
Astro-Spider how the Inheritors were reborn in clone bodies each time
they died but the argument was interrupted by the still-living Verna,
who used the last vestiges of her life to devour Astro-Spider,
consuming his life force to restore hers. As Verna drained
Astro-Spider's life, she grabbed the Solus crystal from his hands and
soon left Astro-Spider a withered husk, dead. While Verna was killing
Astro-Spider, Spider-Woman-616 snagged the stolen Web-Watch Verna
planned to use to escape Earth-3145 and she joined Scarlet Spider-616
in Astro-Spider's shuttle in an escape back to Earth. Spider-Kid and
Spider-Woman-807128 noticed Astro-Spider's fleeing Jericho shuttle
moments before they
were attacked by the
rejuvenated Verna. Using an escape pod, Spider-Kid and
Spider-Woman-807128 soon regrouped with Spider-Woman-616 and Scarlet
Spider-616 aboard Astro-Spider's shuttle and they continued their trek
back to Earth to trap Verna.
Earth-3145's Astro-Spider should be
distinguished from:
--Spider-Force I#2 (#3
(fb) - BTS, #2d,
(without ads)
Spider-Force I#1, p20, splash page (main image)
Spider-Force I#3, p6, pan3 (unmasked headshot)
Spider-Force I#2, p7, pan2-5 (origin)
Spider-Force I#2, p4, splash page (firing psi-webs)
Spider-Force I#2, p10, pan3 (gemstone on neck)
Spider-Force I#2, p17, pan1 (using telekinesis)
Spider-Force I#3, p8, pan1 (death)
Spider-Force I#2, p1, pan5 (Annie)
Spider-Force I#2, p11, pan1 (Hector)
Spider-Force I#3, p9, pan5 (Jericho shuttle)
Spider-Force I#2, p15, pan3 (Nautilus)
Spider-Force I#1 (December, 2018) -
Priest (writer), Paulo Siqueira (pencils), Oren Junior, Craig Yeung
(inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Force I#2 (January, 2019) - Priest (writer), Paulo Siqueira,
Marco Ferreira (pencils), Szymon Kudranski (pencils, inks), Oren
Junior, Roberto Poggi (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Force I#3 (February, 2019) - Priest (writer), Marcelo Ferreira
(pencils), Ibraim Roberson (pencils, inks), Roberto Poggi, Craig Yeung
(inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Last updated: 08/10/2022
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