
Real Name: Babet (presumably his surname)

Identity/Class: Apparent human

Occupation: Acolyte to the Cynodd;
head croupier at the Blue Chip Casino and Bar

Group Membership: Acolyte to the Cynodd;
    formerly at the staff at the
Blue Chip Casino and Bar

Affiliations: The Cynodd (notably Shakata);
Gun Runner (Brell), Gale Patric

EnemiesGale Patric;
    indirectly the Enhanced (Gun Runner/Brell, Heavy Duty/Glora Teth, Lure/Kay Glayvor, Oracle, Smith)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
the Blue Chip Casino and Bar in Las Vegas, Nevadababet-face

First AppearanceGun Runner#1 (October, 1993)

Powers/Abilities: Babet had no superhuman abilities, but he was experienced as head croupier (the attendant at a gaming table who manages game play and collects and pays debts), waiter, and bottle washer.

    He apparently had no problem betraying humanity in alien overlords plotting to put Earth into a state of complete order, with no change.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8" to 5'10")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 150-170 lbs.)
Eyes: Light blue
Hair: Brown

Gun Runner#1 (fb) - BTS) - Babet was one of a number of humans served as acolytes to the Cynodd on Earth.

(Gun Runner#1 (fb) - BTS) - Babet was employed by owner Gale Patric at Las Vegas' Blue Chip Casino and Bar, where he worked as head croupier, waiter, and bottle washer.

(Gun Runner#1 (fb) - BTS) - Over the years, Gale apparently took in a number of "John Doe"'s (a name given to a man whose real name was unknown), giving them jobs at the Blue Chip until they could get back on their feet again and move on.

(Gun Runner#1) - Babet was sweeping the Blue Chip's floor when Gale brought an amnesiac man (secretly Brell, aka Gun Runner of the Enhanced, unknown at the time even to Brell) to the Blue Chip to give him a job. Babet's co-worker, Steve the bartender, wondered what the sob-story of this "John Doe" was.

    Babet then introduced himself and told "John" to ignore Steve, as he took about 10 years to get used to. When Brell didn't know why he was being called "John," Babet figured he was in a really bad way.babet-death.jpg

    Later that night, a rowdy customer who was down $200 called Babet a "cheatin' skunk" and accused him of dealing from the bottom of the deck. Babet encouraged the man and his equally irate friend to be reasonable, and Gale offered them each a free drink while they tried to sort things out peacefully.

    The  rowdy customer instead shattered a bottle, waved it at Gale and demanded his money, leading Brell to instinctively use his abilities (including his Tactical support program) to subdue the men.

    An impressed Babet asked Brell where he had learned to do that, but Brell told him he didn't know. Gale told Babet to help Steve clean up and keep things under control until the police arrived, after which she departed with Brell.

    Babet then contacted Cynodd leader Shakata, noting that he believed he had encountered one of the Enhanced.

    Surprised as he believed they had rid the universe of the Enhanced centuries ago, Shakata complimented Babet on his good work and prepared to dispatch a strike team to take down Gun Runner.

(Gun Runner#6 - BTS) - Gun Runner and the rest of the Enhanced defeated the Zoo, Smith slew Shakata, and Gun Runner apparently destroyed the Cynodd's base and those within it.

(Gun Runner#6) - Babet told Steve he had a feeling that Gale wasn't coming back, as she'd been in trouble ever since she had hooked up with that "John Doe," and that the Blue Chip was likely finished, meaning they would soon be unemployed.

    Noting "And you'd know, Babet," Gale then entered, shocking Babet with her survival. After she turned the Blue Chip over to Steve, Babet exclaimed his disbelief, but Gale turned on him, naming him as a Cynodd acolyte as she used an energy weapon to disintegrate him.

Comments: Created by  Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Terry Clark, and Adolfo Baylla as part of Marvel UK.

    I took Babet to be an acolyte or worshipper of the Cynodd, rather than actually being one of the Cynodd, but I'm not positive. I guess Gale's willingness to callously incinerate him might indicate he wasn't human...

    Babet originally received a sub-profile under the Cynodd back in 12/08/2018.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Gun Runner#1, pg. 15, panel 3 (full);
    #6, pg. 21, panel 3 (face);
        pg. 22, panel 2-3 (death)

Gun Runner#1 (October, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (script), Terry Clark (penciler), Adolfo Baylla (inker), Bambos Georgiou (editor)
Gun Runner#6 (March, 1994) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (script), Anthony Williams (penciler), Colin Fawcett (inker), Bambos Georgiou (editor)

First posted01/26/2023
Last updated: 01/26/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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