Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Unrevealed (see "powers/abilities")
Occupation: Criminal
Group Membership: Works directly with operatives Brute, Gunsmith, Whiplash
Affiliations: "Unidentified alien race"
Enemies: Big Hero 6 (Baymax, Fred, Go-Go Tomago/Leiko Tanaka, Honey Lemon/Aiko Miyazaki, Hiro Takachiho, Wasabi No-Ginger), Dr. Kojiro Iosama, Marys Iosama, Furi Wamu
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
First Appearance: (BTS, name unrevealed) Big Hero 6 I#1 (November, 2008); (in shadows) Big Hero 6 I#2 (December, 2008); (name revealed) Big Hero 6 I#4 (February, 2009)
Powers/Abilities: BadGal is a villain of unknown origins who may be a super-powered human, a being of pure energy, or a technological program that has gained sentience. Though the source of her power is unrevealed, BadGal seems to have technological aspects to her origin, based on her references to Wetware. (see comments) BadGal possesses the ability to posses others, gaining access to their memories, skills, and powers during the time of possession. BadGal is capable of moving in between bodies. BadGal exists as an energy source that can be contained in a power unit, and she sometimes refers to her possession as wetware, suggesting technological origins. BadGal has directly possessed Marys Iosama.
BadGal also manipulates three distinct entities, Gunsmith, Whiplash, and Brute, that are separate from her but connected to her through unknown means. Each of these entities similarly overrides a host body while accessing that bodies memories and skillsets. When BadGal is defeated, the other three are automatically defeated with her.
Gunsmith has been known to possess one civilian and the government agent Furi Wamu, and he carries with him an ice-gun (capable of firing freezing bullets or encasing others in ice) and a light-gun (capable of stunning others); these guns sometimes look like handguns and sometimes like large guns made of energy.
Whiplash has been known to possess one civilian, Honey Lemon, and Go-Go Tomago, and she carries with her an energy whip that can stun others or overwhelm them with an energy attack, and which can also be used to bind or restrain her opponents. The whip is capable of growing and shrinking to various lengths as she utilizes it. In one case, BadGal channelled the powers of Whiplash directly.
Brute has been known to possess one civilian and Dr. Iosama, and he brings with him super-strength, bulk, and durability.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed
(Big Hero 6 I#4 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal is a villain (or potentially a
sentient computer program) who uses wetware to upload her consciousness
into the forms of others, effectively possessing them and taking over
their skills and memories. BadGal, who often hires herself out to
others for jobs, using three other villains (who may also be sentient
computer programs, or aspects of BadGal) named Whiplash, Brute, and
Gunsmith to possess civilians or heroes to aid in her crimes. One
mysterious villain hired BadGal to orchestrate the theft of several
valuable crystals from sites on different continents.
(Big Hero 6 I#1 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal used her operatives to cover her in stealing crystals from four locations around the world. She identified the last two crystals in Tokyo and New York City.
(Big Hero 6 I#1 - BTS) - Gunsmith, Whiplash, and Brute were uploaded into civilians at the Tesuka Advanced Science Institute, where they were to create a distraction while BadGal stole the crystal. Gunsmith froze Principal Miyazaki (though Honey Lemon soon freed him) before turning his ice blasts on Baymax, but Wasabi No-Ginger, after slicing through Gunsmith's bullets, knocked Gunsmith out. Whiplash attacked Go-Go Tomago, but Baymax threw her into the air, defeating her. Brute sparred with Baymax before Go-Go Tomago knocked him out. The villains left the civilians' forms, leaving them with no memories of what had happened to them.
(Big Hero 6 I#2 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal, through an operative, tried breaking in to steal the final crystal on Plum Island in New York, but she couldn't find it.
(Big Hero 6 I#2) - BadGal watched over Big Hero 6 and Furi Wamu, and their allies Dr. Kojiro Iosama and his daughter Marys, when they traveled to New York. She began making plans for how to use the heroes and their allies for her own goals.
(Big Hero 6 I#3) - BadGal ambushed Honey Lemon and uploaded Whiplash into her form. BadGal had "Whiplash" call Wamu and Iosama to Plum Island, then she attacked Plum Island, fighting back the guards. BadGal put the Gunsmith form into Furi Wamu, and Brute into Dr. Iosama Kojiro. Whiplash attacked Big Hero 6, using Honey Lemon's knowledge of their tactics against them, as Gunsmith took down Baymax with energy bullets and Brute revealed himself.
(Big Hero 6 I#4) - Brute attacked Fred, who unleashed his monster to defeat Brute. A massive fight broke out between the heroes and their possessed allies. When Honey Lemon was defeated, Whiplash possessed Go-Go Tomago instead. When Hiro and Marys headed into the facility, finding the entire staff unconscious, BadGal sent Gunsmith in after them, and they soon found BadGal and tackled her, but she possessed Marys instead. Hiro tackled Marys, but Gunsmith knocked him back and said he'd kill him. Just then, Furi Wamu revealed that her cybernetic eye patch had been absorbing the Wetware energy the entire time. With the energy contained, BadGal lost her powers, and all of the possessions stopped. BadGal was placed in a containment unit.
(Big Hero 6 I#5 - BTS) - Big Hero 6 agreed, against their better judgment, to leave BadGal with a group of mysterious aliens that they discovered underneath Plum Island. They agreed to let BadGal go if she promised not to commit crimes, but she immediately possessed another agent and began pursuing Big Hero 6 back to Tokyo.
(Big Hero 6 I#5) - BadGal, channelling the powers of Whiplash, fought Big Hero 6, but Honey Lemon easily knocked her out.
Comments: Created by Chris Claremont, David Nakayama, and Terry Pallot.
"BadGal" is never clearly defined, nor ever clearly seen. In fact, the name BadGal is sometimes placed into quotation marks when she is discussed. She is noted as a criminal for hire, and she is seen to directly control the other three possessing villains that accompany her, Brute, Gunsmith, and Whiplash. My theory is that she is a mutate who exists in an energy form, or a sentient computer program, but she could be a mutant, an Inhuman, an alien, or anything else.
Wetware has connotations to both technology and organic chemistry. It appears that Badgal uses technological means to hijack the brain, but more specificity on her powers is needed.
This profile was completed 3/17/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Chadman.
BadGal has no known connections to:
Brute has no known connections to:
Gunsmith has no known connections to:
Whiplash has no known connections to:
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Brute (Big Hero 6 I#4 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal is a villain (or potentially a sentient computer program) who uses wetware to upload her consciousness into the forms of others, effectively possessing them and taking over their skills and memories. BadGal, who often hires herself out to others for jobs, using three other villains (who may also be sentient computer programs) named Whiplash, Brute, and Gunsmith to possess civilians or heroes to aid in her crimes. One mysterious villain hired BadGal to orchestrate the theft of several valuable crystals from sites on different continents. (Big Hero 6 I#1 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal used her operatives to cover her in stealing crystals from four locations around the world. She identified the last two crystals in Tokyo and New York City. (Big Hero 6 I#1) - Gunsmith, Whiplash, and Brute were uploaded into civilians at the Tesuka Advanced Science Institute, where they were to create a distraction while BadGal stole the crystal. During the fight, Brute sparred with Baymax before Go-Go Tomago knocked him out. The villains left the civilians' forms, leaving them with no memories of what had happened to them. (Big Hero 6 I#3) - BadGal ambushed Honey Lemon and uploaded Whiplash into her form. BadGal had "Whiplash" call Wamu and Iosama to Plum Island, then she attacked, fighting back the guards. BadGal put the Gunsmith form into Furi Wamu, and Brute into Dr. Kojiro Iosama. They attacked Big Hero 6. (Big Hero 6 I#4) - Brute attacked Fred, who unleashed his monster to defeat Brute. Later, Furi Wamu revealed that her cybernetic eye patch had been absorbing the Wetware energy the entire time. With the energy contained, BadGal lost her powers, and all of the possessions stopped. BadGal was placed in a containment unit. --Big Hero 6 I#1 (4 (fb) - BTS, 1 (fb) - BTS, 1, 3-4 |
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Gunsmith (Big Hero 6 I#4 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal is a villain (or potentially a sentient computer program) who uses wetware to upload her consciousness into the forms of others, effectively possessing them and taking over their skills and memories. BadGal, who often hires herself out to others for jobs, using three other villains (who may also be sentient computer programs) named Whiplash, Brute, and Gunsmith to possess civilians or heroes to aid in her crimes. One mysterious villain hired BadGal to orchestrate the theft of several valuable crystals from sites on different continents. (Big Hero 6 I#1 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal used her operatives to cover her in stealing crystals from four locations around the world. She identified the last two crystals in Tokyo and New York City. (Big Hero Six I#1) - In Tokyo, Gunsmith and the others attacked the Tesuka Advanced Science Institute, and Gunsmith fired a blast at Principal Miyazaki and some of the students, freezing them, before Go-Go Tomago, of Big Hero Six, knocked him down. Gunsmith turned his ice guns on Baymax, but Wasabi No-Ginger arrived, slicing through Gunsmith's bullets with carefully thrown knives before knocking Gunsmith out. As the fight ended, the villains returned to civilian forms and were arrested. The heroes soon realized that the battle had been a cover for artifacts to be stolen from the Institute. (Big Hero Six I#2 (fb) - BTS) - The three civilians were questioned about their criminal actions, but they had no memories of the events. (Big Hero Six I#3) - In New York, Gunsmith took over the mind of Furi Wamu, Whiplash took over Honey Lemon, and Brute took over Dr. Iosama Kojiro. (Big Hero Six I#4) - Gunsmith opened fire on the various heroes, stunning Fred with the light gun before Baymax knocked her unconscious. Later, Furi Wamu revealed that her cybernetic eye patch had been absorbing the Wetware energy the entire time. With the energy contained, BadGal lost her powers, and all of the possessions stopped. BadGal was placed in a containment unit. --Big Hero 6 I#1 (4 (fb) - BTS, 1 (fb) - BTS, 1, 2 (fb) - BTS, 3-4 |
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Whiplash (Big Hero 6 I#4 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal is a villain (or potentially a sentient computer program) who uses wetware to upload her consciousness into the forms of others, effectively possessing them and taking over their skills and memories. BadGal, who often hires herself out to others for jobs, using three other villains (who may also be sentient computer programs) named Whiplash, Brute, and Gunsmith to possess civilians or heroes to aid in her crimes. One mysterious villain hired BadGal to orchestrate the theft of several valuable crystals from sites on different continents. (Big Hero 6 I#1 (fb) - BTS) - BadGal used her operatives to cover her in stealing crystals from four locations around the world. She identified the last two crystals in Tokyo and New York City. (Big Hero 6 I#1 - BTS) - Gunsmith, Whiplash, and Brute were uploaded into civilians at the Tesuka Advanced Science Institute, where they were to create a distraction while BadGal stole the crystal. During the fight, Whiplash attacked Go-Go Tomago, but Baymax threw her into the air, defeating her. The villains left the civilians' forms, leaving them with no memories of what had happened to them. (Big Hero 6 I#3) - BadGal ambushed Honey Lemon and uploaded Whiplash into her form. BadGal had "Whiplash" call Wamu and Iosama to Plum Island, then she attacked Plum Island, fighting back the guards. BadGal put the Gunsmith form into Furi Wamu, and Brute into Dr. Kojiro Iosama. Whiplash attacked Big Hero 6, using Honey Lemon's knowledge of their tactics against them, as Gunsmith took down Baymax with energy bullets and Brute revealed himself. (Big Hero 6 I#4) - Brute attacked Fred, who unleashed his monster to defeat Brute. A massive fight broke out between the heroes and their possessed allies. When Honey Lemon was defeated, Whiplash possessed Go-Go Tomago instead. Later, Furi Wamu revealed that her cybernetic eye patch had been absorbing the Wetware energy the entire time. With the energy contained, BadGal lost her powers, and all of the possessions stopped. BadGal was placed in a containment unit. (Big Hero 6 I#5 - BTS) - Big Hero 6 agreed, against their better judgment, to leave BadGal with a group of mysterious aliens that they discovered underneath Plum Island. They agreed to let BadGal go if she promised not to commit crimes, but she immediately possessed another agent and began pursuing Big Hero 6 back to Tokyo. (Big Hero 6 I#5) - BadGal, channelling the powers of Whiplash, fought Big Hero 6, but Honey Lemon easily knocked her out. --Big Hero 6 I#1 (4 (fb) - BTS, 1 (fb) - BTS, 1 - BTS, 3-4, 5 (fb) - BTS, 5 |
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images: (without ads)
Big Hero 6 I#3, p15, pan2 (main)
Big Hero 6 I#4, p20, pan4 (energy form)
Big Hero 6 I#1, p13, pan2 (Gunsmith, Whiplash, and Brute in Japan)
Big Hero 6 I#4, p16, pan2 (possessing agent)
Big Hero 6 I#4, p16, pan5 (possessing Marys)
Big Hero 6 I#3, p22, pan1 (Brute/Kojiro)
Big Hero 6 I#1, p13, pan1 (Gunsmith, main)
Big Hero 6 I#3, p22, pan1 (Gunsmith, possessing Furi Wamu)
Big Hero 6 I#3, p17, pan7 (Whiplash/Honey Lemon)
Big Hero 6 I#4, p15, pan2 (Whiplash/Go-Go Tomago)
Big Hero 6 I#1-5 (November, 2008 - March, 2009) - Chris Claremont
(writer), David Nakayama (penciler), Terry Pallot (inker), Mark
Paniccia (editor)
First Posted: 09/30/2021
Last updated: 09/28/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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