Name: Badj
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Reality-98410) extraterrestrial (see comments)
Occupation: Deserter, scientist;
former mercenary soldier
Group Membership: Formerly Alien Legion: Nomad Squad (the Bospor, Torqa Dun, Durge, Jugger Grimrod, Hadron, Meico, Skathe Mescad, Torie Montroc III, Sarigar, Ibrm Vesper, Zeerod, others)
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Torie Montroc III, Sarigar, Ibrm Vesper, Zeerod
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile across the three galaxies Thermor, Ophides and Auron.
First Appearance: Alien Legion I#1 (April 1984)
Powers/Abilities: Badj was a scientist and believed himself to have advanced intelligence; since he claimed this while under the influence of a potent drug, this estimation of himself might be inaccurate. He wore standard Legion armor designed to deflect laser blasts so long as they did not hit straight on, and a Legion backpack with a built in radio. He used both Legion dart guns and pirates' lasers.
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Fur: Brown
(Alien Legion I#1 (fb) -
BTS) - The Alien Legion was a mercenary force composed of bio-forms from
countless far-flung worlds of the trigalactic TOPHAN Galactic Union.
While the Union's own defense forces maintained the pax galactica, the
Legion was charged with the low status responsibilites - guarding
inhospitable frontier worlds, quashing insurgencies, and generally
serving the Union wherever and whenever the odds stacked up deadly and
(Alien Legion I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Badj
joined the Legion for the opportunities...
Legion I#2 (fb) - BTS) - for free travel and to study
biology and botany on alien worlds during the Legion's tours of duty
around the galaxies. He viewed himself as a scientist first, rather than
a soldier. He discussed this several times with his superior, Lieutenant
Torrie Montroc III.
(Alien Legion I#1 (fb) - BTS) - After
reports reached the Union that mineral pirates were operating on
Wedifact IV, a moon the Union had deemed off limits in order to allow
its developing sentient species, the Rathosaurs, to evolve physically
and culturally uncontaminated by outside influences, they dispatched
Nomad, Vector and two other unidentified Legion squads to put the
pirates out of commission. To minimize the operation's impact on
Wedifact IV the Legionnaires were only armed with pistols that fired
biodegradable darts. This was to be Badj's first combat mission.
Legion I#1) - Nearing Wedifact IV, the Legion transport
suffered a sneak attack from Harkilon fighters in contravention of their
treaty with the Union. With two squads' shuttles destroyed on the first
hit, the transport's engines disabled and the Harkilons circling round
for another attack run, the remaining Legion squads, Nomad and Vector,
were ordered to evacuate to their respective shuttles, prompting Badj to
complain that intelligence had informed them this mission was meant to
be an easy one. Making it to the moon, Vector followed the agreed plan
and flew over the pirates' base for a quick recon, intending to then
rendezvous with Nomad afterwards, but the pirates shot them down, then
hunted down the survivors; outgunned by the pirates' high energy lasers,
they were easily slain.
After Nomad Squad landed and established a command post a safe distance away, Montroc led Badj, Torqa Dun, Jugger Grimrod, Meico, Durge and an unidentified trooper to scout for Vector's shuttle. Discovering Vector Squad's corpses, Montroc ordered Badj to stand guard while the others collected their fallen comrades' ID tags. Noticing Dun stealing a dead Legionnaire's wristo (wrist watch), Badj called him a ghoul and reminded him that Montroc's orders had not been to loot, but the unrepentant Dun told him that a dead man had no need to tell the time, and told him to get back to playing guard.
Resuming his sentry duty, Badj
ruminated on Dun's comments, wondering to himself if perhaps he had the
right idea, reasoning that since the Legion got all the dirtiest jobs in
the Union and was composed of such a range of oddballs thrown together
, that if he didn't look out for himself, no one else would. His reverie
was interrupted by a twig snapping nearby, and when Badj investigated, he
spotted a group of Rathosaurs traversing the jungle nearby transporting
what appeared to be some advanced technology. Intrigued, Badj decided to
follow them, figuring getting "lost" was a preferable alternative to
fighting the pirates alongside Nomad Squad and likely dying like Vector
Squad had. Busy burying Vectors' dead, the rest of the scouts only
noticed Badj's absence once they had finished, and with orders to return
to base, they were unable to spare time to look for him. The next day Nomad
Squad attacked the pirates and wiped them out. Reporting their success
back to the Union, they were informed a new transport would collect them
in a couple of days. With Badj still not responding to calls on the
radio, Nomad's captain Sarigar ordered a search launched, angrily noting
that Badj best not be trying to desert.
Legion I#2 (fb) - BTS) - As he followed the Rathosaurs,
Badj noticed Silote pods growing from nearby trees, extremely rare
plants that could yield a powerful hallucinogenic extract worth a
fortune, and he became overcome with avarice, reasoning that the money
he could make would allow him to travel the galaxies as he pleased
without having to risk his life in the Legion.
(Alien Legion I#1) - Still
following the Rathosaurs, Badj came across the natives' village, and
noted with amusement that while the Legion had been dispatched to
prevent the Rathosaurs from suffering societal contamination, they were
far too late as the natives had been pilfering technology from the
pirates to play with. As he wondered to himself if the natives had the
intelligence to use any of it yet, he witnessed one Rathosaur
unwittingly activate a grenade and blow itself up.
(Alien Legion I#2
(fb) - BTS) - Badj stole some lasers from the Rathosaurs' stash, ditched
his Legion backpack, and, after killing a couple of Rathosaurs to make
his point, he forced the natives to harvest the Silote pods and extract
the drugs they contained, some of which he then sampled, rendering
himself inebriated.
The day after the battle against the
pirates, Meico, Hadron and Durge scouted the sector where Badj had last
been seen, but found no sign of him, nor evidence of struggle or foul
(Alien Legion I#2) - In light of Meico's report, Sarigar wanted to log Badj as a deserter, but Montroc asked him not to, aware that military law treated desertion as an automatic death sentence, arguing that Badj wouldn't be that stupid and that the inexperienced soldier had instead gotten himself into trouble. The more cynical Sarigar pointed out that Badj had vanished before Nomad Squad had encountered any trouble, stating that he believed Badj had fled to avoid risking dying in battle. However, he agreed to leave off logging Badj as a deserter until the transport arrived to pick them up, assigning LegionnairesVesper and Zeerod to help Montroc search.
The trio of the searchers eventually located Badj's backpack and the Rathosaurs he had murdered, prompting Montroc to conclude that the pirates must have found and slain Badj prior to Nomad Squad hitting the pirate camp the night before, rather than deserting. However Badj had spotted the trio; had he stayed out of their sight, his scheme and actual fate might have remaining undiscovered, but still under the influence and suffering from impaired judgement, he decided he couldn't risk the Legion "stealing" his Silote. Coming at the trio from behind as they were examining the corpses, a slurred Badj thanked Montroc for showing trust in him and took the trio prisoner at laser point. Montroc tried to reason with him, but Zeerod pronounced Badj a traitor and went for his dart gun. Badj shot Zeerod's wrist, forcing him to drop the weapon while Badj laughed drunkenly.
Tying their hands, Badj walked them back to the Rathosaur village as he
explained his exploitation of the Rathosaurs and plans for the Silote.
Montroc again tried to get him to see reason, but Badj was confident
that with the half the pirates' arsenal in his possession and three
hostages, he could force Sarigar to negotiate his free passage off
Wedifact IV, and if Sarigar refused, Badj would kill every Legionnaire in
the quadrant, starting with his prisoners. As he made this threat, the
booming of a distant photon-turret gun distracted him; back near the
pirates' mining site some remaining pirates had been trying to sneak in
and retrieve their valuable ore but had been startled into thinking they
were under attack when the Silote trees had begun explosively ejecting
their ripe pods.
As Badj glanced around, the Silote trees near the village also began to fire their pods with sufficient force to implant them in the ground. Seeing the pods panic the Rathosaurs and needing the natives to handle extracting the drug, Badj shifted his attention away from his prisoners as he drunkenly tried to stop the Rathosaurs from fleeing. Seizing his chance, Montroc charged Badj from behind, knocking the lasers from the deserter's hands, then kicked him in the head, knocking him out. Cutting the ropes tying their wrists on nearby thorns, the trio of Legionnaires fled the pod-storm with Vesper carrying the unconscious Badj into custody to face Legion justice.
After Nomad Squad departed Wedifact IV,
the idealistic Montroc told Sarigar he would like to believe it had been
the Silote extract that had made Badj turn on them, extenuating
circumstances rather than any intrinsic evil in his soul.
Comments: Created by Carl Potts, Alan Zelenetz, Frank Cirocco and Terry Austin.
Alien Legion was an Epic title, and the
characters and concepts are owned by Carl Potts. It is set in
Reality-98410, which has connected to the rest of the Omniverse through
the Legion's Jugger Grimrod encountering another Epic character, the
reality-hopping Law Dog, in Law Dog vs. Grimrod, and via a less direct
crossover with adventurer Lester Girls (The Trouble With Girls), evolved
dinosaurs the Stokers (Feud) and Conita U'Det (Spyke) in Epic's Heavy
Hitters Annual#1. However, I am unaware of any crossover between those
realities and others that might then provide a confirmed direct route
from Alien Legion all the way through to Reality-616, where most Marvel
stories are set. The closest we have is an alternate reality version of
Nomad Squad, Hodad Force of the Alienated Legion, who turned up in What
The..?!#5/4, where they encountered humor counterparts of the Shadowline
heroes and Marshal Law. A minor side effect of this lack of links is
that without any chain of characters leading to a Marvel character whose
height is already revealed, there's no way to accurately estimate Badj's
stature. He seems fairly tall, and if the humanoid members of Nomad
Squad (Montroc, Grimrod and Dun) are about regular human height, then
Badj is close to them, placing him somewhere in the 5' to 6'6" range.
As far as I am aware (and I admit I've
not read all the Alien Legion tales), there's apparently nothing
in-story that might prevent Alien Legion existing within Reality-616.
Their adventures all take place in three galaxies well away from the
ones most Marvel stories take place in (predominately the Milky Way,
plus sometimes the Andromeda and Shi'ar galaxies), and I don't believe
Earth is ever mentioned, so Nomad Squad could feasibly be active in the
modern day, just a long way away from all the other characters running
around 616. However, just because nothing in the stories rules it out
doesn't mean Carl Potts is likely to permit the Legion to run into
Galactus or visit the Baxter Building on Earth.
Unlike many of Nomad Squad who lasted
somewhat longer and so had more time to be developed, we don't get told
what species or planet Badj hails from.
This profile was completed 01/03/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Loki.
Badj has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Alien Legion I#2, p11, pan6
(main image)
Alien Legion I#1, p38, pan2
(smiling headshot)
Alien Legion I#1, p2, pan1
(side view)
Legion I#2, p9, pan2 (upper torso shot)
Alien Legion I#1, p10, pan3
(angry headshot)
Alien Legion I#1 (April 1984)
- Alan Zelenetz (writer), Frank Cirocco (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor), Carl
Potts (creator)
Alien Legion I#2 (June 1984) -
Alan Zelenetz (writer), Frank Cirocco (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor), Carl
Potts ("producer")
First Posted: 09/14/2021
Last updated: 09/11/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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