Real Name: Dr. Hillman Barto
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Scientist
Group Membership: Adarco (ADvAnced Robotic COmpany)
Affiliations: Annex (Alex Ellis), Harvey Benson, Code: Blue, Abner Dunson, Janet Galloway, Jennifer, Jeremy, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Tim
Known Relatives: Marjorie Barto (wife), Melody Barto (daughter)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man Annual I#27/1 (May, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Dr. Hillman Barto is a talented scientist with expertise in computer technology and cytology (the study of cellular structure), who has a particular passion for providing structured limbs for amputees. Barto is the creator of B.R.E.W., and the Annexing unit and Annex suit, both large computerized versions and the surgical implant.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
(Annex#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Hillman Barto lived in New York City with his wife, Marjorie, and his teenage daughter, Melody.
(Annex#1 (fb) - BTS/Amazing Spider-Man Annual I#27/1 (fb) - BTS) - Barto had ideas on how to use a combination of cytology and computer technology to develop prostheses for war veterans who had lost a limb in combat. He approached Abner Dunson of Adarco about funding his research, but Dunson, who had lost his own son David/Davey in war, was reluctant to fund something so altruistic. Barto had to promise to explore the military capabilities of his research in order to get the funding to continue. Barto worked for the subsidiary R&D Team for Adarco, established the B.R.E.W. (Bio-Regenerative Energy Well) that would send forward biological matter in various configurations to pre-selected units and delivered to someone who was wearing an annexing unit, which looked like purple armor. He was unaware that Dunson had compromised his research, uploading the recorded memories of his son David into the computer unit.
(Annex#2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Barto learned of another scientist, Brace, who had been injured, and he heard rumors that Brace had received upgrades using Barto's tech, but he couldn't be sure. Barto began to realize how dangerous his tech could be in the wrong hands, but he proceeded. He designed a smaller annexing-unit that could be surgically implanted, but he kept it secret.
(Annex#3 (fb) - BTS) - Among those Barto argued ethics with over the annexing project was Janet Galloway, a woman who sat on the Board of Trustees, and who wanted to use the technology purely for profit.
(Amazing Spider-Man Annual I#27/1 (fb) ) - War veteran Alex Ellis, who'd had one leg amputated, was their first volunteer, but when he put on the annexing unit, he initially manifested a leg from B.R.E.W., generating it with his own thoughts, but soon the program erased Annex's memories and overwrote his personality with another's, causing him to go on a rampage with B.R.E.W.-manifested weapons. Ellis, calling himself Annex, destroyed parts of Adarco, as Barto tried calling Mr. Dunson for help, but the lab collapsed around Barto, trapping him.
(Amazing Spider-Man Annual I#27/1) - Spider-Man and Annex (calmed down now) saved Barto from the wreckage at Adarco, and he explained what had happened and then he helped restore Ellis' personality. Barto researched and realized that Dunson's son, Davey Dunson, had an entire personality matrix uploaded into the computer, one that had overwritten Ellis' personality. Realizing he had been manipulated, he put blockers on the Davey Dunson file so that Ellis could keep control, then Annex and Spider-Man went to take down Abner. When Abner began using Annexing technology against Annex, Spider-Man made sure Barto had extra electrical power to be able to isolate Davey's memories, then Annex used those to distract Abner, who was soon defeated. Before Adarco's projects were destroyed, Barto made sure he downloaded enough intel to continue his work with B.R.E.W. Barto assured Spider-Man that only he, Ellis, and Spider-Man knew the truth about what had happened.
(Spider-Man Unlimited I#3/3 (fb) - BTS) - Barto and Ellis worked to restore the lab, operating with Adarco while maintaining distance from the company. As they continued their research, Barto began to realize that the Annex unit kept seeking to download Ellis' personality.
(Spider-Man Unlimited I#3/3) - After hearing newscasts about the dangers of technology, Barto told Ellis they needed to deactivate the Annex unit, reminding Ellis it was never meant to be used for super-heroics. When agents from Ren-Tech attacked Adarco, Barto helped Ellis suit up as Annex to fight them off, warning him to not let his personality be lost by the machine. Barto called Code: Blue for help, but Annex was able to defeat Ren-Tech on his own.
(Annex#1 (fb) - BTS) - Barto continued working with Ellis on the Annex armor, testing its capabilities. They established a base that they made look like a rundown tenement.
(Annex#1) - Barto watched and worried as Ellis took out the Annex suit for a trial run, soon gaining the attention of Spider-Man. When Adarco tried killing Barto to regain the Annex technology, Annex saved Barto, then pretended he didn't know them to keep their relationship private. Barto met up with Ellis later, regretting that he couldn't be truly honest with him, and reminded Ellis that the Annex unit was never meant for super hero activity. Just as Barto was ready to come clean with Ellis, armed men picked up Barto and forced him into a car as Barto told Ellis to protect his family. Unable to escape, Barto was shocked to hear that Ellis had changed to Annex and was after him, and he activated a tracking chip in his watch to get to Annex if he could even as the men forced Barto to direct them to his secret lab. At the lab, Barto triggered an electric field that knocked out the villains, then he reunited with Annex and Melody in the lab, and Barto was horrified to learn that Annex had fought Brace. Barto told Annex to take off his armor, but Annex chose to fight Brace again, rushing away. Barto and Melody then saw on the computer that Annex's life support had terminated during the battle.
(Annex#2) - Barto explained to Melody how he felt responsible for his tech being used, then he retrieved the smaller tech then rushed with Melody to a car, planning to disappear with his family. Ellis rushed to the car as well, reporting that Brace had stolen the Annex armor, and Barto told him the truth about Brace. At home, after they realized Marjorie was safe with the Benson family next door, Barto confessed that he knew how dangerous his tech was. He showed Ellis the tech he'd retrieved and explained that if he implanted it, Ellis could become Annex without the larger armor, and Ellis consented. After inserting the device, Barto saw Ellis become Annex again. Brace attacked and Annex soon battled him above the Barto home, putting civilians, including Harvey Benson, in danger. Benson assured Hillman that Marjorie was safe inside. As Tim and Jennifer's home was destroyed, they worried about their son Jeremy, then Brace grabbed Barto, who yelled at Annex to focus on saving others and to let him go.
(Annex#3) - Barto woke up restrained, and Janet Galloway revealed her involvement as the mastermind behind Brace and Barto's kidnapping. Galloway hinted that she worked for evil organizations (A.I.M. and A.R.M.S.) that planned to weaponize the annexing unit for the masses. Brace threatened to harm Barto's family, even calling to get Marjorie on the phone before hanging up, in order to force Barto to work with them. Barto upgraded Brace, feeling he had no choice.
(Annex#4) - Spider-Man rushed in to help the captive Barto, but A.I.M.-powered A.R.M.S. agents fought back, but Spidey easily triumphed. Freed, Barto rushed to the computers and began working to restore Brace's missing limbs with B.R.E.W., hoping it would stop the villain form being consumed by the power and end the fight with Annex. Galloway found Barto and held a gun to his head, but Barto activated Brace's full cure. Furious, Galloway shot at Barto, then Brace arrived to stop her, turning against her. Galloway responded by hitting a button, cancelling his cure, and Brace lashed out, causing the building to collapse. Annex saved Barto, but Galloway and Brace were lost in the wreckage. As they got outside, Barto had a heart attack. As he died, he asked Annex to look after his family.
(Annex#4 - BTS) - After Hillman died of a heart attack his wife and daughter attended his funeral with Alex Ellis.
Comments: Created by Jack C. Harris, Tom Lyle, and Scott Hanna.
This profile was completed 12/28/2020, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Chadman.
Dr. Hillman Barto has no known connections to:
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Marjorie Barto (Annex#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Hillman Barto lived in New York City with his wife, Marjorie, and his teenage daughter, Melody. (Annex#1) - Alex Ellis, a coworker of Hillman's, rushed to the Barto home to tell Marjorie and Melody that Hillman had been kidnapped. After discovering the phone line was dead, Marjorie went to the neighbors home, the Bensons, for support. (Annex#2 - BTS) - Marjorie remained safe with the Bensons. (Annex#3) - Marjorie was questioned by the police about her husband's work, but she kept Alex Ellis a secret. She cried as she got prank calls. (Annex#4) - After Hillman died of a heart attack, Marjorie and Melody attended the funeral with Ellis. --Annex#1 ([Annex#1 (fb)], 1, [2], 3-4 |
Melody Barto (Annex#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Hillman Barto lived in New York City with his wife, Marjorie, and his teenage daughter, Melody. (Annex#1) - Alex Ellis, a coworker of Hillman's, rushed to the Barto home to tell Marjorie and Melody that Hillman had been kidnapped. After discovering the phone line was dead, Marjorie went to the neighbors home, the Bensons, for support. Melody followed Ellis, and heard him explain about her father's scientific work, then she helped Ellis activate a device that turned him into Annex. After Annex fought Brace, Melody picked him up in her car and helped him track her father, making him promise to protect him. Annex and Melody found Barto before Annex continued fighting Brace. She soon heard Hillman worry that Ellis had been killed by Brace. (Annex#2) - Melody heard her father explain how he felt responsible for his tech being used for evil, then he and Melody rushed to a car to get to safety. Ellis rushed to the car as well, reporting that Brace had stolen the Annex armor, and Barto told him the truth about Brace. At home, after they realized Marjorie was safe with the Benson family next door, Barto confessed that he knew how dangerous his tech was. He showed Ellis the tech he'd retrieved and explained that if he implanted it, Ellis could become Annex without the larger armor, and Ellis consented. After inserting the device, Barto saw Ellis become Annex again. (Annex#3) - Melody watched as her mom was questioned by the police, and she found herself missing Ellis, wondering if she might have feelings for him. (Annex#4) - After Hlllman died of a heart attack, Marjorie and Melody attended the funeral with Ellis. --Annex#1 (Annex#1-4 |
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Harvey Benson (Annex#1 - BTS) - When Marjorie Barto learned she might be in danger, she hid out at the home of her neighbors, the Bensons. (Annex#2) - Hearing Annex and Brace battling in the sky above their homes, Harvey Benson went out to check on things and he saw Hillman Barto there. Harvey told Hillman that Marjorie was still safe inside. --Annex#1 ([Annex#1], 2 |
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Tim, Jennifer, Jeremy (Annex#2) - Neighbors of the Barto and Benson families, Tim and Jennifer were shocked to see their home destroyed in a battle between Annex and Brace, and they worried about their son Jeremy inside. Annex soon rushed in to the fire to save Jeremy, getting him to the paramedics. --Annex#2 |
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images: (without ads)
Spider-Man Unlimited I#3, p48, pan1 (main)
Annex#1, p16, pan2 (face)
Annex#1, p118, pan2 (Harmony Barto)
Annex#1, p8, pan2 (Marjorie Barto)
Annex#2, p17, pan1 (Harvey Benson)
Annex#2, p18, pan3 (Tim and Jennifer)
Annex#2, p22, pan2 (Jeremy)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual I#27/1 (May, 1993) - Jack C. Harris (writer),
Tom Lyle (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Spider-Man Unlimited I#3 (November, 1993) - Jack Harris (writer), Jess
D. Orozo (penciler), Mark Stegbauer (inker), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Annex#1-4 (August-November, 1994) - Jack C. Harris (writer), Walter
McDaniel (penciler), Matt Banning, Scott Koblish (inkers), Mark Powers
First Posted: 09/26/2021
Last updated: 09/25/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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