(of Earth-38191)
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Alternate reality
(Earth-38191) human (sometime around the 10th century? - see comments)
Occupation: Leader of thieves
Group Membership: Her Forty Thieves (Sayeed, others)
Affiliations: Exiles (Becky Barnes of Earth-86315, Blink/Clarice Ferguson of Earth-295, Captain America/Peggy Carter of Earth-86315, Iron Lad/Nathaniel Richards of Earth-18651, King/T'Challa of Earth-18136, Valkyrie of Reality-22681, Wolvie), Hakeem Strange, her Forty Thieves
Enemies: Caliph Doom (Viktor Doom), Mephisto;
formerly Becky Barnes of Earth-86315, Captain America (Peggy Carter of Earth-86315), Valkyrie of Reality-22681
Known Relatives: Unidentified father (deceased)
Aliases: "Legs," "Ma'am," "O Chief"
Base of Operations: An encampment hidden within a desert oasis in Baghdad, Iraq
First Appearance: Exiles III#9 (December, 2018)
Powers/Abilities: Black Cat had no superhuman powers but she was a skilled thief, leader and an accomplished gymnast.
She wears a costume equipped with clawed gloves and boots.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'10")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 120 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
(Exiles III#10 (fb) - BTS) - Black Cat became a thief, seeking power
for petty ends. When the Caliph Doom came to power, Black Cat watched
as the Caliph Doom publicly executed her thief father.
III#9) - When the reality-hopping Exile Captain America of Earth-86315
arrived on Earth-38191, she appeared in the middle of the encampment of
Black Cat and her Forty Thieves. Black Cat ordered Captain America's
death for the intrusion but a confused Captain America quickly asked if
Black Cat's Forty Thieves were a reference to the Arabian Nights,
a fictional story she knew in her home reality. Ignoring Captain
America's question, Black Cat exclaimed that there had been enough
words and she ordered her Thieves to kill the heroine. Having learned
of the Forty Thieves from a passerby, Captain America's teammates Becky
Barnes and Valkyrie of Reality-22681, who had been forced into the
roles of Ali Baba
and his wife, came to Captain America's aid but Black Cat ordered one
of her Thieves, Sayeed, to create a magical net to ensnare her foes. As
Sayeed ensnared Captain America and Valkyrie, Black Cat ordered her
Thieves to capture Becky Barnes as they escaped into a nearby cave,
sealing the entrance behind them. Captain America and Valkyrie soon
pursued, entering the ensorcelled entrance but finding the cave devoid
of Black Cat or her Forty Thieves. Thinking perhaps Black Cat and her
Thieves had escaped the cave via boat, Captain America and Valkyrie
found a boat and traveled downstream in search of their kidnapped
teammate. The stream led Captain America and Valkyrie to regroup with
the other Exiles and, at about the time Captain America mentioned
Becky's kidnapping, a bruised Becky came walking up to the other
Exiles, having fought her way away from Black Cat and the Forty Thieves.
(Exiles III#10) - After the Exiles narrowly escaped
the mad Caliph Doom via flying carpet and landed in an oasis, Black Cat
overheard the Exiles talking about angering the Caliph Doom and she
commented that the Exiles must have done something right. Shocked to
see the person who had earlier kidnapped Becky Barnes, the Exiles
prepared themselves for a fight but Black Cat explained that the
kidnapping was simply business after some of the Exiles had located her
Thieves' hideout. She then remarked that any enemy of the Caliph Doom
was a friend of hers. When the sorcerer Hakeem Strange also revealed
himself, prompting an argument between Strange and Blink, Black Cat
calmed the argument and explained how the mad Caliph Doom was murdering
a new wife every night and had to be stopped. Hakeem Strange suggested
the Exiles listen to the Black Cat and Black Cat moved the discussion
inside her encampment, where the childlike Exile Wolvie asked if they
had any cake. Black Cat revealed that many went hungry thanks to Caliph
Doom and Wolvie asked what Caliph Doom had personally done to sadden
Black Cat. When Black Cat explained how the Caliph Doom had publicly
executed her father, Wolvie expressed sadness for Black Cat and nearly
revealed how a similar event had happened with his teammate King's
father but King quickly silenced Wolvie. As Blink decided that the
Exiles would assist Black Cat and Hakeem Strange against the Caliph
Doom, the Caliph himself attacked Black Cat's encampment with the djinn
Mephisto, controlled by the mystic Ring of Solomon artifact. Black Cat
and her allies leaped into battle against the Caliph's robotic
creations and fiercely fought the Caliph's forces until Blink
teleported Caliph Doom's ringed hand from his arm, causing the Caliph
to lose control of Mephisto, who dragged the Caliph into his fiery
depths to account for his mad actions. Black Cat then watched as the
Exile Nocturne decided to stay on Earth-38191 as khalifa and the Exiles
said their goodbyes before being transported away to another reality.
Comments: Created by Saladin Ahmed, Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez.
It was never stated exactly what year the events on Earth-38191 took place. The closest we got was a note of events occurring in "medieval Baghdad" and, according to my historical research, the golden age of Baghdad as one of the largest cities in the world was anywhere between the mid-700s A.D. through around 1300 A.D. or so. Since Earth-38191's Moussa mentions Aladdin owing him two silver dinars, which was first used in the late 7th century, it seems to fit in at least the mid-700s and Baghdad was at its height in size around the 1000s. Therefore, I placed the events a little before that, settling on an assumption of occurring sometime around the late 10th century, possibly early 11th century or even into the 12th.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-38191's Black Cat should be distinguished
--Exiles III#9 - BTS |
--Exiles III#9 |
Exiles III#9 (December, 2018) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Javier
Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Exiles III#10 (January, 2019) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Javier
Rodriguez (pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
First posted: 06/11/2022
Last updated: 06/11/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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