(of Earth-8107)
Real Name: Unrevealed (see comments)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality
human (6th century) (presumably British) (see comments)
Occupation: Knight
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Aragorn, Merlin, Spider-Friends (Firestar/Angelica Jones, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Spider-Man/Peter Parker)
Enemies: Darkon,
the Evil
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Blackie"
Base of Operations: Presumably 6th century England (see comments)
First Appearance: Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode, "Knights & Demons" (November 21, 1981)
Powers/Abilities: The
Black Knight was a knight and wielded the Ebony Blade, which granted
various abilities including being able to cut through most substances
such as mystical barriers and time itself. He was also a well trained
equestrian, being able to ride a winged horse with ease.
He also had the Merlin Medallion, which could teleport people across space and dimensions, as well as offer high levels of protection against evil magic.
Height: 5'10" (by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Unrevealed (see comments)
History: (Spider-Man & His
Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "Knights & Demons" (fb) -
BTS) - In ancient times, the Black
Knight often battled Mordred the Evil. At one point, the Black Knight
used his
Ebony Blade to banish Mordred and his demon followers to the Land of
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "Knights & Demons")
- Centuries after his
passing, the Black Knight's Ebony Blade ended up in the Empire State
Museum, placed before a giant portrait of the Knight upon his horse.
Preparing to
lead them back to the Land of Shade, the Black Knight pulled out
Merlin's Medallion
and teleported them to Stonehenge (see
where the spell to take them
to the Land of Shade could be conducted. He tried to make Firestar stay
behind but he gave in when she refused to stay put. Teleporting them to
Mordred's banishment dimension, they were set upon by a terrible storm,
which caused the Black Knight to
drop the protective medallion. They all watched in horror as it fell
back to
outside Mordred's castle, the Knight noted they only had their
wits and skills
against Mordred's magic. The group was quickly blasted by Mordred's
magic and
teleported to various points within the Land of Shade. The Black Knight
was taken to
Mordred's throne room, where demons held him down. As Mordred gloated,
Black Knight freed himself and attacked the sorcerer but was subdued
when Mordred
summoned a two-headed snake to bind the Knight's limbs. Modred then
turned the
snake into chains to bind the Knight to the floor.
Spider-Man found Merlin's Medallion, he tossed it to Iceman, who flung
it to
Firestar, who in turn passed it to the Black Knight. With the Medallion
in hand, he
invoked the spell to banish Mordred back to the Land of Shade.
Comments: Created by Donald F. Glut and Marvel Productions, Ltd. (see Appearances list for artists involved).
Black Knight is
presumably British, as he makes references to Merlin, carries Merlin's
Medallion and speaks English. Seems to reason that he was from 6th
century Arthurian/Camelot England.
was the credited voice actor.
are approximated from his 616 counterpart.
far as
his real name goes, he is never identified, but given the Merlin
references (not to mention Mordred),
he could
be Sir Percy, which would suggest the era of King Arthur and the Round
Table as his proper time. Arthur, however,
is never actually mentioned in the Spider-Man
& His Amazing Friends cartoon series.
It's a full
moon in New York City, yet it was also shown to be nighttime in England. Given the
Knight left, how did the Spider-Friends get back to New York City from Stonehenge?
Profile by David Lawrence.
Earth-8107's Black Knight has no known connections to:
A winged horse, Aragorn served his master
faithfully. When
the Black Knight ventured into the 20th century, he followed. When
the Knight was taken by Mordred, Aragorn was left on the plains. After
the Black
Knight was freed, Aragorn flew him back to Earth and battled against
--Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "Knights & Demons"
A magician of great power, Merlin forged the Ebony
Blade for
the Black Knight and wrote a warning about Mordred the Evil's return to
on the Blade's hilt. He seemed to have an unspecified connection
with Merlin's Medallion.
& His Amazing Friends cartoon episode, "Knights &
Demons" - BTS
images: (without ads)
Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends cartoon
episode, "Knights & Demons" (all images in this profile)
Spider-Man & His
Amazing Friends cartoon episode - "Knights & Demons" (November
21, 1981) - Donald F.
Glut (writer), Jan Green, Rick Hoberg, Cullen Houghtaling, Larry
Sherman Labby, Will Meugniot, Dick Sebast, Bob Schaffer, Don Shepard,
Tucker, Warren Tufts (storyboards), Bruce Bennett, Norm Cabral, Dan
Neil Galloway, Greg Garcia, Gary Graham, Rick Graham, Karl Hepworth,
Heimdall, Elaine Hultgren, Boyd Kirkland, Debra Pugh, Dave Sharp, Roy
Smith, Tom
Tholen, Grant Wilson, Roy Wilson, Bob Foster (layouts), Gerry Chiniquy,
Clark, John Gribbs, Donald L. Jurwich, Sid Marcus, Bob Richardson,
Nelson Shin,
Arthur Vitello (animation directors)
First Posted: 06/11/2021
Last updated: 06/11/2021
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